The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, April 05, 1894, Image 3

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wanted! Wanted! 1,000 MEN, MEN, MEN! v # t to - V 1,000 WOMEN, WOMEN! 1,000 BOYS AND GIRLS! 1,000 BABIES! BABIES! 1,000 Koung Ladies from 15 lo 20 years old! TO SHOW, TO BLOW, TIE TROTH! TIE TROTS! TEE KEW YORE STORE has by far the largest and most complete stock of Spring and Summer goods in Middle Georgia— that more care and taste never has been displayed, never than before, and that the NEW YORK STORE, the “Old Reliable,” will always wear the “blue ribbon” as “The Leaders and Controllers ol Low Prices.” ♦ Clothing, Etc. This line, as all otheis, is bought direct from the manufacturers, and is perfect fitting and to suit the most fastidious in the latent tad. Don’t fail to see us if you want a suit, and we will please you in price and quality, Millinery. This is a fine point; etick a pin here. Next to a nice dress is a pretty, stylish hat, and our nailli nery department under the direo tion of Miss Jackson is a gem, and our efforts in this line will far sur pass all others. Due announcement of our regular spring opening will be made. Remember the creme* de-la-creme will be found under our canopy. The etceteras, gloves, handkerchiefs, hose, embroideries, parasols, and all other necessary paraphernalia we show in the very latest and most approved designs. Shoes, Uppers. We have long won the “blue rib bon on this line simply by giving ' the people honest, straight goods all guaranteed. Scott Tennant won't sell a shoddy sh ;e and look you square in the face. The cheap Eastern trash that is being sold in comj etition but advertises this de partment as one of the standbys. Our growing business, we cannot enumerate all, but come to see us, invite your friends, and when you do we feel sure we will send you away a walking advertise ment of the manv, beautiful, stylish, as well as cheap things we have to show. THE CARMICHAEL COMPANY, Proprietors oi the NEW YORK STORE, JACKSON, GA. NOTICE THIS! On Opigril Ini util Friday Night M Disjliy tf Dress Deeis, liitf, k I COBDIJL WELCOME EXTENDED TO ALL Dress Goods. Our lovely French Dress Patterns with trimmings to match, cannot be excelled in beauty nor price. In fact, our Dress Goods depart ment is more elaborate, larger and choicer, and absolutely leaves no excuse for a lady to go to Ailanta or elsewhere to do her shopping, Kindly give this department a peep and you will be charmed. Mies Anna Snell and Miss Jackson, two ladies of exquisite taste and expe rience will lend their valuable as aistance in our Dress Goods de partment. and will see to it that nothing ia shoved off on you that is not in perfect taste. BUTTS COUNTY S. S. ASSOCIATION. This useful body met at the Worth ville, M. E. church, on March 30th, 1804. The meeting was harmonious, and Mr. W. M. Mallett sustained his enviable reputation as a presiding officer. The next meeting of the body will be held at the Holiness Cainp grouuds. The fol lowing delegates were elected to repre sent our convention in the State conven tion, in Atlanta: G. B. Elder, R. V. Smith, J. W.Minter, A. F. White, H. T. Barnes, a. J. Roberts, O. H. Cantrell, Frank Z. Curry, W. J. Kimbell, S. a. Biles. J. G. Kimbell, D. J. Carmichael. M. .1. Britton, 1.. E. O’Neal. Misses Della Thompson. Fannie Gibson. Eula Hodge, Claude Heard, Giddie Cook, Mrs. Zudie Irby. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: J. G. Kimbell, jr., president; O. H. Cantrell, vice; J. M. McMichael, treasury: F. 7. Curry, secretary. Choiristers—M. O’Neal. T. .1. Edalgo. Marshals—J. C. Maddox. J. W. Miuter. The retiring president made a talk that will live long after he is no more, in taking leave of the body as its pre siding officer, There were plenty of the best eatables for everybody and the at tendance was good. We bid these good people God speed in their noble work. Watch out at Gilmore & Hencely’s for all kinds f case goods, such as apples,, peaches, pickles, etc., fresh and of the best quality. 4-5-2 t NOTICE, This is to give notice that the firm of Thurston & 2haxton is this day diaaelred. -411 accounts for work done ia 1893, are in the hands of J. H. Thurston. All accounts for work iu 1894 are payable to D. F. 7haxton, who assumes all responsibilities, and will continue the buainess at the old stand, having bought mi. Thurston out. Thankii.g the people for their past patron age, I respectfully solicit a continuation of the same, promising good work at reason able rates. Respectfully, 4 o 4t I). F. Tttaxton, Don’t /ail to see the new slices and goods at the Blue Store. THE STAR STORE. “what a beauty!” is the expression of every one, who takes a peep at the win dows of the Star Store. Those windows display a taste of artistic beauty and arrangement, of colors so as to produce the most optical sensation known to the cultivated mind of a citizen of this christianized nation, in this the 19th century. But though you pass through a daintily arrayed display all the way hack through the store, you are still dazed with the magnificant arrangement of the most costly material, intermingling their every hue in the millinery room. It is too beautiful a picture to paint with words. Go and see it. Misses Coving ton and Hightower will welcome you. We will have something more to say about this next week. Mrs. Languish. “Tired! Oh so tired all the time.’' Mrs. Smart. “Well, so I used to be until I began te take Ayer’s Sarsaparilla as a spring medicine, and now I don’t know what it is to have that tired feeling. Try it, my dear: only be sure you gat Ayer’s.” We call attention to the announcement of Mr. W. A. Maugham for the office ef tax receiver. Every one who knows Mr. Maugham, and nearly everybody knows him, has no doubt as to his competency. He served his country four years in the days that tried men’s souls. He was a true soldier and fought to defend the people lie now ashs to help him in the days when he has grown old and needy. Who could resist the appeal? He has waited on more sick folks, sat up more at night and loves to do so, and his own family has been sick for ten years. Now, he only asks you to give him work that he can do as well as any one to enable him to pay his debts. If you wish a Barnesville Bug gy, or a low prico buggy, you can procure it at the Jackson Carri age Factory, where you will have the largest stock to select from. Harness and robes in endless varieties. THE NEW YORK STORE. When ene enters The New fork Store their yision is met by a flash of beauty that beggars description. The back ground is composed of layer after layer, of a solid and firm appearance dotted with the brightest and costliest apparel ever brought to this county, and ever and anon, indiscriminately rising in your view are pyramids of cane shaped beau ties, built of dainty kerchiefs, fans etc. While gazing on the scene one thinks perfection is a tame name for the ar rangements of the different views. Bat when ushered into the millinery depart ment by the cleverest Whitney in the country, upon entering one is awe stricken. The drapery of the finest and most costly patterns, combining in a harmonious whole forms a perfect bou quet of loveliness, whose magnificent proportions are beyond comprehension. as you look and look, trying to take in the whole arrangement, you are lost in wonder, and throwing your eyes heaven ward, behold the canopy eyen through the skylight is decorated in a way to eommand the admiration of every lover of beauty, ajb we go to press the grand opening is the talk of the town, and we will have more to say next week. Procure yourself a Jackson Buggy before the picnic season is upon you. We are too busy this week ► •4 To write an ativertiseiueiit. BUT THE GOODS ARE HERE AND ARE GOING FAST. Come and see for yourself, and be convinced. Our Shoe trade is marvelous. lew pits are coining in on nearly every train. THE JACKSON MERCANTILE CO. Mr. A. Cohen visited Atlanta on Sun day last. It is our opinion that the backbone of winter has been broken. We hope so, at least. Miss Leila McGahey, of Jenkinsburg, was in town Saturday. Miss Nellie Cason attended church at Corinth Sunday. Miss Pauline Thaxton spent several days visiting relatives in the country last week. Last Saturday was the day that closed the partridge season. Now if you want quail on toast you will have to take jay bird. Miss Kate Jones, of Hampton, who has a fine school at Towaliga, in this county, was in Jackson Saturday. The “Hotel Beauchamp” now has five boarders who are waxing fat at the county’s expense. The farmeis can now get in some tell ing licks preparatory to planting cotton. Mr. Mat Byars and wife have gone to Florida for their health. They will spend a month or two in the ‘,Land 0 f Flowers” recreating. The contortionist had a sls house on Saturday night, His programme was a very good one, and was well worth the price of admission. “Orange Blossom” gives immediate relief and permanently cures all dis eases peculiar to ladies. Sold by W. L. Carmichael. The manners and general deportment of the pupils of Jackson Institute are ob served and favorably commened upon by all our people. A visitor who met the school on the sidewalk recently, said: “Those teachers down there teach some thing even better than books.” • Judge Pound was busy Saturday re ceiving teachers returns for the quarter. The quarterly payment plan is a great in centive to teachers. Claud Gray, who is attending school at Mercer University, Maeon, Ga., spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents near Jackson. Hampton Daughtry can show you the prettiest and, without doubt, the cheapest line of ready made clothing ever seen in Jackson. Homer Reed was circulating in Jackson Wednesday and adding new names to the already large list of subscribers the At lanta Journal has here. Mr. J. H. Land declares very candidly that in his opinion General Evans is the best man that has ever been on earth since Christ lsft it. Guthrie was in the lumber business last Saturday. He waa lumbering up and down the streets of Flovilla. ggggggg Miss Minler Ham spent last week in the city with friends and relatives. J. G. Maxwell is finishing a nice set of harness for Mr. Joe Wright. Don’t take internal remedies for fe male diseases. Common sense re quires a direct application like “Or ange Blossom.” Sold by W. L. Car michael. We were in error last week in stating that Mr, Johnnie Settles *%nd family would move to the country. He is stop ping at the Morrison House for the pres ent, and will soon build a good dwelling house. Dr. G. W. Gardner’s horse ran away and tore his buggy into fragments on Monday last. No one hurt. LOST—A very large plain gold ring. Engraved on tho inside “Jennie to Tube.” The finder will be rewarded by returning ring to this office, or to T. L. Williams. 4t Rheumatism and catarrh are blood diseases, for which Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a sure specific. The Populists met at the court house on Saturday and elected three executive committeemen for the next two years. S. C. McCandless was elected chairman, R. W. Maya was elected secretary. They also elected W. F. Smith and S. H. Mays, delegates to the State convention, which convenes in Atlanta on 16,th of May. A number of our citizens are urging Mr. D. J. Thaxton to announce his name as candidate for clerk of the court. We called on Mr, Thaxton to know what he would do about the matter, but be was undecided and would not say that he would run or that he would not. Dr. J. B. Hawthorne will give his in imitable lecture on “Manly Men and Womanly Women,” at the Institute on Friday night of this week. This is Dr. Hawthorne’s favorite lecture and those who go out to hear him will not only he benefitted by so doing but will help a good cause. Go, one and all, and hear this renowned orator and minister of great prominence. Admission, adults 25c, children 15c. A new lot of John B Stetson hats, in all the new shapes, just received at the Star Store. See the change of schedule of the East Tennessee road in this issue. This is the best schedule that Jackson has had in a long time, and we are in hopes that the railroad authorities will let it remain long enough for us to get accustomed to it. Thin or gray hair and bald heads, so displeasing to many people &3 marks of age, may be averted for a longtime by using Hall’s Hair Renewer, At 3:30 o’clock Friday night a freight hove into town with a carload of cotton on fire. The cotton was compressed and ! the car contained fifty bales. The cot ton, car and the railroad under it was entirely consumed. The conductor tied on the burning car at McDonough, but it was not discovered to he on fire until the train stopped at Jackson. We have it from reliable authority that Bob Fish is going to walk the tight rope and lead a two year old ohild, at the fair grounds out at Blackackle one day soon. Bob can do most any thing that comes to hand, but he will have a large crowd out to see this ex hibition, as he only has one leg, and we are at a loss to know how lie can perform such a feat. Take our advice and never send off for anything you can buy, beg or steal at home, for the best way to make home enterprises prosper is to patronize home folks. The more money there is in any community the more that community will prosper if it is well invested and kept active. The money that goes away from home rarely comes back again. Those new long Regent suits in cutaways and sack, are “out of sight.” As to fit, quality and price, they connot be excelled. Star Store. To the ladies—A kiss Is the anatomi cal juxtaposition of two orbicularlis muscles in a state of contraction. For samples and other information call on the Junior editor of the Argus. The Constitutton of Sunday contains an article to the effect that Mr. W. F. Smith, of Flovilla, had made arrange ments to light up Jackson, Monticello, Indian Spring and Flovilla by electricity generated from a plant to he situated at Smith’s mill, on the Ocmulgee river. If such a project as this is on foot, it is the first we have heard of it, and we are m a position to know such things. The article contains some feasible statements, however, and if such a thing should happen, it would work greatly to the interest of the places mentioned. The Grand Opening at The New York Store will be continu ed through tomorrow, Friday the 6th. A $lO souvenir will be given away tonight (Thursday) at 9 o’clock, after prayer meeting. At present the only candidates who have intimated that they will be in the race for senator from this district are, Cabaniss, Bartlett, Bener, and Atkin son, of this county. They are all good men and either might fill the office very acceptably. Cabaniss, however, hasn’t as many supporters in Butts as he had when he made the- race before, and it is very doubtful if he could get 300 votes iu Butts for his re-election to the office be now holds.