The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, December 07, 1893, Image 1

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VUL XXi EL V. MsKIBBEN, Attorney at Law, •l.u KSON, (lOEIH.IA. WRIGHT & BECK, Attorneys at Law. (OKFILL IN UOUKT UO BE.) JACHISO3M, - - OA. M. 31. MILLS, ounsellor & Attorney -it Law. Will practice in nil the courts. Mo ev oaned n r a! estate at low rate of inter ist. L>ng tme gr.mto i *iih Kina’ fiiy nenta. Money obtained at once w thuut l-!ay. (office IN COURT noiJHK.) ~( - - - t.CCIEN L RAY, PEAUDE C. RAY, Athens, Ga. Jacks n,* Aia. RAY i SAY, AT i-OY^irir’S Negotiate loans on real estate lower than -my L"an Br ker in Georg.a. Superior advantages in collecting cl bins in the South. Practic; in all Courts, both Federal and State. Also Supreme Court of U. S. A. by spcci and contract. Dr. 0. H. Cantrell, DENTIST, J yCKvSON, GEO i,|a. Office on corner Third and Holly up es. ' DR T. K. Til Ait PE, DENTIST, FLOVILLA, - - GEORGIA. Crown and bridge work and all the latest methods of dentistry. Teeth ex tracted without pain. Prices moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed. STOP AT THE Morrison House. E 1 'Ell YTHING NE TV AM)FIRST CLASS. Conveniently Located. Free Lack to Depot, (\ R. G elnm, Pr prut r CHILD BIRTH • • • • * • MADE EASY! 11 Mothers’ Friend ” is a scientific ally prepared Liniment, every ingre dient of recognized value and in constant use by the medical pro fession. These ingredients are com bined in a manner hitherto unknown “MOTHERS' • FRIEND” • WILL DO all that is claimed for it AND MORE. It Shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to Life of Mother and Child. Book to “ Mothers ” mailed FREE, con taining valuable information and voluntary testimonials. Bentbyexpres* on receipt of price $1.50 per bottle BRADFIEL9 REGULATOR CO., Atlanta. Ga. BOLD BY ALL DRUQGIST& Nature should be assisted to throw off impurities of the blood. Nothing does it so well, so promptly, or so safely as Swift’s Specific* S.S.S. CURES MALARIAL POISON LIFE HAD NO CHARMS. For three years I was troubled with mala rial poison, which caused my appetite to fail, and I was greatly reduced in flesh, and life lost all its charms. I tried mercurial and potash remedies, but to no getr.o relief. I then decided to tryfiraßjjraß A few bottles of this wonderful KUTffMJ medicine made a complete and permanent cure, and I now enjoy better health than ever. J. A. Rice, Ottawa, Kan. Our book on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. _ Swift Specific Cos., Atlanta, <§ fjli •• s tiX-' XlSHT^^Kpr E frsU " h'f g, , .. finest:;;. . W&VIrV ■*: ( THE E r STB bid *end TSM centn to rG tVon Or;. ; •er our prlx# came, ** SHn<\ * •' win a New Hone f-ewirg: ? ' The New HomeSeviirgi ; .bv .. . ORAVJCS. WAS3. C** ,c <6c zz& .!* ** ILL. ’ <■"— **wuS*' FOR SALE B Y ***' • a**' Mmk Ukorgk Status. LOCAX. ITI.MS. We learn that two maniaes will cciir k,!?„. today. Our junior • tlit rls not one of ihe parties, liow >'V< r, but le\ iiio-t—he hoard- at the an eh>l 1 w ill) otii' of lhe gentlemen ho i-. " 1 •" 1 i*ai John I). Su*w biiflin, is uiurii imvei limn at my nine recenily and is not expected o live more than a lev davs II >w <l. - tlii--Hike > ou 'r^gT"The i Hoi'- iu; 11 \\ <- r> (\ ( 'oil- ii■ 11 j1111 •NK Y K.v i 0-|!y .$1 23. We eop\ the following from tin* Griffin News: Mrs, 'lassie Tucker. "! J ickson, is visiting Mrs C. G. Qri v C*% ' ’r? ''•> Oil ill | | _ try t tea for Dyspepsia. Wanted —Scaled bids tor washing our office tow *! —wf io tm ni-li so ■p. Our nk is out,nd iln wui* r u>* and in MAshi g ill*- towel ma} iiI•• u-over ano'Wer nioti h. Our “d> vil” has been Using it a* a razor to sua.e lilm sclt, but did not exercise noe gsar\ pre auimn, and letting it drop broke tin: handle off; consequently we have resorted to ibe last extreini yto ob tain in f r another i-Mte. 'Lite i'M 11 ai tford gatln-rcth her risks under her wings as the hen doth ga l ti er her brood Etheridue & Kinard, Agis. A mao can walk toit miles a day aud a* rive fresh ami right at iheend of his jointer, but lie cannot nurse a oab\ hdfn hour wiihout c tnpluiir i"g that lie is utterly won out. Star Store. You know it, be cause “we tol-l you ao.” Lee Penn, who kided 6. L. Ballard at Gi* ffln, was in the neighbor hood t M uitieiilo, his vld home, ud two w ct ks age, w I en lie was s aied muu in tile an ival of an offim* fi < in G r f tl• , iouking after <t hor-eamf tiiat had h. en stolen from Op* it a ail iihci i that lar. A <>u pie • I day ago a leh glam was rt reived Jr> u Valdos a stating that Penn w si here, ami it.ursday Deputy Sheriff John 1' l irk u ent down Biter him and w is X|'< el and lo leim n w ith him lasi ni; hi ill ail'd lo arrive, Tlie\ .a\ i tun lip this morning. 3LACK-D . AUCiiT ic-a cures; Coustlpatiou. Our ib v l cliarged 30e* nis extia lasi week. He stole a mince pie au<l • ilea.tied In- worked all night Tl i-* .f -to i-onvinee tl- tiial memb i> ol otir >1 >ff -U >llld not Jive 100 high- —we c ut’ ;>li\>: * it II rtV- v *uu pi <qi(>! i\ insuied ii (lie Ila il'H'! i Iti-n ia. io* . S l*| n> t \V< ati'i ' oaf It> ii ii . • > i.l -. Over one Mui did < e-u > fit. LtmKl 11> E A’ KINARt), \gent Liti U- B > : "Al humi'k, max web ve .me ot \ 1 v f h v nil- dr. s von t- sui in-* i ? A'.ttni' a : "Y\ hat ,()i deai ?" L : ,1 Iss\ : “Me •an’ Johnnie an’ V\ illie an’ the rest ot the cliildi ii want to pi a > circus an’ we hasn t lu tent.” Remember ihai <>ui arrangement* to club The Argu* aim * ’om-tr mien for $1.25 i> limited, and you should not mi** this ran opportunity to get two paper- tor so -mail a pr re. Young lady, buy a pair of o> r Dongola kid button bo ts at $2 00—equal tt any $2.50 shoe you ever saw. Stab stoke McELREEa .H. j'or '. ouk Nerve* Have > our property insured iu the Oil lteliaule Instilauce co pain and Not th Annrica, it w ives you a light ning clause tree aid paisy.m for dam age done by lighning as web as l>\ tire. Etheridge & Kinard, Agt>. A policy iii the Gt II me In surance company,of Columbus, wot k* a- mildly upon a man's mmu and pocketbook as does castoi ia upou ti.e infant. Causing gradual growth and sweet sleep. Etheridge & Kinard, Agt*\ u .y- WINE OF CARDUI, a Tome iot Women. GRAPE VINES FUU SALE ! Any one wanting grape, Concord and lets, call on b h. Wat kilts. Yl liib at IT Cents apie< e Experience teaches that on acre in e- vill ti r.k‘ mort ban fi' (L - . ,i cotton. So coiiit ai u g<-i tie wues iNow is li e tune t<* *d hem ..til. B. F. Watkin GIVEN AWAY. Mr E. G Gilm.-re is grving mw wow sher.-, one worih t w t\, he dher fife n dollars, to those who Sim ke his < igar*. Ci-ais the same rip. he\ are every wh*-re. 8.-ibs .111 kinds of- onfec tonaries, 'to iiOids and afi e ! m of useful Oh iitmn- pt‘SM 'st’-‘ ! 'bocldldre .Ja on mm at the depot. Lowb HELP US. Io a beautiful town in Georgia if * gootl p <.p|e ne* ui lasl T.iurg— da v at a thai ksgiving perxice, but <n. ti*nd'tr ot ttie church did no' n w t very busy. He did in *it <1 io do bud, but lie put •oe i ItB in the hands id a lawn r with orders to push them. Tiiat night he sat his sweet little blue eted baby on his knee and as he I la\>d with her riiilv h-iir, he told a' o wte ha’ ib s 1 lo i\v d* u> it kind io him and would wait until he got he money and how he liad placed his notes for collection He • M-.-r never ’ln Ught that he had tuoUgnt sn *;neoiia Jitilc* o be as sweet and dear to others as his was to him, whose lather owed a less mr• i<il mat' than he owed Of oursp this m* moer don't hurt the church, n r the church doi/i helpi him. Lord lulp us to live up to <ht golden rule: "As you woiud Hihl men should do unto you do ye t' en so unt<- them ” Jeacli me to bide anutliers faults, To tell the good 1 see. The mercy 1 to others show That mercy show to me Consistency, thou art a jewel, A jewel both sweet and rare, For w'bile our hands and feet do cruel, We • ngage our lips in prayer. Ihe Cliattenooga Medicine Company have won a trade-mark lawsuit in die U. *S. Circuit Court at Atlanta. An attempts wan made to enjoin them from usi gtbe name “jfhedford” and “M. A. 2hedfo)d fc C 0.,” on their livei medicine or Blaek- Dracght. „udge Newman dismissed the -nit and '.axed the plaintiffs with the costs. I bed ford’s Black Draught oa- beeu in cods am use for more than fifty years and is une of die s andard medicines of the country. 7 housauds of J liars have been spent in advertising it, and it is known every where. The Cbadeuooga J/cdieine Cos., have an immense laboratory in Chat tenooga, just at the foot of Lo- kout Moun tain. 'lhev have a branch house in St. Lotus This company also makes MC~ ELREE’S ChR! UI aud have a reputation foi integrity and fair dealing, second to none. HOLI I T ELI)— EI.LIS A quiet mainage was soietnni/.ed a ‘ C tlar Roc., chinch, on last W ed iics.ia. evening at 3 o’clock; Mr. J. H Ho:iheld and Miss E dorado Ellis. < l this conn'), b ing the 'highly con tract iiig parties, and O M. Know Is, * -tj , A., tfieiatoc < f ihe occasion. Tiie gi ov m, \i r. JaK 1 IJ. Holifie and i- a eiiizen oi Jack sou, and a j.ung in; no! energetic qualities amides. r ving Ul l inotes which g > far toward lili’ii- him a a protector Ibe ov i' le pern g lady he ha- chosen as ni.- partner in tile. Miss Eldorado Ellis, the bride, is a dangler of Mr. .lack Elii-, who resides near Cedar Roc , in ihi- countv, and is a \ouug iau> ot\ kind traits <>; character and admiring qualitie-. The happ' coup e are non quarter 'd ai the resid u e of Mr. J. H. H <li u'M in this city, and th Aigu-joins J. < son. in cxt.-ndi.jg them a heart, welcome May their future be an ui tarnished dream ot prosperitv, happiness and ail hat is lovable. - A B U. Asthma. Bronch. Ms and Cos - ii npti . result* from a negie. ted ■ • u_b or cold. Dms neglect but cure promptlv witn - w d.-ses ..f B- ggs* Chert , Cough Sv rup 1 a Dr U . 1,. ; ’.-rmichael. CLOSED UP BY IHE SHERIFF. In ill-- lasi issue vve ai e.l to Hirn tion the fnt iliat (iifl‘ Bios., ti e tw>? Rus-iau. dews who have been ~per aiing a-tore next to J. F. M Kibben, w ere closed out by the sheriff on a mortgage given to a firm in Atlanta. Is ~i ems hat ihe Jew- had given out lio'ccuol sb.Bi.b s the moiteage, and when h wa force used, I-aac Jjchoen, oi All l . ia, who is receiver f..r the tii in l oi.iing ih' Mu rigage udoii which the loi .* was closed, was present and bd m the goods at $365 It was a-lick trick by which Mr. i?elmeu got iii- lo'n- we leaiu be bad an in— uivi.tua note again-t tiie firm for SIOO beside-holding the mortgage as re . river, hi i bought In a S7OO -to~k for $365. giving his note held by him on Jhe Jew s a- j art Lawmni for the goo s. The n< xt day two other notes arrived. luf *hey were too late, as the g.Mxis fad b en sold and the pay ment made by the note and mortgage. Mr. isehoei. shipped the good- to At lam < 1 .-i week, aid says lie will Dis pose ot tin m there in bulk. Star Store. 'You know it, be cause “we told you so.” JACKSON, GA.. DECEMBER 7, 1893. 'JIIaNKSGIYING day. I I For tin e immemorial t has been ! tlit* vii lonioft'Oj tofti is generation , t > ob-erve N \ tuber 3Uih as a da*. ! set apart tor giving thanks unto the! lord fo> JI - man} favors and thej w a!chful > aie He !as < xercisi-d uve us !<>r tlit -e Ilian} \e * s. and as Jaes s ui lives up load customs ami man dates, especially those regaidiug re ligious matters, that have been set apart for her observance, last Thurs day was liv no tin an- an exception to the ru e. I he pas' rs of both, the Methodis* aud Presbyterian churches, were ab sent from the city on that day, ci ns*- quenily union services were held at ihe Baptist church at 11 '* 1-<• k, a. mi. and an eloquent sermon well fl:t. and for the occasion was most ab'y delivered by R"v. G. tl. Carter, D. D., who ha tor ih.- pa.-t tear so ably Served he Bapii-is a> lueir Miclster at this place. An attentive congregation gave audieuCe to Mi. Carter’s words of tinned thought and extensive knowledge, and thus a> other day of giving thanks unto God for His mani fold blessings has passed with the strictest observance by ttie good peo ple or Jackson. A RUNAWAY. Two spirited animals became frightened in front ot / 0. Beau -I,amp- r*-sidem-e on Friday even iMg last, at out 5 o'clock, and -mashed a wagm, threw Mr Lee Pi ice, of Jaspet <ou ty, out and hurt him severely, bu' not fatally. Tvo tbertou g men w- re it. the wagon, tm’ escaped uniiurt. SSO TO $75 FOR $25. Tnis May oound Odd, but it is Neverthe. lets True In ibis eminently prog essive age, the i ducat on of no y ung man, no matter what his intended avocation, can be regar ded as fully qualifying him f<r success unless 1 e possesses a business training. B’heie to get that, of the most piactical churacler most quickl . and cheaply is the question. This paper ventures nothing in saving that investigation pr,-ve ihe O a.—Ala. Bnsiness College of Macon, Ga. to be the very institution. J/any y oung men in six to ten weeks, at an expense if from S2O to s3u, have recently finished bookkeeping, telegraphy or shorthand there aud, in spite of the ah id times, immediately stepped into positions pa}ing from SSO to $75 per month. Y’here is "sually a disposition to wait and begin with the Aew Fear; but if a business education is of any value at all, the quicker it is gotten, the more valuable it i , and by wri ing to the pii* c pals. Messrs Wyatt & Martin, J/acon. Ga., at once, iiitich iietiei terms cau be had than by waiting until later on. Placed six graduates lasl week. Fennell. Thompson & Cos. have a big line of dress goods at N. w York prices. We have some valuable articles crowded out tins week, which will ep pear next. One lrom Black ankle and one from Jenkiiishurg. And alto an ohituarv from Grffiu. The Star Store’s beautiful wrapping pa per, stars .and stripes, is the talk of the countv —~’tis seen ever) where. Dr J H Carter left for hi- new home and work at.G.iine-ville to (lav . His pe pl here regret to loose Inm, for Ins influence in a community is in valuable. \Ye are still selling quantities of Ifedios’ cloaks. Star Store. GONE TO LOU.sIANA. On 1 uesda\ of la-t week a number ot families who have lor vears resi ded neai Peek-ville, i>- Henrv county, h ft for Looi-iana, in w bicii sta'e the. will make 111 ir future homey. The pain consisted .f Adolphus )\ T ANARUS, | h and f mily ; .Inn Le fiinnii and taiuib ; Jim Buck W\ nn and tam ii ; - Ta . tor Hunt and ’amity, and John Cowan's soil. AVhai ihe\ intend doing in their new field of labor we have not learned, bin ear fuPy :. w r of ilie fact that they rave left .me of the best section-of God’s green earth, from an agricultural poim of view, and from our knowledge of tiling-, they have not been b refilled by the change. The Shir Store has just closed out the end of a large clothing manufacture s seaso i’s business. Amounting to several thousand dollars, bought at aboul fifty cents in the dollar. Great bargains will now be offered by us in clothing and over. oats. ONLY $1 2.)—GAZE ON THIS. We call special attention to our ciubbingarrangement with the great southern weekly, the Atlanta Consti tution, which enables us to offer both papers for the remarkably low sum of $1 40 a year. The first duty of ever} good citizen is t<> patronize his home paper. He wishes to become thor oughly conversant with his county matters, aud only through bis home paper can he expect to be supplied with the current county news, which is ot the closest interest to him. After he has provided himself with his home paper his next consideration of those who are not within easy reaco of a first-class daily newspaper should be to select a first-class weekly newspaper supplying all the general news ot the world, and paying special attention to features which are of par ticular interest to the household and the farm. Just such a paper is The Weekly Constitution, published at At'anta, Ga., and having a circulation ot 156,000 copies a week, the largest of any weekly newspaper published in America. It is essentially a farmer’s paper and Stands at the head of the weekly press of this country. It> agricultural department alone is worth the subscription price of ihe paper, wtiile it numbers among it contributors such well known name* as Bret 11 arte, Mark Twain, Jnel Chandler Harris, Surge Plunkett, Bill Aj’p, and a host of others, whose rep utations are world wide. Its women an.i eliiltb en’s departments are pre pared with a special view to please the little folks and the women, and its news columns literally cover ihe face of the earth. Vi e ate enabled to offer both pa >eri al prac'iicaliy the price of on-, and we wi 1 take great pleasuie in forwarding io l’lie Constitution any names sem ns in connection with our clubbing offer at the remarkably b>w price above given. Special prices at Fennell, l'h nupson &(. : 8 D JMaiF Rough $2 15 per keg. 10 D “ “ 2.05 “ “ 12 “ “ 200 “ “ 20 " “ 1.90 “ “ 40 “ “ 180 “ “ 8 large bars soap for 25 cents. (Jood Flour $5 75 per banel— others get $3.00. Hood Collar pads 30 cents each. Pot ware 3 cents pound. Boss well bucket* 30 cents each, three -oop cedar buckets 20 cents, Heavy single trees 17 cent- each, 4 pounds Church soda 25 cents, sterling ball potash 7 for 50 cent*, pear line 4 cents, sardine* 5 cents, lull weight oysters 10 cents, tobacco from 22 1-2 ceuts a pound up, home made axe handles 5 cents, condensed mi k 5 cts can. Mr. J 11, Moore makes the unique claim that the ugly man is uuesnim consideration for business qualifica tions. Mi. H L. Gray, who moved to Tal lapoosa several years since, is now a citizen ol Butts again. Al sensible uru finally come back to Buit county. That show T case of fancy can dies and plain candies, and such a variety ol sweet meats, is a perfect bouquet over at the Va riety store. L. R. Cason, Prop. There.will be about two hundred people who will want the Argus and Cos stitution for $1 25 after the time is out. Neighbor, if you want both of Miese papers tor the price of one, conn* now, while ihe opportunity is on. . , asMk W BUTTS COUNTY ALLIANCE. The Butts county alliance ha* givr-n existence two to children. The first was the people’s part' ano Wie*her it rtibe’a credit upon its parent or not will oe decided by its future career. It seems io be in fair health now, and may live some tune unles3 it tak*s consumption. Tto o tier is a young lelh.w, who m-'ved into a house of his own ano declares himself nonpolitical and therefore not subject to consumption or anv hereditary disease. His name i- Farmers Union and will doubtless live in B<me lorni-or other * lmg as th w rid is inhabited, lor it is the fraternal principle of its pacert reduced to practice. Messrs. Ray & Rav have been employed to draw up a charter lor the union md engineer it through the courts. R au heir constitution and see it it is solid. MEM! A. G. HITCHENS. Jackson, - Georgia. Now is the time to get your goods cheap! I have a large stock, and am Determined to Sell! ii ---i . Crockery, Class ani Clinaiare. I have a few T more of those beautiful F ench Oiiina Tea Sets (44 pieces), but I shall close them out at $7. And those Iron Granite Tea Sets (44 pieoea) handsomely decorated, at $t an I $1.50 —worth $8 to $6 50. I also have a few handsome Bei-R >om Sets (10 pieces). They are lovely goods. Latest Styles and Beautiful Designs—Worth $lO and sl3 They will be soM this week at $3.75 and $4 75 to make room for other goods arriving daily. My Crockery line is full and complete in all the latest novelties, both in plain and decor tcd. As I buy them direcr, aid in large quantities, I will save you TEN PER CENT ! Lamps! Lamps! Lovely Stand Lamp* at Doc —worth $1.25. Handsomely decorated Parlor Lames $1.45—-worth $3.00. Lovely Vso P.irh r Lamps, $3.50 —worth $5.00. My stock of Swinging Lam: s is perfect, and prices lower than ever. And, remeoa ber, I am headquarters for Church and School Lamps, etc,, eto. STOTES! STATES!! STOVES!!! Stove-Pipe, Tinware, etc., Grates and Grate Fixtures. In this department I car y the best line ever brought to Jackson, in Eastern and Southern makes, from the fi €sfe to the common step stove; and I will guana* tee to <ei! you as good stoves, anu ts quick to cook, and in every way to glv* satisfaction, and save you ten per cent , over any house in Georgia. My Tinware is of best heavy, double-tione i goods, guarmteed not to leak, and at Prices to suit, the ti lies. Oils! Oils! Oils! Georgia Tes’ Kerosene 0.1, 15c per gallon. Walter White Heailig it Oil at 2(h. GINNERS and MILL MEN: lam he idqu irters for Cylinder 01, Machinarr Oil, H arvest ag Oil, Nc its-foot Oii. Black Harness Oil. In fact, I carry a full stock of oil, und am selling oil from Tc. to 20c. per gallon less than any MM else, If you have no ? been buying your oda from me, you are the loser. Leather! Leather! Harness Leather, Whang Leather, Sole Leather, Belting, Rubber Hose, Etc., Etc. lam carrying a full line of Rubber and Leather Belting, and Rubber Hose. If fwa will cull I will convince you that my prices are below Atlanta or Macon. 1 buy from the manufacturers and pay spot cash, and my expanses being light, I am able to sell th m close. HARDWARE! Nowhere in Georgia is there a Detter assorted stock than I carry, and aa I buy direct and in quantities with tlu r ?,ady cash, I can assure you that my priow are right, and 'b’s mo ms a bio spying to you. Harness, sales, flips, Etc. In this Department I will surprise you. I haye one of the Largest and Fiaajt stocks <f Single and Double Bu/gv and Wagon Haruess It was ever my plait* ure to off-r to my customer , and this 13 saying a good deal when you Mb eider that I have always e ttrie i a larg; and file stock of Harness. But qm| and Bee me, and you shall be pleas and, both in style, quality and price. A aff parts to rep ace the ol l worn-out p irts to your harness, you can find here MV less money than you will have to pay for having the old one repaired. Bridles, Lines, Halters, Etc. WAGONS! One & Two*Horse Wagons. I sell the celebra ed White Hickory W igons, made of best material and fully wv~ ranted to give satiefaction in quality and workmanship. I nave sold huadswSi of them in Butts and adjoining coun ies. They have given universal satisfy tion. They are the lightest-running wagon now in use, and are made Isom Best of Material, and guaranteed for twelve months. Bnigies, Phaetons ani Carriages. I carry a complete line of all the best makes in Phaetons, Canopy-Top Botml Open and Top Buggies, made by Summer & Murphy, of Barnesvills. Ga. Tm original celebrated Barnesville Buggies: also the fine Indiana wore. { |U| c-rryalineof cheaper buggies, every job of which I warrant for tWa&M months. S;e me before you buy. TO SHOPS AND REPAIR MEN: I now have iu stock Long an 1 3 ort-Arm Axles, Tirei, Bolts, etc., also a oompiati line of heels, Spokes, Skeins, and will make it to your interest to glvo flbfc your trade TO SPORTSMEN! GUNS! GUNS! GUNS! ETO. In Double and Single-Baijel—both Breech and Muzzle-Loaders—l am heeled £ can -uit ion In and prices. These goods I import aud oan save yet money. lam thru up in Lna ied Shells and, in fact, have a full line of Amte nitioo and porting Supplies. Thanking yon for past patronage, and asking your future tri Ukk I remain, yours respectfully. A. G. HITCHENS. NO 49-