The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, January 04, 1894, Image 2

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THE AR6US. >. J. HARVIO* A J.ti. KrDOMLD, Editors and I*ui>lih‘r. O f bid A L ORGAN Oh JACKSON. OFFICIAL ORGAN Ob B L TTS CO UNTY. Entered at the Bo a (office at Jackson as second class mail matter. ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Jackson. <;u., Jan nary 4, IHfH. ADVERTISING RATES. ln>. 1 \vk. 1 mo. 3 mos. 6 mos 1 yr. 1 .0 I $1.25 |s2 5® SI.OO $6.00 2 1.00 | 2.25 4.50 7.00 11 60 3 1.50 I 3.25 I 6.60 11.00 16.00 4 1.76 I 4.00 7.50 12.50 21.00 icl 2.00 I 4.50 ■ 8.50 14.00 27.50 icl l 4.00 | 825 1 16.00 27.50 62.60 col. | 7.00 j 15.00 | 80.00 55 00 100. EIGHTEEN NINETY- FOUR. This issue of tho Argus is the first of its 22rul volume and our hoary locks have withstood the gentle breezes of 21 Christmas mornings, we never saw a happier nor a quieter one than the one just past. We enter into the work with great er prospects and brighter hopes for 1894 than it has ever been our pleas ure to do before. 111 fact we challenge, the world to produce a man who ever saw a *94 until last Monday. Ws glad to say that this paper has many warm friends in this county who re gard it as much a part of the county as tke very soil we till. And many others thete be, among our best busi ness men, who cannot remember when the Argus was not. There have been some ohjectiens to the paper; of course, there are objec tions to anything, and sometimes it is really an honor to be opposed by gome folk, but we are try ing to remove all causes for complaint and make our paper the true exponent of the best element of citizenship and in which we cordially invite the co-operation of all the good neoplc irrespective of politics or creed Jackson can fall only by division and mismanagement, for a town as full of push and energy, surrounded by fertile fu Ids under the manage ment of thrifty, competent farmers, perfect railroad facilities, a strong bank, and the healthiest location on earth ean not but thrive it *vc remain unified. The policy of the Argus will be conservative in all things, for we do not consider those who differ with us necessarily mean or fools, because while we aie honest in our oonvic tions, we realize - the fact that what we don’t know put into the mind of one mau would make that man the smartest individual in the known world. Shakespeare says, “When a man loses money, he loses much; when he loses friends he loses more, and when he loses his energy, he loses all,” and we claim to possess these las* two ele ments in a moderate degree, and will prove it if our friends will remember us and the public at large view us and our efforts with a charitable eye. IT'S FUNNY. Every man wants every other man to stand by and foster home enterprises, provided always, said enterprise is his property or is being run by him. When his time comes to foster another enter prise it is quite another proposition and his inquiring mind immediately weude “Where am I to come in?” But, not withstanding the truth of the above statement, it is the duty of every mau to rise above himself in cases where the public good is involved aud make that necessary self denial required to bridge the town or enterprises over the danger line, aud every patriotic citizen will gladly concede to this. JUST FOR FUN. One of the candidates for governor should come square out as an adminis tration candidate so we could have an issue. It is a stale affair when both men are democrats aud both worthy and de serve the offiee and competent to fill it if they live long enough which is more than probable unless they they should run themselves to death. Do something gentlemen to make an issue everything is too dull and of a sameness, one of you favor bonds and the other oppose it, or one claim the other Is too young and the other too old,. Anything now for an issue. The special committee set apart to re port on the policy to be pursued by the democrats in the present Congress is a democratic committee in fact as well as name. They favor an individual income tax of 2 per cent on all incomes of over $4,000. That wont bother us yet for our income will hardly reach that this year. They also favor 10 cents per gallon addi tional on whiskey, and one-quarter of a cent a pound on sugar. They were speak ing of a 5 per cent tax on inheritance, but they saw that to be unnecessary as the above would raise funds sufficient eco nomically administered. Remember that our arrangements to club The Argus and Constitution for $1.25 is limited, and you should not miss this rare opportunity to get two papers for 60 small a price. You had better come in now and subscribe for the Argus. FEBRUARY SHERIFF SALE-*. GEORGIA—Butts County. Will be sold before the court bouse door in said county', on first Tuesday in Febru ary next, within legal sale hours, fur cash, the following described property, to wit: One black lioise mule name j3ill, about ten years old, also m>e black mare mule about twelve years old. Oae Queen Dex ter buggy made by J. R. Carmichael, also one one-horse wagon made by J. R. Car michael, also six thousand pounds of seed cotton, more or less; one hundred bushels of corn, more or less; fifteen hundred pounda of fodder, more or less. Levied on by virtue of and to satisfy four execu tions issued from the county court of said county. One mortgage fifa in favor of B. C. Kinard & Aon transferred vs. C. A. Bearden and J. G. Bearden. Cne distress for ret in favor of B. C. Kit,aid vs. C. A. itearden. One landlord's special lien iu favor #f B. C, Ivinard & Aon transfer red vs. C. A . Bearden. One tifa in favor of R. IF. A/ays vs. C. A . Be ardea and John B. Evans. Property pointed out by plaintiffs in fifas. Property in possession of C. A. Bearden and John G. Bearden at the time ol levy. This January 4, 1894. J. O. Beauchamp, Sheriff B. C. FOR TWELVE MOSTIIS’ SUPPORT. GEORG I A—Butts County. 2o all whom it may concern: The return of the appraisers, duly ap pointed to set apart twelve mouths' allow anee for Prudence J. Kinard, widow of B. C. Kinard, late of said county, deceas ed, and filed according to law. TTiis is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of B. C. Kinard, to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they tan, why snch allowance should not be confirmed. Witness my official signature this, 15th December, 1893. J. F. Caiim ioitaei., Ordinary. NOTICE TO REBTOKS AI\I>C’E!- TORS. GEOI?GL4—Butts County. Notice is hereby given to ali persons having demands against E. S. IFynn. late of said county, deceased, to present them to me, properly made out, within the time prescribed by law, so as to show their character and amount. And all persons indebted to said deceased are hcreoy re quired to make immediate payment to me. J. II Carmichael, Adiii’r. of E. S. Wynn. GEORGIA —.jßutls County. .Notice is hereby given to all persons having demands against F. 3 1. Weaver, late of said county, deceased to present them to me properly made out, within the time prescribed by law, so as to show 7 their character and amount. And all per sons indebted to said deceased are hereby required to make immediate payment jto me, Aamaxtiia M, WiArffT ♦ (it Adm’rtrix. of F. M. Weaver. MORTGAGE SALE. By vbtue of ttie power vested iu me by a mortgage deed made by E. A, Fin cher to Fennell, Thompson & Cos., on the Gth day of February, 1892, and thereafter towit: On the Sth day of February, ] 892, at 9 o’clock a. m., tiled for record and recorded in the clerk’s office of the Supe rior court of Butts county, on page 419 01 book “G” on the 23rd day of Februa ry, 1892, and by them regularly trans ferred by writing thereon to me oa the 6tli day of Nov., 1893, and by virture of a decree rendered by the Superior court of Butts county at Chambers Dec., 11, 1893.1 will sell before the courthouse door in the town of Jacksorv, Butts county, Georgia, on the 16th day of Jan. 1894, between' the legal sale hours tract of land described in said mortgage to wit: One tract of land lying and being in Rutls county Georgia and containing one hundred and twenty-five acres more or less Bouuded on the north by lands of the widow Stroud, cast by lands of Goodman and Cook f west by lands of A. C. Fincher and south by lands of J. L, Fincher. These lands are in a high state of cultivation. The terms of sale will be cash. Title deeds will be made in the name of E. A. Fincher, with guar antee of same by virtue of said decree. J. T. Fincher. sale. Agreeably to an order of the court of ordinary of Rutts county, will be sold at auction, at the court house door of said county, on the first Tuesday in February next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: .Five shares Southern J/utual Building and Zoan Ass sociation stock, Atlanta, Ga., ten shares stock in the Carmichael Cos., Jackaou, Ga. Sold as the property of E. S. Wynn, late of said county, deceased. Terms cash. J. H. Carmichael, Adm’r. ef E. S. Tl’vnn. By virtue ot an order from the court of ordinary of Futts county, w ill be sold on the first Tuesday in February, 1594, at the court bouse door in 6aid county, be tween the ltgal sale hours, the tract of laud m said county whereon S. M- Wea ver resided at the time of his death, con taining 100 acrss, more or less, adjoining lauds of J. E. Weaver, J. F. Thaxton, ,T. B. Evans and W. F TFeaver. Fresh lauds and all in good repair. Terms cash. Samaxtjia M. Wiaver. Adm'rtrix. of F. M TFeaver. NOTICE. (GEORGIA—Butts Conuty. Beginning Ist day of January, 1594, all cost# due by executors, administrators or guardians, and all costs due in cases tried before and under and by virtue of the sev eral statutes of this state must be paid when work is done, or judgement entered. J. F. Carmichael, Ordinary. The Largest Retail CLOTHIERS in the South. PRICE TO ALL.-^^> . . MACON, . . • • ATLANTA, . . Ss' ? -554 Cherry Street. 39“4f Whitehall 32*34 S. Broad. ORANGE BLOSSOM IS AS SAFE AND HARMLESS AS ux i?oviitice. It is applied right to the parts. It cures all diseases of women. Any lady can use it herself. Sold by AUL DRUGGISTS. Mailed to any address on receipt of sl. Dr. J. A. McGill & Go., 3 and 4 Eaiaorama Place. Chicago, HI. For sale by DR, W L. CARMICHAEL, Ayer’s Pills THE BEST Family Medicine cr CURE fc.f ) Sick Headache, CONSTIPATION, Dvspepsia - Liver Troubles. Easy to Take. The delicate sugar-coating of Ayer’s Tills dissolves immediately on reaching the stomach, and permits the full strength of each ingredient to he speedily assimilated. Asa cathartic, either for travelers or as a family medicine, Ayer’s rills are the best in the world. Preparedby Dr. J. C. Ayer &Cos., Lowell, Masß. Every Dose Effective CLRJES RISING ..Breast “MOTHER’S FRIEND” blessing ever offered child-bearing woman. I have been a mid-wife for many years, and in each case where “Mother’s Friend” hadbeenused itbas accomplished wonders and relieved much suffering. It is the best remedy for rising of the breast known, and worth the price for that alone. Mrs. M. M. Bruster, Montgomery, Ala. I can tell all expectant mothers if they will use a few bottles of Mother’s Friend they will go through the ordeal without any pain and Suffering. Mrs. May Branham, Argusville, N. D. Used Mother’s Friend before birth oi my eighth child. Will never cease its praise. Mrs. J. F. Moore, Colusa, Cal. Sent by express, charges prepaid, on receipt of price, $1.50 per bottle. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Sold by all druggists. Atlanta, Ga, Pimples AND Blotches £RE EVIDENCE That the blood is wrong, and that nature is endeav oring to throw off the impurities. Nothing is so beneficial in assisting nature as Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) It is a simple vegetable compound. Is harmless to the most delicate child, yet it forces the poison to the surface and eliminates it from the blood. I contracted a severe case of blood poison that unfitted me for business for four years. A few bottles of Swift’s Specific (S. S. S.) cured me. J.C. Jones, City Marshal, Fulton, Arkansas, Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Swift Sfecieic Cos., Atlanta, Ga. HARNESS MANUFACTORY. A. G. Hitchinshas opened up another enterprise. He is now manufacturing hand-made buggy, carriage and wagon harness and using only th best hand tanned Chestnut Oak Leather. He war rants his work, and also keeps in stock all the parts of harness so he can fit you up in a moment’s notice. It is his inten tion to give you HAND-MADE Harness at about the same prices you would pay for machine stitched. Repairs well and promptly done. Take your harness to his shop and have it repaired. His is the only' manufactory between Macon acdAtlai ta. Call and take a look through his large stock of fine buggies and carriages, and buy you one of those fine iJarnesville Buggies aud a set of bis fine hand made harness. He will be pleas<?d to show you jthrough. and if you wish to purchase w ill ' ? ave yon money. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fa'r. Powciei Tlie onlv Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. —No Ammonia: No Alum. - - :•> Years (lie STOP AT THE Morrison House. EVERYTHING NE TV ANEFIRST CLASS. Conveniently Located. Free Sack to Depot. C. R. Gresham, Pmpriet r DEMPSEY HOUSE. SOUTHEAST CORNER PUBLIC SQUARE, JACKSON, GA. Strict y first-class in all respects. Give it a trial when you come to Jack son. Terms moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed. SIRS. A. M. JESTER, Prop. decl4-3m CLEVELAND HOUSE. JACKSON, - - - - GA. The only brick Hotel between Atlan ta and Macon. Board $2 00 per day. Miss Jennie Wallace. Prop. dec!4 12m Dr. O H. Cantrell DENTIST, ~ J4OKSON, GEORGIA. Dr.T. K.Tharpe, DENTIST, FLO VILLA, - - GEORGIA. Crown and bridge work and all the latest methods of dentistry. Teeth ex tracted without pain. Prices moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed, Wright & Beck, Attorneys at Law, JACKSON, - - - GEORGIA. ANDERSON & CURRY, attorneys at law. Negotiates loans on real estate. Office up stairs over the Yellow store, Jackson, Georgia. M. M. MILLS, attorney atlaw. Office in court house, Jackson, Georgia. M. V. McKIBBEN. Attorney at Law, JACKSON, GOERGIA. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS Tke regular annual stock hold ers’ meeting of the Jackson Bank ing Cos. will be held at the Bank office on Tuesday, January 9th, 1894, at 11 o’cl iek am. A full representation is desired. L D Watson, Cashier. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. All persons are hereby notified not to extend anv credit to my wife, Mrs Mattie Bryant, formerly Miss Matt e Swint. I will pay no bills contracted bv her. J. W. Bryant. Dec. 13,1893. 4t. Ripans Tabules, Ripans Tabules are com pounded from a prescription widely used by the best medi cal authorities and ar pre sented in a form that is be coming the fashion every where. - - \ l IS Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach and intestines: cure dyspepsia, habitual constipa tion, offensive breath and head ache. One tabule taken at the first symptom of indigestion, biliousness, dizziness, distress ; enr■ ■ a 2le w■ ■ .2c C 2;icullv. .. .:::>uies may ue OD tained o e nearest druggist. are' ca y to take, ±\ * -<• - A r' \V *1- *-4wak • \ QUiC*'* -vJ <• i l \.t • save many a aoo tor’s bill. od'O- 3? ® i CURES ALL SKIM, AN D BLDOB DISEASES. Fnyu'ciaiis eiidorc* P. rs a sphmdfd aii'l prescribe* it with [rroat- sdiit*sci!on for feho cares of ail forms so.*3 rtPCoa of Primary, Focordnry and TerUi-tV hhhhhh Syphilis, tsvphuraUj Kh-inattom. Scroraioua Uicer* r.qs fei>:-cs. Glandular Swellings, Rheumatism, Malaria, o Chrcr-.g Ulcers that, have icshted r>ll treatment, Cst^rr^t, ft n ft c cures fPP tall S $ s o I © w I tJiSyfl lOMaafxorrz; pay-.- hk\n D\£+.%L4i. s* i-skumi, Ck veins Female Complaints, cvnal JVhaon, Tetter, Scald litrod, ete., etc. Pt F- P. i a ifcwsrfai toidr, nd ar. ejceilent fiDpeUif-r, hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ladies whose fr tjins ; re *poicor.*d aadwhcs? blood !a ryri yjymiro^cor- -.hi? *>, tr> nr^nsirim] ir:: . ;J' - * i•• s. K fg |j ii r I r P F Hill IQIa i @ i ® 1 ® iualmiiA peculiarly benefited by~S* wo’ivCSSI itonia Mansttcf propsftiao of ?. S’. V., Prickly Ash, Poke Root hhhhh JXMUX im, fcnprirtoxs, itewrfets. LLsssnaii’s Block, EAT A3 3 AH,, SA GEORGIA—ALABAMA BUSINESS COLLEGES. Macon, Ga.j and Montgomery , 4ia. Only Chain of Business Colleges In The South. Instructions purely practical. Stu dents of each college con-luot Actual Business Transactions with those of the othei by Mail, Freight and Ex press. Four Departments—Commercial, Stenograph, TeDyrapli and Pen art. Pupils Guaranteed the comple tion of any couise in Jess time at less expense and more thoroughly than any other institution. Both colleges open the entire year. Graduates assisted to positions, or full particulars write to WYATT & MARTIN, Macon, Ga„ or Montgomery, Ala- GRAPE VINES FOR aSALE. Any one wanting grape vines, Concord or ivee, call on B. F. Watkins. Vines at lp cents each. Experience teaches that one acre in grapes will make more than five acres in cotton. So come ami get the vines. Now is the time to set them. drrT 1:n T3. F. Watkins. JACKSON INSTITUTE Jackson: : : : : Georgia O VU Spring Term Begins Jan. 2, ;B<J RATS OF TUITION: Primary Classes, per term, : ; $6.50 Inermediate and Collegiate Classes, term, 5;9.53 Art Lessons, per month, : $2.50 to $3.00 Music, vocal or instrumental, per mo. $3-00 Parent?, do you want your boys and girls biought un to til highest possible perfection of manhood and womanhood ? it J on musl have the very best teachers t> help you. We 1,11 them in the Jackson Institute. Not a school in Georgia is more thorough, systematic, or bettei disciplined. Most excellent advantages offered in Art, Music, Elocution am Oratory. The tuition is as low as you could ask. Board can b had at from ten to twelve dollars per month, Catalogue and a! information cheerfully'sent on application. Address, JAS. C, BLASINGAME, D ' cl4 6ai President of JACKSON IBSTITUTL i tw Wait not > wie a tw**' " ,e,tork - WtwWSf WiTCHES. JEWELITETE til J| P L Miller, | JiillkSOn X efDfmptef Sm r Repairing MULBERRY STj t——lj ACKSON and Is oi Business Hint ILL, Even Its Com liters, AcMdp is an Absolute t NECESSITY. ITFURNISHES Our merchants customers, our capitalists renters, our laborers work, on people Buggies, Carriages, Wagons, ami Carts that will kill a mule to tear 1 pieces. IT FURNISHES Old Hickory and Tennessee Wagons in car lots and will have a car fii ot January. Our people can gel Saddles, Bridles, Ilarnee*, Whips and La Robes at prices that can not be duplicated. IT FURNISHES The oldest and largest Guano dealer in town who handles nothing bn ihe best goods and wili be'amplv stocked to supply his numerous customer from January 1, 1894. Rcspectiully, January 1, 1894 j| R, CARMICHAEL in m till AT TIE BARGAIN STORE. GRAND BANKRUPT SALE! SIO,OOO Worth of Goods to Go at Wholesale Cost at COHEN’S, Jackson, - ... We have recently purchased a large stock of goods consisting of Dry Goods, Notions, Roots. Shoes, Hats, etc., at a Bankrupt sale in Macon, Ga., and we intend selling them out at wholesale We bought them for less than they really cost in job lots and oy customers will get the benefitoi our haiga ; n sale. Never in "W history ol Jackson have such goods been offered at the.-e price and the first to come will get the pick and choice. Come one and all! Examine the Goods! Get the prices! We will convince you that we are the people, and yon are forever a customer of our stoie. We have been doing business in Jackson long enough to estab fish ourselves as honest merchants, doing exactly what we and and making no misrepresentations. Truly your friends, R. COHEN & BRO. .