The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, June 07, 1894, Image 4

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'I UK TARIFF BILL. A Washington telegram reoorfsthat ti e conviction is steadily growing, in tp:le of a lack of a rule for dosing de bate in the se.itHe and the obstruction ot Republican members, that the tar itVbill will come to a vote by June 20, amt become a law ten days op two weeks later. It is greatly to b< desired that this expectation be tulfilled. Thecountry is tired of suspense, and has suffered and is suffering enormously because of it. Until the bill i-, pa*s*-d, many of the ti'diistii. 3 of t'ne country must remain in aim >st moribund condition. They cannot revive until I tie condi tions ate known under winch they must live. We have confidence that the hill will emerge from tier conference commit tee in an approved form I ! is better row in some respects than the bouse bill and worse in others. The confer ence is more apt to result in the ac ceptance of the improvements made l-y the senate then ot the defeats made in the bill by that body. But, however this maybe, it is of supreme importance to the country and the democratic party that attend lie put to uncertain'} and the imw law put in operation. This necessity i* being more fully recognized by the country and by congress every day, and we shall n>t be surprised if the congress acts with a promptness not expected a few weeks ago.— Macon Telegraph. Thompson Bros’, for Bargains. TO THE SEASHORE. Ihe seas, >n has again arrived for the opening ot the seashore resorts and the E. T. V. & G. Ity takes pleasure in announcing that on May Ist, the hot* 1 onCumbc:land Island will be ♦.pencil under the management of Mr. L e T. Shackleford, formerly of Hale Sping, Tennessee, a gentleman ot wide experience, and one that will maintain the popularity of that ie sort. The St. Simons Hotel will be open ed on the 15th, managed by Mr. Cltas. T. Dunn, former proprietor of the Caiieton Hotel, Jacksonville, Florida, many improvements have been made a! both ot the above places. The E T. V. &. G. Ry vvill as usual sell low rate tickets during the summer. Any agent of Hie company will take pleasure in giving luU informa tion as to rates and schedules. BUCKLEN’S A RNICA SALVE The Best Sam e in the world tor Cuts, /fruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe ver Sores, Tetter, ( hai ped Hands, Chil blains, Corns, and all Skill A’l u lions. and pobitiv. ly cures Piles, or no p iy requiied. It is guaranteed to give pet feci satisfaction or money re unded. Pi ice 25 cents per box. For sale by R. G Bryans. The vote for governor is get ting interesting. Hanes, “the Jeweler,” has a map showing the vote and situation of counties, which you are invited to exam ine. He will also fix your watch so it will stay fixed, if it is out of “whack,” very reasonable. His prices on Watches, Jewelry, Sta tionery, etc., is very, very, low. lie will take silver dollars at par in exchange for goods, or if you have no silver, he will take gold rather than miss a trade. Ke raeinber the place—Black Front. Thompson Bros.’ for Shoes. NOTICE TO TEACHERS. I take this occasion to give the information that the Teachers Insti tute of Butts county will convene on Monday ’ln- 18111 day ot June, and con tinue during tlm week. All persons holding a teiictiers license, whether engaged in teaching or not, unless they have permanently retired from teaching, are required to attend this Institute. Teachers will please bring with them for references their Gram mars, Geographies, Arifhnietica and Fourth Readers, used in the schools ot W Harper, the superintendent of public shoots of Amern us, Ga., will be our expeit, who will during tho week dtliver twu public lectures free to all who may attend. Subjects: “The wav out of Poverty’’ and “Some of tho Wonders ot Science.” The Board of Education and the public generally are invited to attend the exorcises of the Teachers Institute, as well as <he public lectures. Take due notice and govern yourselves ac cording!}. E. E. Pound. L’. S. Goin., B. C. Thompson Bros.’ for Clothing. Gilmore & Hencelj have fresh Watermelons now. The are wideawake on such things and always first to get the newe.-t goods. Thompson Bros.’ for Hats. HOW 1 lit Y Si AND. The following list show’s how the candidates tor governor stand up to todax —Thursday morning : ATKIXsON. EVaNS- Merri wether 4 Richmond 6 Baldwin 2 Terrell 2 Coffee 2 Elbert 2 Clinch 2 Bartow 4 Douglass 2 Telfair 2 Cherokee 2 Lincoln 2 Oconee 2 Hail 4 Taliaferro 2 Mun ay 2 Gwinnett 4 Clay 2 Monroe 4 Flovd 6 Butts 2 DcKalb 4 Milton 2 Wlii t field 2 Irwin 2 Lowndes 2 Jefferson 4 Randolph 2 Wilkes 4 Echols 2 Mu> cogue 4 Fulton 6 Troup 4 Clark 2 Carroll I Putnam 2 Dodge 2 Dade 2 Glasscock 2 Camden 2 McDuffie 2 White 2 Fannin 2 Glynn 2 Hancock 4 M aeon 2 Coweta 4 Chattahoochee 2 Catoosa 2 Pierce 2 Charlton 2 Tattnall 2 Montgomery 2 Appling 2 Dawson 2 Madison 2 Paulding 2 Emanuel 2 Total 94 Total 60 DOUBTFUL. Polk 2 UN INSTRUCTED. Mclntosh • , 2 llurp sells fresh meats of all kinds. Trade at Thompson Bros’. CONTRACTORS NOTICE. Any person wanting first-class work, by a workman of 20 years experience in stone or bri< k, such as dams buiit, blasting, where dyna mite is used, or in all such work as o* k houses or piers. Call on G W. W ATKINS, Deel-lyr, Ga. Trade at The "White Store. THE SEASHORE. mjsrkind £: St. Simons island Hotel il be onen Kay loth under new manageraen Excursion tickets on sale at low rates. ike the Ev t Tennessee Seashore Expres . V 7. WRUNN, -Gen'l Passs r Agt., B.T. V. & 0 Knoxville, Tenn. Thompson Bros’, for Groceries. PENSIONS. BEING located near the government department are able to give your claims better attention than attorneys located els* where. Special attention given to difficult and rejected claims. If your present attorney does not suit you and is slow write us. A’oldiers who have lost their discharges can obtain new ones. Charges of desertion removed. No fee unless you get a pension, Advice free. Soldiers pensioned at less than twelve (sl2) dollars per mouth and suffering from disability in additon to that named in their pension certificates may obtain in crease under the new law. Pensions for widows and children without regard t cause of soldiers death; for mothers and fathers who are not dependent, whether they were dependent upon soldier when he died or not. Pensions obtained or services rendered in Alex ican and Indian wars, Mexican pen-ions can now be increased to sl2 a month. Suspended pensions res tored. PATENTS. Caveats Trade Marks, Designs. Copyrights and all Patent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. Information and ad vice to inventors without charge A dress THE NORMAN CLAIM AGENCY, Box 167, Washington, D. C. A 11 Summer Goods at cut prices at The hite Store. MEPHISTO RING 25c New and most astonishing op tical illusion and a BEAUIITIX VISGEK Rise. Made of two twisted bands of Rolled Gold and Silver. Turn it—the bands appear to part 1 Lay it down— they seem to fall apart! I Inspect it—you nave a per fect ring!!! All the rage; over 1,000,000 sold in two months at 75c. We send sample with large catalogue, for 25cents postpaid. 1 Dozen $2.00. INSURANCE WATCH CO., 186 S. Uat.tcd Street, Chicago. 111. 18 KARAT <bl QO iGOLO PLATE spl.yy cur THIS OCT and snd it examination. A guarantee fur 9 years sent with it and if you find it equal tc> watches sold everywhere ats4.oo to SB.OO and tar better than ever advertised before and the grandest bargain you ever saw or beard of, pay express agent $1.99 and express charges and the watch is yonrs; !£k. gold pdated full bassiDe dust rioof case, the movement is a fine s 4 plate Stem Wind and Stem Bet, finely jewelled mainspring which doe* not break and all the latest im provements and warranted the best timekeeper in the world for the money and equal in appearance to a genuine *©!id gold watch. Write to-day. This offer will not appear again. Ad dress INSURANCE WATCH CO.. 126 Halsted Street, It is better to serve the public than to cheat it. It is better to make a friend of a customer than a victim. It is better to help one’s patrons than to hurt them. What is fair and just to the consumer is best in the long run for the manufacturer. The Insurance Watch Cos. W run on these principle*. REDUCED PRICES On all Kinds of Medicines, at White's Cream Vermifuge i’sc - : z - f.>r 15 Btimnmoi/h Liv- r M-dino* $. 00 s z • f>r 50 '. Dr. Fi-oU’s Electric PI i-tcr- pn. 25 t<>r 10.■ I)r. Palmer's Electric Plid* rs “ 25' *' 10 ‘. Henson's Capsine *‘ “ 20 - “ 10c. Belladonna 4i “ 20 • ‘ 10,;. Mi-Lean’s Cordial price 11 00 ‘or 67 •. McLean’s Cordial ' k 50; 64-. August. Flower “ 75c " 40'. W. L Cartnii ha i‘ F node Tonic f>ii• e SI.OO f* r 35 •, Hr wetV Lung indonr pric* SI.OO tor 07c. Ii v I Oposphates price $1 00 for 75 *. McLean’s Volcanic 0 1 Suit price $1 00 for 605. Dr Pierce’s Medicines price SI,OO lor 67c. Sarsaparilla price $1 00 lor 67 '. Wine Cnriiui pric* SI.OO for 67c. Kendall's Spavin Cine price $1 00 for 67c. Face Powdets price 15c o) sc. Base rialh ami Bats at cost, and in my other things too nuun*. rout to mention at Rock Bottom prices. J. W. CRUM. MALLARY BROTHERS & CO. IvTacozi, Georgia. BEMKMBER WE ARE STILL IIEADQU VETERS FOE Mm, Sts ills, ila Sits, tat, AND EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE MACHINERY LINE. Pleaso do not be persuaded into buying anything in our line before writing us for prices. MALLARY BROS. & CO, MACON, GA, NOTICE!! NOTICE! NOTICE! These are Some cf tie Prices -YOU CAN BUY DRUCS OF- W, L. CARMICHAEL Call and get prices of other goods. S. S. S. small per bolt’* 6S<\ old price $1 00. S. S. S. large per bottle sl.lß, “ “ $L 75 Rocs’ Liver Neuralgia and Kheu t-nuiic cure small 35'’, old price 60-. Rocs' Liv r Neuralgia and Knew marie cure large 68-*, “ “$1 00. School Crayons per box sc. old pine 10c. Note p-per,good, per quire 5c “ “ 10-. Envelopes per packediie sc, “ '* 10*; G>eeu% Angus’ F'ow it, good for dvsp pda, 45c, old price 75c. B schec’s (ie in mi Sirup f r croup 45c, old price '75c. Lawrence’s Liver Mi Heine laigi 35c. old price 50c. Law mice’s Liver Meduiue small 13c, “ “ 25c. Porous Plasters 10c, old price 25'-. Pi I* per box 15c, old price 25c. ' cL'-au’s Stienyiheniiig Cordia* -mad 35', old pric* 50c. McLean’s Stiengtheiiing Cordial arg*- 68-, old price $1 00. Saivaparilla per but tie 65c, old price $1 00 Sar.-apariila *‘ •* 50c “ “ 75 McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm 68 , old price SI.OO White Oil Liniment 33c, old orice 50c. Iron Tonic 67c, old price $1 00. Certain Catarrh Cure always bn hand. W. L. CARMICHAEL. R. 6. BRYANS & CO.— DRUGGISTS and dealers la Stalioiry, Siliool Books, Ruler Goods. TOILET ARTICLES, &C Eimmou's Liver medicine 15c JSlack Draught 15c. S. A. S. small 69c. J/other’s Friend 1.05 c. P. and IF morphine* 35c per b tt!e. Hood's .Sarsaparilla 71c. a let lis Cordial 69c. Bradlield’s Female Regulator 09c. Peruua 71c. Pierce’s Golden A/edical Di*oover\ 7ic Pierce’s Favorite Prescripiion 69c Mo:se s Indian Root Pills 17c. Pills, all other brands, 15c Cuticura Anap 18c. Brown’s Iron Bilteis 71c. Soothing 6’yrnp 18c. Bradvcrotme Brewer’s Euu* Restorer 71\ Mu>t:mir Li:iiiii<*ui 18, 36 uni 7i> - . lieloui* Cordial 6L\ ltova* Germ mire 70*-. Silpliu 5- pound Copperas 5e pound. Epsom s<* pound Scott’.- Emulsion 73-. R. G. BRYANS & CO- Cuticura Salve. 40c. B a<-k Draught ho se powders 34c. De Wilt’s S rsaparilla 71c. Perrx Davis Pain Killer 19c. E' iuoii El xi* 39 and 69 v l*'> -X XX Envelope-5* package. P* Idl mar - Dandy .-hoe polish I7c. W In itial ’s Giliedge shoe polish 18<*. W h linar’s leu at Glows polish 7e. II cklebei r (,’o: did 19<*. A'lgu-i Fiouei 39--. i ieirc’s (.’• ler\ < iiiiipuund 69c. Elect i ic Bltti IS 41c I,'quid l*ept< muds 69c. 6v |i>\ Secret 31c. Va>aline 4 ■ z Lottie sc. S'. Jacob's Oil ;J6 II til.- h* l*t A’oiooDia 10*-. A I cock’- Porn* P a-te. 10c. io* CaiUiii 69c 1* rki-r’s Hair Balsam 35c. M -tt' ti’s Teeihiiia 18" Rada wav’s Ready Relief 36c. S\ run FL** 36 :*..* 6He II rstonP- A- id Phosphate 36, 71c. j Is as safe ar.:! harmless as a Has seed poultice. It acta like a poul tice, drawing out fever and pain, and curing ail diseases peculiar to ladies. “Orange Blossom” is a pas tile, easily used at any time*, it is applied right to the parts. Every lady can t rea t herself with it. Mailed to any address upon re ceipt of si. Dr. J .A. McGill & Cos. 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111. S >*l It f) R. VV. 1,. 1 ■ v K MIC jiK A L ii Blood and Skin Diseases i Always „ „ „ j Cured. “ J ; ' | BOTANIC BLOOD BAOt never fails ' 'to cure all manner of Blood and Skin dis ( eases. It is the great Southern building up and purifying Remedy, and cures all manner of skin and blood diseases. Asa building ' | up tonic it is without a rival, and absolutely ' beyond comparison with any other similar remedy ever offered to the public.' It is a ( panacea for all ills resulting from impure . | blood, or an impoverished condition of the ! human system. A single bottle will demon* ( ! strate its paramount virtues. (1 {SiT’Send for free book of Wonderful Cures. (1 11 Price, si.oo per large bottle; $5.00 for six J | 11 bottles. 11 11 For sale by druggists; if not send to us, , , 1 and medicine will be sent freight prepaid on ( , 11 receipt of price. .Address 1 j[ BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. j The Human Electrical Forces! How They Control the Organs of the Body. The electrical force of the human body, as the nerve fluid may bo t rmed, ii in espe cially attractive depart vie t cf science, xts it exerts so marked an i Puema en the health of the organs of trio Lh. In e ve force is produced by lira br • a ad, , oavvyed by means of the to >OO various 0 ;ns of the body, thus supply the latter wuh the vitality necess* ry to 1- sure their li. ait i. xlie a: pneumo.;astrie n-.-rvp, as / shown here, m;i 'be said (, y • HfccS to be the most ixn ■ ,-r. ant •*-’ ' ■ of the entire nr-. > s.- v " rf/ tern, as it supp.i 1 w.e • -Jj heart, lungs, s o aa: -, L Vy bowels, etc., with the V, i nerve force 11c 'or- • try to vi \ keep them a f c ar. 1 ; A healthy. Asvvi.l .;j som \ by the cut the i > 1a- - j : ■■■ A descending fro 1 1h n•• base of the t • 1 a i / & termiaatlng in the ’>• - / _ d® e's is the pm uoi ■ ■ - ' "rm while the nu.uc , -*3 tie bran lies .-..u ... •§ heart, lungs a:i 1 i . ach with neee y vi tality. When •0 • ;;:••• t:: jjg becomes in any v.-.ty < - . ' ordered by irri .Jti lt\ .... . ' • -lif or exhaustion, ! I:. 1 n • 'V.; forve which' it fnpp.i-,-.. . V is lessened, and toe ot- iy— - • gans receiving the tii- ‘ -^1 minished supply are con- I ' ■ • senuon ’y weakened. Physician> genera!'y fa! t> recognize, the important e of t ils i:C, l> f tre..i i .e organ i, seif instead of ihe can 001 .ho trouble Tno noted specialist, l* Milos; M. D., LL. 8., has given tha greater part of Ms life to the study of this subject, a-d !’ e : r : n ip ;! discoveries concerning it ar:; dee to hi erort;. l)r. Miles’ Restorative Nervine, she unri valed brain and nerve food, ispiepnredo itho principle that all nervous and many o her cli.Acuities originate from disor .crs of the nerve centers. Its wonderful su ces i-c lag these disorders is tesoi_cd to by taous-nds in every part of the land. Restorative Nervine cures sleeplessness, nervous prostration, dizziness, hysteria, sex ual debility, St. Vitus dance, epilepsy, etc. 1 1 is free from opiates or dangerous drugs. If is sold on a positive guarantee by all drug gists, or sent direct by the Dr. Miles Medical Cos., Eikhart, Ind., on receipt of price, iL per bottle, six bottles for &, express prepaid. For Sale lv l. CARMICHAEL and R. G, BRYANS & ro. f M^^^^^foSTIVENESS DYSPEPSIA j <ll/ 1 •S/CX' OR Indigestion \ N fj2Yg?? H ~r Biliousness \ }jaundice ' Sourness DF'wßßfflaffiMwL ass of Stomach Appetite None Genuine Without The Likeness And fiISNATURE OFM.A.THEOFORD ON FrONTOF ach Wrapper. M.A.Thedford Meo.<§- *- T r* yvV V-v -s . ✓v ’ ► | , THE STANDARD. J> I* DURANG’S || |Rheumatic Remedtl > Hus s’jet'.in-jii its reputation for IS years % 4- us ueiu;r to.e sia.idar I remedy for toe 4i •v> ijuick i.u onrirvi'-c-; cure of Rhenma- <> :* 11. •■*<• . !, , !•; • 1! its fOIiUS. i- U is t t s-i 0/ u s i I'hysi* C < iaus. i ..n’s it 4 4- ■‘uv V'.; e ij :from the O <J . t .. 1 : i ■ !■to ■ HIV < t-r. •;• .1.. . ie. or six <b *;■ I • . .. . e . am- -•> <• pa., l s a. i . .• ..... ..e, . ? 4-f % ; ■ n. illttraag’i:. ■ . :U3.-> I 1316 Lf C. I & Ditrnuq 4 -' r 1 • .--ft on Y X earth. Tn . . h ■ -- .... :. .. U.-s . Y them n n>- .- PBICS 25 CY •P~ : $i £ * *•*? V/.Nerve Berries hriVe &>r.c for others Up toey will do Ha*: £• ') for you. IST DAY. v r vigor y grL of tST. RfISN Easily, Quiz Jy and Permanently.. 'rod. "both day ' ~ P 9??^ ve cl 're for all Nervousness Debility and all th- , ,-.{ ftV ils r< suitin' from e irly errors and . ses • the re* of overwork, .ictn• r-. etc lievefo and gives tone and sir : :: (■"tbe sexual oi - Brans. Stops annat i r.;.v<e or ulghllv fJ , V.?'*n. ,OnS cau jed bv y ■ ■ hit, l errors or ex ce,s?!'e.usf °f tobawi. >cia;n and Honor wnich lead to &n and iusunilr Tbeir use shows imm. and movement. Accel no Imitation. Insist u\; . Having the genuine NarvA JrS£*B*t 4 /z* ? fl ° oilier, c’onven ▼ <*, ? ient to carry in vest pocce.. PriCf*. >I.OO per four, s: boxes, one full treatment, $5.00. Guarar' eed to cure on v cane* If not kept by your druggist we will en‘d them by mail, upon receipt of in plain wrap per. Pamphlet free. Address al! mail orders to AMERICAN MEDICAL CO., Cladnulio! Tor aale by Dr W L Carmielmel, King of all MW . A fc.-ol utely the BeSt ' Light Weight and Si'Wior __ Rigidity. EveryMa- \v.> k- • 4' if-— ip' — ~ y A " ’ i chlacfuilywarranted :r 15 r II —i-'y —- W -TcK m ■;: • / \ * I: J \ 5 StvL.ft scod tTfOs-seat stamp for or 24-pagi Catalogue-A w). • Monarch Cycle Company, Retail Salorroon, s'lo V/abcsh Avc. Lfike and HGbttd s =’’‘! JACKSON INSTITUTE, Jackson; : : : : Georgia. Spring Term Begins Jan. 2 189d RATE OF TUITION: Primary Classes, per term, : : $6,50 Inermediate acd Collegiate Classes, t' rm $9 50 Art Lessons* per month, : $2.50 to $3.00 Music, vocal or instrumental per mo, $3 00 Parents, (1< v(*u want your boy3 and girls hiouglit up \ - tie* highest possible pt*ifaction of manhood and womanhood ? It st on mud have tin- v< ry best teachers t? help you. We liavf them in the Jackson Institute. Not a s-hool m Georgia is more thorough, systematic, or better i disciplined ! Mo 1 ex. <dlent dvantages oft’ered in Art, Music. Elocution ami Oratory ! lie tuition is ;is low as you could ask. Board can b* hud at from ten to twelve dollat’3 per month. Catalogue and all inforrnati.■; eh-* [fully sent on application. A DURE—, JAS. C. BLASIXGAMH, o*. i4-6.u President of JA KSBH INSTITUTE, T'aVi BV ftP f'fiP V TIT 1 1 sb W r'> U (is ... i r P PH EPilDr ii \f r u f|B mumr n* ilfkftvi a 1 | liui i & Ci# 1 1 'hm 3 L isa ja W | May s Blo.k, Nest Door to "Livocy St *ly e on Od Street* Everything kent fresh, neat and c-b an. and ii>e la lies are especially invited to call on us. W e keep country raised potatoes and onions, in lact, all kind- ol c -untry raised Vegetables. We deliver all goods and orders are promptly li hvd i •i business-like manner. Ice cold, non-intoxicating drinks of ell kinds on hand at. all times Pure coaeocola on hand all ths summer, as goo i as<*au he found. Onr country friends are also invited t,o give us their trade an l we guarantee to pleasa them. GILMORE & MENCELY. Jackson, Ga., £'ch. 8. 1894. -typWv 6I00A?- I had a malignant breaking out on my leg below the knee, and was cured sound and well with two and a half Dottles of H9RSS9 Othsr blood medicines had failed tSSSi to do me any good. W ill C. Beaty, Yurkville, S. C I was troubled from childhood with an a?* gravated ra jof Tetter, and three bottles cl fjjFgf : sarsaß cured mo puimanently. Walla f, Mann, irte--, .—-sstl .. Mannville, i. T. O’tr book on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. SwiiT SrLCiFio Cos., Atlanta, Ga. Voung Wives II rBWI”BM auM-x Who are for th© first time to undergo woman’s sevorifit trial we offer “Mothers Friend” A remedy which, if us**d as directed a few weeks before confinement, robs it of its PAIN, HORROR AND RISK TO LIFE of both mother and child, as thousands who have used it testify. “I used two bottles of Mothfrs Friend with marvelous i esu ts, and wish every woman who has to pass through the ordeal of child birth to know if they will use Mother, Friend for a few weeks it will mbconftnement of f ain ar.d sttff ring, and insure safety to life of mother a * and child Mrs. Sam Hamilton, biouigomery City,Mo. Bent by express, charges pre-aid, on receipt of price, #1.50 per hof tie Sold by all druggists, book To Mothers mailed free. Brasfibld Regulator Cos., Atlanta, Ga. lUllfThe NEWSOf/1 .i COOK BOOK 150 First Class Receipts. B. W. WRENN, G. P. & T. A.. Knoxville, Tens. ! ..THE.. ELDREDGE j ELDF* * * • fi Whitehall—33*3-4 S. Broad. Bj