The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, June 14, 1894, Image 4

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CAN’T YOU SEE I hat the republicans are too sharp f>r our bin s ? They see lhal no party ran It .hi the rein* of government ami ignore tin demand* of the people for 1 eforro. -loliu Sherman & Cos. see j!, i-. Now, then, they will not allow ' e democrats to catty out the plat t tin demands, for the simple reason that Hun- are going to do that them "!v* **-, ir. the republican party v. i 1 put a silt i-r plank and an imiorue Lx | 'in'- in their next j.latf.roi, be cause tlxknow tin -e t .mg* a red**, tnaud* (1 In tin* people, and that the proms* and n , !’oii i !<i tlx* Chicago plat form u a-> h In' .-nowed them under in 62. They wil reiiionel i-e silver a . I gradually vivo other and. Miami* t.f liie people so that they can have an o'lx-r twent)-live year xwonp at the i ; /ei nment. People who read can - e i‘iat the republican} are fixing to go in power r gain, and we predict Unit they are shrewd enough to keep its poor felhr - out unit! our children are old eno' to take our p!ac> sand make a platlerm, and enact it into a law. SI ECIMEX CASES. S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled viith neuralgia and rheu mati-tn, his stomach was disordered, lii s iiv er vvas affeo.ed loan alarming degree, appetile nil away, anti lie was n nib y reduced in health and -trength. 'Three bottles of E critic Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrsburg, HI,, hal a running sore on his leg, of eight > ear*’ standing. U-el three bottles of Electric Biller*, and seven boxes of Utieklen’s arnica Salve, aud hi* leg is sound and we 1. John Speaker, Ca tawba, 0., bad five large Fever sores on bis leg, doctors said lie was incur able. One bottle ot Electric Bitters and one box of Bucklcn’n Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold at G. Bryans’ drug store. THE EDITOR. We copy the following from the New York Weekly Proof Sheet; “There is no man who docs more for'he community in which he lives than the editor of the country news paper. 'Toiling ceaselessly from one year’s end tc another, often with in- sufficient help and unable to secure assistance, be manages to issue regu larly his weekly paper, filled with the news of his county and the world No business enterprise is started in Ids county that he is not expected to “give* it a little boost.” No entertain mi nt is project and by the church that lie is not ca led on to give it a ‘'free piitf.” If a leading citizen dies • ol utuiis arc thrown open for liberal ob ituaries, while birth- and wedilings are all noticed, usually' atconsiderable length. If bi count vis an agricultu ral one, be must never fail to telN* big the crops of all the farmers are, so that the people from other places may b-- induced to locate. Inhere are coal veins to be opened, he must fill his columns with icports of the thickness ot the veins, the value of the coal and the indue* incuts held out to capitalists for its development. If thee is a railroad to be built, anew court house is wanted, the columns of his paper must be used to boom them. “In a thousand ways he helps It is county and every issue of his paper is worth a great deal to the people ot his community. ” And he might have truthfully ad ded: and gel only as the reward for their services, “cusses,” and a short blackberry crop. a A HOUSEHOLD TREASURE. D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie. N. Y., says that he always keeps Dr. King's Non Discovery in the house and the family has always fou and the best re sults follow its use; that he would not be without it, it procurable. G. A. Dykeman, druggist, Catskill, N. Y., says that Dr. King’s New Diseov< ry is undoubtedly the best cough remedy; that be has used it in bis family tor eight years, and it has never failed to do all that was cuimed tor if. Why not try a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bet ties free at R. G. Bryans' drug store. Regular size 50c, and SI.OO. JENKINSBURG DOTS. Miss Minter, ot Hovilla, paid us a shot t visit Saturday. Messrs. l\ O. Woodward and E. A. Thomas took in Griffin last Friday. Quite a crowd of our young people attended a picnic at Henley’s mill last Saturday and report a big time. A crowd of our boys and girls went to Key's Ferry fishing on la>t Thurs day. They left here at 2 o’clock in the morning and the majority of them didn't get back until 12 that night. J. B Childs is so hearse over it that he can't speak above a whisper* A certain young man had an en gagement to carry a certain young lady home on Friday, but his eld r brother was going to use the buggy and he had to take her on Saturday night. Misses Minnie Wood sand Turnbull, of Locust Grove, spent a few days in Jenkinsburg last week. Say, Mr. Editor, don’t you believe I have b eti In the soup . I have just been waiting for Stubsto write kis immigration iueas, but I suppose the col l snap froze them out. Tago. llOvv THEY SIAND. The following list shows how the candidates lor governor stand up t< toda\ —Thursday morning: ATKIXSOy. EVaXS- Merri wether 4 Richmond 6 Baldwin 2 Terrell 2 Coffee 2 Elbert 2 Clinch 2 Bartow 4 Douglass 2 Telfair 2 Cherokee 2 Lincoln 2 Oconee 2 Hal 4 Taliaferro 2 Mu nay 2 Gwinnett 4 Clay 2 M n rue 4 Fl<>\d 6 Butts 2 DcKalb 4 Milton 2 \V hi; fix-id 2 Irwin 2 Low nde* 2 J ffeoon 4 Randolph 2 Wilkes t Echo - 2 Mu-cogee 4 Fulton 6 Troup 4 Clark 2 Carroll 4 Putnam 2 D'dge 2 Dade 2 Glasscock 2 Camden 2 McDuffie 2 White 2 Fannin 2 Sumter 4 Glynn 2 Warren 2 Hancock t Walker 2 Macon 2 Coweta 4 Chattahoochee 2 Catoosa 2 Pierce 2 Charlton 2 Tattnall 2 Montgomery 2 Appling 2 Dawson 2 Madison 2 Paulding 2 Emanuel 2 Jones 2 Wilcox 2 Cobb 4 Campbell 2 Pulaski 1 Wayne 2 Heard 2 Total 112 Total 68 no BTFUL. Polk 2 IIN IN s’l KUCTEU. Mclntosh 2 TO THE SEASHORE. The season lias again arrived for the opening ot the seashore resorts and the E. T. V. & G. Ry takes pleasure in announcing that on May Ist, the hotel on Cum bet land Island will be opened under the management ot Mr. L e T. Shackleford, formerly of Hale Sping, Tennessee, a gentleman of wide experience, and one that will maintain the popularity of that >e sort. The St. Simons Hotel will be open ed on the lotn, managed by Mr. Chas. 'l'. Dunn, former proprietor of the Carletou Hotel, Jacksonville, Florida. many impiovemeuts have been made at botn of the above places. The E T. V. &. G. Ry will as usual sell low rate tickets during the summer. Any agent of .lie company will take pleasure in giving tun info-ma lion as to rates and schedules. TRASHY MEDICINES. Mmv such flood the market. Bo tanic Blo<>d Balm is a const ieniioush Compounded tin dicino, it.©m~n • forty years practice by an eminent physician. It is the best hi od pm i tier ever offered to the public, and is guaranteed to cure if given a fair trial. Trv it for all skin and blood diseases, including catarrh and rheumatism in its worst form. One bottle of it con tains more curative and building-up virtue than a dozen of any other kind. Try “The Oid Reliable.” See adver tisement elsewhere. NOTICE TO TEACH ERS. I take this occasion to give the information that the Teachers Insti tute ot Butts county will convene on Monday ‘he 18th day ot June, and con tinue during the week. All persons holding a teacners license, whether engaged in teaching or not, unless they have permanently retired from teaching, are required to attend tins Institute. Teachers will please bring with them for references their Gram mars, Geographies, Arithmetics and Fourth Readers, used in the schools of W Harper, the superintendent of public shools of A meric us, Ga., will be our expeit, who will during tho week dcli\er two public lectures free to all who may attend. Subjects: “The wav out of Poverty” and “some of the Wonder® ot Science.” The Board of Education and ti.e public generally are invited to attend the exercises of the Teachers In ti ute. as well asihe public lectures. Take due notice and govern yourselves ac cordingly . E. E. Pound. U. S Horn., B. U. PENSIONS. BEING located near the government department are able to give your claims better attention than attorneys located elsewhere, Special attention given to difficult and rejected claims. If your present attorney does not suit you and is slow write us. /Soldiers who have lost their discharges tan obtain new ones. Charges of desertion removed. No fee unless you get a pension. Advice flee. Solaiera pensioned at less than twelve (sl2) dollars per mouth and suffering from disability in addil<>n to that named in their pension certificates may btain in crease under the new law. Pensions for widows and children wiihout rega and to c-tuse of soldiers death; for mothers and fathers who are not dependent, whetuer they were dependent upon soldier when he died or not. Penfions obtained or services render* and in A/exican and Indian wars, Mexican pen-ions can now be increased to sl*2 a month, fijuspstided pensions res tored. PATENTS. Caveats Trade Marks, Designs. Copyrights and all Patent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. Information and ad vice to inventors without charge A idress, THE NORMAM CLAIM AGENCY, Box 167, Washington, D. C. MALLARY BROTHERS & CO. Macon., G-eoz?g±a. REMEMBER WE ARE STILL HEADQUARTERS FOR Engine, Unite, St? Mills, Sittn Die, Prase, AND EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE MACHINERY LINE. Please do not be persuaded into buying anything in our line before writing us for prices. MALLARY BROS & CO, MACON, GA, REDUCED PRICES On all Kinds of Medicines, at White’s Cream Vermifuge 25c >ize for 15c S;mmmon'\s Inwr M* diotne $1 00 size for 50c. Dt. Scott’s Electric Planters price 25c for 10c. Dr. Palmer Electric Placet rs 25c “ lOe. Henson’s Capeine “ ,4 20c “ 10c. Belladonna “ “ 20c ‘ 10c. McLean’s Cordial price $1 00 for 67c. McLean’s Cordial ” 50; “ 34c. August Flower “ 75c 40;. W. L Cartni* hael’a Female Tonic twice SI.CK) for 35c. Hr vter’s Lung hestorr price SI.OO for G7\ Hv| opostff.ates price SI.OO tor 75'. M Lean's Vulcanic O 1 Suit price $1 00 for 60c, Dr P.crcrG Medicine* price SI,OO lor 67c. S lrsaparill* price $1 00 tor 67'. Wine Cordui prie< SI.OO for 67c Kendall''- Spavin Cute price $1 00 for 67c. Face Powders price 15c lot sc. Base Ball* and Bats at cost, and many other tilings too numerous to mention at Rock Bottom prices. J. W. CRUM. NOTICE!! NOTICE! NOTICE! Tiotw are Homo of tio rrioos -YOU CAM BUY DRUGS OF- W. L. CARMICHAEL Call ard get prices of other goods. S. S. S, small per bottle 6S<\ old price SI.OO. 8. S. 8. large per bottle sl.lß, “ “ $1 75 Rocs’ Liver Neuralgia and Rheumatic cure small 85c, old price 50c. Rocs’ r Neuralgia and Rheumatic cure large6Bc, u “ SIOO. School Crayons per box sc. old price 10c. Note gooti, per qure 5c “ “ 10c. Envelopes per packedge sc, “ '* 10c G'eenV Angus F own*, good for d* *pcpsia, 45c, Hd price 75c. B schee’s Genu <n Simp f rcroup 45c, old price 75c. Lawrence’s Liver Midicine large 35c, old price 50c Lawrence’s Liver Medicine small 13c, “ “ 25c. Porous Piasters 10c, old price 25e. l’i Is per box 15c, old price 25c. .VcLeau’s Strengthening Cordial small 35c, old ptice 50c. McLean's Strengthening Cordial ! arg<* 68<*, old price $1 00. Satvaparilla per bolt!< 65c, old price SIOO. Sar-aparitla “ *‘ 50c “ “ 75 McLi ■tin’s Liver ami Ki Im v Bairn 68 , old price SIOO White Oil Liniment 33c, old m ice 50c. Iron Tonic 67e, old price SIOO. Certain Catarrh Cure always on hand. W. L. CARNICHAEL. We aie Still at Ihe (attain. Don t Forget the PRce ! R, G. BRYANS & CO. Heal tat Casl Prices ail Keen 1 Minin. Iron Tonic. 40 & 60c. Regular Price 75 & 100. C*storia 25c. “ 35 Cough Svrnp 12. “ 25 Wine ('ardui 66 “ 1.00 Kendal s Spavin Cure 60. *‘ 1"0 Simmona Live* ll'-guiator 15. “ 25 Black D> aught 15. “ 25 S. S. S 67* * 1.16 100* 1 75 Mother’s Fri ml 1.05. “ 1.50, P& W. Mon h lie 30 “ >; Sarsaparilla 71. “ 1 00 Pierces Golden Med., Dis . 71 “ i 00 “ Fhvorite Prescription* 69. *‘ 1 00 “ Pellett’s 15. “ 75 Brarificlds Female Reguialor69 “ 100 Aletris Cordial 69 ** 1.00 Peruna .71 “ 100 Pills .15 “ .25 Cuticura Soap .18 “ .25 “ Salve 40 “ .50 Browns Iron Bitters .71 *- 1.00 Soothing Svrttn .18 “ 25 Bradycrottne .35 “ 50 Brewers Lung Restorer .136 “ 1.00 R. G. BRYANS & CO. Mustang Liuineut 18 36 & 71 for merly .25 .50 & 100 B St A'.oe Pnlii.h 7 .17 18. “ 10 25 F' l nias Cordisl .61 “ 1.00 Roval Gerniamie .70 “ 100 Sulphur Salu &C 'pperas sc. r> .Vis Pain KiMer .19 “ .25 L uroii E'ixir 31 * .69 ** 50 &1 00 80-t XXX Envebpe* 5 “ .10 Hm-kieln ri v Cordial .19 “ .25 Electric Bitter- 41 “ 75 4 z Vaseline 5 “ 10 St J c hs Oil 26 Il ui eh<>ll Amirnnia 10 * l 25 Adcocks P irott-Plasters 9 “ 25 St rengtliening Piaster-8 “ 25 B dladonna '* 8 “ 25 Cansicmn K 8 “ 25 Parkers Har Balaam 35 “ 50 Teethiua 18 “ 50 Radwavs Relief 36 “ 50 S* rup Figs 36 &69 “ 50*1.00 Raw Linseed Oil 60 Boiled 63 Is as safe and harmless as a flax seed poultice. It act3 like a poul tice, drawing out fever and pain, and curing all diseases peculiar to ladies. . “Orange Blossom” is a pas tile, easily used at any time; it is applied right to the parts. Every lady can treat herself with it. | Mailed to any address upon re ceipt of sx. Dr. J .A. McGill & Cos. 1 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111. Sold hy DR. W. L. C AKMICHEAL. j BLOOD BALM. A household remedy for all Blood and Skin diseases. Cures without fail, Scrof* ula,lifers, Rheamatlsm, Catarrh. Salt Rheum and every form of Blood Disease from the simplest pimple to the foulest Ulcer. Fifty years’ use with unvarying success, dem onstrates its paramount healing, purify ing and building up virtues. One bott : e has more curative virtue than a dozen of any other kind. It builds up the health and strength from the first dose. BF- WHITE for Book of W on aerful Cures, sent free on appli : cation. If not kept by your local druggist, send 11.00 for a large bottle, or 85.00 for six bot ! ties, and medicine will be sent, freight paid, by BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, fit. One of His Experiences. For thirty-eight years Capt. Loud followed the sea, most of that time a,-, master of a ves sel, and upon retiring from ti e water v as ap pointed by tae .Secretary of the United States Treasury to superintend tlie t-eal fisheries in Alaska, wliich po-ition lie lie and five years. He relates one experience as follows: veers 1 had been tmubleiLffita of my heart. ?Ty greatest “miction was sleeplessness; it was almost impossible at any time to obtain rest ands eep. Having seen Dr. Miles' remedies advertised I began using Nervine. After taking a small quantity the benefit received so great that I was posi tively alarmed, thinking the remedy con tained opiates which would finally be injuri ous to me; but on being assured by the drug gist that it was perfectly harmless, I contin ued it together with the Heart Cure. Today I can conscientiously say that Dr. Miles’ Re storative Nervine and New Heart Cure did more for me than anything 1 had ever taken. I had been treated by eminent physicians In Now York and San Francisco without ben efit. I owe my present good health to the judicious use of t nese most valuable remedies, and heartily recommend them to all afflicted as I was.”—Capt. A. P. Loud, Hampden, Me. Dr. M iles’ Restorative Nervine ana New Cure are sold by all druggists on a positive guaran tee, or by Dr. Miles Medical Cos., Elkhart, Ind., on receipt of price, 81 per bottle, or six bottles for $5- express prepaid. They art free from all opiates ana dangerous drugs. For Salt by W. L. CARMICHAEL and B. G. BRYAN'S & CO. foN / JBjgSjPL \fosriV£H£Si dyspepsia / H \ 5/0* 0* INDIGESTION I IMf \ N Ra SUSie B/l/ousnessK JpliPfti //4 unotce Sourness orm^m■ PfLoss of Stomach Appetite None Genuine Without The Likeness Anb fIQNATURE OrM.A.THEOrORO ON FrontOp ach Wrapper. M.A.Thcdpord Mcd.<§- RnM” 'S '* THE STANDARD. DURANG’S Rheumatic Remedy Has sustained its reputation for 18 yean as being toe standard remedy for the tism, Gout. Sciatica, etc., in nil its form*. It is endorsed by thousands of Physi cians. Publishers and Patients It is purely vegetable and builds up from tne first dose." It never fails to cure. Price is one dollar a bottle, or stx bottles for five dollars. Our 40-page Pam phlet sent Free by Mail. Address, Durang’s Rhsumatio Remedy Cos. ; 1316 L Street, Washington, D. C. 1 £) urnn(j's Liver I’iJls are the best on ’ earth. They act with an ease that makes ’ them a household blessing. ’ f RICE 28 CX3. PE!t BOX. or 5 EOXE3 FOB $1 > FOE SALE BY DETJGGISXS. tWhat Nerve Berries have done for others VIGOR men ou,cki r and Permanently Restored, note cat. A positive cure for all W iknesses, Nervousness, Debility, and all their train of evils resulting from early errors and lmer excesses; the result of aTcrwark, alebnrv.. worry, etc. Develops and gives tea* and strength to tbe icxeal or (ani. Stops unnatural lasses or nlgrhtly onatsslons caused by youtlirnl errors or ex cessive use of tofcsero. oplam snd Hqsor, which lesd to consumption and Insanity. Their use shows immediate improvement. Accept no imitation. Insist upon having the genuine Nerve Berries, feVto £ rr fiSVtSi pocket. Price, SI .00 per box, and: boxes, one full treatment, *.OO. fiearanteed to rare any ease. If not kept by your druggist we will send them by mail, upon receipt of pries, in plain wrap par. Pamphlet free. Address all mail orders to Siuaiax hbdical <xk, ctwumk. b. Fsr tale by Or w L Carndsllftl, King of " y % Bicycles. * r Light Weight and Rigidity. Every Ma- N ' chinefuitywarranted || -kk.y Highest Honors at the World's C, . Send two-cent stamp for our 34-page Catalogue A wed. . *. Monarch Cycle Company, RsUII Salesroom, zSo Wabash Ave. Lake and KaistCii Si S., CtitCAvfi • 4 JACKSON INSTITUTE, Jackson: : : : : Georgia. Spring Term Begins Jan. 2,1894 RATE OF TUITION: Primary Classes, per term, : : $6,50 Inermediate and Collegiate Classes, term, $9.50 Art Lessonsi per month, : $2.50 to $3.00 Music, vocal or instrumental, per mo. s3*oo Parent?, do you want your boys and girls biought up to th highest possible peifection of manhood and womanhood ? II sc on musl have the viry best teachers t> help you. We havi them in the Jackson Institute. Not a A hool in Georgia is more thorough, systematic, or bi tter disciplined. Mot excellent • dvantages offered in Art, Music. Elocution and I Oratory. The tuition is us low as you could ask BotrJ can tie had at from ten to twelve dollars per month, fatal u *n,i a 1 ) information cheerfully sent on application A n i.'RE-^ JAS. C, BLASIVGAM , D ~ cl4 ' 6ill President ef J KL: !‘SI TUIt FANCY CEC E. 6. GILMORE & HENCELY, May s Block. Next Door to Livsry St h e on 3d Street* Everything ke~>t fresh, neat, and cleat, and tin- la i<- nr. especially invited to call on us. We keep country faised potatoes and unions, in fact, all kind <>i country raised Vegetables. We deliver all goods free, and orders are promptly fi led i a business-like manner. Ice cold, non-intoxicating drinks of ell kinds on hand it all times Pure coacocolaon hand all ths summer, as good as can he found. Our country friends are also invited to give us their trade an.l we guarantee to please them. GILMORE & HENCELY. Jackson, Ga., Eeh. 8. 1894. ®MEPNISTO BINS 25e New snd most astonishing op tical illusion and a BKALTUTL tisexß Rise. Made ot two twisted bands of Rolled Gold snd Silver. Turn it—the bands appear to parti Ear it down— tnsr seem to fall aparttr Inspect It—you nave a per fect ring!!! All tns rage) over 1 .090,000 sold in two months at 76c. We sand ssmpl# with large catalogue, for cents postpaid. 1 Doeen fSOO. INSURANCE WATCH CO.. IN 8. Kslsted Street. Cblosgo. Ilk §BOLDPLATE $1.99 CCT THIS OCT and Mud U to us with your full nam* and address and we will send yon S year, sent with jTand"^/" find It equal to watches sold brforeand e tbe*”s you ever saw or beard of, pay •xpress agent f1.99 and express charge, and the watch is your.; otherwise pay nothing. It is dust proof case, the movement h a fine % plate Stem Wind and Btem Set, finely jewelled mainspring which does not break and all the latest im provements and warranted the best timekeeper in the world for tbe money and equal In appearance to a genuine solid gold watch. Write to-day. This offer will not appear again. Ad dress INSURANCE WATCH CO., 126 Hatsted Street, It Is better to serve the public than to cheat it. It is better to make a friend of a customer than a victim. It is better to help one’s patrons than to hurt them. What Is fair and just to tile consumer Is best in the long run for the manufacturer. The Insurance Watch Cos, is run on these principles. CONTRACTORS NOTICE. Any p rson wanting firsi-clas work, by a work'nun of 20 years experience in atone or bri< k, such as daras buiit, blasting, where dyna mite i* used, or in all such work a* • ock houses or piers, Cll on G. W. Watkins, Dec 1-1 jr Jackson, oa. ..THE.. ELDRED6F D” 1 gs ipi A strictly high-grade Family Sewing Machine, possessing all modern) Improvements Guaranteed Equal to the Best Prices very reasonable. Obtain them from your local dealer and mat# comparisons. ELDREDGE MANUFACTURING CO. BELVIDERE. ILL. Harp sells fresh meats of all kinds. You can get NICE SUNDAY PANTS at 75c up to $5 00 at COHEN’S,