The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, December 08, 1881, Image 4

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SCIENTIFIC MISCELLANY. ft AijpHA Centattri is ihe nearest of the fixed stars, and its distance exceeds the sun’s 230,000 time. Experiments have been made in Paris with anew kind of military telegraphy, which consists simply in reading large letters by a telescope. It is hoped to succeed at 60 mile3 distance. A Neapolitan gardner, after years of experiment, has produced a camelia with a delicate perfume, and think it probable that these flowers may in the near future be so cultivated as to rival the rose in fragrance. M. F leishen has made a comparison between the bark of young oaks grown respectively upon sandy loams, upon peaty soil that had been once burned, and upon a similar soil that had been thrice burned, and found the proportion of lannin highest in the product of peaty soil., A naturalist asserts that cranes carry small migratory birds—unable to perform the flight of three hundred and fifty miles —across the Mediterranean Sea on their backs. In flocks of cranes traveling south ward across this sea, little birds of many species are observed, frequently flyiug from their perches only to return a mo ment after. Marble is generally considered to be a very rigid material. A remarkable case, however, is given by M. Guebliard, in which a marble slab at one side of a door in the Alhambra of Grenada has been bent considerably out of shape by super incumbent weight, without breaking. Ihe slab is ten feet high, nine inches broad and two inches thick. M. Troupe att has lately made numer ous experiments with head-crear in its oils experiments with head-gear in its relation to heat from the sun. He reaches these conclusions, which may serve as useful hints : 1. Head-coverings of conical ffhd rounded form are cooler than those of flat shape; the hehnet is accordingly preferable to the kepi in hot climates. 2. A thick body, formed of a substance which conducts heat badly, protects effectually against the sun’s rays. 3. No metal should be used in the construction of head-gear. 4. Good ventilation, obtained by means of lateral air-holes at the top and a gallery at the base, isolating the head, causes a very sensible lowering of the interior temperature. A head-cover of bad con struction may be made cool by good ven tilation. In his address before the British As sociation of Science at its recent fifty first annual meeting, Sir John Lubbock, the President said : “ Summing up the principal results which have been ob tained in the last half-century, we msy mention (over and above the accumula tion of facts) the theory of evolution, the antiquity of man, and the far greater antiq< ity of the world itself ; the cor relation of the physical forces and the conservation of energy; spectrum an alysis and its application to celestial physics, the higher algebra and the mod ern geometry; lastly, the innumerable ap plications of science to practical life—as, for instance, in photography, the locomo tive engine and electric telegraph, the spectroscope, and most recently, the elec tric light and the telephone. ” Leschmidt, whose observations have been continued by Stoney and Sir W. Thompson, calculates that each mole cule of hydrogen measures, at the most, not more than a fifty-millionth of an inch in diameter—a miuuteness of which we can form absolutely no conception, with the most powerful microscopes, lines ruled on glass the mneth-thous aml th of an inch apart can be perceived, although confusion of the lines begins at the seventy-four-thousandth of an inch, rendering distinct vision beyoud that limit impossible with any instruments now known. Soreby believes that a length of one eighty-thousandth of an inch would contain from five hundred to two thousand molecules—say, five hundred in albumen and two thous and in water. It appears, thertfore, that the smallest spere of organic mat ter clearly visible in the most power ful microscopes would contain many millions of moleculus of albumen or water. F.xtaordinary Impediment of Speech. Mr. Edwin Cowles, editor of the Cleve land Leader, in consequence of charges of a low character which were publicly made against him as the cause of an im pediment in his speech, publidied a state ment under his own name as to the nature of his affliction, and to say the least, it is strangely remarkable. He says: “ The cause of my impediment of speech is a most extraordinary one, and I am informed that there is not a similar case on record. The peculiarity of my deafness is akin to that of color blindness. Tlmre are certain sounds I never hear. I can not, nor did I ever, hear the hiss ing sound of the human voice ; a portion of the consonant sounds I never hear ; consequently, not hearing any of these sounds when I was a child, I never made them in my articulation, aud I never be came aware of the existence of those sounds till I arrived at the age of man hood, and then I discovered their exist tence and was taught to make them in my articulation. It having become second nature for me when I discovered the existence of those sounds, to speak without making them, and withal not hearing them when I do make them, it can be seen why I labor in my articula tion. In listening to a conversation I am governed by the seuse of the remarks, and by the motion of the lips in order to understand what is said. I never in my life heard the music of the birds, and I had always supposed that it was a poeti cal fiction till I grew up to maturity, and ascertained that it was reality. You may fill this room with canary birds and all may sing at once, and not a note would I hear, but I would hear their wings flutter; the upper notes of a violin, piano or other milsical instruments I never hear, although I would hear all notes below the seventh octave. I can hear the street car, but never hear the car bells. I have walked by the side of a policeman aud have seen him blow his whistle which could be heard half a mile away, and yet I would not hear the leat sound. ” Never try to rame a family without a good newspaper, provided it contains the advertise ment of Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup ; for this val uable medicine ismo<ssaryto keep your chil dren in good health. The Babylon <E. I.) South Side Signal qo ie- from a Missouri paper: Mr. Wm. F. Quinlan, Crystal City, Mo., suffered occasionally from rheumatic pains in his knees, for which he successfully trie' l St. Jacobs Oil. When President Garfleidwaa a young professor he wrote these lines in a young girl’s album : II the treasures of ocean were laid%t my feet, And its depths were ad robbed of ite coral and pearl. And the diamonds were brought from the mount ain’s retreat. And with them were placed all the wealth of the world— Not silver, nor gold, nor the spoi’* of the sea. Nor the garlands of fame that the world can be stow. But a purified heart, that from sin is made free, I would ask for thee, fiiend, on thy journey be low. James A. Gakfield. Hikam, Jan. 8,1851, E. L. Loweree, Esq., cashier of the Cincinnati Southern Railroad, says the Cincinnati Enquirer , w T as cured by St. Jacobs Oil of a stubborn case of rheuma tism, which wouldn’t yield to physicians’ ti eatment. —Brooklyn Eagle. After the stage manager had exhaust ed his patience and fifteen minutes’ time in endeavoring to teach a couple of supes to repeat a few lines, he broke out with: “It is of no use; you fellows are like the Siamese twins—you can never get a part.” UWfcUMPnoN in its parly stages Is readily cored by the use of Dr. Pierce’s “Golden Medi cal Discovery,” though, if the lungs are wasted .10 medicine will effect a cure. No known rem edy possesses such soothing and healing in fluence over all scrofulous," tuberculous, and pulmonary affections as the “Discovery.” John Willis, of Ni. Tia, Ohio, writes: “The ‘Golden Med. v 'tl Di eorcry ’ does positively cure con flumpo'Mi, as, after tewing everv other medicine in vain, this suoceeded.’’ Mr.’Z. T. Phelps, of Cutlibei \ Ga., writes : “ The * Golden Medical Discovery,* has cured my wife of a bronchitis and iucij *Aut c tsaaumption.” Sold by druggists. In Japan spiders interfere considerably with the telegraphic service by spinning long webs from the wires to the trees and to the earth, which, in wet weather, become good conductors of electricity, and carry off the current. Forces of men have to be employed to keep the lines clear, so great is tins evil. Dn. Tierce's “Favorite Prescription” is a most powerful restorative tonic, also combining the most, valuable nervine properties, especially adapted to the wants of debilitated ladies suf fering from weak back, inward fever, congestion inflammation or ulceration, or from nervous ness or neuralgic pains. By druggists. It has been calculated that the in testines of flies and other insects contain blood-vessels so minute that two hundred thousand of them placed together in a bundle would only equal a hair in size. Dyspepsia, liver complaint and kindred af fections. For treatise giving successful self treatment, address World’s Dispensary Med ical Association, Buffalo, N- Y. Juliet Mahaffy and George W. Simp Bon had plighted their troth months ago. But Juliet’s love never wavered. She had for George a calm but intense affection that buried all else in its won drous depths. “A time woman never loves but once, and you are my idol,” A World of Good. One of the most popular medicines now before the American public is Hop Bitters. You see it everywhere. People take it with good effect. It builds them up. It is not as pleasant to the taste as some other Bitters as it is not a whisky drink. It is more like the old fashioned bone set tea that has done a world of good. If you don’t fee 1 just right try Hop Litters. - Nunda News. Chicago, says the Indianapolis Her ald, contains more active energy, more live eenterprise, bigger newspapers and bigger liars, and more of them, than any other city in the Union. Tlie Effect of In<lu licence in strong drink can be removed from the sys tem by Warner’s Safe Kidney and Li Cure. She Proved Iter Love. “Do you love your Birdie as much now as you did last Thursday ? ” It was a beautiful girl who spoke these words as she leaned her head trustingly on the shoulder of a young man whose strong right arm encircled her corset. “ Your heart must tell you that I do, my sweet,” he murmured, folding her closely to his breast. Notice. From the 10th of October. 1881, to the Ist of July, 1882, genuine Rock Spring Water will be supplied cus tomers by Elli* & Go., of Bailey Springs, Ala., at. the following rates: Teu gallons in amti-corrosive can. .$5.00 Same can refilled at 4.00 Five gallons in anti-corrosive can.. 3.25 Same can refilled at 2.50 Nine gallons in glass bottles 7.50 Reasonable freight and express rates are given by all railroads. This water has been known for nearly fifty years as a sure cure for Dyspepsia, a sure cure for diseases of the Kidney and Bladder, a sure cure for all curable cases of Dropsy, a sure cure for Scrofulous cases of the Bones or Skin, and a certain de stroyer of the terrible thirst for intoxi cating drink that overcomes so many worthy resolutions. Deprive a drunk ard of his dram for three days and meanwhile give him plenty of Rock Spring Water, and he won’t want the whisky. Don’t you think it’s worth trying? If you do, drop a postal to Ellis & Cos. It will cost only a cent. A South mt/l debating club is wrest ling with: “Can a Community Exist without Women?” We think it jnight exist for a while, but then it wouldn’t know what was going on. Ltdla E. Pikkhah’s Vegetable Compound cares female complaints by removing the cause. There are 390 female physicians in America, and more are com in e. That pain in the hack is a sure sign that you need to take a package of Kidney-Wort. “He was a kind parent, a good citi zen, and had three horses that could beat *2:30,” is considered about the right thing for an obituary in Kentucky. JV. Y. Commercial Bulletin. “Glad Tidings for Mothers.*’ The most importan* information ever published for those who would pass with little pain through the great trial of moth ertaood, by Dr. Stun hack Wilson, specialist in midwifery and chronic diseases, Atlanta, Ga. Send stamp for a copy, addressing as above and writing his full name. “Dis* eases of Men” to be had in the same way. Humbugged Again. I saw s,o much said about the merits of Hop Bitters, and nly wife who Was always doctoring, and never well, teased nie so urgently to get her some. I concluded to be humbugged agiin ; and I am g'ad 1 did, f( r in less than two Months lise of the Bitters my w ife Was cured and she has remained so for eighteen months since. I like such hum bugging.—ll. TANARUS., St. Paul.—Pioneer Press. Grace Darling’s monument ( in Barn borough churchyard, England, IS rapidly decaying, and will soon be utterly de stroyed unless some method of preserva tion is adopted* Consumption Can be Cured, Read what Mr. William C. Difges, a mer chant of Bowling Green, Va,, writes under date of April 4tb, 1881. He says: I firmly believe that Allen’s Litng Balsam will ana has Qured consumption if taken in time and proper care be taken o e the patient both in suitable food and clothing. Six veais ago my mother was attacked with pneu monia. The attending physician, “some time after,” that the disease had settled on her lungs, and that she had the consumption. Not believing that a permanent c\ire could be effected, but thinking th t I might be able to get an expectorant not containing opium which would afford some relief, I inquired of a druggist at Richmond, Va., if he had any medicine not contain ing opium, that was a good expectorant He then recom mended 4lien’s Lung Balsam, which I pur chased and induced my mother to try. Be fore she had taken the first bottle thg im provement in her condition was so m irked that I purchased three more bottles. The attending physician, seeing the beneficial effects, recommended its Continued use, and in about twelve months hjr lungs were pronounced ctii-ed. Upon my recommenda tion many others who had tile Consumption have been cured. I think you can claim for your medicine the fo lowing: Expecto ration without irritation, and healing of the lungs by keeping them free from foreign substances, thus arresting and curing this dread disease. Mr. Digges says he writes because he wants us to know that Al'en’s Lung Balsam is doing good. Oil Thirty frays’ Trial. The Voltaic Belt Cos., Marshall, Mich., will send their Electro-Voltaic Belts and other Electric Appliances on trial for thirty days to any person afflicted with Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality, and kindred troubles, guarantee ing complete restoration of vigor and manhood. Address as above without delay, P. S.—No risk is incurred, as thirty days* trial is allowed. Pure Cod Liver Oil made from selected livers, on the sea-shore, by Caswell, Hazard & Cos., New York. absolutely pure and sweet. Patients who have once taken it prefer it to all others. Physicians have decided it superior to any of the other oils in market. Don’t Dio In Clio Bonn, ilk prnggiata for “Rough on Rato.” It clears out rota, mica, roaches, flips, bed-bog*. 16c. RESCUED FROM DEATH. William ,1. Coughlin, of Somerville, Mass., says: "la fhe fall of 1876 I was taken with bleeding or the luwgs followed by a severe cough, t lost my appetite and’ flesh, and was confined to my bed. In 1877 I was ad mitted to the hospital. The doctors said I had a hole in my lung as big as a half dollar. At one time a repert went around that I was dead. I gave np hope, but a friend told me of DR. WILLIAM HALL’S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS. I got a bottle, when, to my surprise, I commenced to feel better, and to-day I feel better than for three years past. I write this hoping every one af flicted with Diseased Lungs will take DR. WILLIAM HALL’S BALSAM, and be convinced that CONSUMP TION CAN BE CURED. I can positively say it has done more good than all the other medicines I have taken ince my sickness.” ABEATTY’SPIANOFORTES— Magnificent • holiday presents j square grand pianofortes four very handsome round cornets, rosewood cases, three unisons. Beatty's matchless Iron frames, stool, book, cover, boxes, $222.75 to $297-50; catalogue prices. $BOO to $1000; satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded, after one vear’suse; Upright Pianoforte*, $125 to $255; cata logue prices $5OO to $800: standard pianofortes of the uni verse. as thousands testify; write for mammoth list of tes timonials. Ileattr’a Cabinet ORGANS, cathedral, church, chapel,parlor,s3o upward. Vlsito's welc me; free carriage meets passengers; illustrated catalogue (holi day edition) free. Address or call upon DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey, {This F.ogrsTlnj represents tbs Lungs In a health- state.) A STANDARD REMED? IN MANY HOMES. For Coughs, Colsla. Cronp.£ronfhitl* and all other affections of the Ttii'oat and LUNGS, t stands unrivaled snd utterly beyond all competition. IN CONSUMPTIVE CASES It approaches so near a specific that “ Ninety-firs” per cent, are permanently cured, where the directions are strictly complied with. There la no chemical or other in gredients to harm the young or old. AS AN FXPECTORANT IT HAS NO EQUAL IT CONTAINS NO OPIUM IN ANY FORM. J. N. HARRIS & CO., Proprietors, CENCirXATL o. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. D. r BULL’S COUGH LSYRUP ma-mlattam book 00. u w. ith st. n.t. r.o. Bo* 4m pOVI'EDEHATE VOTES.-PartiTThaving Con- V,' federate Notes, Bonis or Autograph Letters, relating to the Confederacy, for sale, please address, giving descrip tion and price, F. J. Pop*, 871 Washington st., Chicago. 11l REVOLUTION Ilf each. 25c pkgs. reward cards for 10c., 3 for 2V. fi/0 {holiday books for 10c. Teachers' library of 1 2 books for I—worth sl3; single b< oks 10c. e ch. Als > full line >. baunera. pledge rolls. Band of Hope certificates, chr*- moa, wall mottoes, etc., at prices that wi ! astonish. Testaments at 5c and upwards. Most complete teach ers’ Bibles onl\ $1.30. adv religious press. ( ais •t* ini kind of goods DAVID C. COOK waut#a - 148 Madison St.. CbiCAio. ■ ~ T ~ rr tjons'are | 1 not design . \ ed to induce f ’ the public to 1 •'hKi v ' attempt the du .JL' —:W|-" ties of the regu lar surgeon, but, merely to place the . renders or these pages j [ jn possession Ofj a means I \ —" of treatiiieht Of th^mjnor accidents occurring daily in the household; and Which, While not dangerous in themselves, are exceedingly annoying. Burns, bruises, scalds, sprains, c.c.-, are prin cipal among these troublesome and annoying occurences, and demand immediate treatment with the best means at hand. In the kitchen, the dining-hall, the nursery. and the sitting room they are liable to happen, and, instead of fear and alarm at the sight of the cut or m&Jted finger, or bruised or burned arm, or scalded sur face, a cool and quiet manner should be as sumed, and after washing away the blood, (if required), the injured parts should be dressed with that most valuable remedy—St. JACOBS Oil. Its surprisingly qui ck relief, its cleansing properties, its tendency to quickly remove all inflammation, and its wonderful efficacy in the above as well as in all m uscular and other pains, such as rheumatism, neuralgia, toothache, headache, stiffness of the joints, etc..—these render SL JacQOS Oil pre-eminently tile best external remedy fIGW before the people t which claim is fully siibstarf tidied by the stfOtigest kind of testimony from all classes Of people. The value of human life is so supremely impor tant that anything that tends to its prolonga tion is entitled to the highest consideration. Charles Nelson, Esq., proprietor Nelson House, Port Huron, Mich., says: “I suffered ro with rheumatism that my arm ■withered, and physi cians could not help me. I was in despair of ihy llfP, when someone advised me to try St. Jacobs Oil: I did so, and. as if by magic, T was instantly relieved, and by the cobtlpued use of the Oil entirely cured. T thank heateri for having used this wonderful remedy, for it saved my life. It also Mired my Wife.” psnptijj Sitters One of the Reasonable Pleasnr; s Of life, a properly cooked meal, affords little or no pres ent enjoyment, and much subsequent torture to a con firmed dyspeptic. But when chronic indigestion is com batted with Hostettar’a Stomach Bitters, the food is eaten with relish, and most important of all, is assimilated by and nourishes the system. Use this grand tonic and cor rective also to remedy constipation, biliousness, rheuma tism, fever and aguo. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. a SetiDJTOR CATA UO.GUES gyp Interest, Is commenced in the November number of Arthur’s Home Magazine. All new subscribers for 1883 will receive Pprr the November and December Nos. rnCCof this year. Terms . 82a year; 2'copies $3.50; 3 copies $5. 4 copies SG; 8 and one ex tra sl2. j®sT"For specimen number, containing first chapters of “Divorced,” send 4 i **-ARmUR&feQS. Philadelphia, j UC MILL and FACTORY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. BELTING, HOSE and PACKING, OILS, PUMPS ALL KINDS, IRON PIPE, FITTINGS. BRASS SOODS, STEAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, Ac. Send for Price is:. W. H. DILLINGHAM & CO. 43 Main Street. LOUISVILLE, KY. * GUNS eon, address VA.L2XTIKS BROS., Janesville, Wis. TTTVTG Jtxovolvers. Caialogaa fra*. Addreo wJT CJ JL J Graat Weal. Boa Work*. Fkubnrct. r. DfVrtA Wnx. BIS a day a* borne aaaily made. Crat!} w 4 free. Sddreaa Taux A 00., August*, Ms b ®* < JIAyFTJFrW selling articles in the world; 1 sample fra* Addr- ss - v IVtrot. Mink Til I tIfTIDD BOOK CANVASSERS TO WA N H SEND FOR TERMS AND " fl ll 1 LILI CIRCULARS for “LITTLE WOMAN.” Worcester’s Sub* eriplion “ DIC TIONARY ” and GASKELL’S COMPEN DIUM of Social and Business Forms. SOUTHERN PUBLISHING CO , Box li6 New Orleans La. a OKS I'M WAUTKD ter the Best and fastest Sen ing Pictorial Book and reduced 33 pei sent. National Publishing <jK, Philadelphia, Pa TTT A PTITTT?C! Catalegee free. Address. fUsmtsra W JLX X UHljiD Aworissa Wstsi Ci.J’itU'jurjti.Ps. ranunpi Blood, and will completely change the blood in th* entire system in three months. Anv person wh will take one pill each aijght from Itol7 w, r-ki: m* 1-. restored to sound health, if ruch a thing be i><> a Ms Sold everywhere or sent by mail for 8 letter str-n-.-* I. 8. JOHNSON & CO., Bostou, formerly Bangor, Hl, N *7 "1 M A TEAR and expense* te ageaU 4a # m i Outfit free. Address Dill P. •. Tiekery, Aucast ae Afllllßl Morphine Habit Cured In 14* IPlllHi toStOdwy*. Vo pay till Cured. 11l I win *>* J * Stbpums, Lebanon. Ohio. f& PENSIONS. JfiHtkARE PAID everr soldier disabled by aecident /jjfif lor otherwise. A WojjJiltof any kind, loss of IrmJ finger, toe or ej c. RCHTURE.iI but slight; ‘■sa disease! of Lungs or Varicose Vein* givr a Aa 11 pension. Under new law thousands are en. A9 K titled to an increase of pension V:dows er /IB M pnans nd dependent fathers or mothers ot \ W soldiers pet a pension. Se"-* 2 stamps fot copy tWr La Pension and Bounty Acts. Address, at ■ p u pitraerald dt Co*. Claitr Agents, 2\nj 1 "di."i ncL R “er toj2d. Bank m g Cos. Pres'tCtHtrtl Btak. belli Of iaoiananolia- Fac-Similes of U. S. Treasury AND NATIONAL BANK BILLN. Consisting of nine exact Imitations of United States Treasury Notes, and nine of National Bank Bills, 18 in all, of various denomination*. Asa rare and instantaneus mean-* ol detecting counterfeit money they are invalua ble. J. A. MAV. 297 Greenwich Street, New York City. ... ,v*i! PLAYS! e*!.AY*! PL4YNI Beading Clubs, for Amateur Theatricals. Temp.-muc* Prs SiX: g-Koom i’lavs. Fmy Plays, \ GiUde Books, Speakers, Pantomimes tableau, mT.L Wsomesiuni Lights, Colored Fire, prut Cork, Scenery. * Sfc* CaLb , |t*es aei l m/ey cmiUinmg^uir ; U scription and prices. IM,MI ” ‘ V as fc, Utli ■>., New Yor— _ sstos2o -lsi fsrKjasss. The %Piiresi ant) Best Medicine ever Made. Acol m bination of Hops, Buchu, Wan* drakle and Dandelion, with ail properties of all other mok es\ the grreatest B!ood Purifier, I-ivor \ a tor; Md l-ite and Health Restoring Agent oir^P® 8^®8 ® 1 ® 5 ' No riiseaso possibly long exist where Hop - l; s ‘' sl lti ' : , £rau To all whose e employments cause irregulari Hop Bitters are invaN^ lable ’ without Ifi t-OX ieating. iUIAIA iriat ter what your or s y m P toms are what the disease Or ail\ment is use Hoc Bit ters. Don’t wait until you tm 1 ' 0 *J®k but if you only fel had (ir miserable,* use them at once. It may save has^ 3 av ® and hundred*. SSOO will be paid for a odfP’ jW Wi I! . dot cure'hr help. Do not suffer % 01 ‘ e * jernttrumAs sufferbut use and urge to use Hop t& Remember, tidp Bitters is vile, drugged drunken nostrum, but the Tt ' best Medicine evor made ; the “WV iUii.'sy FR‘£M> and HOPS” and no person or slicfttld be without them. E2Sk*sh<EP®£g D I an ifo'iolute and in-esistible cure HfigN© forl>runkenness,use of cplum, toliacco narcotics. All sold by aruggista, 9end MtaJm for Circular. Bop Kilters Ufg. Cos., Rochester.N. Y .aji^TonTnLuO^t^-^ah^^afeffl Survival of tie Fittest! Ia FAMILY MEDICINE THAI HAS USALE-aj FJLLIOXS DURING! S5 YUARSI IBSiEal HfflS iiliiiT. I A BALM FOIL EVEIIY WOUND OF MAN AND BEAST! THEOLDEST&BIST LINIMENT EVER MADE IN AMERICA. j SALES tARGEBTHAH EVER. J The Mexican Mustang LiriiriMfit has ■ been known for more than tlilrty-nvel 1 years as the be t of all Liniments, for |Man and Boast. Its sales today are a larger ban ever. It cures when all 9 others fail, iitsd p. r-ctmtes sKTn, tendon ■ end muscle, , j tlio vh ! fy beK 0 , .Sold I everywhere. §ll you enjoy a laugh heatfily Then read our Science in Store!* Of Sammy Tubbs and liis Srousie, The Boj Doctor k Trick Monkey; The author, E. B. Foote, M. i>. Illustrated contents free. hut if yoti’re fond of lots o’ fun, Just buy the Ihib op< icon t For Magic Lantei'r.fe are outdone. •The Polv. is a picture-gulf For photographs of nv one. iMURitA Y Hllil. I*IJIJ. C 0... Box 788, New York City.. Imlßi pm BBfigreMKkrtfcs&Sajf: Maas. 5,000 Ajyeitfs lYtintetl fbi* Life of GARFIELD It contains the full history of his noble and eventful life and dastardly assassination. Surgical treatment, death, funeral obsequies, etc. The best chance of jc.itr life te make money. Beware of “ catchpenny ” imitations. This ia the only authentic and fully illustrated life ot our Martyred President. Fine steel'portraits. Extra term* to Agents. Circulars free. Address National Publishing Cos., Atlanta, Ga. i— ill ■ ■■■inmi m air i'i mi 111 ~ u m 7i ■ ~ iimin i' in 7■ *~ B Gentlemen: I was suffering from general debility to such an extent that my labor was exceeaingiy deosometome. A vacation of a month did not give me much relief, but on the „>!?,.v, i rfe increated prostration nnu sinking chills. At this tim9 I began the use of your Iron Tonic, from wm ulized almost immediate and wonderful results. Theold energy returned and I found that my nntura was not permanently abated, 1 have used three bottles of the Tonic. Since using it In. I }}'* done twice t bor that I ever did in the same time during my illness, and with double the ease. v> ltu the tran i :. and vigor of body, his come also a clearness of thongrit never before enjoyed. ffthe Tonic n.a no HARTER MEDICINE CO., NO. 213 NORTH MAIN STOUT. ST. 10iS D"METTAIIRS* ®r. MEHTAUR'S HBAPACHB PILLS cure nyt wondwrfally in a very •hart time both SICK and NERVOUS HEAD A CODE f and while acting on thg ntrvoai system, cleanse the stomach of exaeis of hlle 9 producing a rqfglmr haalthj" action of the bowels. • •HEADACHE Afcn 1m box of these valuable PILLS, witb full direction* for a com* mi mm euro, mailed te any address en reoelpt of nine three-cent postage M Bror sale by all druggists at 23c. Sole Proprietors, BROWN CHEMICAL COMPANY, Baltimore, Md. • • • • PILLS (PETROLEUM JELLY I Used and approved by the leading m j CIAKS of EUROPE and AFKRTH A _ | S The most Valuable m B S Family ■ VaeaUae—•• g A yr 1 C*l4 Crmm, Em wr B “ \ Tmtaat sf v, — Ccaskr !•% ibsMOEKfioii)B^i e TISKIiNI CONTICnOSi Cexfki, Colia, fir Tkrtai,Croup ud Dipitksria, eta la erreeabls fens M Tij tkaa. W sat M scat axes f sll ear fttfi iaf Vssslins ifltsmkiiy* •BAND KBAL AT TBK riUUBILPMII I w V ~~ tn.vs* wtmkK AT f*s Psjkms sip—jTiei flflLfUfT IMPROVEMENTS—NEW STYLES—NEW CATALOGUE. THE MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO. Whoso cabinet or parlor organs have won *:hest iosou at bvb*t ova of th* iiut woslb’s irMitti* 1 for rou&TBKs teaks < being the only American organs which have been found worthy of such at any ,“* period moss and a seats* talc able ixpeovemebts in their Organs iu the last tea* than In *ny • I ®‘‘ b , o hs* since the first introduction of thts instrument by them, twenty years since; and are now offering l(? w*g exckli-kxck and miioEii capacitt: also popular mepick and smallee sttww of impacted oahtt, an Q toM r, PER ES : *22, *3O, f&4, Jfio and ipp wards. ANEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. M pp., 4to. '•<>" ISol), fully desciibing and illustrating more than 100 styles of Organs. This, with nr prices, and rou *cjl much information about organs generally, which will "be useful to every one thinking of purchasing. L JiSW *<'- • pwtjwii. Address MASON* * HAMLIN OBBaN CO., I*4 Treaeat 84., BOfTOBJ 4# XM ' TORE; ar, l 4 Wabash in. TftfVHt] KIDNEY-WORT DOES mjj TTQ WONDERFUL HI {| CURES! I Because it acta on the JJYER, ROHELS I * juid KIDNEYS at tbfl mwc time. Because it cleanses the system of the poison ous humors that de velope in Kidney iUid Uri nary Diseases, Biliousness, Jaundice, Ctn*ti. |pation,Piles, or in Rheumatism, Neuraltia, [Nervous Disorders and Female Complaints, j SEE WHAT PEOPLE BAY : Eugene B. Work, of Junction City, Knnsas, says, Kidney-Wort eered him after regular I’hj Isicians had ocen trying for fouryears. | Mrs. John Arnnl!,of WaAhlegton, Ohio, rnyij I her hoy was given 1111 to die ly four prominent I physicians and that lie was afterwards cured l>j [Kidney-Wort. | st. Jf. B. Gooilvrln, nil editor in Clinrdon. Oliio [sayslie was not expected to live, being l>li\deJl [beyond belief, but Kidney-Wort cured him. | j Anna 1.. Jarret.t of South Salem. N. Y., snyt'l | that seven years suffering from kidney troublex) [and other complications was ended by the use of I [ Kidney-Wort/ | Joiin B. Lawrence of Jackson. Tenn., sHderedl |for years from liver and kidney troubles amll [after taking “barrels of other medicines,"! | Kidney-Wort made him well. | Michael Coto of Montgomery Center, Vt I j suffered eight years with kidney din'.eiilty and | | was unable to work. Kidney-Wort made him| |“ well as ever.” KIDNEY-WORT | TV < fct PERMANENTLY CURES !KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, Constipation and Piles. I (jrlt is i>ut *n in I>ry Vecetuble Form in I tin cans, one package of which makes six quarts of medicine. Also in Liquid Form, very Con centrated, for those that cannot reaady pre-| pare it. IjT Hactsicith equal efficiency <n either form.\ I GSf It atthe druggists. ruiCE, ti.oo IVKUS. ISipIIIIDSOSACo.. Prop's. (Will send the dry* post-paid.) lU RLIVOTOT. TT. | CONSUMPTION CAN BZ CURED! MALL’S KBALSAM Uuren C'oiitiim>tlon, Cold.. I’nromfala, )■• duenzp, Kioih-lilrl Difficulties, nTflntMllt, Asi tuna, Croup, Avboaaiitt Cough, .lint aft llioenscs ot ilie Breufniti* Organs. Il soothes mill heals the DLeiulirniis af the fttflamed and poisoned by lop, and prevents the night sweats nno figlilness across tho chest which accompany it, ConMUtseption m uot tin Inctirablu mnlady, HALL’S IIALSA3T will pure you. eves though prufesnional aid falls. _______ <Kfcu-WM*C-i--Caßr—CißrJ-'WJP" 1 il ' IIIMWIS dyne'sftuww atlc ■ E.'..iiOTnica;, h,.nt imetfwUli Hi lem.t** a“ "'"X'XaS Em line. l>v tt, uot fitted with an Automatic 1 ut-oti. Senator 111 t Catalogue “J, ’ ’Mr In^>^ ■rices. 13, TV. PaTSE k boss. Box 860, CormthbAji VDIITU is MIlinTT. Th *■ Tif>sl o 4 TfSU I rf only ” rrdf.MAßTltrEZih.ofoM / jESj|h x Spaui.h Seer ao-l Wiiord pill for 30 coal* with, tt, / i htfijfKt. color of eves* tend- lock oi hair, send te Oo*icT| _ ” ncTD kn of tour future huaband wife. peTohoJoirtttelm l S redictcd. wllb aiune, time and piaoe and ate of inarriaEi. ftloney returned to all do: aatiafied. AiMrtsa Trof. L Mftrtme*. 10 Kent*} PI. Boatoil. iUaa. t wek in tour swn town. Tams and V ; fOQ tree. Add at|l. Haelott A Cos., Fortlsiiu, Lw Publishers’Union, AtlanW, Ga _Forty-eighl.— 81- JSIMICE.WPagB iUv* the best ever fliade sews iaH easy, very handsome, q u ‘ et > norsw, 7T| itTril simple, convenient, and P u r fr '*'- fTarrarUeUOueart. Beni anrwher. JAa & days trial. Pay 1/ tt fletae*. have best! sold. Ask for cireolars sni wl testimonials. Low prices to dabs. risk fo try ns. Thousands do every year, and thank “ for the 410 to 430 saved in buying direct. Cut tl •ut f and when joil of a friend need a Sewing Maclnn ■mri to address o*o.Pa?ba * C0.,47 Third Av..Chka*u.Ufc vvvvvvvv£j vvvv