Newspaper Page Text
M, l iMiiBEN,
A torney B.t Ld v\ f
JACKSON, <R >Eh’(,lA.
Attorneys at Law.
ounteUor <4 Attorney at Law.
Wl'J practise in all th courts. Mo e*
eaoed o r at tU at low ru of Inter
M. Long tme granted with small pny
want* Money obtain* lat oe witbou
(osmen n oouar house.)
Dr O H. Cantrell
J CKm)N. CEO til A.
Office on Third and holly
nr • .
Crown and bridge work and all the
latest math da or dt-ntLtrv. Te* th ox*
trnctd wttiioui pain. Piices mo aerate.
Batiafaction gu ran teed.
Morrison House.
Cenveniently Located.
Free flack to Depot,
' . R. G **L m. P [in t. r
-QUAKE, J v 'Ks')X, (J v.
Str ct \ fl nt iii all ru- ■ l .
tii'*i it f 111 VV • vO t >lll ! • I
To* ms m Herat.) \ t et on
g 'a-anten I.
Tilts. A. IV*. JMST It It, Prop.
reel 4-3: u
JACKSON, - G. 4.
Til * <•- Iy Hr >' kII >tr*l i*o* - ,* \t , -
ta and Macon. B-mls !CO ><*i and y.
Ml-rs Jexmk WA.LCAOK P of),
duel 4 12tn
Ur* have seru rod at leat fifty now,
paid-in-advance subscribers, tor the
Argus si non wo took hold of it two
weeks ago, anil they still continue to
arrive daily.
“ Mothers*
A iii<ti Mitufi, Lcmc&i Diagir, iad Libof.
* My wife suffered more in tan minntea
/Ith her other children than ahe did all
together with her last, after having used
four bottles of MOT HUB’S F BLEND,"
says a customer.
Hbsdeesom Dau, Druggist, Cams, 111.
Seat by express on receipt of price, #1.60 per bot
tle Boos *To Mothers ’’mailed free.
M wu BY Ml MMWTI Atlmtta. Qa.
Mrs. E. J. Rowell, Medford, Mass., says her
mother has been cured of Scrofula oy the use
of four bottles of rRK| after having had
much other treat- mcn t and being
reduced to quite a low condition of health, as it
was thought she could not live.
Cured my little boy .-* ofheredi
yyyi Ury scrofula ' whicha P*
pea red all over his face. For
a year I had given up all hope
of his recovery, when finally
1 was induced to use gSjT3KS|
Afewbo #J ttleß cured him, and no
symptoms of the disease remain.
Mrs. T. L. Mathers, Matherville, Miss.
Ourbook on Blood Skm mailed fee.
Cal .-ii Mr ,T It Thnr-ton .1 ■l.
c ‘rria<;t> fa ’ovv and on a *pleMl <1 i tt
il V horse*. Y m can m a *• rgiin.
I m *r<eicd <> < . tip* i !
Ihx books December 1") h when I'
fas tv 11 he issued. Itesp’v,
D. G. McMichaf.l, T. R. & .C.
Al! subscriptions to the Argus from
now n nvit besccomompanied by the
cash PI ae remember this aud don’t
sk us to credit you, a it takes raonev
t ru a paper, and we must hare it.
JUBMe #€orgk strips,
llerr**< s id Y’uetday ranging i.i pii, es
from 2.3 to *l2l. Della Fears of Hampton is visiting
Pauline Thaxton this week.
Dung lady, buy a pair of our
Dongoia kid button boots at
s2.oo—equal t( any $2.50 shoe
you ever saw.
. Star Store.
1 *pa, what make# your store have so
many spider webs in it and Air. A has
none m his stored Well, son, h i sweeps
his. But B posa.bly tells the little boy
the truth, Mr. A advertises in th* Ar
Mr. T. J Lune’s little giant water
lifter will raise twenty gallons per min
ute sixty feet. Some ol Jackson’s best
citi ens are using them an 1 ary they
Would not take three limes the pride paid
and have it removed.
Our next week’s issue will be our
Christmas edition and will be read by
three or four thousand people. Whoso
ever faiieih to plant his business there has
dropped his candy.
The Star Store’s beautiful
wrapping paper, stars and stripes,
is the talk of the county—’us seen
ever,) where.
Dr. W. C. .flryant of Jcnkinsburg is
treating a subject m New York. D,. IS is
a success at anyihisg.
Mrs. Morran has returned to Jackson
after haviug been absent several weeks
with her little boy, who liaa been severely
ill. We are glad to see Johnnie conva
lescent and he and hie mother again among
our people.
J’he last ear of coal received by Ethe
lidge A Kiuard is the besl we ever burned.
We iegret to learn that Mrs. ISudie
i/oen has been very ill for the past lew
days* Shu is now a great deal belter,
however, and is able to walk aiound.
C’ol. B light has a Woild’s Fair walk
ing stick that is a curiosity, and you
should sec it.
Mar M*>re. You know it, be
cause “we told you so.”
Mr. 2>’ain, who lias been buying cotton
for b. At. luman A Cos. at thin place, has
beeu moved to tVicDouough, and Mr.
Lampkiu will hereafter do the buying
li. G. Bi)a t & Cos. will give you tLe
bed wine iu the slate for the money.
Thu recent legislation by Hon. T. J.
Dempsey, making Jackson one of the
towns iu which the state deposits its aur*
plu-, is not only a great thing for Jackson
but for the surrounding country as well.
A town so live and energetic a ours de
serves tins distinction, iur we have a bank
here as sound as the soundest. Our peo
pie and the country a. large pulled through
the panic with com putative ease.
ftfr WINE OF CAROUI, a Tonic lor Women.
A pleasant eveniug was most enjoy -
ably spent by the \ouiig people at the
residence of Air. J. L. Wagner, on
Wednesday niglii last week. A num
ber of c uples were in attendance and
a great time was had by all.
It aflliclttt with ecalp diseases, hair
(ailing out, and premature baldness,
do not grease or alcoholic prepa
( rations, but apply llalle hair renewer.
Marriage.- are now almost a daily
, occuirence iu our count}, uud it the
' tiling Keeps oil as it has started out, it
w ill not b long befor-j—keep \oir
e}e ou Cnarlie Smith.
How does this strike yow 1 he
Argus aud The Weekly Consiiiuilou
•kb year tor only $1.25.
j fry BLACK-DRAUGHT tea for Dyspepsia.
Ou Friday night last at the worri
! son House iu Jackson, ihc \ouug emet
of our city congregated for the pur
pose of enjoying themselves, lie
>reshincuts, etc, were served and
uiduy arc the complimentary remarks
expressed b> those who attended. The
Mon Ison lluu#e aioajs dues Hie
thing up 1“ great shape, and w hen it
Comes to cnleiiamuieiiU lin \ art*
•‘strickly there.’*
SLACK-U..AL U.if '--a cures. CoiiSUiiution.
Remember lhal om arrangements
to club The Aruls ana <'onslttuiiwu
fur $1.25 is limited, and you should
□ot tube this rare opportunity lo get
two papers lor so small a pr ee.
We are ©till selling quantities
of ladies' cloaks.
Star Store.
We regret to learn ot the death or
the iutanl of Mr. and Mr *. R. E. suu
iield, w hich sad event occurred ou last
Suuday inoruiug. Thectiild was only
tnree days old aud its death is greatly
dtplored by a in attitude of frieuds of
the bereaved family. It was buried
in Jacksou ou M onlay morning.
MaELRCE’S ’ ME OF cARCoi for Veok Nerves
[He are in no wise responsible lor
the view- expressed by our correspon
dents, be He Democrat, liepubbcan,
I’eople s P.rty. *r Prohibitionist; but
xv* ar* responsible for all on our edi
t' *ial page uucredited and without
stg natu res.] —Ens.
Well, the silver purchasing law has
beeu repealed as Mr. Cleveland rec
ommeuded and still the price of cot
ton is below zero. The average far
mer has gathered bis cotteu and told
it, at such a low figure that it leaves
him w ithout much, or no money, aud
• till Mr. Cleveland issued a proclama
tion for the people to set apart Nov.
3Uth as Ihauksgiviug day. Tuaukful
lor iv ha'. ? I hat we have been filched
out ot about fin tee u dollars a hate ou
our eottou by his goidbug policy ?
It is a settled tact luat oue-hall oi
the people lok upon Ihauksgiviug
day wnu conietii) t aim mdillereiice,
simply because it is proclaimed lay
men who claim to be iu sympathy
wiili the poor, but, in truth, is a
w hopping big at. bo long as our rul
er)* lUpis diu io lake all the wealth of
this naliou and turow il in the lap of
one iiaii of n, ine other half ot the
people Will iutK upon them with con
tempt, instead oi rsvtreuue. Now
these are iacis aud you may call them
what you please. Wo are well aware
ot the fact that there ate plenty ot peo
ple, who iliiiik mat every law ou our
statute is antagonistic to them and
their interest, And we also know
that there are plenty of people that
mink they have the pretogalive to
live on the sweat cf somebody’s else
brow' and today all the laws ou finan
ces nave a screen iu it to benefit a few
men, who toil not, neither do they
spin. With all that is being said
by ihe Gtrinocraiic newspapers about
there Lein* uu room lor a third pari),
ihere are six couuites in Georgia iliat
nave iie and elections since January, and
live cf mum have swung multisetVc-s
out oi ttie democratic columns, and
the ode lhal Went democratic only by
line majonty. Now to a uiac up a
tree it sctuis that it congress don t do
something and that mighty good, the
ueun-crut party iu Georgia wilt ue iu
uaugcr-of actual in the next cam
p:t gn.
S. J. Smith.
Somehow we are thankful that we
found a piece ol cloth large enough to
patch our pants. We all should give
thanks loGod, uo matter who dot-suT
do to please Us. — Eds.
Being naturally loud ol Jacksei.,
ts u strange that my thoughts and
sacred recesses ot my heart should
go out in thankfulness te the Gieat
Giver ol all good lor the many sweet
memories, which I am permitted to
cherish ot the two years I dwelt
among and mingled with her people?
During my stay I sipped nectar
from n golden urn, and treasured
might jt wets in the chain ol iriend
ship some ol whom have been trans
planted to a fairer clime.
Huw vividly I now recall the
of little Carter Carmichael,
oim of the brightest jewels in the
chain, ike sweet little playmate,
who you dear childiei:, doubtless
missed I rum his class one morning,
a lew days latei was laid in a close
and nairow grave dose beside little
Jimmie Newin. the little compan
ion ami relative whom he loved so
Week have past but his merry,
holiest laugh still rings in our ears
as we write tnese lines,
Yen, as we enter the threshold of
bis home, we can see him with
mother, brothers and sisters ready
to give us the sweet kiss of welcome
ano entertain us with bis bright
bus ol to always listened to with
mi b appreciative *ars. We wer.
si arrd irmn seeing his little bod
racked with pain and treasure the
memorv of seeing him in health
and beauty. Lne would be two
dear weie such sweets permitted to
remain. So the great giver ©aw
that dregs were needed to tie thrown
into our bowl of nectar. Dear be**
loved ones, w'tn an eye ol
fat h, look beyond the dark river,
and behold little Carter as he walks
thesneet3 ol the New Jerusalam.
his heart beatiDg in unison with the
loved one who bad preceded to the
home of the redeemed and blest.
With heart* sure wi u sympathy
we softly breath a prayer that ere
long the sun of your aorrow will set
to be succeeded by a rosier dawn. |
We still hold in memory another
brightly cueriehed gem, Mrs. Silas
Thomas, the tender, loving mother
or your uoble young u en.
We were so associated with three
of them as to daily witness
the unfolding of those manly traits,
which boro such beautiful testimony
of the serene, geuie influence of the
faithiul true mother, who lived to
make lile bright and joyous for her
fatherless sons, and hid from sight
the sorrow of her own desolate
heart that the happiness so natural
to youtn, might not be marred by a
single cloud.
Often with a secret sorrow hang
ing with leaden weight over our
hearts, have we been so toothed and
cheered by the sweet gentle inspira
tion ol her presence, as to return to
our duties strengtoeued to cope
with arduous difficulties. Earth
has lest but Heaven has gained a
radiant star.
No, she in not lost to earth for
her fight shiues on and her influence
lor good will throb on througn the
coming years, Like the light of a
blighted star, it will shine ou, auu
ou lung years alter the star ltoeli
is uiutied out from the heavens for
In her matchless character tnere
was a symmetrical harmouious
blending ol ail that is noble, pure
and beautiful iu woman. Her fine
ly tuned sympathetic nature caugtit
the vibration anti responded te
•yery note of sorrow.
She keenly appreciated and al
ways remembered the duties, re
sponsibilities and graudear ot ner
high Christian calling. Let us, dear
friends aud neighbors, emulate ner
example by carrying the Wi lte ban
ner ofeur Captain high and to the
iroai and when at last, *e are called
Upon io lay it down, we may bear
ibe welcome plaum; “Well uune
thou good and faithful servant.*'
You too, have, leit bright and un
tarnished memories winch will con
mi ue to live long after your bodies
nave returned to dust.
Mr. W. J, Harris of Molena was
in town last week.
Rev, Joseph Middiebrooks ol Lo
cust Grove filled his regular *p
poiulmem at this place last Sun
day evening.
Toe JenkitiSburg ginnery has
done a much better business this
season than last.
Mr. Thoa. Lovell, one of Locust
Groye’s most affable and successful
young business men, has associated
himself with our clever townsman,
Mr. J. F. Wnittaker, and together
they will open up one of the must
complete general merchandise es
tablishments that has ever been in
this place. They begin with the
uew year aud will make thing*,
There will be two or three new
stores opeued here oy another year.
Jenkinsburg is coming in spite ol
the hard times. Keep your eye on
Rev. J, S. Askew was in attend
ance at the North Georgia Confer
ence in Gainesville this week. Mr.
Askew has been a power lor good
and has greatly endeared hi self to
the people generally. The church
is anxious that he be returned to
this circuit.
Mr. Wilton P. Cobb, our efficient
depot agent, is the right man in the
right place. Uuder his manage
ment the earnings of this office has
increased over 50 per cent.
The Christmas tide is coming on
apace and everywhere vou can hear
fhis interrogation : “How are you
going <o spend Christmas?” Wrll,
he good—ihe truly good—will
gather round the glowing Yule log,
the Christian tatber and patriarch
will take down the old family Bible
and with loving hands will turn its
well-worn pages till he reachea that
portiou which tells bow, over 1800
tiuodred years ago, the faithful
snepherds were startled and made
afraid as they watched their sheep
by night by the appearance of holy
angels; h*w the angels calmed their
fears aud told them the good tid
ings ol great joy ; that in a manger
ii- Bethlehem the Savior was oorii.
and when he comes to that grand
triumphant song of the Heavenly
Host, ’ Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace, good will io
ward met/' His and theii hearts
will thrill with gladness and love.
The world will be made better by
l he repetition of this beautiful story
and on the morrow as the little tots
gleefully prattle about the presents
old Santa Claus brought them U ni 8
richest blessings will rest on that
The bad—those who neither fear
Ged nor low man—will swagger ofl'
to some low down grog shop and
there hand over the money *hat a
destitute family needs iur “bust
heard" whisky aud proceed to
"lank” up for the Christmas row
that is sure to follow, Shameful
The ludifferent—those who drift
aloug in a negative sort of way—will
stand around the street corners or
country stores aud listen to some
amateur saw uu an old squeaky
fiddle, iaugti at silly jokes or per
haps get up enough enthusiasm to
orusn up an old blunderbuss and
follow a hall i ur dog all day after a
rabbit. “Such funny things a lel
fow does see when he hasn’t a
Ait*. J. M. Baukbtou U the proud fa
ther ol an* tuer liue boy.
Mr. J. W. Ckildd has sold his inter
est iu firm ei W hittaker & Child* aud
will move out to his farm a lew miles
from towu. Air. Childs is a good
ousiuess man aud his removal will be
a severe loss to our town.
Air. Fedx May seu, a prosperous
young farmer from the State of Jas
per, is iu our midst prospecting fora
business location. Jeitkiusburg ex
tends a hearty welcome to such men
as he.
Mr. Biles has sold eut his business
in btark aud has associated himself
with Mr. J. F. Whittaker in the mer
cantile business.
Mrs. Baker aud children of Edge
wood visited her brother, Di. W. C.
Bryant, last iSnuday.
The school at this place is in a fine
condition. Prof. Thompson and Miss
Fou ud are second to none as educa
tors aud the people of Jeukiusburg
and vicinity appreciate this tact aud
are supporting the school handsomely.
There are near 100 students iu attend
ance at this writing aud the number
is increasing every week. Mia Min
us Peavv has a fine music class and by
ner superior ability as a teacher and
lovable disposition has become very
popular with the people.
All copy for aew advertise uents. and
copy for change of ads. must be in the
office by Monday of each week, to assuie
their appearance in the following issue.
Tin- is positive, as we are always crowded
with copy and must have ample time te
get it up. Please bear this in mind and
save a few hard feelings.— [Eds.
The Ckattenooga Medicine Company
have won a trade-mark lawsuit in the U.
<S. Circuit Court at Atlanta, An attempts
was made te enjoin them from usiugthe
name “Jhedt'ord” and “M. A. 2Bedford
& C 0.,” on their liver medicine or Black-
Draught, judge Newman dismissed the
suit and taxed the plaintiffs with the costs.
Tlied ford’s Black Draught nan been in
constant use for mere than fifty years and
is one of the s andard medicines of the
country, thousands ef dollars have been
spent in advertising it, and it is known
everywhere. The Chattenooga Medicine
C*., have an immense laboratory in Chat
tenooga, just at the foot of Lookout Moun
tain. They have a branch house in St.
Louis. This company also makes MC'
a reputation fer integrity and fair dealing,
second to none.
Now look here! We are no kickers,
and none of our ancestors were kickers,
bnt, it does try our feelings to have a man
prance into our sanc'oinm and rave and
rant about “patronizing home mdattries,”
“booming our town,” “helping home en
terprises,” and printing seven or eight
columns about home institutions and then
receive a bill on the first of the mouth
from this same man, who has his printing
done in Atlanta, when he .-‘ould benefit
himself and us by having it done at the
Argcs office in just as good style and at
the same price! No, we are no kickers,
but such things as this are rapidly drifting
us m that direction.
During the CLriatmas holidays
is the most important season ot
the year to insure your property
against lose by fire during the
extravagant use ot matches, fire
works, etc. Etheridge & Kin
The streets are being greatly improved
under the supervision of our efficient mar
shals Holifield and Arayo. So yon are
hereby notified that if you may chance to
come intejackson with a “jag” on Christ
mas you might be called upon to contrib
ute a few days’ work toward* helping o
beautify them.
Jackson, - Georgia.
Now is the time to get your goods cheap!
I have a large stock, and am
Determined to Sell t
Crockery, Glass and CMnaware.
I have a fow more of those beautiful French Obina Tea Bets (44 please), worth lit,
hut I shall olose them out at $7. And those Iron Granite Tea Beta (44 fUeea)
handsomely decorated, st $4 and $4.50 —worth $6 to $0 10.
I alto have a few handsome Bcd-R *om Sets (10 plroea). rhey are lovely geeda
Lateet Styles and Be tutifui Dsngai—-worth $lO sad sl3 They will he asM
this week at $8.75 and $4 75 to make room for other good* arriving dally.
My Oroekcry Hue le full and complete in all the latest novelties, both hi plain and
decorated As 1 dhj them direct, sad in large quantities, I will save yea
Lamps! Lamps 1
Lovely Stand Lamps at 85c—worth $1.85. Handsomely decorated Parlor Lama*
sl.4s—worth $9.00. Lovely Vae Parlor Lamps.—worth $5.88. Mg
stock of Swinging Lamps is perfect, and prices lower than aver. And, rwum
ber, I m headquarters for Church and School Lamps, etc., etc.
StoTe-Pipe, Tinware, etc., Grates and Grate Fixtvrea.
la this department 1 carry the best line ever brought to Jackson, in Eastern and
Southern makes, from the finest to the oommon step stove; and I will gaaw
tee to sell you as good stores, and as quick to nook, and ia every way to give
satisfaction, and save you ten per cent, over any house la Georgia.
My Tinware is of beet heavy, double-fumed goods, guaranteed not to leak, and at
Prices to suit the times.
Oils! Oils! Oils!
Georgia Te* E rosane Oil, 15c per gallon. Walter White Hemlig it Oil at Me.
GINNERB and MILL MSN: lam headqu <rters for Cylinder 01, Machinery
Oil, Harvest ng Oil, Neats-foofc Oii, Black Harness Oil. In tact, I carry a raU
stock of oil, and am selling oil from Fc. to 30c. per gallon less than any eta
else, If you have not been buying your oils from me, you are the leser.
Leather! Leather I
Harness Leather, Whang Leather, Sole Leather,
Belting, Rubber Hose, Etc., Etc.
tam earryiag a full line of Rubber and Leather Belting, and Rubber See* V M
will oall I will convince y u that my prices are below Atiaata or Mae®*. 1
buy from the manufacturers and pay spot cash, and my expenses bsiag
I am able to sell th-m close.
Nowhere in Georgia is there a oettev assorted stoek than I carry, and as I bap
direct and in nua tities with the ready cash, I can assure you that m/ pritnb
are right, and '**• meons * big ueving to you.
Harness, Sales, flips, Etc.
In this Department I will surprise you. I haye one of the Largest and Flmo
stocks <>f Single and Double Bu/gy and Wagon Harness It was over my pi MB
ore to offr-r >o my customer, end 'hL Is saying a good deal when von Mila
aider that I have always carried a Urgi and ft >e stoek of Harnom. But adk
and ate me, and you ehali be pleased, both in stylo, quality and arise. iad
parts to rep'aoe the old worn-out parts to your harness, yon can lad boos Id
lons money than you will hare to pay for having the old one repaired.
Bridles, Lines, Halters, Etc.
One & Two-Horse Wagons.
I soli the oelebra ed White Hickory Wagons, mads of bcrt material aal fatty tm
muted to give satisfaction in quality ana workmanship I nave sold hnadredl
of them in Butts and ’.djointag conn ies. They have given universal satis faw
tion. They are the lightest-running wagon now in use, and are mode Isas
Beat of M aterial, and guaranteed for twelve months.
Beiiies, Phaetons anfl Carriages.
I carry a complete line of all the best makes in Phaetons, Caaopy-Top Sureaw*
Open and Top Buggies, made by Sum ner A Morphy, of Barnesvilb. oa. Tm
original celebrated Barnesvitl* Buggies: also the fine Indiana went. |sfa
e rry a lin of cheaper buggies, every job of which I warrant for WdSS
months. See me before you buy.
I now have in stock Long an 1 S orfc-Arm Axles, Tlr#*, Bolts, etc., also s oempdafa
line of w heels, Spokes, Skeins, and will make it to your interest to sdswasl
your trade
to sponrsusiNi
In Double and Single-Barrel—both Breech and Musple* Loaders—l am heeled s*d
can -uit you in quality and prices. These goods I import and eon save yu
money. Itm full up in L*a ed Shells and, in faot, have a full line of Amw>
□ition and Sportiag Supplies.
Thanking yon for past patron agu, and making ynnr fntare trA|
I remain, yonrs respectfully.
NO 49-