The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, June 07, 1894, Image 2

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THE ARGtfS. J * ■* *K*IO> A: J. ncDiiMl D, Ddiior* iiikl Publisher*. brnttrea at f/it J’ostftf’ cf ttt' Jackson ft* xt cond rlaxx mail matter. PUBLISHED EVERY IHLBEDAY. la k*n, <.a., June 7? 1894. ONE DO! LAR PER ANNUM. Tiie military encampment should he done away with. It is otdv a pic nic for idle■ n, demoralizing and ex pensive to the .. op e. The retirement of Hon Fiem du Bigiion 14*0111 the he 11 a oria! contest is tavoi able to Major B icon s chances inasmuch ns thev have many mutual friends—Macon Evening News. The nomination of Mr. Atkinson may be safelv left to the Atlanta Con stitution. 1 1- Yellowstone Kit edito rials are calculated to make Atkinson voters of every one who reads them. —Griffin News. *—— 'ti •• m - lion. A. O. Bacon is the favorite with the Washington county demo crats for United States senator. —Mid- dle Geotgia Progress. According to the Atlanta Constitu tion, General Evans entered the race for Governor of Georgia with the poorest chance of election eyor offered an aspirant to that high and responsible position. Every county that has acted up to date the Atlanta Constitution says was con ceded to Atkinson by maj >ritiesranging all the way from 200 to 500, and if its statements are to lie accepted as true, General Evans is getting only those counties which wore c meed and to Atkin son and goes to the General simply by chance and considerable effort on the part of his friends. —<a ♦— The Pike County Journal stated in its last issue that Hon. Alex Atkins >n would make the race for congress from this district on the Populist ticket. We saw Mr. A k nson Monday and he was p *ft cil.v dumbfounded when shown the accusation. 11* says it is an utter false hood, most absurd in its entirety. He will rest bi claims solely upon the Chi cago plat form of the Democratic party, and would not accept the position as a gift on tin* Populist ticket. Mr. A’kin son has always been a true supporter of the pi ii ciples of Jcffesonian L)< tnocracy, and no mm in our county has done more towards showing the uttei fo’ly of a third party than the Hon. Mr. Atkinson, lie has it ever been lavoranie to populism nor expressed any intention of soon be coming so He is a straight out demo crat of the “dyed in-the-wool” stripe, and in him our county has an lion rable citizen and democracy a most faitl ful champion and a dent supporter of its principle!. We hope this will place Mr. Atkinson right before the people as nothing was more abured than the Jour nals statement. THIS 16 RIGHT. Lftst Friday t!ie grand jury of the Unite' 1 Stales e urt stru.k the key note to the situation. Mean deputy marshals and “professional” witnesses can cause a lot of untie essarv trouble and should he set down on by all good ueople. The grand juries of tlie different counties might lookout tor something of the kind. The jury above mentioned says; “We find, by a rigid examination of w itnesses that many cases are brought to this court through motives of re venge for real or fancied personal grievance, and that those bringing them hate little or no regaid for the sanctity of an oath. In such cases a conscientiou-jur\ i> unwilling to find true mils unless the evidence of such witnesses is >trongly corroborated by other testimony, and ive would, theie fore, suggest that thi.* court should im press all United States commissioners the importance of-ecuring, ifpossi ble, more than one witness in all cases which are s ut up for iuves igationby a grand jury.” The ilex' sect on caused a ripple of sensation throughout the court room and the faces of the officers of the. court showed genuine surpri-e s it was being read. Continuing, Colonel Seals r ad: “We hare had bills of indictment presented at this term under which parties have been arrested and ini piisnied when there was no evidence whatever to sustain the charges, amt yet the eotnmis>iotiers have collected the usual fees. \Ve would, therefore, tvopecifullv suggest that all fees be withheld in all eases which are not accompanied with sufficient evidence to authorize an inve>tig • tiou and to warrant a case ot probable guih.” In regard to witness the resolution read : “We wonui impress upon all officers of tbs court the importance of sup prosing the übiquitous ‘professional witness/ who fiud. it nrofltab'e to make> that he may be summoned as a witness, and thus secure mileage and wiiuees tees.” The nip of a poisonous snake is but a slight removal from being more dangerous tha * the poison of Scrofula in the blood Ayer's Sarsaparilla pur ifies ti*e tfital fluid, expels all poison ous suhgiauces, and stipp'ies theele nieuu of life, health aud strength. CORRESPONDENCE. [We are in tin wise responsible tor the view* expressed by our correspon dents, be be Democrat, Repubbean, People’s P rty. er Prohibitionist ; hut \r are respou-ible for all on our edi t'tialpage un< redhed and without si* nature*.] —Eos. IRON SPRING. Editors Argus: lam not iu the habit of writing for publication, but a* I have frequently heart I it .-aid that there was but three democrat* iu Iron Spring district, and while passing through on bu.-irv ss I found the fol lowing named gentlemen to be Snrt -n pure: J. W. McCord, Howard Vicker*, F. M. Maddox, Nat Greer, John An drews, Sam Heizlip, Will J011v, .1. M. Trapp, Wm. Trtpp, si., James Jollv, Bovd Lee, W. M Andrews, Alex Jolly, Will Prc-slcx, John Dodson, D:vid Moore, Frank Morse, A. O. Andrew*, Tillman AJcKeroy, Robert Duk--. David Duke, Jatues Duke, Wil int Hodge-, Bolus Cartel, Gibson Giecr, R. G. La vend r, aid l can assure y*>u ot.ers whose names are not on ties list. Agent We are under many obligations to our correspondent for his kind ness. We didn’t know there were so many representative men in that diM-ict, wiio were true to our fathers’ party. Notwithstanding the differences of opinion among democrats, we are one when it comes to voting. There is no expedient party iu the South, except the deuiocrotio paitv, and whoever forsakes her is name Dennis. C ements, otthe Rome Argus, in dites this touching poem on the “Freedom of the Press”: Around her waist I put my arm— It felt as soft as cake: “Oh, dear,” says she, “what liberty You printer men do take!” “Why, yes, my Sal, my charming gal,” (I squeezed her some, I guess). “Can you say aught against The freedom of the press?” I kissed her some—l did, by gum: Slie colored like a beet; Upon my living soul, she looked Almost to good to eat. I gave an other buss, and the Savs she, “I do confess I rather kinder sorter like The freedom f the press.” BEFORE AND AFTER. Here is a sample of the Constitu tion’s campaign news: before the election “Fifteen counties act this week. The ""6°" tru, from GoWctll WOl|t he 111 it at all. General Evans will sweep the Field. This is Evans’ weet. Watch the counties spoutaue for the General, etc , etc.” AFTER THE ELECTION. “Ev.*n* gets four out of the fifteen counties which have acted. No defi nite news can be secured from the others. All were conceded to Atkin son as he had resided in most of he counties, and a number of tn* ra are in his congressional district. The oth r counties may he heard from la ter on. Atkinson hunched his couu ties to get a l* a L” The Washington correspondent oi the Atlanta Constitution ; “Mr dußig uon’s withdrawal from the senatorial contest in Georgia has inspired Judge Turner's trie ds here with much hope. They feel confident he can win unless Speaker Crisp should enter the race ’’ Judge Turner will by no means have a walk over for the senatorship. Hon. A. O. Bacon, of Bibb, is in the rae, and Southwest Georgia it for him. Hon. W. H Venable, of Fulton county, was unanimously nominated by the sena'orial convention of tie Thirty fifthdlstrict today. Mr. Ven able will be a candidate for the presi dency of the aenate. He is a young man ot energy and popularity and his friends fee! confident that he will win tills further distinction. CAN YOU WRIIE? If you can we will Ove you a FOUNTAIN PEN FREE. Can ied in pocket Always ready for use. The ho der is of hard rubber pern ctly formed and fiDi hed; The Feed in of ti e most appioved pattern, (the sam used in a pe> c sting $2 Oo,) insuring an even flo > aid no leakage. The point will write and last nearly as long as go and Each pern Is fiihed with the best ink and tried before sent out. NOW FOR iBE PLAN. •Send us 25c in lc aud 2 stamps or silv t, for a hal \ ear’s sub-cripti n to Virginia, a beautifully illustrated , 24 page monthly magazine, with excellen in for mati n or the office parlor, bedroom, din ingroom kitchen, fa m and garden, wiih just wit aud humor euou-h to drive away he blues ZAm’t put it off but wriie today and you will have both the pen aud magaziue promptly. Address VIRGINIA PUBLISHING CO., RICHMOND, VA. TAX RECEIVER’S NOTICE LAST KOtXD. Worthvitle, Mav 31st. iron Spring’s cross road, ,/une Ist. Dublin, June 4th. Indian June sth, Jenkiusburg, June 6th, Einard’a Store June 7th. Hammond's Store, June Sth. This being last round you w 11 take no tice and govern yourselves accordingly. Jackson court house every Saturday, commencing April 14, except second Sat urday in each month. C. ft Cabtkb, T. R. ANNOUNCEMENTS- All announcements are $5.00 payable in advance, and under no circumstances will we publbh a candidate’s annuuncc meut until the fee is paid, ho please do riot ask it, but bring tue money with your announcement. — Eds. For Congress. Hon Alex Atkins-m baa ntst yet fully made up bis mind to run for the office of congressman from the Oth district, but in tends first to ascertain, if possible, wheih er or not he is the choice of the people, and if so, he w ill most undmbledly be ia the race and will certainly fill the high and responsi le position w itb ciedit to his const tuents. It is Mr Atkinson’s wish to abide the will of the people, and it i* not his mention to force himself upon the people regardless of consequences. He will make the race squarely upon the Chi cago platform, in evev cense of tho word The fiicnds of (’bailie Bartlett hereby announce him as a candidate for congress subject to the action of the Democratic parly of the 6th Congressional District. Aor £' epresentaiire. To the voters of Butts county: Up n the so ichations of many voteisfroni all parts, of the county, I have consented 10 become a candidate for lepresentative in the General Assembly of Georgia, subject to deraociatic nomination. Respectfully, J A. McJ/ickael. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for re election 10 the (?e eral Assem bly of Georgia from JSutts county, sub ject to the action of ihe Democratic party. 7hanking the people of my county for their libeial support iu the 1 ast. 1 am. Four obedient servant, T. J. DAA/PoEF. % ■ ■ ■■■ Tax Col tec tor. We are authorized to announce the name of (i. E. Harmon a- a suitahie per on for the democratic paity to n >minate for the office of tax collector. His name 1- sub ject to the scion of the democratic par y. We are authorized to announce the nauie of Mr //inner G. Clark as a candidate for the office of tax collector, subject to the action of the democratic party. TO THE DEM CRA 1C VOTERS OF BUTTSCOUNIY. This is the first time I have ever asked the i-eople to give me an office aud my reasons tor placing myself before the pub lie for their suffrage are these: First, I am a poor man and a great por tiou of the time I am not able to do farm v’ork. I own no land and am compelled to eke out a scanty living for a wife and six small children as a renter Second, I have suffered many hardships and 11 istommes, among which was the loss of two wives nd tin*e children, and have re*, ent ) had a great deal o ic ess in my family. lam an old confederate soldier and while in the defense of mv country co traded heumati-m from which lam a daily suffe>er. I ask for the office of 2’a.x Collector aud will be thankful c or favors extended to me by my friends. Resuect fully, W. VV THANT LV- Tax llecei\ r er. We are authorized to announce the name of J. H. Ham for he office of lax receiver, subject to the action of the dem ocratic party. We are authorized to announce the name ot Mr. F IF Gilmore as a candi date for the office of tax receiver subject to the action of the democratic party. Mr. Gilmore is a crippled ex confederate sol dier. We are authorized to announce the name of Mr. S D. T htrrsmn as a canda date foi tax receiver subject to the action of the democratic party. We are authoiized to announce the name ot M M. Mills, sr., for the office of tax receiver, subject to the aciiou of the demonadc party. Air. \ ills has been blind for seveial 3 ears, though he can see to write now Air. A/ills served in the w ar between the states and in the Alex ican war, but has never drawn any pen-ion like others ©f both wars have done. We are authoiized to announce the name of W. A. A/angham as & candidate for the office of tax receiver, subject to the lulings of the democracy of Butts county. X":: 1 "i. ' f or Clerk. I herby annouucr myself as a candi date for clerk of the superior court of /?utts county subject to the anion of the democratic prim rv to be held Aug. Ist 1894. B. P BAILEY. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for cleik of the Hup r or court of Butts county- I am not drawn o t >0 much by the “solicitation of friends,” as is so common among candidates as 1 am by the necessity of a large family of chil dren and a sickly wife to support. I place myself in the bands of tUe democratic party and will abide by the result of the primary election. David '. Thaxton. 1 hereby anuoun e my6elf as a candi date for Clerk Superior court ot Butts county, having been solicited by many friends to do so, and us I am an old v t eran of the late war and draw- no pension nor have ever app ied for one, I would take it as a great favor if the democracy of the county through their actiou would favor me with the nomination. John O'Reak. For County Treasurer. 1 herebv announce myself as a candidates for the re election to the office of county treasurer of Butts county subject to the action of the democratic party. T. L. WILLIAMS We are authorized to announce the name of Uncle Alex Wilkinson as a candidate for trea:urer of Butis county subject to the action of the dem*crati'- party. fair i\onc . There is no possible chance for advertisements to get in this paper unless they are brought in b; Tuesday, and chat is all there *sabout ii. This does Dot apply to local reading: notices,—^ds. JFI.Y MIEKIFFS LES. GEO/? G\A— Butts County. Will be sold before the court house dooi iu said county, oa the first Tuesday in July 1594, witfiin legal sale bouts for cash, the following described property, to wit: One lot containing two acres of land, more or less, No. 8, ats bounded as follows; North by lot No 27 east by lot No. 9, south by Indian Spring Reserve. Butts county, west by Dumble lot AAd lot lying and being iu the Indian Apri g district, G 37., said county and state. Levied on as the property of J. P. Hard s**n by virtue and to satisfy one execution issued from ihe ./ustiee court of the 1234 distiict, G. M„. Fulton county, Georgia, in favor of G’eo. Crouch against J. P. Harrison, defendant i fifa •. P. Har rison given written notice Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. This, June 0;b, 18y4. J 0 Beauchamp, Sheriff, /huts County. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEO/i’GlA—Butts County. Wheieas F. S. EthetiJge, administrator of nlumhus Burford. represents to the court in his peiit on tlulj bird and ente.ed on recoid, that he lias fully administered Columbus Bdrford’a estate, this is, there fore, to cite all pe sons couc rued, heir* and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, w-hy said admini-trator should not be discharged from the administration and receive letters of dismission on the first A/ond&y iu September, 1894. This, June Ist 1894. J F. Carmichael, 8-m Ordinary. FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION GEORGIA—/futts County. 7o all whom it may c ncern: Prudie L. Ply male having in proper foim applied to me for petmanent letters of administiation on the estate ofR. B. Plymale, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular the creditor': and next of kin of R B. Ply male to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to Prudie L. Plymale on R. B, Ply male’s estate Witness my band and official signature, this, Ist day of June, 1094. J. F. t ARM CHaKL, Ordinary. K)K GUARDIANSHIP *il * 'KG! A —Gutt- C uni* . Whereas, J. M. Crawford, administra tor, cu *i testarnento annexo, of A. M. Harkness, repicsents to the court m his petition, duly filed, that he has fully ad mini lured A M. Haikness’s estate, this is, therefore. t* cite aT persons concerned, heirs n creditors to show cau-e, if any they can, why said administrator should <>' be tU-cifiuged from his admi 11st ration, and receive letters of dismiss on on the Ist J/onday in August, 1894. This, 26th day of April, 181)4- J F. Carmichael, Ordinary. Jackson Buggies! -A_ Supply on ZEUgiiDLcL During the last few weeks in which fu me 8 have been so busily engaged on their fauns, I have accu mulated an ample stock of jaotsoh : .jrtroaxss. to supph any Reasonable demand from my Numerous Customers. So it you want an Extension Leather Top Phaeton or Surrey Canopy Top Phaeton or Buggy, In fact, if you want any kind of a vehicle langing in price from $35.00 to $250.00, call on me at the JACKSON CARRIAGE FATORY and be supplied. Respectfully,' J. R. Carmichael. I%jF ITII To th* desir** for M< r j Ip Opium. Whip k> nr T banco. Pi oof free $5 o i-ure morphine or whi'-ky babes; $2 for curing: tobacco habit Adores? B. WILSON. Fleming. Texas. We have opened a real estate agency a f this office, and if you have any land to rent or houses to rent, or buy any property of any kind, we will advertise it for you on terms to suit you. Your name need notbi known to any <>ne. Bring along your property and we will treat you right about it. Harmon & McDonald. Fresh meat at Harp’s market. DISSOLUTION S \LE NOTH E. We offer for sale 3 1 2 acres of laud, more ot less, situated within 300 yards of depot, >%eli watered by wo branches run ning through same. One 20 11 P. Wai erson engine and ooiler gooj as new. 6 weeks will c- ver all the time it ever run One /hewer’s Sword Brick machine— capacity 25,u00 bricks per ten hours— nearly as good as pew, him) ApiingFia', Tray brick barrows, bebina - , oil, etc Titles perfect Thi- i. a chance to get first class machinery hi lii.-b 'ass condi tion cheap 2he ab ve pi-peril will he sold separate!.- to .-nit j arch or. F r prices and terms c.d. on, oi addiess, D J Spencer, Jacksou, Ga. or T. IT. McCord, NOTICE. The stockholders of the Jackson Oil Mill Company will meet at the court house at Jack: on on 2uesday, June sth, at ten o’clock in the foren- on, to receive the re poit of last season’s busines-. and to elect a board of directors for the next ensuing year. A full attendenee is requested. elo-4t Meade Hendrick, Pres. The Best Brassing ft AYER ’ S Jlhair g§| VIGOR Prevents the hair from becoming thin, faded, wiry| and ’ '''' period oi life, It cures -itehing humors, and keeps the scalp cool, moist, and healthy. Ayer’s Hair Vigor, I Sold by Druggists and Perfumers. I GUM ELASTIC | KOOHiJ 1 Costa only $2.00 per 10 -q-mrp fe-. Make- a g > --d roof- f>i se es, tad < v one can p *r it-on. L °al A ents Waited. Gum E a tic Pi nt > 1 (50c per galon inb'd lots , r $4 f><> for ss/ d'- i tabs Golov oark ie I ®i.>i>s i- k* u sVngl-s. tin or bon ro an i as o o-Kr- Will ship it once on e s • t of price. Thy it. Send -lamp fo samples and full carticul -rs U>t t LA T < I nfji ING CO 39 &41 W* Br adwa-. - N-wY,i Dr. (’rum lias tot i< i-s b\ tii bushels, of a) i grades ami j;i<* at the Yellow Stor; (mil oil him hml get prices ami terms. The Largest Retail CLOTHIERS in the South. PRICE TO ALL.^ —> . . MACON, . . [ [ 77 ATLANTA, . . cherry Stieet. j * 39-41 Whitehall—32-34 S. Broad. j , V j plt 1 Ti *'* will a f’S vfiiSk S JoMII. Jillr ,C 2,,, ;A\ pairing : - T ‘> % |, l ||!lp .;% JaOkSOil kaw 1 j \ MVLB •'< ■' s • SHOES. Ws i%cc-> Sines to lit everybody’s foot, fancy and pocket bun* \y, M k rimes, s-mtny shoes and holiday shoes, all for prices that cannot bedn >i DRY GOODS. Our fine of Dry Goods is composed of all the latest and most I .slf.onnble shades, and of qualities the best the markets of the world cm aft’ud. (2ome and >ee out beautiful line and be convinced that what we suv is true. MILLINERY. We are the leading Milliners in Jack-on, for the rea-on tha' we t:n u long and diversified exn* rience. \V”e have ah kinds o' In -in iv v *ri i * >t slides, combining French and American prize designs. FANCY GROCERIES. Out line of shelf Grocerios cannot he sin passed in piire and quality. Our I obacco i- -o clmap th *t the people are surprised At! the qua! if \<q <,-.)< ; j. a I . n tiic<. VVh keep all kinds of .-miff Come to see us and we will treat you mid. L.R.CASON, Prop, of THE VARIETY STORE. 'rijjjk IWO DIILI SOLID moil TUB WtTM Pt'L&MSvV S&EETgES For Georgia & Florida, Leave Cincinnati by Q& C 7:00 P. M. 0:00 A. M. Arrive Atlanta, by E. T. V. & Ga., 11:10 A. M. 1:30 A. M. Arrive Macon “ “ .... 1:34 P. M. 4:43 A. M. Arrive Jacksonville, S. F. &W. Ry. ..!(};3O P. TT. 1:13 P. M. Arrive Brunswick, E. T. V. &Ga 880 P. M. 11:39 A M. Arrive Savannah,S. F. & W 9:47 P. M. 11:42 A. M. U< W. WBENN, General PakneDger Agent, KNOXVILLE, TIiAM. BI.IMI1WM&00. .^SPECIALISTS*^, . Graduates.) Are th „ lend'nr and most auccessfulspecialists and I will give you iielis. Young and roid y*~ •. c ; V ‘;f\ die eged men. Remarkable re . /' \ units have follow - jap \ ed our treatment Many years e S*>- .* _ f. r* varied and success V i- • ful egperienc %$. y>. J/ . p v . A In the use of curt, \ wesSoM o*l^^ 0 * I^^ to guarantee to all patients. If they°can 'posslbl* be restored, oer own exclusive treatmei will afford a cure. WOTEXI Don't you want to get cured of th* weakness with a treatment that you esn use t home without Instruments? Our wonderful tf' ment has cured others. Why not you? Try It CAT IT? Rff, and diseases of the Skin, Bio. Bean, Liver and Kidneys. STPHTLIS-The m-vst renM. safe and elTectlv' remedy. A complete Cure Guaranteed. SHTV BISEABTB of all kinds cured whe many 0.he.3 failed. TJOfATtraAL BISCHARSE9 prompt! euredtiafew days. Quick, sure and safe. ThU Includes Gleet and Gonoriioea. TRUTH AND FACTS. We have cured cases of Chr-n'e Diseases the have failed to get cured atthe hands of other spec.'? lets and mei'cal institutes. -rry KEKfI-Vnirß thst there Is hope for You. C mea t no other, as yon may waste valuable time. Obtain our treatment at once. Beware of free and cheap treatments We give the best and most scientific treatment at moderate pr ces—as low as cm be dor.e for safe and skillful treatment. FREE eoncuitatlon at the office or by mail. Thorough exrmlßatlon end careful diag nosis. A home reatment can be given In a majority of cases. Send for Symntom Blank No. X for Men; No. 2 for Women; No. 3for Skin Diseases. All corre spondence answered promptly. Bus,ne#s strictly con fidential. Sat ire treat ment sent free from observa tion. Refer to our patient*, banks and business men. Address or call on DR. HATHAWAY & CO . 23 i-a South Broad Street, ATLANTA. GA io to Tl7m j/< meal market for fre-_-ii meats of a 1 kinds. CAUTION.—If a dealer of-rs W, t Douglas Nlioeu at. a red ui'i-d pne- , cr sap % hehasthem without ns<ns rlamped t i bottom, put him down as a fraud. V CtO CEJAET pest in 90 OrlyK TH£ VvCI.LD. TV. Jj, DOUGLAS Shoes ars itvli h, aery ft ling, and give bo., r satisfaction rttha prices ad vertised <■ any ojjcr snake. 1 y one pcir sr. J be convinced. The stamping of W. L. Douglc,' name and p ice 0.1 tha bol'.o.n, which jruarantu * their value, saves thousands of doiic-s annual’/ to those who wear them. Derlers who pur.h ti e •ale of W. L. Dou"lns Shoes ynin customers, which help* to increase the Ei-.les oniheir full IP e of They can afford to tell si a Ic'-s pr< lit. and we believe you can save money by buying nil your footwear of the dealer advertised below.' Catalogue free unon application. Address, W.i, DOCIaLAh. Broi kton.Mai*. bold/ Lit. J. W CRUST, •■■■■ ■ >'■ 1 V--VJ --—-tih —n nuwaaiswr— - <a JBEN, WOJIEK, faiimalienuney find rapidly duiiu.' a BOYS, Ciftl.S few hours work each wi'ev at home. .Tocanraiisiiig nothiutr dif ficult or uupie cant, f'lan entirely new und onyr nal. Write u* rnrloi iiiK tamp. THE DIbKU'.DI HOME iOl lt< if, 358 Dearborn Street, Chicago. B. W. WRENN, JR. Attorney-at-Law, *?%£££” Atlanta, Georgia.