The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, July 26, 1894, Image 2

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THE ars^s. *• I.HAR.nOK A J.tncDO\ U.l>, Editor* and I*ubliOw-r*. Entered at the J’ostoffioe uPJackton an second class mail matter. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. lacksou. <•!., Jin, 2 , t <*t. ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM, TIIK A. 11, C OF M \AN('K According lo figures in m\ last j NV'e "iMMitti have s -un k of mil j Loin go.-l, jf we kept it all at homo i t-|tl what is needed to pa_\ intorna tiotiai A* the **ock t" > 11 )> •bs millions, it D an interesting in- M'liiy tt ti ml out its whereabout!*. 1 lie intense energy of our people, the many inviting fields foi Investments ami enterprise spread out before them as yearly increasing population has <:i eated a great demand for money dur ing the past 20 years. During thi pciioil the national banks have con 1 1 acted tlitir circulalional and the on ly supply for this va-t demand has been the Bland and Sherman acts, \v liicli was so entirely inadequate that otu people with ‘heir restless energy turned to foreign countries and bor rowed it and obtained itchielly from England. An estimate attributed to Henry Clews * Cos. leading New \ ork bankers, makes this foreign debt about three thousand million dollars and every dollar of it payable in gold. Every railroad bond, every municipal bond, every state and county bond that has been negot ated since the legal lender character of silver was restored has been made payable in gold also all the longtime farm mortgages. This vast aggregation of securities has been almost eutiiely neglected in England and is there held by the Jew bankers, the Rothschilds and other-’, drawing like a blister, interest to the tune of some 200 millionsveaily and like a non resident landlord making an Ireland ot America.. Here is where our bal ance ot 1 1 ade and our gold also is year- I) swallowed up. Oh! ye degenerate sons of the sires of 70. You have re versed the impassioned declaration of ohl Clias. Cotesworth Pinckney “mil lions for defense but not one cent for tribute while you say millions for tribute but not ene bit of sense for defense against such wholesale plun der. Not one cent of interest could England draw from this country if the peonlc had sense enough to com mand the government to make Green backs sufficient for its business needs and to cease their foolish idolatry ot gold. Did the patriots of 76 ask England how they should proceed to make money. No they made the on ly money that never deserts a nation in time ot war, that is a national mou •7. o°id always takes wings in time of war and hides its cowardly head in some place of security and comes foith after dancer is past in the hands of some Jewish usurer to rob the na tional money of the fruits of its hard earned victories just as it is today robbing the old confederate and union soldiers of their hard earnings. The entire stock of gold in Hie whole world is about 3,582,000,000 and yet we owe foreign countries about 3,000,- 000,000. Mr. Gladstone in a recent speech estimated that all the nations ot the earth in the aggregate owed England 10,000,000,000 of dollars pay able in gold and there is only 3,582,- 000,000 in the world, so England has a string tied to every gold doll ar in the world and can call it in at her pleasure. What folly then to make our money reueemable iu an article that our competitor has absolutely control over. Mr. Gladstone made the above statement In a speech to show the folly of England adopting the double standard. The Loudon Daily News of May 10th 1892 says ed itorially. “For Great Britiau preem inently the creditor among all nations to adopt it would be midsummer mad ness Indeed. Bimetallism would shake to us foundations the financial fame and supremacy ol Great Brit ian." The only object England had in keeping possession of ns as colo nists was to tax us. Having failed to do this by open warfare, she has filled this country with her commercial missionaries preaching the gospel ol gold as the only true money, a very eomtortiug belief to her no doubt, as she owns it all. And thus by means of the folly and idolatry of the An glomaniacs and the gold monoma niacs the great laboring class, who furnish the exports ot the country ara yearly taxed hundreds of millions of dollars Is it not time we were giv ing heed to what men like Ricardo, John Stuart Mill, Prof. Jevous, Hen ry Clay Tlios. Jefferson, Mr. Gallatin, J. It. McCulloch and others tell us that if you limit your issue to the bus iness needs you need not worry about the material of which your money is made provided you confer upon it full legal tender authority. The (ar id'. it is true is a tax, but however much it taxes you the money is re tained in America and does not make us poorer as a nation, but this for eign money taxation draws a living stream of life blood from us yearly, it draws night and day and never ceases, whether we have good times or bad times, this interest must be paid, and when paid, is spent by an absentee landlord and we are denied even the poor privilege of picking up the crumbs that fall from the rich man's table. The tariff lias been the bone of contention in the American congress for ID*> years and no nearer solution today than it ever wa*. Tariff is but ndetail of trade, but here is the chief inaCrnment ot’tradi.a great fac tor in civilization itself affecting the home and fam'ly, your spiritual and physical wellare. Eel u* give it im mediate, earnest, thoughtful and pa triotic attention* A M • MICA. SEN \ roRI.M \ON Y ENRON- Hon- Wall c t C Hteks o! Sj aiding. I’nanimoush Non;in*led. Yesterday morning at 11 o’clock the delegates to the Sentorial con* vention from the counties ol Butts, Fayette and Spalding, met at the *. >urt house in this city, for the pur pose of selecting a standard bearer to represent the 26Sentonial district in the next genreral assembly. On motion ot Judge j. S, Boyn ton, J. C. Bell, t Butts was mad* chairman ot the convention, who taking the chair explained the oh jects-of the meeting. D. Glessner and J. P, Sawtell were elected secetaiies, and the call of counties showed the following telegates present: From Butts county was j. C. Bell, W. O, Cravvlev and j. G. Caldwell. Fayette - Sandford Gay, Tilman Patterson and j J. Haynes, Spalding —Judge James S. Boyn ton, R. T. Daniel, T. E Patterson, J, P. Stawtell , W. J. Brides, D, Gitss ner, T. R. Mills, j. 0, A Miller, YV j. Maddox, and R. S. Connell. judge J. S- Boynton then at rose and in a lew apropos remarks pre sented the name of Hon- Walter C. Beeks, of Spalding, ns the unani mous choice ol Spalding county, for Senator from this district, wnich was seconded fy j- G- Caldwell, ol Butts who suggested that a rising vote be taken, and resulted in a un animous vote in favor of our dis tinguished lellow citizen, Hon- W. C- Beek s. On motion R. T. Daniel, J- G- Caldwell and Sandford Gay were ap pointed a committee to inform Judge Keeks of his nomination and ask his acceptance. In a few moments the committee returned to the room, accompanied by the nominee who was presented to the convention by Judge Daniel. judge Beeks expressed to the con vention his profound thanks for the confidence imposed and honor con ferred in selecting him, s > unani mously and cordially, as the stand ard bearer of the Democratic party in this Senatorial district, and in words of eloquence and patriotism pledged his fidelity to the faithful cli's charge of the duties imposed upon him- judge Beeks remarks were fre quently applauded by the delegates as he struck the keynotes of the party tealty ami party unity that have overcome the clouds of disa pointment and scenes ol distraction that have threatened our political and social relations in days that have past, and an asssurance that our only hope for the future was the same unaswavering fidelity. On motion of Judge R- T- Daniel the delegates present were requested to preseßt two names from their respective oounties to serve as exe cutive committeemen for the ensu ing two years, with the present chairman as ex officio chairman of the same. r lhe following names were presented and duly de clared members of said committee. Spalding—T- E. Patterson and W. j. Bridges. Favette—A. 0 Blalock and Abe Steinheimer- Butts- b. P. Bailey and W- 0- Crawley. On motion the convention ad journed- CURE EOR HEADACHE Asa remedy tor all forms ot head ache Electric Ritters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield lo its influence. We urge all who are afflicted to pro cure a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual coneti pationElectric Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medi cine. Try it once. Large bottles only fifty cents at R. G. Bryans drug s tore. ARE YOU GOING? The resorts of Teauessee are doing & splendid busines this season. The E. T- V. & G, is the direct route to these resorts and you should ask for your tickets via that lin*. Elegant free observation coaches be tween Atlanta and Chattanooga. A through coache for Tates Spring leaves Chattanooga at 7a. m., and arrives at Tktes at 12:45 p. m. Aleepers on this train to "Washington and New Fork. “The Seashore Express” leaves Atlanta 7 :3U p. m. for At. Simons and Cumber land islands. Three daily fast trains ea h way be tween dfacon and Atlanta and Rome and Chattanooga. Travel the £. T. V. & O. for safety, speed and comfort. J. J. Farnesworlh, Div. Pass. Agl, Atlanta, £/&. B, IF. Wrenu, Gen’l Pass. Agt., Knoxville, Teun. BUCKLEN’3 ARNICA SALVE. The Brst m the world for Cuts, bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil blains, Corns, and all Skin -Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by R. G. Bryans. Wonder if our people who arG mak ing sport of the populists for allowing colored people to take part in our nominations think they can accom plish any good by their narrow mind ed no.-s? The populist are willing lo be responsible for all ot the trouble that may grow out of doing ritht by tho negro. We can inform our friends wltoar so iniu-h concerned about such things that Hie negro don’t want your social equallity nor they are aot going to have it The white man who will stay in hi> own t-lace lias no fear ol social equality. National Headlight There is more truth in the above than poet iy. It is a negro’s nature to con sider a white man beneath him. if the white man consul rs the negro bis equal, and the negro is right alient it. A \\ hi*e man w ho is no belter than a negro is no* as good. Let the white man stay iu bis right place, that is in the democratic par*y, and the negro i.i his place, that is in the republican party. FRESH LIGHT-BREAD Every day at Harp’s Market. We do our own baking, and our bread and cakes are as good as the best Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral THE BEST EMERGENCY MEDICINE FOR THE CURB-OF Croup, Whooping Cough, LaGrippe, Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, AND TIIE VARIOUS Throat and Lung Troubles Threatening Every Honsehold. .ernrotto act, sureto cure For ( ifcajßs §| \CostivereSS dyspepsia J \ Sick or Indigestion ( ks&iyiJr \Nervous a,,iniirur„\ mm I HEADACHE. Biliousness \ J jA UND/C£ Sourness DF'GmSmWKm/L oss of Stomach Appetite Nome Genuine Without The Likeness And Signature ofM-AThedford on FrontOf Each Wrapper. M.A.Thedford Med.<§ v ’ ANNOUNCEMENTS. All announcements are $5.00 payable ix advance, and under no circumstances will we publish a candidate's annuunce raent until the fee is paid. So please do nut ask it, but bring the mouey with your announcement.—Eds. For Congress. The fiiends of Charlie Bartlett hereby announce him as a candidate for congress subject to the action of the Democratic party of the 6th Congressional District. For Representative. To the voters of Butts county: Upon the solicitations of many voters from all parts of the couDty, I have consented to become a candidate for representative in the General Assembly of Georgia, subject to democratic nomination. Respectfully, J. A. McA/icliael. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for re-election to the General Assem bly of Georgia from 2?utts county, sub ject to the action of the Democratic party. Thanking the people of my county for their liberal support iu the past, 1 am, Four obedient servant, T. J. DJEA/PSE Y. tor Sheriff and Deputy. We hereby announce ourselves as can didates, for Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff of Butts county, subject to the action of the Democratic party. J. 11. A AND, for Sheriff, I. H. J/ADDOX, for Deputy. We are authorized to announce the name of J. O. Beauchamp as a candidate for sheriff withj. M. Crawford as deputy, subject to the action of the democratic primary to be held on the Ist day of Aug. Tax Collector. We are authorized to announce the name of O. E. Harmon as & suitable person for the democratic party to nominate for the office of tax collector. His name is sub ject lo the action of the demociatic party. We are authorized to announce the name of Mr. 2/omer C. Clark as a candidate for the office of tax collector, subject to the action of the democratic party. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF BUTTS COUNTY. This is the first time 1 have ever asked the people to give me an office and my reasons tor placing myself before the pub lic for their suffrage are these: First, I am a poor man and a great por tion of the time I am not able to do farm work. I own no land and am compelled to eke out a scanty living for a wife and six small childreu as a renter. Second, I have suffered many hardships and misfortunes, among which was the loss of tw’Q wives and three children, and have recently had a great deal of sickness iu my family. lam an old confederate sldier aud while iu the defense of my country contracted iheumatism from which lam a daily sufferer. I ask for the offiee of T&x Collector aud will be thankful for any favors extended to me by my friends. Respectfully, W. W. THAXTOA 7 * Tax Receiver. We are author'zed to announce the name of Mr. T. G. Preston as a candi date for the office of Tax Receiver subject to the action of the primary to be held August Ist 1894, to name a democratic candidate for that office. We are authorized to announce the name of Alex Saunders, jr,, for the office of 2ax Receiver, subject to tha action ©f the democrat c primary to be held August Ist, 1894. We are authorized to aunouace the name of J. H. Ham for the office of tax receiver, subject to the action of the dem ocratic party. IFe are authorized to announce the name ot Mr. F. IF. Gilmore as a candi date for the office of tax receiver subject to the action of the democratic party. Mr. Gilmore is a crippled ex confederate sol dier. We arc authorized to announce the name of Mr. S. D. 1 hurston as a eanda date foi tax receiver subject to the action of the democratic party, ITe are authorized to announce the name of M. M. Mills, sr., for the office of tax receiver, subject to the action of th>; demociatic party. Mr. Mills has been blind for sevetal years, though he can see to write now. Mr. 21/ills served in the war between the states and in the .Mexican war, but has never drawn any pension like others of both wars have done. ITe are authorized to announce the name of W. A. J/angham as a candidate for the office of tax receiver, subject to the rulings of the democracy of Butts county. l or Clerk. I herby announce myself as a candi date for clerk ot the Superior court of i?utts county subject to the action of the democratic primary to be held Aug. Ist 1894. B. P. BAILEY. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for clerk of the Super or court of Butts county- I am not drawn o t so much by the “solicitation of friends,” as is so common among candidates, as 1 am by the necessity of a large family of chil dren and a sickly wife lo support. I place myself in the bauds of the democratic party and will abide by the result of the primary election. David J. Thaxton. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for Clerk Superior court ot 2?utts county, having been solicited by many friends to do so, and as I am an old vet eran of the late war and draw no pension nor have ever applied for one, I would take it as a great favor if the democracy of the county through their action would favor me with the nomination. John O’Reak. For County Treasurer. I hereby announce myself as a candidates for the re election to the office of county treasurer of Butts county subject to the action of the democratic party. T. L. WILLIAMS We are authorized to announce the name of Uncle Alex Wilkinson as a candidate for treasurer of Butts county subject to the action of the democratic party. JFe art authorized to announce the name of A. J.Roberts as a candidate for the office of county Treasurer, subject to the action of the democratic primary ©n August Ist. Jackson Buggies! -A_ Supply on Hand During the last few weeks in which farmers have been so busily engaged on their farms, I have accu mulated an ample stock of lAOKSOB : WBf®&X3SS. to supply any Reasonable • demand from my Numerous Customers. So it you want an Extension Leather Top Phaeton or Surrey Canopy Top Phaeton or Buggy, Iu fact, if you want any kind of a vehicle tanging in price! from $35.00 to $250.00, j call on me at the JACKSON CARRIAGE FATORY and be! supplied. Respectfully, J. K. Carmichael. nC l TU To the desire for Mor |j£jl j II yhine, Opium, Whis ky or Tobacco, Proof free. $5 to cure morphine or whisky habits ; $2 for curing tobacco habit Address. B, WILSON, Fleming, Texas. GUM ELASTIC ROOFING j Costs only $2.00 per 100 square feet. Makes* a good roof for years, and any one can put it on, Local Agents Wanted. Gum-Elastic Paint only 60c per galon inbbl. lots, or $4 50 for 5-gailon tubs. Color dark red. atops leaks in shingles, tin or iron roofs, and lasts for years Will ship at once on receipt of price. Try it. Send stamp for samples and full particulars. GUM ELASTIC ROOFING 00. 39 &41 West Broadway, - New York. For Lcutc to Sell. GEORGIA —Butts county. To all whom it may concern: B F. Watkins administrator of Bed ford H. Darden, Jr. in his petition duly filed and entered on record, asks leave to sell the lands belonging to the t late of Bedford H. Darden, Jr. deceased, I will pass upon said application at my office in the town of Jackson, on the first Monday in August 1894. J F. Carmichael, This 30, Jane 1894. Ordinary. GEORGIA —Butt# county. To all whom it may concern: J. R. Carmichael administrator of B.Q. Kinard, late of said county, deceased, in his petition duly filed and entered on rec ord, asks for leave to sell the lands be longing to the estate of B. C. Kinard, de ceased, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and heirs of B C. Kinard, to be and appear at my office at the August term of the court of ordinary of said county and show cause if any they can, why an order should not be passed grant ing leave to sell the lands of said deceased as prayed for. Witness my official 6i.nature this the 2nd day of July 1894. J. F, Carmichael, Ordinary. FOR GUARDIANSHIP. GEORGIA —Butts County. Whereas, J. M. Crawford, administra tor, cum testamento aunexo, of A. M. Harkness, represents to the court in his petition, duly filed, that he has fully ad ministered A. M. Darkness's eetate, this is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, heirs and creditors to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dUmission on the Ist il/onday in August, 1894. This, 26th day of April, 1894- J. F. Cabmiohaki., Ordinary. GEORGIA—Butts County. To all whom it may concern: 2he appraisers appointed to set apart to the minor children of Rebecce Harris, late of said county, deceased, have made and filed their returns in terms of law. This is to cite all persons concerned to show cause why said allowance for twelve month’s support should not be granted to said minors on the Ist Monday in August, 1894. J, F Carmichael, Ordinary LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEO/?GlA—Butts County. Wheieas F. S. Etheridge, administrator of Columbus Burferd, represents to the court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered Columbus Bur-ford’* estate, this is, there*- fore, to cite all persons concerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from the administration and receive letters of dismission on the first il/onday in September, 1894. This, June Ist 1894. J F. Carmichael, 3-m Ordinary. Th* Lirjul R.uil CLOTHIERS In tbn South. PRICE TO ALL • > . . MACON, . . MI-114 cherry Street. pfibhu i ml cKson SHOES. I We keep Shoes to fit everybody’s foot, fancy and pocket book. \,' §| shoes, Sunday shoes and holiday shoes, all for prices that cannot l>c* andu u , | DRY GOODS. Our line of Dry Goods is composed of all the latest and mon lashlonaifl shades, and of qualities the best the markets of the world can altmi. („i"S and see om beautiful line and he convinced that what we say is true. MILLINERY. We are the leading- Milliners in Jackson, for the reason that we, l,aw* long ami diversified experience. We have all kinds of hats in the very Ihi<-J| stvles, combining French and American prize designs. FANCY GROCERIES. Our line of shelf Groceries cannot be sm passed in pi ice and quality. t)u J Tobacco is so cheap that the people are surprised at the quality ot good- whnHj tried. We keep all kinds of snulF Come to see us and we will treat you nu|it,l L.R.GASON, \ i Prop, of THE .VARIETY STORE. - Agfc TWO MILT SOLID VfSTIBULE IMIS i nitW Py a3jK§9|£ WIFM PWLLMaW SEEEPEMS For Georgia $c Florida. Leave Cincinnati by Q& C 7:00 P. M. 9:00 A. M. Arrive Atlanta, by E. T. V. & Ga., 11:10 A. M. 1:50 A. M. Arrive Macon “ “ .... 1:54 P. M. 4:45 A. M. Arrive Jacksonville, S. F. & "W. Ry. .10:50 P. M. 1:15 P. M. Arrive Brunswick, E. T. V. &Ga ... 8:50 P. M. 11:59 Arrive Savannah,S. F. & W ©:47 P.M. 11:42 A. M. 11. W. WHENN, General Passenger Agent, KNOXVILLE, TEJiJi. j DR. HATHAWAY & CO (Regular Graduate..} Are the leading- and most successful specialists and will give you help. ISfeSk Young and mld die aged men. Wi or4 Remarkable re- SBaWQm \ suits have follow- HHHB \ ed our treatment m i.ii. iBl Many year, o WWB. -JgSaßrrmlt varied ful ezperleue aHfllc, l . . JwO* In the use of curs tive methods that we alone own and \7tfil YjMffllßr**! control for all dls orders of men who hav e weak, unde loped or dir. ore-ins, or ( j§oMj§g||lSwLo are suffering Ijß ■VJyH ■Krom errors of ■' '• • ■ a ■- - ’iMBMffIBBKI } j InHKind Impotent, i-roraHHsSlst ‘ jfmSßEßßfKfrhe scorn of their I and the contempt of their sfißMHgiSSs friends and com panlons, leads us to guarantee to all patient*. If they can possibly be restored, our own exclusive treatmea Will afford a cure. WOMEXI Don’t you want to get cured of tha weakness with a treatment that you can use a home without Instruments? Our wonderful tre* meat has cured others. Why not you? Try it. CATARRH, and disease* of the Skin, Bloo? Heart, Liver and Kidneys. •TPHILIS—The most rapid, safe and effective remedy. A complete Cure Guaraqteed. BKIV DISEASES of all kinds cared whe many others have failed. TTICXATWRAIi DISCHARGES promptly snred In a few days. Quick, sure and safe This Includes Gieet and Gonorhtea. TRUTH AND PACTS. We have cared cases of Chronic Diseases the have failed to get cured at the hands of other speeii lets and medical Institutes. ii I—l REMEMBER that there Is hope for You. Consult no other, as you may waste valuable time. Obtain our treatment at once. Beware of free and cheap treatments. We give the best and most scientific treatment at moderate prices—as low as can be done for safe and skillful treatment. FREE consultation at the office or by mall. Thorough examination and careful diag nosis. A home treatment can be given In a majority of case*. Send for Symptom Blank No. 1 for Men; No. 2 for Women; No. 3 for Skin Diseases. All corre tpondence answered promptly. Business strictly con udential. Entire treatment sent free from observa tlon. Refer to our patients, banks and business men Address or call on DR. HATHAWAY & CO., M 1-3 South Broad Street, ATLANTA, QA Go to Harp’s meat market for frebh meats ofa 1 kinds. CAN YOU WRI IE? If you can we will give you a FOUNTAIN FEN FREE. Carried in pocket. Always ready for use. The holder is of haul rubber perfectly formed and finished; The Feed is of the most approved pattern, ((he same used in a pen costing 00,) insuring an even No v and no leakage. The poiut will write and last nearly as long asgo!d. Each pen Is billed with the best ink aud tried before sent out. NOW FOR THE PLAN. Aend us 25c iu lc and 2c stamps or silvn, I for a halt year’s subscription to Virginia, a beautifully illustrated , 2d page, monthly magazine , with excellent infor niationtor the office parlor, bedroom, din ingroom, kitchen, fa m and garden, with just wit and humor enough to drive away t he blues. /Ain’t put it off but write today and you will have both the pen aud magazine promptly. Address. VIRGINIA PUBLISHING CO., RICHMOND, VA. W. L. Douglas CUAr IS THE BEST, ytf VnvLNOSQUEAKINQ. And other specialties for A Gentlemen, Ladies, Bc> ■jflpgjtr’Pand Misses are the Best in the World. See descriptive advertise A ment which appeal sin this A Take no Substitute. JFWrtfa&fMk Insist on having W. L, DOUGLAS’ SHOES, SHU '•* with name and price ” stamped on bottom. Sold by I)R. J. W. CRUM. MEN, WOMEN, Can make money BDTWiris rapidly doing a uois, riltliS few hours work each week at home, \ocanvaniug. nothing dif ficult or unpleasant. Elan entirely new and original. Write us enclos- L”ir Slaiuii, THE AMERICAN HOME 7,r‘ K ' A L 358 Dearborn Street, Chicago. . . ATLANTA, . . 39"4i Whitehall— 33*34 S. Broad.