The Middle Georgia argus. (Indian Springs, Ga.) 18??-1893, December 14, 1893, Image 3

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tf IHIS# IS ON AND STILL THEY COME, PRICES TELL THE TALE THE HEW TORE STORE Leads Jie van, while others follow in vain. people Know ‘WVb.ere To Gho They know who it is that is fighting high prices and show their appreciations. The record of the NET YORK STORE has always been “the most roods for the mone y* in( * ers t while an ambitious competitor, green vith envy, will bark faces and shake their hoary locks, abuse and cuss us. We have neither the lime nor the disposition to listen to their little croakinsr, being satisfied with the ver diet of the people that the v ew York store is the cheapest place in Middle Georgia lo buy goods. Then let the welkin ring. let the Good News Go forth. Tell The Children At The Fireside. Blazen every hill top and roll with gilt and golden letters that THE NEW YORK STORE stands head and shoulders above all competition, are the leaders always of low prices, the friend of the people and the Guilivei of the situation. For the Next Thirty Days Lookout For Things To Hum. Quine to see us and buy your winter goods of us, and we will save you money, Jon’t you forget it. ■ Proprietors Tire Nsw York; Store Go< ’ . r .;ghbor^S^“ Go to Guthrie s for Fine “Pnotos ’’ i WINE Of CARDUI for female diseases. . lie ilauirerou.s mule kicks and then 4iica!s. fupt, A. G. Ililrliins went up to /It' Unia ou Monda . iiDht. (’tl)t)y , *>i,ion-, potatoes and dri <1 fruit : t 11. F. Edwards. Col M V McKibben and D. J. Apcn cer vi.died Griffin on Monday of this week. II F. Ed v-a tU i> not eonm-cteit with 'lr. Itan’.'sioo, though lie is at Banks b‘ii’<M sti.d. Time to Subscribe for The Argus uni f**t tln* Weekly Constitution fol ia mils. U-Isins only ten cents a pound at . M?P<.tts’ Ik el at 5. G, 7, and 8 teitsa poutirt i 11. F, Edwards’ R ii rhu rv up and *ret The Argu* •wlTh* ’mii tuition fr $1.25 before Hie "fl ris vs: lvt *u, H F Edwards u . ' iketoursau •■*{? for t on. IV cheapest line of dolls ever brought to the city can be seen at Dr Carmichaels. to R. G. Bryans & Co.’s for pure pape wine, the be.-t made. The Jackson Institute is uow in a flour ishing condition, and over 250 pupils are sow enrolled on their books. H. !•’. Edwards wt 1 sell vou no-ats chesp a. can b > sold fra profit. Vou had better come in now Wl subscribe lor the A', -Vrs. Dr, A, F. White, of Flvilhi, died iHhat city on Tuesday of last week. ■^ rs - White Was a lady of many kind iriits at character, a Christian woman and * lovable wife. . t aney candies at \Y\ M. Poits 11 t|uaiititie.s and prices to suit tvety body H. B. Stodghill and J/r. E&r\y “looks were married on .Sunday morning ‘MI, by Rev. J- 8. Askew, at the residence °f the bride’s parents, ear Worthville in eounty. Let the g*>od work go on. 1 wiil make it to your interest come to see me before buying Uiuri goods \V, L. Carmichael, druggist. I)“D t you think it will help you to ad *nise your ( hristmas goods in the Ar trs - TiyPandsee. Awarded Highe.t honors World's i*'BT. Q^iiPowdei: fhe only pure Creaiu of Ttirlar rovtder. —Ammonia* .iso Alain. Used in Millions of Homes—4o Years tlie Standard Id/ ’I BRIEFS. TRU> ARRIVALS: ooino north !2*osp. in. “ “ 30 p. oi GOING SOUTH 15 v. m. Miss Estelle h i bin . . has V*t • teaching school at M ; onongb. ts visit.- friends in .Dickson. Slk will probat , leave *or Waycrosci one day next week. $1 00 or 75ct,s either will buv you a nice Sunday Alpine hat of latest shape, at The l 'arrtichael Co.’s Jackson has received about 12,000 bales of cotton so far this season and will get somewhere in the neighborhood of 6,000 more bafore the season closes- “Oransr Rlo°<?or v is and sh a Flax S ~d Po<dn *, \nv Indv car tine it herself. S >ld hv W L Carrai''h.Hl. The Red Men still hold nightie sessions and smoke he pipe |of peace with pale faces at nearly every meeting. This is an order that will hold its own with any of them, and will continno to grow as long as it exists. Buy one of our nice MoTn toshes with cape They will dis pense with dross overcoat and common rubber coat, It is ec >n omv. The Carmichael Cos Mis* Levcrette of j?ttonton. Ga., is visiting the Misses A’bttnd of our city, this week. Miss Leverette is a beau iful young ladv of many rare accomplishments, and her visits to Jackson are ever appre ciated by the young gentlem en of our city. If you want a present or your father, 1 have it; if you want a present r or voir mother, lean suit you; if you want a present for your sweetheart, I have just the proper thing. Found only *t Carmichaels drug store. 7here is nothing short about Jackson, and w’ben it comes down to riding the “flying jennies,” her clever little mayor is equal to any of his peers in this or any other state. He rides with the stately grace of a Centaur, and has even been known to make three circuits on the ‘jen- Dies” without ever putting his feet in the stirrups. We challenge the world. We are preparing a town, county, and church directory for our paper. Star Store, You know it, be cause “we told you so.” The Jackson chaj ter of d/asons met on Monday night for the purpose of initiating three members into that degree of the or der. They are now so busy in this de • £ ’ < f Masonry that called meetings have ■ held so as to accommodate the ap r ants G'i membership 1 w Imperial Photographs,” n. * Christmas presents, foi $3, at Guthrie's Ai tGa lory, Jackson, Ga. Weproudl. and thaiiktullv return thanks fi-r ih<- many cemplimeurs paid our first issue last week. Star Store. You know it, be cause “we told you so.” The girls should remember that we mw have two nice young men in our office who .vouid marry uudei suit able arrangements. lamin t ;e fresh meat business to sia\. I don’t expect to quit when the cold weather is goue. Give me your patronage and t hereby we can have a itood market all the jear. Edwards, Beautiful line of nice Neck wear made especially for holiday gifts, at the Carmichael Co/s, New York Store. Nil. Ite se Thaxton is a hustling Are and .ite insurance agen , amt works foi two a- clever men <t Jack .-on ha?, who reore-ent some of Ihe best com panies in the south Call at Thornton A Hooten’s and get a fine horse 01 the Black Ankle breed—a genuine stem winder, Elgin movement. For merly drive . by Mr. E C. Rob inson and the horse has outlived his mission. We should have a reformator) for voting criminals. The accompani ments should be iiinlas, p owstock-, a few gou! books, on lands *hat w ill produce slender switches and an oc casional dose ot “h ickory oil a:.d el bow grease.” Boxes and I arnds of good things at W. M. Potts’ for Cnristims u*l so cheap. Don’t bay any where only at W. M, Potts’. You wil f find tne best selected stick ot Christmas goods in the city at \V. L Cat mic aels drug store. Some ot our citizens say that the superior court will have to hold two wer-ks and cost the county a large sum of rnouey, since the abolition ot tiie county court, others say we must have a city court. The very latest thing in toilet cases and albums is celluloid, found in every style and quality, at Carmichaels, the druggist. We have primed five hundred cop ies of Ihe constitution and ty-laws of the Farmers Union. Go to Carmichaels dtug store and see that beautiful line of celluloid goods. Mr. W. S. Bishop is one of Butts county’a best citi/e-'P. Go to W. M. Potts’ for fire works of every description. That tender waif, called “love” is impervious to all things out jealousy. Say, have you seen those mital cologne and ink stands al Carmich t'cl’sdrug store? Well, they are beautiful. Mr. “Coon” Me Michael is a clever P. M. and gives and takes jokee with an ease that makes him agreeable. Call at Carmichael’s drug store and see his line of fine quadruple extracts for the handkerchief. Also fine line ot toilet and sachet pow ders. Mr. Cleveland must be a very heavy gentleman. He makes himself felt, eveu when lie speaks. I keep chickens and buy chickens and want to sell chickeus and fish. 11. F. Edwards. Sep Fieeman, of Flovilla, had his house and contents burned last Sun day. $650 insurance. Star Stoie. You know it, be cause “we told you so.” The Presbyterian church was tilled to overflowing Sunday cvcuing to hear the excellent sermon pronoun ced by the Rev. Mr. Pharr, lie defin ed some deep, well selected theological truths. Boys, if you can’t be pleased for a •afi and easy ride at Thornton & Hooten’s, elltier on wheels, or horse back, you are hard to suit. The people, of Jenkiusburg, say Dr. Ellis is the stauncheetdemocrat in the world aud that they would support him for any position within the gift ot the people. The handsomest colter and cuft, glove and handkerchief boxes in ihe city are to he found at Carmich ael’s. the druggist. Mr. J. P> Childs, a bright young man, of Jenkiusburg, who has takm one term at Dali lon ega, is going te finish his education at Emory. Fine oil paintings, executed by Miss Minnie Carmichael, on s u le at W. L. Carmichael’s drug store Hon. I’. J. Dempsey lias passed a bill through the House making Jack son one ot the slate depositories. Mr. Dempsey never forgets his people at borne. The Variety tore has sold goods so cheap the ? eople bought then, out, but they are now filling itheir shelves with a well select ed new slock, which will go at the same give-away prices. L. R. Cason, Prop. The teacher will gU 58 per cent of their aicounlN again.-1 the board oi education now. Judge Pound saya the tax collector crossed the dead liue Saturday and the money is now ready. The very la’eat things in tys and gam s; also story hooks can be found at Dr. Carmichael’s In the departure of Rev. G. H. Carte for Gainesville, Ga., the Baotisls of Jack son have suffered a great loss, and it will be many days before such another beloved pastor can be secured for this station. God helps those who help themselves, howev re, seek and ye shall And. If >ou want bargains in holiday goods and drugs just call on Dr. Carmichael, r.exf door to bank. Claud Bryant and AJrnest Batkins, two young mea of about 17 years, left Jack son one day last week for a trip around tbp world They got a good start an and wound up at Atlanta, where their sup plies gave oat 7’hey didn’t quite get aronn i the world, but they started. They returned home on .Saturday, and it is their intention now never to do so any more. Mules, h; r-es and mares for sale cheap at Dr Mays’ stable. J/any the expressions of regret at Bex. J. IT Eakes being called by cii ference to Jackson This noble gentleman has won th • esteem and friend ship ot every cirizen >f our c maty, aud it will indeed be a very hard matter to as credt ably All his position. Miy his works in Atlanta, a? they have in Jackson, redound to the glory of God is onr wish. Call for bill of tare and get what you want at Edwards & Jester’s Moxie Cohen went up to Atlanta Sun day and came down on ihe vistibule train Mondav noon, but preferred going down to FloTilla and coming back at a cost of $1.15 to jumping off of a slowly moving tram. f*r the conductor slowed np for him to get off, but Moxie looked at the rapid ly moving ground for a few moments aud remarked: ‘lf that’s the best you can do just carry me’ou, I’m my ma’s youngest son, but you don’t fool me into jumping off this train! .Set?” And he went on to Flovilla* Buy your horse millinery from J. R. Carmichael. Mr. Lrwis has moved into the Logne building nOak street. Mr. Gus King and wife, of NewtoD nountv, was in towu this woek look ing afmr educational advantages. Mr King is a prominent fanner ami our people would be glad to have him pleased with our town. The Jackson Institute is in a more prosperous non diilon than it has been anv time since its inauguration. Prof. Blasiiigame, its worthy president, is an enthusias tic educator, in every wav fitted for his vocation Those associated with him, composing the faculty, are teach ers ol experience and wed qualified to do their noble work. Go to J. R. Carmichael for your horse millinery of all kinds. Cottage prayer meeting at Mr. J. H. Sams’Friday night. M hen you come to town get vour meals at the Dempsey House. Mrs, A. M. Jester, Proprietress. Wanted good special agent for Jackson and vicinity for the or dinary department of the M etro politan Life Insurance Company of New York. Good territory and excellent contract to the right man. Cobb, CabamssA Cos. Gen’l agts., Macon, Ga. Chicago Market next door to post office. First-class in all respects. Ayer's Sarsaparilla thoroughly ex pels the scrofulous taint from the sys tem The municipal election, at Jeukins burg, occurred last Saturday. It re sulted as follows: For mayor Dr. \V. C. Bryant 30 “ “ R. A. Woodward 5 Couiicilmeu J. M. Bankston 30 W. S. Colvin 30 “ G. G. Harmon 28 “ J. F. Whitaker 23 “ J. B. Childs 23. Dr. Bryant has succeeded himself several times and makes a good may or. Mr. Woodward would have made a good presiding officer had he been successful. You can get a first-class meal at the Dempsey House, and as cheap as any where in Juckson. Mrs. A. M. Jester. “When your heart is bad, and vour head is bad, and you are bad clean through, what is needed?” asked a Sunday-school teacher of her class. “I know—Ayer’s Sarsaparilla,” spoke up a little girl, whose mother had re cently been restored to health by that medicine. For perseverance, pluck and energy we point to our colored barber, An drew McClendon, as an example of what can be achieved by a mixture of these articles. Eleven years ago, he came to our city from Griffin, Ga., a comparatively poor man, and began business in Jackson as a barber. Lit tle by little, his income gradually grew until he was enabled to make a partial payment on a small heme and lot near town, and after a few years he had accumulated enough from his daily earnings to pay the amount of purchase and today he is the possessor of an excellent home and farm near town, surrounded bv all the luxuries ot life, fine horses, excellent vinyard, containing thirty-three different va rieties of fruit, Jersey cows, many fine breeds of chickens, hogs and ducks, and taken all in all, he is as w r ell situ ated as three-fourths of the white peo ple in this country. This goes to show that if it is in a man, he can tuccfccd at anything on God’s green earth, _ if he will only take thissection of Middle Georgia as the scene of operation. ROBISON—H \M MOND. On Thursday evening of last week, Mr. E. C Robinson was happily wed ded to Miss Florrie Hammond, at the residence of the bride’s father, at Elgin, Ga., Rev. J. H. Eakes officiat ing. The ceremony was a most beautiful and impressive one, and was attended with all the sanctity of such au occa sion. Only t few invited friends and near relatives were in attendance The groom, Mr. Eli C. Robison,is one of our foremost businessmen, and a gei.tletn aot tact and energy. His residence inonreit/ toi elev en years has gained him the respect and esteem of a host of admiring friends who congratulate him upon his new departure m life. Mis* FI i lie Hammond is the you ig estdaughter of Mr. T. S. Hammond, and is a \ming lady gieatlv admired b* her numerou* friends and acquaint ances i<>r her womanly gra eand chi i*t iM.n qualiii-8. The Arous extends its best wishes to ttie happy couple who have embarked in a double life under *uch flattering prospects, and it is our rincerc wi>h that they may livelong and prosper."* They will reside at the new resi dence recently finished on Second street. The Cleveland House extended the couple au elegant supper after the wedding in honor of the groom, anda few invited friends were present to grace the occasion. HARNESS MANUFACTORY. A. G. Hitchins has opened up another enterprise. He is now manufacturing hand-made buggy, carriage and wagon harness and using only the best hand tanned Chestnut Oak Leather. He war rants bis work, and also keeps in stock ail the parts of harness so he can fit you up in a moment’s notice. It is his inten tion to give you HAND-MADE Harness at about the same prices you would pay WIND, FIRE and DESTRUCTION * • Hate Yon A Home or Older Property On insnred? if so, why take the risk and responsibility upon yourself longer when our strong old-line companies, with large surplus, and cash capital, are anxioes to relieve you of all uneasiness. Insure With Us To Day For To-Mor row it Might be Too Late! We inspect property on short notice, and insure you in some of the strongest companies in existence and guarantee satisfaction in every case. ETHERIDGE & KINARD. REESE THAXTON, Manager. HAVE YOUR BUGGIES BUILT AT The Jackson Carriage Factory, BUT^ Old Hickory, Tennessee, Mil burn and Studerbaker Wagons at The Jackson Carriage Factoiv. HAVE Your repair work well and substantially done at The Jackson Carriage Factory. HAVE Tour dorses shod at The Jackson Carriage Factory, by the best shoer in town, at 65 cents cash. IBUPST Your Bngs:y and Wagon Harness of all kinds, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Win er Lap-Kobes, etc., at The Jackson Carriage Factory. Respectfully, J. R. CARMICHAEL. A n W * B ° ES *n earn etc., your r- i V * m him a. l Mtlur, JUms Jackson Ga iSouth of Dempsey House r Repairing MULBERRY ST. j ACKSONGA for machine stitched. Repairs well a:id promptly done. Take your harness to hia shop and have it repaired. His is the only manufactory between Macon and Atlanta. Call and take a look through his large stock of fine buggies and carriages, and buy you one of those fine Harnesville Buggies and a set of his fine hand made harness. He will be pleased to show you through, and if you wish to purchase will save you money. WHY IS IT That John Lyons is lying so low h ere lately ? That Ed Hu;ou has quit rushing the girls ? That Moxie Cohen goes to Atlanta every Sunday ? That Steve Kiuard had a negro to drive him around in a buggy on Sun day iast ? That Charlie Smith’s best girl ;s visiting the dres-maker so often here of late ? That Dr. Crum bought that mu e at llie sale on Tuesday ? That a certain young lady gave a certain young man anickletogo up town and get her some caudy? That Harold Higgins sends a paper to a j oung lady at Edwin, Ga. ? That the money order clerk at the post office ows somebody a box of cmdy ? That the young ladies at a certain dressmaker’s establishment want to wash our office towel ? That Jim Kinard writes to La- Grange so often? That Henry Almand wants to know why a certain young man drinks 3 bottles of cologne every day? That those two pretty young ladies rode the flyng jenuie hor*e3 on Mon day evening ? That Jim Hilley never fails to pass a certain dressmaker’s when going to dinner, yes, why is it ? That the girls all like Mr. Whitnej ? COUGHS, HOARSENESS, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Whooping Cough, Croup, Asthma, Pneumonia, And for the relief and cure of all Throat and Lung Diseases. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. Prompt to act, sure to euro* NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. All persons are hereby Botified net to extend any credit to my wife, Mrs. Mattie Bryant, formerly Miss Mattre Swiut. I will pay no bills contracted by her. J. W. Bryant. Dec. 13,1893. 4t. A CHANGE. *‘l see they've got your editor in the jug P ‘‘Thank the Lord ! He usually has the jug in him, and any change, no matter how small, is a relief.” Conititutren. .