The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, June 14, 1894, Image 2

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THE AROWS. '• J ’ HAUnoS A J. V. .ncDOiIALD, 1./litor* and I’;* i>lt*lirm. 1 nfcrert at /he J'oshmce tit'Jackson ns second class mail'mutter. * FBI.ISHED EVEI Y THURSDAY. laclisoii, Ga., Jidip i w:*t. ONE J)Oi LAR PER ANNUM. n SILVER. on every question, tite democrat i parly stands in I lie middle of the road (.n !lii question. It is today be- I ween the two extremes on the finan cial policy of this govern meuf. The simple "ol t i-!;uitlar<] is just as fa: tiom right as tree and unlimited coin age is. and un tur’her. Mexico has a t.( r coinage go verninen*, and silver is worth two cents per ounce more in than in coin, Their siivei dollar! has r.iore silver in it than ours and it ! is a notable ter centum finer than that u-ed in our coin, and yet if you buy an article in Mexico worth fifty cents and give the dealer an American .sil ver dollar, he will give you the article and a Mexicaa dollar , u exchange, i hat shows the policy of inertly com ing silver for the exchangeable value with no government credit ncliiud it. U'e favor fbe coinage of gold and sib! ver, like the Chicago platform, with out charge for mintage, but with safe guard* of legislation. On the other hand should we accede to the Wall strevt one eyed gold standard idea, we could never pay the present indebted ness of odr country to say nothing of the millions of bonds which would have to be issued to keep off the reple <ion of tho vaults. (.old can never be the poor man’s money tor the reason that ten cents in gold would hardly be visible fo the naked eye. We favor, for the presen , a joint standard of gold and silver on i<|uul exchangable and commercial values. The time will come, of course. w lien 11“' supply of botii of these met als will be perfectly inadequate, and we will be forced to use the best thing ever invented fur a medium of ex change .f values—paper. Rut per haps our commerce may go so slow that out joint standard may do for a hundred years, amt the democratic, party is striving to that end. Wont you help us? All extremes are wrong and dangerous. \fbeu children need a cathartic, give Ayer s Pills. They are safe! sweet and satisfactory. w rn v wells of but fton, Secretary Morion Asked for See*! l ? That ill Grow Dollars, Carp and Plug Tubacco Rather a tunny letter was read to congress the other day by Representa tive Pickier of' South Dakota, while tho agricultural hill was under con sideration. Mr. Pickier has a eonsti tucut named James Wells, living mi Britton, S. D , and Mr. Wells or rather Mr. Wells’ wile, wants some garden seeds. So he made his appeal in the following words: *‘l would like some seventy day corn and, if the new administration has any new silver seen that will pro duce standard silver of even Mexican dollars in about sixty days, I would like some ot that. Our 'and is welt adapted to the .raising ot silver. We would like something that would \ ield 1,000 bushels to the acre and sen iorsl a bushel. We have not farmed much, but are Joeokiug tor anything new aud profitable. i3ouio ot our friends say German carp is a good crop. We will put i<• a lew acres ol carp for a starter it we can get the seed, borne of our kind friends rec ommend ostriches, but they grow so few in a bbl that we will not venture to try them. There is a small lake near our farm, and my wife is auxious to raise some gondolas. They are an Italian bird, I believe. The climate here is severe, but she thinks she could raise them by keeping them near a hard coal burner in the wiutei season. It Mr. Morton could be pre vailed upon to send us a pair of voting ones we would esteem it a great favor. We could use same canvas back duck seed to a good ads milage. We want to try some hard coal seed this y ear, as we have paid $lO a ton for coal about as long as we care to. One of my young sons has a de sire to raise a pair of elephants to bieuk our laud with. Do you think M. Morton would be willing to send us a couple of elephant eggs to try the experiment? Some of our advanced thinkers advise me to raise a crop of plug tobacco. In selecting seed I wish you would send “Spear Head,” ‘-Cli- max ’or -‘Star.” The climate is too dry tor fine cut. If the department has anything new in jack rabbits I would like a few vines that would bear the second year. “Is it hot enough for you?” is a silly question ; but it you meet a raa.i who complains of suffering from the heat, ten to one you will find, on in quiry, that he does not use Ayer’s Sar saparilla to toue up his system and free his blood from irritating humors. Hon. Alex Atkinson requests us to anuouuce that he will not be in the race for congressman from this district. Mr Atkinson, though confident that he could go into the convention with six votes, does not desire to create a deadlock, and as lie al ways main tained that harmony is the best thing possible for the success of the democratic party, be has decided to withdraw his name. Butts county would have given Mr. Atkinson an ovation, and several of its neighbors would have followed suit in this respect, but it was not the inten tion of Mr. Atk nson to allow his name to go before the people simply for the purpose of entering the race and gaining such notoiiety as is thereto attached, he was going in to win, and we will say right here that his following in other coun ties would have been sufficient to show the high estimation placed upon him by the people in his own county. Asa pol- itician Mr. Atkinson is hard to beat; as an honorable and law abiding citizeu this gentleman is un excelled. Success to his attainments in whatever enter prise he may aspire! BUCKLEN’TaRNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world tor Cuts, Zfrubes, Sores, Ulc rs, Salt Rheum, Fe | ver Sores, Tetter, Thai ped Hands, Chil blains, Corns, and all Skin Em lions, and positively cures Piles, or no requited. It is guaranteed to give perfect saiisfaction or money re unded. Price 2o cents per oox. For sale by R. G Bryans. Isn’t it customary for the council to make a report of their proceedings, also a financial report of the receipts and disbursements of that body? We think the charter says something on that line. Anyway, it would prove very interesting, as the cinzens of our town would like to kuow how they are get ting along. The mayor and council of Jackson is a good set of men, and will work to the city’s interest, but it is our opinion that a semi-annual report of its proceedings should be made for the in terest of our citizens. 'Jo restore gray hair to its natural color as in youth, cause it to grew abundant and strong, there is no better preparation than Hall’s Hair Uenew er. SSO TO $75 FOR $25. 2’nis May /Sound Odd, but it is Ncverthe. less .True. In this eminently progressive age, the education of no young man, no matter what his intended avocation, can be regar ded as fully qualifying hitn for success unless lie possesses a business training. 11 ; here to get that of the most practical character most quickly and cheaply is the question. This paper ventures nothing in saving that investigation will pr >ve the (*a.—Ala. Bnsiuess College of Macon, Ga. to be the very institution. il/any young men in six to ten weeks, at an expense of from S2O to S3O, have recentlv finished bookkeeping, telegraphy or shorthand there, and, in spite of tha ah id times, immediately stepped into positions l>ui hiy; fro iso to £75 -iar monllv 7’liei tr *!" 'THBIIT i" wait and begin with the Aew Fear; but if a business education is of any value at all, the quicker it is gotten, the more valuable it i-, and by writing to the piincipals, Messrs Wyatt & Martin, 3/acon. Ga., at once, much better terms can be had than by waiting until later on. Placed six graduates last week. GEORGIA —ALABAMA BUSINESS COLLEGES, Macon, Qa., and Montgomery., Ala Only Chain of Business Colleges In The South. Instructions purely practical. Stu dents ot each college conduct Actual Business Transactions with those of the othei by Mail, Freight aud Ex press. Four Departments—Commercial, Stenograph, Tel°grapli and Fen art Pupils Guaranteed the comple tion of any couiso in less time at lees expense aud more thoroughly than any other institution. Both colleges open the entire year. Graduates assisted to positions, or full particulars write to * WYATT & MARTIN, Macon, Ga., or Montgomery, Ala THE SEASHORE. Cumberland & St. Simons Island Hotel Will be open May 15th under new managemen Excursion tickets ou sale at low rates. Take the East Tennessee Seashore Expres B. W. WRENN, Gen’l Passs r Agt.. E.T. V. A C Knoxville, Tenn. NOTICE. The stockholders of the Jackson Oil Mill Company will meet at. the court house at Jackson on 2uesday, June sth, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, to receive the re port of last season’s busiuess, and to elect a board of directors for the next ensuing year. A full attendence is requested. elO 4t Meade Hendrick, Pres. CAN YOU WRITE? if you can we will Ave you a FOUNTAIN FEN FREE. Carried in pocket. Always ready for use. The ho der is of hard rubber perft ctly formed and fini hed; The Feed is of the niost approved pattern, ('he same used in a pen costing $2 Ou,) insuring an even flow and no leakage. The point will write and last nearly as long as go and. Each pen Is hilled with ihe best ink and tried before sent out. NOW FOR iHE PLAN. .Send us 25c iu le and 2 stamps or for a hal> > ear’s sub -cripti n to Virginia, a beautifully illustrated , 24 page monthly magazine , with excellent infor mal mor the office parlor, bedroom, din ingroom, kitchen, fami and garden, wiih ju>t wit and humor enough to drive away ihe blues Don’t put it offbut write today an,d you will have both the pen and magazine promptly. Address. VIRGINIA PUBLISHING GO., RICHMOND, VA. ANNOUNCEMENT'S. ¥ — All announcements are $5.05 payable tx a&vance, and under no circumstances will we publi-h a candidate's announce ment until the fee is paid. So do not ask it, but bring the money with your announcement.—Eds. I’or Cossg res*. Tha fiiends of Charlie Bartlett hereby announce him as a candidate for cougtess subject to the action of (lie Democratic party of the Gth Congressional DLoict. For Ifepreseiitatire. To the voters of Butts county: Upon the solicitations of many voteisfrom all parts of the county, I have consented to become a candidate for tepresentative in the General Assembly of Georgia, subject to demociatic nomination. Respectfully, . J. A. MeA/icliael. I hereby announce myself as a caodi date for re election to the Ge eral Assem bly of Georgia from .Cults county, sub ject to the action of ihe Demociatic party. 7hanking the people of my county for their libeial support in the | ast, 1 am. Four obedient servant, T. J . DCA/PSE F. For Sheriff and Deputy. We hereby am,ounce ourselves as can didates, for Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff of Butts county, subject to the action of the Democraiic party. J. H. L AND, for /Sheriff, I. H A/ADD OX, for Deputy. IFe are authorized to announce the name of J. 0. Beauchamp as a candidate for sheriff with J. M. Crawford as deputy, subject to the action of the democratic primary to be held on the Ist day of Aug. Tux Collector. We are authorized to announce the came of O. E. Harmon a> a suitable per-on for the democratic patty to nominate for the office of tax collector. Ilis name is sub ject to the ac ion of the democratic pariy. We are authorized to announce the name of Mr. Homer C. Clark as a candidate for >he office of tax collector, subject to the action of the demociatic party. TO THE DEM ORA f IC VOTERS OF BUTTS COUNTY. I bis is the first time 1 have ever asked the people to give me an office and my reasons tor placing myself before the pub lic for their suffrage are these: First, 1 am a poor man and a great por tion of the time I am not able to do farm vork. I own no land and am compelled to eke out a scanty living for a wife and six small children as a renter. Second, I have suffered many hardships and misfortunes, among which was the loss of two wives and three children, and have recently had a great deal or mc’ i ess in my family. lam an old confederate soldier and while in the defense of my country contracted lieumatism from which lam a daily suffeer. 1 a.vk for the office of 7’ax Collector and will be thankful *or any favors extended to me by my friends. Respectfully, W. W. TIIAXTCLV- Tax Receiver. uaSTr ior me WWW or tax receiver, subject to the action of the dem ocratic party. IFe are authorized to announce the name ot Mr. F. IF. Gilmore as a candi date for the office of tax receiver subject to the action of the democratic party. Mr. Gilmore is a crippled ex confederate sol dier. We are authorized to announce the Dame of Mr. S. D. Thurston as a canda date foi tax receiver subject to the action of the democratic party, TFe are authorized to announce the name of M. M. Mills, sr., for the offiee of tax receiver, subject to the action of the demociatic party. Mr. Mills has been blind for seveiat years, though he can see to write now, Mr. d/ills served m the war between the states and in the .Mexican war, but has nevei drawn any peu.-ion like others of both w ars have done. ]Fe are authorized to announce the name of W. A. d/angham as a candidate for the office of tax receiver, subject to the Tulings of the democracy of Butts county. ■ ■ tor Clerk. I berby announce myself as a candi date for clerk ot the Superior court of .Butts county subject to the action of the democratic prim rv Vo be held Aug. Ist 1894. B. P. BAILEY. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for cleik of the Sup-T or court of Butts county I am not drawn o t so much by the ‘‘solicitation of friends,” as is so common among candidates as 1 am by the necessity of a large family of chil dren and a sickly wife to support. I place myself in the hands of tlxe demociatic party and will abide by the result of the primary' election. David .(. Thaxton. I hereby' announce myself as a candi date for Clerk Superior court ot Butts county', having been solicited by many friends to do so, and us I am an old vet eran of the late war and draw no pension nor have ever app'ied for one, I would take it as a great favor if the democracy of the county through their action would favor me w ith the nomination. John O'Rear. For County Treasurer. 1 hereby anuounce myself as a candidates for the re election to the office of county treasurer of Butts county subject to the action of the democratic party. T. L. WILLIAMS We are authorized to anuounce the name of Unele Alex Wilkinson as a candidate for treasurer of Butis county subject to the action of the democratic party'. TFe art authorized to anuounce the name of A. J. Roberts as a candidate tor the office of county Treasurer, subject t® the action of the democratic primary ©n August Ist. . A lady can drive the wildest horse, in perfect safety, of those safely bits. Call on A. G. Hitchins and see them. JFJ.Y MiLMiFI SaI.ES. GEORGIA —Butts County. Will be sold before the court house dooi in said county, on the first Tuesdaj in July 1394, within legal sale hours for cash, the following described property, to w it: One lot containing two acres of land, more or less, No. 8, and bounded as follows; North by lot No 27, east by lot No. 9, south by Indian /Spriag Re serve. Butts county, west by Durable lot. /Said lot lying and ueiug iu the Indian /Spring district, G. 3/., said county and state. Levied on as the property of J. P. Harri son by virtue aud to satisfy one execution issued from the Austiee court of the 1234 disliict, G. M,, Fulton county, Georgia, in favor of Geo. Crouch against J. P. Harrison, defendant in fifa. J. P. Har rison given written notice. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Thia, June O'h, 18'H. J 0 Beauchamp, Sheriff, Cutis County. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEO/i’GlA—Butts County. Wheieas F. S. Etheridge, administrator of < oluuebus Burferd, represents to the court in his petition, duly' filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered Columbus Burford’* estate, this is, there* fore, to cite all pe-sous concerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from the administration and receive letters of dismission on the first 3/onday in September, 1894. This, June Ist 1894. •T F. Carmichael, 3-1“ Ordinary. FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION GEORGIA—Cutts County. 7o all whom it may c:nceru: Prudie /,, Plymale having in proper fonn applied to me for permanent letters of administiatiou on the estate ofR. B. Plymale, late of said county, thia is to cite all and singular the creditors and next ol kin of R B. Plymale to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration ahould not be granted to Prudie L. Plymale on R. B. Plymale’s estate Witness my hand and official signature, this, Ist day of June, 1894. J. F. CARMICHAEL, Ordinary. FOR GUARDIANSHIP. GEORGIA —Butts County. Whereas, J. M. Crawford, administra tor, cu n testarnento annexo, of A. M . Harkne&p, repiesents to the court m his petition, duly filed, that he has fully ad ministered A. Harkness’s estate, this is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, heirs and creditors to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator shoukl not be discharged from his administration, al.d receive biters of dkmissjon on the Ist J, F. Carmichael, Ordinary. Jackson Buggies! -A. on Han-d- During the last few weeks in which faimers have been so busily engaged on their farms, I have accu mulated an ample stock of J&CKSOBr : iron to -supply any Reasonable demand from my Numerous Customers. So it you want an Extension Leather Top Phaeton or Surrey Canopy Top Phaeton or Buggy, In fact, if you want any kind of a vehicle ranging in price from $35.00 to $250.00, call on me at the JACKSON CARRIAGE FA TORY and be supplied. Respectfully, J. R. Carmichael. nr ft TI|To (^es i r e for Mor- j UIH 111 t llln *b Opium, Whis-j kv or T-bacco, Proof free. $5 to euro morphine or whisky habits ; $2 for curing tobacco habit Address. B, WILSON, Fleming, Texas. We have opened a real estate agency a f this office, and if you have any land to rent or houses to rent, or buy any property of any kind, we will advertise it for you on terms to suit you. Your name need not be known to any one. bring along your property and we will treat you right about it. Harmon & McDonald. Fresh meat at Harp’s market. DISSOLUTION SALE NOTICE. We offer for sale 3 i 2 acres of land, more or less, situated w it bin 300 yard* of depot, well watered by tv o branches run ning through game. One 20 11. P. Wat erson engine and ooiler good ns new. 6 weeks will cover all the time it ever run. One /hewer's Sword Brick machine— capacity 25,000 bricks per ten hours— nearly a9 good as new, also Spring Flat, Tiay buck barrows, belting, tools, oil, etc. Titles perfect. This is a chance to get tlrstclass machinery in firstc’ass condi tion cheap. /he above property will be sold separately to suit purcb* ser. For prices and terras call on, or address, D. J. Spencer, Jackson, Ga. or T. TP. McCord, FOR TWELVE MONTHS’ SUPPORT. GEORGIA—Butts County. To all whom it may concern : It appearing to the court that the ap praisers appointed to set apart twelve month’s allowance for Prudie L. Plyinale, widow of li, B. Plymale, and her minor child, have set apart the same within thirty days from the date of the application and filed the same in my office according to law, this is to cite all persons interested to show cause, if any they can, wiihin the time prescribed by law, why such allow ance should not be confirmed. J. F. Carmichael, Ordinary. J FOR THE CURE OP Catarrh, Scrofula, Boils, Eczema, Carbuncles, Sores, And all Other Skin Diseases. EQUALLY EFFECTIVE IN Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, and all complaints originating in Impure Blood. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla Has cured others, will cure you. GUM ELASTIC ["roof|fllC j Costs only $2.00 per 100 square feet. Make* a good roof for years, and any one can put it on. Local Agents Wanted. Gnm-Elastic Paint only 00c per galon in bbl. lots, or $4 50 for 5 gallon tubs. Color dark red. stops leaks in shingles, rmr Send stamp for samples and j full particulars bUM ELASTIC ROOFING 00. 39 &41 West Broadway, - New York, i The largut Retail CLOTHIERS in the South. < PRICE TO ALL . . MACON, . . 1 I TT ATLANTA, . . M 2-194 Clurry Stroet. *9.41 Whitehall-33-34 S. Broad. | ‘heilrrk’ 't! M : *>* • Phi nn 2 $4? —• rn j rN^j^WATCHmie AJjeton Ga. | \—!—-fjAt KSOXOi SHOES. We keep Shoes to fit everybody’s foot, fancy ami pcw K m b, , shoes, Sunday shoes and holiday shoes, all for prices that cam.m be ; ■ .... DRY GOODS. Our line of Dry Goods is composed ot ail the latest and mou I *iro;,r > shades, and of qualities the best the markets of the world can HflVd. r' om and see out beautiful line And be convinced that what we say i< mm. MILLINERY. We are the leading- Milliners in Jackson, for the reason that wo have a long and diversified experience. We have all kinds of hats in the vrv latest etvles, combining French and American prize designs. FANCY GROCERIES. Our line ot shelf Groceries cannot be surpassed in price and quality. Our Tobacco is so cheap that the people are surprised at the qualify ot goods when tried. We keep a!! kinds of snuff. Come to see us ami w wilftreat you right. L.R. CASON, Prop, of THE VARIETY STORE. ' " 1 aiM s #lllO DIM SOLID KflHI Mils wirm Leave Cincinnati by Q AC.. ... 7:00 n , ?. ■ Arrive Atlanta, by E. T. V. & Ga,,.... l ) Arrive Macon “ “ .... \ : -jji > / ... Arrive Jacksonville, S. F. & W. F y. Arrive Savannah,? F. & w B. W. WKENH, DR. HATHAWAY i | (Regular Graduate..) Are thv. leading and roost successful specialists ana will give you help. Young and mld die aged men. ttemarkab'e re,- ansg* V unite have follow- WWr. \ ed our treatment . Kb Many years o wfEMHffiRMBSBW?vTI fnl axperleue UQEL,. Jf&A la the nee or cure tire methods tha’ we alone own an' control for all dti orders of men who .have weak, ur la ■<saaWßeywMa^BHiE^B^tveloped or a1 r l organs, o? • ySSyHs JgHHsts!who ere suflerlat - Wgk HjHnMrn'm errors of v ' dHHIIMlHWvotith and e t ■ 'ifgyulvßßT ~~T J T~~f L - < WBBHMBHfor who ere r.• rv . ijHjHHßihl 'HSwEe# '1 I ■HBiuSS23' tf ’ e scorn of their I 1 ’ and the 4 contempt of their ' friends and eons penlons, leada * to guarantee to all patient*. If they can possible be reutored, oar own exclusive* treataaa will afford a cure. WOMEN! Don’t yon want to get eared of the weakness with a treatment that yon ean uue a home without Instruments? Our wonderful tree ment has cured others. Why not you? Try Ik CATARRH, and diseases of the Skin, 8100- Heart, Liver and Kidneys. •TPHILI*— The most rapid, safe and effective remedy. A complete Cure Guaranteed. ■RIN DISEASE* of all kinds eared whe* •• many others have failed. UNNATURAL DISCHARGES promptly eared In a few days. Quick, sure snd safe. This Includes Gleet and Gonorbcua. TRUTH AND PACTS. We have eared eases of Chronic Diseases the have failed to get cured at the hands of other specie lets and medical Institutes. "roronru that there is hope for Ton. Consult no other, as you may waste valuable time. Obtain our treatment at once. Deware of free and cheap treatment*. We give the best and most scientific treatment at moderate prices—ts low aa can be done for safe and skillful treatment. FREE eonealtattoa at the office or by mall. Thorough examination aHd careful diag nosis. A home treatment can be given In a majority of case* Send for Symptom Blank Ko. 1 for Men; j No. 3 for Women; No. 8 for Skin Diseases. All oorre- ; spondence answered promptly. Business strictly oon ; llaentfal. Entire treatment tent free from observa tion. Refer to our patients, banks and business meu. ! Address or call on DR. HATHAWAY & CO. r aa i-a South Broad Street, ATLANTA, QA *oio to Harp’s meat market for frebh meats of a 1 kinds. CAUTION' re , pouglaa Shoes v/ > f - hae them without^®*' 1 * ,r{4 '> ruj* bottom.pot hlm down a* a?raud mPSd '' % wmUmh m W. L. DouglaK DO QUAC BC3TIN 90 OrlUGi THE WORLD. W. L. DOUGLAS Shoes are stylish, easy fit tin?, And give better satisfaction at the prices ad. vertlsed than any other make. Try enepair sno be convinced. The stamping of w. L. Douglas name and price on the bottom, which guarantee* their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who push the eale of W. L. Douglas Shoea gain customer*, which helps to increase the sales on tbelr full line of goods. They can afford to sell at a less profit, and we believe yen can save money by buying all your footwear of the dealer advertised below. Catalogue free upen application. Address, W> A. DOUDLAA Brockton. Mom. Sold * DR- J. W CEUtf. ■—a—ißH—awmii sawne——os—q MEN, WOMEN. Can make money and rapidly doing a ROYS, Cl 1(1.8 lew heart wr| each weok> at heme. No canvassing, nothing d(f firult or unpleniant. Plan entirely new and original. - 'Write u encles* lug stamp. THE AMERICAN HOME JOCK AC, 358 Vlearborii Street, Chicago. B. W. WRENN, JR. Attorney-at-Law, Commercial Law a _. , a...... a Specialty. ATLANTA, GEORGIA,