The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, June 07, 1894, Image 1

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all home print. VOL XXI] CuUNI'Y DIKEUIOUX. Ordinary —J E. Carmichael, JSii^ritl —J, O. Beauchamp, Jjt-pu: >—. W. Ci aw lord. fcjurvt yoi-- B. J. J inks, Irearurer —i.L. W llliamg. iaX Ot'llfClor —T. a. Cole, iaX litsueiver —c. R Carier. Coroner —!6uuoij itaruy. G.t-tk Superior Couri—joe Jolly ; cno t <ji'i Mood aye iu February aui Au^Ual. iioau Coa.aiisHiouere—Gls G. M. J. Li, Hdikle,), ii. G. As mry, T. (J, W imiwatu ; Old G # M , ,1, M. ball, J, it. Hale, J \V FieUsuer j GOi) G. AL, J. V> . Ailulei, J L. I J^ e, C>. Jv. ; Hl4 G. >l., J. VV. liolowaj, J. li. Gme, J. Van VV light; 552 G, Ai , u. Li, Moure. li. xVi. Harper, fr. M. Mad a ox; 012 G. Al f vV. u. (Jrnwiejf, cuiueiius McCiUare, 1. ii. iNolaw; 010 1. iVI., T # P. i>eli, K. Al lietcuei, J. G. Coiuweli; GIG (i. Ai.,J. 11. xNladuox, J, J. VViUou. J. G liai uea. lioaiu ot EdUtaUoh--YV M. Alai lei, A G llneijbiicj, J. 1. Uoouiuau, ii IN* L-drixiiofiuel, J. Al. MciVliciiaei. E E. Poi ud C, S>. C. Ulllee lh court house. Jury Couiuiißßiuherß--H. N. er-, T. L. Williams, W. tf. DuZitr, ix. J. Ball, 1. P. uail, AlexAlku sun. Jur itces Couri GIS Dist., H. A, VVuuuvvard, J. p.; j U, A. P tiiiJ Jisi 11 L. Brown, j, P.; H. C. Ulaxtoo, A. p, OOP IHB ~ A. Waldrup, J. P.; bone Moo t, A. p. 552 ißi. *aiueß Jolly, J # P.; J Al. AiauUux L\. P. Gl2 LHo., Howard Ham, J. P.; F. Z. Curry, N. P. GlO iliac., T. J. Collins, J. P • T. P. Beil, N. P, 61G Dist., O. B. Knowles, J, P.; J. L. Barnet, N. P. Gl4 Hist., A. H. Ogletree, J. P.; W. F. liouglas, N. P. CITY DIRECTORY. Mayor E. E. Pound. Coimoilinen—T. J. Lane, J. VV. Car michael, 13. P. Bailey, T. Al. Furlow. CHURCHES. Methodist—Rev. I’. VV. Bell, pastor. Services every ouiiday at 11, 7 p ui. Prayer meeting every Wed nett* di) main. Baptist -Rev G. W. Gardner, pas tor. otM vices every mi inlay at ii a. m. and 7 p.m. Prayer meeting every Tnuisdu) night. i I’li tfO) tcriau—Rev. Mr. tor. Services ever) 3rd al 11 mtd 7 p.m, and evert Ist btiuda) at 7 o.m. sKCIItT SOCIETIES. t it A. *l.—uti|)ici .ueet' 2nd and 4di vi jinl iv BiUc Loiigt*, Ist Hod Jrd udu\ iilg.iis liedim n— 2nd .nut 4th 'I UCsdaV uigiiis in eaeu month. Pltili'fiSSlO.UL C'AItD.S. W \Y .A N D EitSON . Fit AN K Z. C’URRY. ANDE . SON A CURRY. V,T4>lt\l: V S AX LAW. Negotiates loans on real estate. Office up stairs over the Yellow store, Jackson, Georgia. M. M MILLS, ATTOHN C¥ AT LAW• Office in court house, Jackson,Georgia. M. V. MIDDEN, Attorney at Law, JACKSON, GEORGIA. Dr.O.H. Cantrell. DENTIST, JACKSON, GEORGIA. . CLEVELAND HOUSE. JACKSON, - - - - QA. The only brick Hotel between Atlan* ta and Macon. Board $2.00 per day. Miss Jennie Wallace I’iop. decl4 12m DEMPSEY HOUSE. SOUTHEAST CORNER PUBLIC square, Jackson, ga. Strictly first-class in all respects. Live it a trial when you c me to Jack son. Terms moderate Satisfaction guaranteed. tins. A. fl. JESrEB, Pr.p. deel4-3ui STOP AT THE Morrison House. A’ VER YTHING JVE W AMjFIRST CLASS. Located. P Free Sack to Depot, 0. R. Gresham, Pi priet r gggggggggggggg REPEAL BILL RESTS For Thi3 Session, at Least, It Meets Its Doom. DEBATE CLOSED WITH SUEE DEFEAT In the Senate the Tobacco Schedule la Quickly Handled, and the Agricul tural Features of the Tariff Bill Brought Forward. Washington. June 7.—The bill to re peal the bank tax act was taken up at l-.uo, Air. .Turner, of Georgia, having fifteen minutes in which to speak in favor of the repeal and there being an hour and a quarter for argument against repeal, the time to be controll ed by r Mr. Dingley. In the Senate. At 10:30 the tariff bill was taken up, the question being on the tobacco schedule (F,) paragraph 184, as it came irom the house and as reported by the finance committee imposed a duty of $1 a pound on ail leaf tobacco suitable for cigar wrappers, if unstemmed, and $1.25 if stemmed. Mr. Jones’ amendment was to strike out the paragraph and substitute the following: “Wrappertobacco unstem med, imported in any bales, package or in bulk, $1.50 per pound; if stemmed, 12.25 per pound.” Mr. Jones, on behalf of the finance com mittee, modified the amendment by making the rate* $1 on unst>mmed wrapper tobacco and 5i.25 on stemmed. After discussion and at the sugges tion of Mr. Vest that the amendment remain as originally proposed, $1.50 and and $2.35 a pound, to save time and let the matter be considered afterwards in the senate, the Jones amendment as originally proposed was agreed to. To the next paragraph ()85) the fol lowing substitute was offered by the finance committee and agreed to : “Filler tobacco, unstemmed, impor ted in any bale, box, package or in bulk, 85 cents per pound : is stemmed, 50 cents per pound,” with various provisions. The next paragraph (380) remains as in the house bill, 40 cents on tobacco not specially providedfor. The next paragraph (187) was amend ed so as to make the duty on snuff 50 cents instead of 40. The next paragraph (188) was amend ed to read “cigars, cigarettes and che roots of all kinds, $4 per pound and 25 per cent, ad valorem, and paper cigars and cigarettes, including wrappers, shall be subject to same duties as here in imposed upon cigars.” 'This finished the tobacco schedule, and the next schedule (G) “agricultur al products and provisions,” was taken up. The first paragraph was 133, “20 per cent, advalorem on live animals uot specially provided for.” Mr. Hale moved to strike the paragraph and insert par agraph 247 of the existing law’, making the dutv on horses and mules S3O per head horses valued at $l5O and over to pay a duty of 30 per cent, valorem. Then followed the long debate of the day ; a very little of it devoted to tar iff subjects and a great deal of it to a wide range of subjects. Mr. Hale Aldrich. Vest, Dolph, Gallinger. Peffer and Cullom had more to say about the Oregon and Illinois elections than about the tariff bill. Stewart broke in with one of his usual speeches on silver. Mr. Hoar quoted with commendations a statement of Lord Salisbury in favor of protection ; and Mr. Cray met it with an equally strong declaration of Glad stone on the opposite side of the ques tion. That set Mr. Hoar off with a reference to Bismarck as greater than either Salisbury or Gladstone. Mr. Teller came into the Gladstone discuss ion and said his admiration of Mr. Glad stone was confined to two points—his great intellect and his great admiration for England ; but that there was not a charter in Gladstone’s history which indicated that his sympathy had ever gone beyound great Britian. The dis cus-ion assumed an accademic turn. The vote was taken and Mr. Hales amendment was rejected, —yeas 21-; nays 30. On this vote, Mr. Peffer voted aye: and Kyle populist of South Di. rota and Hill of New York voted nay. Mr. Allen did not vote. Mr. Hale then moved to make the iutv S2O, per head; and that amend ment was laid on the table, without a division. Iu the House. The eubject was further discussed by Mr. Bingraan republican of Pennsyl vania, Mr. Hall democrat of Missouri, Mr. Roberson, republican of Pennsyl vania, and Mr. Cockran, democrat of New York. The debate closed at 2:30 o'clock, and a vote was taken on the Cox amendment to repeal the ten per cent, tax outright. The vote was announced as. yeas 102 nays 170. The announcement was re ceived with slight applause. Th substitute of the committee on banking and currency for the original Brawley bill, suspending the operation of the 10 per cent tax as to the issues of certificates, etc. by clearing houses and other org-a izations last year, merolv changing the verbiage so as to ! make it more explicit, was defeated on ' a viva vote. Then the original bill was lost * This was the end of the ten days debate anti a result that oc casioned some surprise, and the an nouncement ua > r. ceived amid much confusion aud applanse. Mr. Holman moved that the house in ! comm ittee of the whole take up the Indian appropriation bill for the year ending June 30. 1895. Agreed to, and \1 r O’ Neill, democrat of Massachusetts, ZZi the chair. Mr. Holman asked that the first reading of the bill be aspensed with. Mr. Ray, republican f New York offer objected. The clerk oegan the task of wading through the 13S printed pages of the document, but had proceeded only a little way when in arrangement was affected by which lr Ray with irew his demand for tbe reading of the bill and Mr. Holman premised that t c house should adjourn. Adjourned at 3;-<i o'clock. JACKbOM, GA. 'IHUKbUAY, 7, 1894. GOSSIP FLOM BfIOABWAY. Perkhnrst tails l ;;(>n Patrolmen to Testify About Po)i<e Corruption. New York, June 7.- Albert S. Cald well. a well known member of the Pro duce and Consolidated Exchanges, died suddenly last night at his resilience, 885 St. Nichols avenue. .Mr. Caldwell had been connected with various bank ing interests in this city for the past thirty years. Several years ago he married the widowed daughter of Elias Howe, the sewing machine magnate. Mr. Caldwell, was a director of the Consolidated Exchange. lie was 50 years old. Death was caused, bv apo plexy. t orty-nine men working on ex-Com modore El bridge T. Gerry’s new pal ace, at Fifth avenue and Sixty-first street, struck this morning. The rea son for the strike is the importation from Paris of the marble for the man tle pieces. Under a rule of the trade unions of New York, enacted June Ist. last, no member of the organizations is allowed to work on any building in the construction of which foreign labor is employed. Yesterday's strike is the first one under the new rule. The Rev. I)r. Parkhurst yesterday issued an address to the patrolmen of the police force of New York City. He insists that the charges made by his society have been proved by the testi mony taken before the Lexow commit tee. He then urges the men to aid the investigation by coming forward and testifying to all the facts in their pos session. To induce them to do so he declares that the society and the com mittee have the power, and have made due preparations to fully protect every person who gives evidence. THE COFFINS TAKEN TO PRISON. “Bending ta the Btorm, but it Shall Not Break Us.” Indianapolis, .Tune 7. —Francis B, Coffin and Percival A. Coffin, who were sentenced to ten and fifteen years re spectively in the Northern penitentiary for defrauding the Indianapolis Na tional bank, left for the prison at 11:50 a. m., in charge of deputy U. S. mar shals. It was the intention of the court to sentence ex-President Theodore P. Ilaughey of. the Indianapolis National bank, who pleaded guilty several weeks ago. to-day, but on request of Haughey that he be taken to prison by U. S. Marshal Hawkins in person, District Attorney Burke and Judge Baker post poned his sentence until Thursday, at which time he will be taken north. Early this morning Rev. C. A. Carster son, rector of St. Paul’s cathedral, of which the Coffins were prominent members, called on them at the jail and offered to accompany them to Michigan City, which offer was ac cepted. The preacher came out of the cell with tears in his eyes. “It*s too bad,” he said, “but they bear up bravely under the awful strain.” F. A. Coffin said to a reporter: “Why you say anything about us? The pub lic is not interested in our movements. What does it matter to anybody but our friends how we passed the night? I slept well. I suppose that I shall sleep well wherever I am. I feel that the storm is on me and I am bend ing to it I don’t intend to let it break me. lam w aiting uutil it passes, and it will pass.” ROSEBERY’S HORSE WINS. The Great English Derby Run and Won by the Favorite, Ladas. London, June 7. —The great Derby race, offering a purse of six thousand sovereigns, the winner to receive five thousand sovereigns, the nominator of the winner, five hundred sovereigns, the owner of the second three hundred sovereigns, and the owner of the third two hundred sovereigns, out of the race for the three-year-olds, was run yester day. The race was won by Earl Rosebery’s Ladas. Lord Arlington’s Matchbox finished second and T. Cannon's Reminder third. This makes Lord Rosebery the pos sessor of two of the proudest distinc tions possible to a Briton the premier ship and the Derby prize. In this con nection it is recalled that in a recent speech at Eton Lord Rosebery said: “I take advantake of this opportuni ty to say publicly, in answer to repre sentations which have reached me from various quarters, including one anti gambling society, that I do not feel one vestige of shame in posessing a good horse that can win races.” REBELLION IN CHINA. Imperial Troops Defeated la Every En gagement Thus Far. London, June 7. —A dispatch to the Times from Tien Sing, China, says that the rebellion in the provinces of Kirin and Mancheoria is extending greatly. Mounted banditti, armed with repeat ing rifles, have defeated the imperial troops in every engagement and have occupied several important positions, including the Sar Sing arsenal, in which 900,000 rifles are stored. The situation is so alarming that Viceroy Li Hung Ching is awaiting the gather ing of a large force of troops before attempting to suppress the rebellion. Fair, Slightly Cooler. Washington, June 7.—Forecast: For Georgia, fair, preceded by showers on the coast in the early morning, slightly cooler in the southeast portion: winds becoming northwest. lor Alabama, fair, slightly cooler in extreme south ern portion, slightly warmer in extreme northern portion, north winds. Ten nessee, fair; warmer, variable winds. Great Wheat Crop in Texa9. Dallas, Tex., June 7.—The wheat crop of Dallas county is now being har vested. It will sum up six hundred thousand bushels or 150,000 more t an last year. The commercial is $400,000. This is the finest crop produced in for ty years. . % Georgia’s Third Party Dally. Atlanta, June 7.—At a meeting of the executive comm ttee of the third party, it was decided yesterday to issue the proposed daily on July 4th. to be called “Our Daily.” Hon. Tom Wat* a will be the managing editor. BLOODY TEEBITTLE Miners use Desperate 'Means to Accomplish Desperate End3. OLE OVER TEE DEAD AND .WOODED, The Peoria District in a Seige of Excite ment. Intensified |>y the Determina tion of the Lair to Stop the lawlessness. Peoria, 111.. June 7.—One dead body, several men on the verge of the grave, a number of others seriously injured, $30,000 worth of property absolutely destroyed and many homes made deso late was the result of an att *mpt made by the miners of the Peoria district to close the mine operated by Little Bros., in Tazewell county, a mile or more back of Wesley City. The dead: Edward Blower, of Bar tonville, married; shot in side of neck and killed instantly. Injured: James Little, shot twice in the body; thought to be fatally injured. Peter Little, secretary shot in the left eye and in right arm; seriously injured. Peter Little, Jr., shot in the left side. W'm. Dixon, colored, shot in the right arm and through the left shoulder; may die. Several miners were shot, but they were taken away and no one could se cure any information from them about anything. The tragedy was the sequel of the meeting held at Bartonville the other day, about which there was so much secrecy. No one got the faintest inkling of what was done at the meet ing. Now everybody knows. It was decided at that time that the Little Bros., mine must close. Then there could be no equivocation, no quibbling, no half way measure. It must close and remain closed. In consequence of the conclusion ar rived at that meeting about 400 miners started out of Bartonville at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon. They came from nearly all the mines in the district. Without anything having been previ ously said on the subject, except in the utmost secrecy, every man apparently came armed. They were desperate and were ready to use desperate means to accomplish desperate ends. Sheriff Frederick, of Pekin, Taswell county having - been advised of the trouble went to the mines with a posse. The strikers crossed the Illinois on boats and were met on the side by the sheriff who commanded peace and rea soned with them in vain. Led by a stalwart miner with a revolver in each hand, crying: “Follow me” they made a charge on the mine. The two Littles and their two sons and a t'oin.V j man retreated into the tower over the shaft and opened fire on the besiegers some of whom fell. The fire was returned and the men in the tower hoisted a white flag for surrender. The firing was hotly continued and the tower rid dled. The shaft was set on fire and the air shaft closed. The crowds fled in dismay as it was feared the powder house would be ignited. Later accounts show that of the par ty besieged, John Jackson, a negro was killed. Ed. Little was shot in the breast and may die. There were eight or ten miners in the shaft and it is feared all were suffocated. Among these are Gus and Fred Moritz and John Roekey, Ed. blour, one of the attacking party was killed and a half a dozen other strikers were wounded. It is believed two more of the strikers will die. The sheriff and posse have returned to Pekin. They were unable to handle the mob. The wildest ex citement exists. BISHOP FITZGERALD TALKS. Distinguished Georgia Divine Preaches to a Large Audience in North Carolina. Greensboro, N. C.. June 7. —The commencement exercises at the Greens boro Female college were formally opened yesterday by the baccalaureate sermon by Bishop Fitzgerald, of Atlan ta. The speaker took for his text. “Her price is far above rubies.” The bishop devoted a great deal of his time to a protest against woman’s suffrage, yet he spoke in the most respectful and loving manner of the women of the Bible. He said that no advance in civ ilization can ever excuse female suf frage. The sermon was full of good advice and not calculated to huit the feelings of any one. Greensboro has again donned holiday clothes in honor of her institution of learning. Most of the business houses are decorated with white and green, the colors of the college. TILLMAN FOR THE SENATE. South Carolina's Governor Openly Declares His Candidacy. V Winston, N. €., June 7. —Governor Tillman of South Carolina was inter viewed here on his return home from New York. He said that dispensaries and high license will be t e issue in the fall campaign in South Carolina. The question w’ill be settled by dem ocratic primaries in August. “I will not he a candidate for governor, but will be in the race for senator Butler's seat.” said the governor, “And I expect to win.'’ It was Representative Cadmus, Washington, June 7. —Under pres sure from the sugar scandal investigat ing committee, Gaston the wire manu facturer to-day told the committee that it was representative Cadmus of New’ Jersey to whom he had told the story of what he overhead at the Arlington hotel. Georgia Hankers’ Resolutions. Atlanta. June 7. -The Georgia bankers* association adopted resolu tions indorsing the financial legislation of the present congress; another reso lution recommending the issue of low interest bearing bonds. Kditor Thompson Arrested. Greenwood. S. C., June 7.—Editor W. W. 1 hompson, of the Greenwood Advo ette, was yesterday arrested for shoot ing Editor P. E. Rowell, of the Green wood Leader, three weeks ago, Row -1 *ll is in a critical condition. June, POLICE SENSATIONS SPRUNG. The Investigation on in New York Takes an Interesting Tarn. . New York June 7. —There were two distinct sensations in police circles yes terday. The first was apparent when, unheralled. John W. Goff called Gid eon Granger. Commissioner MeClave’s ex-son-in-law. to the stand in the po lice investigation. Mr. Granger’s tes timony was very important. He told how he had been shadowed by detec tives and had been threatened with State prison. The second sensation oc curred at Police Headquarters, when Commissioner Murray, at the board meeting in the afternoon, introduced a resolution ordering Superintendent Byrnes to prefer charges against the officer testified about by the several witnesses who have appeared before the Lexow Committee. Mr. Murry says the Police Board has no right to 6it as a judge and jury, while acting also in the role of prosecutor. He claims that Superintendent Byrnes is the official head of the uninformed force, and should make the charges. The Commissioner also wants ail con tracts under SI,OOO advertised. THE RAILROAD WAR. Memphis Consigners now Benefltted by an Extensive Cut. Memphis, Tenn., June 7. —The rail road war rages with increased yiru lence. It broke out in another spot yesterday and this time Memphis con signers get the benefit of an extensive cut. The Louisville and Nashville in Memphis notified shippers that there will in a few days, be put into effect a sweeping reduction in freight rates from all Ohio River points and Mem phis to the southwest territory. These reductions are on the first six classes and on class “A” which includes dry goods, boots and shoes, molasses, hardware and in fact nearly all articles of general merchandise excepting hay, grain and flour. This reduction will go into effect on June 10th. STATE TROOPS NOW BUSY. In Ohio Governor McKinley Calls Out th* .Militia to Protect the Mines. Columbus, 0., June 7’ —Governor Mc- Kinley ordered out the state troops last night to prevent the interference with the operation of railroad trains in eastern Ohio by striking miners, which has been going on for several days. The troops called out comprise the Bth, 14th, and companies of the 17th regiment of infantry, and battery “II” of the first artillery regiment. The order was given very quietly and the movement of local troops put in action, carefully made under cover of dark ness. The 14th regiment and the bat tery, which belong here, all left for the east at midnight, going by the B. and O. on a special train. DERELICT SIGHTED AGAIN. Wrecked Schooner Fannie E. Woolston Has Been Seen Again. New York, June 7. —The wrecked schooner Fannie E. Woolston has again been seen. This Derelict was aband oned on fire north of Cape Hatteras in October, 1891. After drifting hundreds of miles, and being repeatedly report ed, she was seen in February, 1893 near where she was abandoned. She has been seen seyeral times since then. The steamer Alps, which arriv >d today from Samaica, reports that on her out ward passage on May 12, in latitude 83.01, longitude 78.42, the derelict was sighted. The wreck has been a serious menance to navigation for a long time. CAROLINA PROHIBITIONISTS. South Carolina May Have a Fight at the Polls. Columaia, S. C.. June 7.—Delegates to the state prohibition convention, which meets here today have all ar rived. The executive committe has as surances that twenty-four out of thirty counties have full delegations. A strong sentiment will favor the nomi nation of a full Btate ticket, but the greater probability is that the fight will be made in the democratic primar ies for the election of a legislature pledged to enact an ironclad prohibi tion law. CHILDREN POISENED. Distressing Death of Five Catholic School Boys. Tabrytown, N. Y„ June 7.—Five boys, whose ages ranged from five to twelve years, inmates of the Catholic Sisters of Mercy home in this villiage, have died from poisening, the result of eating herbs picked on the playground of the institution. Seven more boys are critically ill from the same cause. What the Coal Famine Means. > Jackson, Tenn., June 7.—Owing to the scarcity of coal from the great coal strike the Mobile and Ohio railroad shops here laid off thirty-five men to day. Two or three trains have also been taken off. The Jackson water works are mixing wood and coal. The Illinois Central is hauling its coal stowed along the southern divisions to the Chicago division. Factories are finding it difficult to get coal. Mississippi Prohibitionists Meet. Jackson, Miss., June, 7.— The state prohibition convention met here yes terday. Chairman Henry Ware stated that the immediate object of the con vention was to secure a more perfect organization. The roll of congression al districts showed three represented by fifteen delegates. An executive committee was appointed and R. T. Hobbs, of Lincoln, was elected chair man. Strikers in Control of the Pibnt. McKeesport, Pa., Jnne 7.—The Na tional tube works is surrounded yet by a crowd of at least five thousand strik ers and sympathizers. The men are nervous and anxious but in no way desperate. No trouble is looked for unless an attempt is made to start the works. Dr. Hoke Mmith, LL. D. Chapel Hill. N. C.. June 7. —The trustees of the unireristy of North Car olina conferred the honorary degree of L.L. D. upon Hon. Hoke Smith. He 1 spoke to over three thousand people* FIGHT FOR FORTUNES The Great Stanford Estate May Succumb to Pending Claims. WIDOW’S HOPES SOW WRECKED. The Kstate of the Many Times Millionaire Reduced to a Nominal Sum and That Now Stands at the Mercy of the Court. San Francisco, Cal., June 7.—The claim for $15,000,000 filed against the Standford estate bj’ Attorney General Olney as a preliminary step to enforce the governments claim against the orig inal holders of the t entral Pacific grant, has awakened much interest here. It is now learned that the governments claim was presented on May 26, but that an attempt was made to ke. p the proceeding secret in order that the fi nancial operations of the estate need not be embarrassed. The late Senator Stanfords estate was recently appraised at $17,600,000. Since the appraisment heavy obliga tions have been met, and it is stated now that the enforcement of the gov ernment claim would practically wipe out the estate, not only leaving the widow penniless, but cutting off all the beneficiaries under the late senators will, including the endowment of $2,- 500,000 to the Stanford university. It is even said that the estate, after the liquidation of its acknowledged debts, may not equal the amount of the claim of the governm.-nt. In this event Sen ator Stanford’s deeds of trust under which Stanford university was founded would not stand in case the decision of the courts should be in favor of the government and the Uni versity would necessarily he sacrificed to satisfy the judgment. Mrs. Stanford in an interview has stated that the government claim will be resisted to the fullest extent of her ability. Today is the last day under the law which Mrs. Stanford has to accept or reject the governments claim. It is believed that she will simply ignore the claim, which in law amounts to re jection. It Will then be in order for the government to institute suit, either in the United States courts or the Su preme court iu San. Francisco. Attor ney General Olneys claim was filed in the probate court in San Francisco, be fore Judge Coffee, where the Stanford e tate is now undergoing settlement. FAITH AND MONEY IGNORED. Great Day on the Morris Park Track tor ThdAA Wha f’nretl tu Morris Park Race Track, N. Y., June 7. Despite the occassional heavy rains over five t ousand persons at tended the races here yesterday. The track was very slow, the betting ring was dark and gloomy and the hor ses ran in a listless manner. The event on the programme around which most interest centered, was Ihe Blowing Rock handicap. It was the fourth event on the card, and Chant, the win ner of the Kentucky derby, tried con clusions with eastern colts. The tal ent ignored him, however, and put their faith and money on Assignee who, as it was afterwards seen was unequal to the task. At the start Assignee, shot into the lead, followed in close order by Peace-maker, Porian. Aurelian and Rubicon. They ran in this order to the stretch, when Simms sent Porian to the front, where he remained, win ning easily by three lengths from Ru bicon, who came through fast in the last furlong and beat Assignee for the place. FAMILY TROUBLES. Dlipntc About Domestic Matters Lead to a Serious Difficulty, Columbia, S. C., June 7.—A special from Kennettsville, Marlboro county, says that J. Douglas Moore, was fatal ly shot by S. T. Breeder, his brother-in law, at Breeder's house yesterday morning. The two men were drinking and got into a dispute about family matters. Breeder got his gun but was induced to put it up. Then they drank again, and when Moore was leaving the house Breeder fired upon him, the load taking effect in Moore's stomach. Physicians declare that he will die in a few hours. Both men belong to lead ing families. Engineer Killed By Miners. Terre Haute, Ind., June 7.—Wil liam Barr, of this city, one of the old est and best known of Vandalia en gineers was instantly killed yesterday afternoon about 2 o’clock between Knightsville and Harmony by striking coal miners. Barr with William Austermiller, fireman was bringing west, a special train of sixteen coal cars. Few, if Any, Changes Made. Jackson, Miss., June 7.-The rail road commission completed its sched ule of assessments of the railroad, sleeping car, telegraph and express companies, but it has not given its con clusion to the public. It is believed however, that there has been no mate rial change from the schedule of last year anywhere along the line. 3lrs. Cleveland Leaves Washington. Washington, June 7. —Mrs, Cleve land accompanied by her two children a nurse and maid, left Washington yesterday in a special car over the Pennsylvania Railroa for Grey Gables. Mass. It is expected that at New York, they will take a boat for Fall River. Murderer Pardoned By the Governor. New Orleans. June 7. —Louis Claire, who in December 1888, m this city, murdered Hon. Patrick Mealey, con victed and sentenced to the penitentia ry for life, was released yesterday, having been pardoned by the governor. The Atlanta Exposition BilL Washington, June 7.—Senators Gor on and Walsh will urge the senate ap ropriation e minittee to attach the h.n’a xpr>‘ ition bill to the sundry i :i i appr: p i: tion bill in the form of Su unicHunivUL OFFICIAL ORGAN. NO 23 SOUTHERNERS STAND FIRST. Grading of Ihe Thirty-four Graduates of the Naval Academy. Annapolis, Md„ June 7 The stand ing of this year's graduating class at the Naval academy is as follows: 1, William Pierre Roberts, Mississip pi; 2, Daniel liargate Cox, New York; 3, Irvin Vangorder Gillis, New York; 4, Thomas Gains Robert, Alabama; 5, David Foote Sellers, New Mexico; 6, Lawrence Stowell Adams, Pennsylva nia; 7. Raymond Stone, Alabama; 8, John Thomas Tompk ns, Louisiana; 9, Ridley McLean, Tennessee; 10, Charles Webster, Massachusetts; 11, Provost Babin, New York; 12, Winston Church ill. Missouri; 13, Lewis Burton Jon s. New York; 14, Simon Peter Ful lenwider. Missouri; 15, S. V. Gra ham. Michigan; 16, Ernest. Linn wood Bennett of Massachusetts; 17, John McLane Luby, Texas ; IS, S. L. Sandez, Louisiana; 19, G. 8. Gal braith, Pennsylvania; 20, M J Shaw, Minnesota ; 21, A G Cavanagh, Nebras ka ; 22, Charles S Bookwalter, Illinois; 23, William P Scott, Pennsylvania; 24, C F Snow, Maine ; 25, R H Osborne, New York; 26. Roscoe Spear, Pennsyl vania: 27, W J Manion, Louiasana; 28, R W McNealey, North Carolina; 29, W S Turpin, Maryland ; 30, R C Bulmer, Navada ; 81, W S Whitted, North Caro lina ; 32, G L P Stone, Georgia; 33, G. E. Gelm, New York ; 34, Charenee Eng land, Arkansas. Engineers—J M Hud gins. Virginia; B K McMorris, Ala bama ; A W Hinds, Alabama; R C Moody, Maine; J T Cooper, Dcleware; H T Baker, Ohio; R H Chappell, Mich igan ; L F James. South Carolina; Frank Lyron, Kentucky ; J M Reeves, Illinois; H I Cone, Florida ; EWinship, Georgia; E H Delany, Tennessee. S. F, Smith of Pennsylvania will lead next year’s first class. He led this year’s second. MISSISSIPPI WHITECAPPERS. Disposition of the First Cases on the Crim inal Records of That State. Purvis, Miss., June 7.—The court yesterday di-posed of the first case of whitecappiug of which there is any re cord in connection with the organiza tions which is now holding the atten tion of the court. It was the case of Abe Ard. lie was not present at the as he has been in hiding for some time past. The jury returned a verdict of guilty. The charge against him was that he, with others, attempted to reg ulate the negro farm hands and to oblige them to work for whoever the whitecaps dictated, John Sprights was taken from his house and severely beaten by the whitecaps. The case again t W. W. Mays was then called and his bond of sl,coo forfeited as he failed to appear. Since the quashing of the indictment against E. S. llopgood, the grand jury has notified the witnesses to go home as no other indictment would be found, llopgood will now be turned over to Louisia a authorities to answer the charge of train robbing. COTTON STILL ADVANCES. All Spot Markets Strong With Steady and Firm Tendency. New York, June 7.— The Sun in its review of cotton says: Cotton de clined 2 to 3 points, but recovered this and advanced 7 points, closing 5 to 6 points higher than yesterday, closing steady. Sales 101,500 bales. Liverpool fell ito 11-2 points, closing very steady, spot sales 10,000 bales. There was an advance of l l-16c. at Galveston, vannah, Norfolk, Memphis and St. Louis with trade quiet. An advance in Liverpool, unfavorable crop news from the Atlantic states, the denial of a report that there had been a large failure in Liverpool and some demand from the shorts caused a rise. The weather at the south was reported fav orably. The spot markets were stronger. A MURDER OF LONG AQO. The Guilty Man's Daughter Now Tells the Horrid Secret. Hillsboro, 111., June 7.—John Wic koff, who was found dead on the Big Four railroad tracks near Butler, this county, about twenty-three years ago, was supposed to have been killed acci dentally by the cars. Within the last few days some facts have come to light which indicate that he was murdered and that George W. Cooper, a wagon maker of Butler, was the guilty party. The chief witness against Cooper is his own daughter. She says that she was then fourteen years old, that her father murdered Wickoff, robbed him of SIOO and threw his body on the rail road track and that she washed her fa ther’s bloody clothes. The matter is now in the hands of the attorney and will be thoroughly investigated. NEWS ITEMS BY WIRE. Norwich, Conn., republicans elected their entire ticket. Wood's Holl, Mass., formerly Wood’s Hole, will again be called by its old name. Two children of John Long were burned to death in a fire at Duke Cen tre, Pa. Corbett, interviewed in London, again says he is ready to meet Jackson in Jacksonville, Fla. The saloon of Charles Noffz, No. 183 Eighteenth street, Chicago, 111., was wrecked by dynamite. Salt Lake, Utah, has agreed to fur nish the Sacramento Coxeyites With five ays’ supplies on their promise to move on. A battle in which three men were wounded was fought on the north bound Frisco train between Arthur City and Grant, I. T. The differences between the London cab drivers and the cab owners have been submitted to the arbitration of the Duke of Devonshire. Oriental advices repor the lost of four vessels off the coast of Asia, in cluding the steamer Ngapoota, near Penang, May 3, with fifty passengers. J. R. Todd, a life prisoner in the Ore gon penitentiary, who claims to be * distant relative of Mrs. Abraham Lin coln. has written to the president ask ing to be pardoned or executed,