The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, July 26, 1894, Image 4

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REPLY TO VV. M. MALLET. Editors A nous: -I wish to cor rect what 1 think to be a typo graphical error in my card ot the 12th. Tho name of S. C. McCand lees should not have been in the parenthesis with G. W. Ray, but should have read W. M. Mallet (acting for G W. Ray.) Now in reply to Mr. Mallet, in bis first par agraph he says: “His object I can not not divine.’' My card said in plain words that I wanted the old Alliance warehouse business settled. I was instructed, as president of the board of directors of the Alliance warehouse, to make a final settle ment bv August Ist, 1894. Seeing 1 hat we were liable to fail, 1 publish ed a card setting the act of the board before the public. Again Mr Mai let savs : *l> fact, so far as Mays end the Alliance are concerned, the fi wtl settlement was, made February, 1891, when the settlement ar.d funds were turn al over to the commission ers, Mr. S, C. MeCardless and my self.’* Now, Mr. M diet, you are the purchaser of the warehouse and you know that you are not one of the commissioners to settle this matter. You had never been recog nized by the boar 1 of directors as such and would not have been men tinned in my card had not Mr. Me- Landless in rendering lbs excuse to the hoard of directors for not doing as instructed by them to publish the names of all those who had money in the hands of the commis sioners to call aud get it. He (Me- Candltss) said : “I could not gel the names that Mallet has and thought it useless to publish a partial list.” Mr. McOandless will not deny this, notwithstanding, you say that Mr. MtCandless mode no such state ment. Now that Mallet is out of the way let McCandless carry out the in structions given him (topublisn all names of fihara holders having money uncalled for to call and ge* it), and the amounts due them, also the names of all share holders who have been paid, and the amount paid to them. The stockholders wish to know how the twenty-seven hundred dollars have been disburs ed. Since Mr. Mallet says in Feb , 1894, he wuh made commissioner, and “McCandless and myself each had half of the funds for disburse ment.” Again, Mallet says; ‘Tin agine Mr. Mays agonizing before the Alliance to get his resolution passed.” Now the resolution that instructed me, as president of the board of directors, to call and advertise the meeting of June the first, that Mr. Mallet says so much about, come up before the Alliance at the April meeting from a letter read in open Alliance, writ ten by Captain F. L Walthall to L. j. Newton, president of the coun ty Alliance, asking why the old warehouse business had not been settled. Mr. Mallett asks why we did not carry out our instructions at the June meeting. I said in my first card vve did not think it right, without due ' notice to all that the money was ready for them. Mr. Mallet says again : “You mentioned the names of several gentlemen. 1 eing in Jackspn, daily wailing for a redivision. '* In my card I said wasfour.d several hun dred dollars uncalled for and be longing to men who were in jack son almost daily. Such as D. D. Swint, G. E Harmon, R, VV. Mays and others, These names do not appear as men waiting for “a di vide,” but they are names taker, from the general managers book, who appear there as share holders with money uncalled for. Mr. G. E. Harmon says he haa not now, nor has 1 evar had any interest in either warehouses. Then how is it that his name aj pears as a share holder with uncalled for funds. Is there a lot of names with uncalled money that Mallet and McCandless are to hold for them forever. You two, Mallet and McCandless, have had control of the old Alliance warehouse books Irom time of pur chase to date of sale : have the names of all share holders ; and if you would baye said to them, “we have some money for you. call at the office and get it.” This matter would have been settled long ago. Mr. Mallet, there was nothing in my card of the 12th to injure the feelings of any one that wishes to do right, and no intentions but to hav6 the instructions of the Alliance car ried out. Now a newspaper is no place for me to settle personal allu sions of “falsehood, and high hand ed robbery.*’ “Call a spade a spade.” Ifyou wish to say that I am a liar and a thief, say it, and I will show you ho v quick I can make you eat it. S. H. Mays. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC- This is to notify the public that I have never sold the Chattanooga Med. Cos., any right to make a mediciue and call it “Thedfords Black Draught, *’ r “M a 2 bed ford & co-’s Liver Medicine or Black Draught,” and it has been so decided oy the United States circuit court, Northern district, Georgia, in the caae which was tried between the Chattanooga Med, co., andM a Thedford, et al. The Chattan ooga Med co, had no right to use the name of M a Mhedford & 00, in connection with a mediciae advertised as ‘ M a Thedford & co’s original and only genuine Liver Medicine or Black Draught'” Therefore, all persous are hereby notified not to buy, sell or handle any medicins having my name thereon, except that which is made by the M a Thedford Medicine Cos, of Aome. Gi f , and called *‘M a Thedford’s Liver Medicine,” which has my likeness and signature on the front of each wrap per. M. a. 7hedford. Home, Ua., July 20, 1894. A lady can drive the wildest horse, in perfect safety, with one of those safety bits. Call on A. G. Hitcliins and see them. THE DISCOVERY SAVED HIS LIFE. Mr. G. Cailouette, Druggist. Bea vcrsville, ID., say : “To Dr. King’s N< w Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with LaGrippe and tried all of tiie physicians for miles about, but ot no avail and was given up and told that I could not live. Having Dr. King’s New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and fioni tho first dose began to get better and after using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won’t keep store or house without it. tie! a free trial at R. G Bryans’ drug store. BARNETT’S MILL. Editors Akgus:— Several weeks have elapsed since we last appeared before the many readers of your pa per, during that time that mighty “Reaper, whose name is Death,” has appeared within our midst and laid hisicy hands upon another loved one and borne her to the “Mystic Golden Shore.” It becomes our sad duty to chronicle the sad death of Mis 9 Lizzie Leverelt, who took her flight into the joys of the better world on the 18th inst. She was the daughter of Mr. A. J. Leveretr, who resides just over the line in Jasper county, but as she bad many friends and acquaintances in Butts, especially in this section, and •vas a member of Macedonia church, we feel it our duty to pay her this last tribute of respect, by attempting to say, in out feeble way, a few words to commemorate this sad event. We shall not attempt to eulogize, to any great extent, the life, and charac ter of the deceased, for we fear our ability to do so would fail us in the at tempt, but suffice it to sav that we search in vain to find one who has led a more virtuous life, or made a char aider so unblemished. She was a beautiful young lady of only seventeen summers, but she recognized the fact that a beautiful face was net sufficient to carry one through the many vicisi tudes of this life, aud prepare one for joys above. Conscious of this fact, she cultivated that beauty of miud and heart that commanded tho ad miration of all who knew her. She connected herself with the Baptist church at Macedonia last summer, and since that time she has led a pious life, enjoying the blessings of the liv ing God, and devotedly believing the divinity of Christ, and his power to sa\e. Her friends were innumerable for indeed none knew her Out to lore tier. She constantly discharged what she firmly believed to be her duty, obeying the slightest wish of her par ents, nevei tiring in the attempt to add to the pleasures of her host of friends aud relatives, and never mis sing an opportunity to lo good. To her many friends and relatives we would say that, although, we can have u® hope of seeing our loved one again la this world, yet, if we follow her examples and trust in the Savior’s promises, we have the assurance of meeting her in Heaven, and to her parents we feel assured iu saying that she will be waiting at the beautiful river to welcome you, when the boat man lands you safe on Canaan’s shore and with her parents and host of friends and other relatiyes, at the final judgment day, there will be a happy meeting. Venus. REAL ESTATE, We have a splendid farm for sale with anew five room house upon it, within 11-2 miles of Jackson. This is a good paying investment for someone to make money. There is a nice stable and barn on the premises, and the ground is well adapted to growing any cereals or fruits. We’ll sell it for about half its value. Call on Harmon and McDonald for further particu lars. Good small farm for sale near Stark in Butts county. Good five room dwelling in the beautiful town of Flovilla—lot containing one and one-half acres, out houses, fencing and water perfect—we will trade this property for property in Jackson or Jackson Banking Cos. stock. We will also sell good farming land in close reach of the proper ty if desired. Five room dwelling, well fur nished inside and out, pleasantly situated, good well of water, plenty of out buildings, garden, yard and lot all under good fence. Four hundred yards from court house. For sale for less than you could build the house. Call and see us if you waDt a good home in the best town in the state. The lot of land upon which the above property is sit uated has 95 feet front running back 210 feet. Apply to Harmon & McDonald. AN OLD DOCTOR’S FAVORITE. Dr. L. At. Gillarn, who practiced med iciue over forty years, originated, used and claimed that Botanic Blood Balm, which has now been in use for about fifty five years, was the best tonic and blood purifier ever given to the world. It never fails to cure the most malignant ulcers, sores, rheumatism, catarrh and all akiu and blood diseases. Price per large bot tle SI.OO. Fer sale by all druggist *- FAIRKOTICE. There is no possible chance for advertisements to get in this paper unless they are brought in by Tuesday, and that is all there is about it. This does not apply to local reading notices.—Eds. We have opened a real estate agency at this office, and if you have any land to rent or houses to rent, or buy any property of any kind, we will advertise it for you on terms to suit you. Your name need not he known to any one. Bring along your property and we will treat you right about it. Harmon McDonald. JACKSON • * INSTITUTE, . Jackson, : : : Georgia. Fall fan Baps Mar, Sajtemto 411, 1894, Each years work of this school completely Justifies its claims to being cue of th* best in the state. A healthful climate, a pure, moral atmosphere, and excelent social influences coir.mends the school to pupils of all parts of the State. The president is now in Massachusef ts studying tho Science of teaching the finest Summer Normal School in the United States. Several ot the other teachers are availing themselves of the ad vantages of other Summer Normal Schools, all with a view to making the work of the school more thorough and perfect than ever before, Tuition in First Three Grades $4.50 Fall Term. Tuition in Other Grades : $6.50 Fall Term Music, Instrumental or Vocal, $3.00 per Month. Art : : : : : $3.00 per Month. kor further information send for Catalogue, or address J. C. BLASINGAME, President of Jackson Institute, NOTICE!! NOTICE! NOTICE! The are Some of the Prices -YOU CAN BUY DRUGS OF AY, L. CARMICHAEL Call and get prices of other goods. S. S. S. small per bottle 68e, old price SI.OO. S. S. S. large per bettle $3 .18, “ “ $1.75. Rocs’ Liver Neuralgia aud Rheumatic cure small 35c, old price 50c. Roeg’ Liver Neuralgia and RheHinatic cure large 68e, “ “ $1 00. School Crayons per box sc. old price 10c. Note pgper, good, per quire 5c “ “ 10c. Envelopes per packedge sc, “ “ 10c. Green’s August Flower, good for dyspepsia, 45c, old price 75c. Boschee’s German Sirup for croup 45c, old price 75c. Lawrence’s Liver Midicine large 35c, old price 50c. Lawrenco’s Liver Medicine small 13c, “ “ 25e. Porous Plasters 10c, old price 25c. Pills per box 15c, old price 25c. McLean’s Strengthening Cordial small 35c, old price 50c. McLean’s Strengthening Cordial large 68c, old price SI.OO. Satvaparilla per bottle 65c, old price SI.OO. Sarsaparilla “ “ 50c “ “ 750. McLeun’s Liver and Kidney Balm 68c, old price SI.OO White Oil Liniment 33c, old price 50c. Iron Tonic 67c, old price $1 00. Certain Catarrh Cure always on hand. W. L. CARMICHAEL. We are Still at the Bottom. Don t Forget the Place ! R. G. BRYANS & CO. Iron Tonic. 40 & 00c. Regular Price 75 & 100. Castoria 25c. “ 35 Cough Syrup 12. “ 25 WineCardui 66. “ 1.00 Kendal is Spavin Cure 66. “ 100 Simmons Liver Regulator 15. “ 25 Black Draught 15. “ 25 S. S. S. 67- a 1.16 1.00 a 1-75 Mother’s Friend 1.05. “ 1.50 P. &W. Morphine SO. “ 50 Sarsaparilla 71. “ 100 Pierces Golden Med., Dis , 71 “ 1.00 “ Favorite Prescriptions 69. “ 1 00 “ Pellett’s 15. “ 75 Bradfields Female Regulator 69 “ 100 Aletris Cordial .69 “ 1-00 Peruna .71 “ 100 Pills .15 “ .25 Cuticura Soap .18 “ .25 “ Salve .40 “ .50 Browns Iron Bitters .71 *• 1.00 Soothing Syrup .18 “ .25 BradyoroUne .35 “ 50 Brewers Luug Restorer .66 “ 1.00 •McGill’s Orange Blossom, our price 65cents, regular price SI.OO. Dr.Miles’ Nervine 65c reg. price $1 Dr. Miles’ Blood Purifier, 65c, regular price, SI.OO. R. G. BRYANS & CO. TM.e.Mi. Coll®, (A Department of the University of Georgia.) Will begin its 15th year September 3d. Best Equipped College in Georgia for Boys, Full Literary and Scientific Course, Thorough Business and Com mercial Course. Unequaled Militar, and Physical Come, All cadets board in barracks un der military discipline day and night. Board $9.50 per month. Tu ition free. For t'ata’ogue address, J, C, WOODWARD, Pies'!,, Milledgeville, Ga. Mustang Liniment 18 36 &71 for merly .25-.50& 1.00 Best Ahoe Polish .7 .17 18. “ 10.25 Felonias Cordial .61 “ 1.00 Royal Germature .70 “ 1.00 Sulphur Salts & Copperas sc. Davis Pain Killer .19 “ .25 Lemon Elixir .39 4 .69 “ .50 &1 00 Best XXX Envelopes 5 “ .10 Huckleberry Cordial .19 “ .25 Electric Bitters 41 “ 75 4oz Vaseline 5 “ 10 St Jacobs Oil 26 Household Ammonia 10 “ 25 Allcocks Porous Plasters 9 “ 25 Strengthening Plasters 8 “ 25 Belladonna “ 8 “ 25 Capsicum “ 8 “ 25 Parkers Hair Balsam 35 “ 50 Teethina 18 “ 50 Radways Relief 36 “ 50 Syrup Figs 36 &69 “ 50 4 1.00 Raw Linseed Oil 60 Boiled 63 Dr. Miles’ New Cure for Heart, 65c, regular price SI.OO Dr. Miles’ Restorative Tonic, 65c, regular price $1 00 Dr. Miles’ Pills, 15c. Is as safe and harmless as a flax seed poultice. It acts like a poul tice, drawing out fever and pain, and curing all diseases peculiar to ladies. “Orange Blossom” is a pas tile, easily used at any time; it is applied right to the parts. Every lady can treat herself with it. Mailed to any address upon re ceipt of si. Dr. J.A. McGill & Cos. 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111. Sold l>v DR. W. L. CARMICHEAL. Blood and Skin Diseases Always R R R Cured. BBB BOTANIC BLOOD BAL7I never fails to cure all manner of Blood and Sum dis eases. It is the great Southern building up and purifying Remedy, and cures all manner of skin and blood diseases. Asa building up tonic it is without a rival, and absolutely beyond comparison with any other similar remedy ever offered to the public. It is a panacea for all ills resulting from impure blood, or an impoverished condition of the human system. A single bottle will demon strate its paramount virtues. {3P”Send for free book of Wonderful Cures. Price, SI.OO per large bottle; $5.00 for six bottles. For sale by druggists; if not send to us, and medicine will be sent freight prepaid on receipt of price. Address BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. SAHE&THESEAS 38 YEARS. One of His Experiences. For thirl y-cight years Capt. Loud followed the sea, most of t lint time as master of a ves sel, and upon retiring from li e water was ap pointed by tue Secretary of the United States Treasury to superintend the seal fisheries in Alaska, which position he held live years. He relates one experience as follows: “For several yea rs 1 bad been iroubled with general nervousness and pain in the region of mv heart. My greatest i fflictlon was sleeplessness; it was : lmost impossible at any time to obtain rest ands tep. Having seen Dr. Miles’ remedies advertised I began using Nervine. After taking a email quantity the benefit received was so great that 1 was posi tively alarmed, thinking the remedy con tained opiates r.hi.'li would finally be injuri ous tei me; but on being assured by the drug gist iliat it was perfectly harmless, I contin ued it toother with the Heart Cure. Today I can conscientiously say that Dr. Miles’ Re storative Nervine and New Heart Cure did more for me than anything 1 had ever taken. 1 had been treated by eminent physicians in New York and San Francisco without ben efit f owe my present good health to the jud'. -ions use of these most valuable remedies, and heartily recommend them to all afflicted as L was.”—Capt. A. P. Loud, Hampden, Me. Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine and New Cure are sold by ali druggists on a positive guaran tee. or by Dr. Miles Medical Cos., Elkhart, Ind.. on receipt of price, $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5, express prepaid. They are free from ali opiates and dangerous drugs. For Sale by W. L. C ARMTCHAEL and R. G, BRYANS & CO. THE SEASHORE. Cumberland & St. Simons Island Hotel Will be open May 15th under new managemen Excursion tickets on sale at low rates. Take the East Tennessee Seashore Expres B. W. WRENN, Gen’l Passs’r Agt., B.T. V. & <3 Knoxville, Tknn. THE STANDARD. A" • • • • • •• • • • "A DURANG’S Rheumatic Remedv Has sustained its reputation for 18 years as being the standard remedy for the quick and permanent cure of Rheuma tism, Gout, Sciatica, etc., in all its forms. It is endorsed by thousands of Physi cians, Publishers and Patients. It is purelv vegetable and builds up from the first dose. It never fails to cure. Price is one dollar a bottle, or six bottles for five dollars. Our 40-page Pam phlet sent Free by Mail. Address, Ourang’s Rheumatic Remedy Go. 1316 L Street, WasHington, D. C. Durang’s Liver Pills are the best on earth. They act with an ease that makes them a household blessing. FRXCE 20 CTS. PER BOX. or 5 BOXES FOR $1 FOR SALE BT DRUGGISTS. tWhat Nerve Berries have done for others MEN Easily, Quickly and Permanently Restored, both day. A positive cure for all Weaknesses, Nervousness, Debility, and all their train of evils resulting from early errors and later excesses; the result of overwork, sleknea*. tvorry, etc. Develops and gives tone and strength to the sexual or gans. Slop* unnatural losses or nightly emissions caused by youthful errors or ex cessive use of tobaeeo. opium and liquor, which lead to consumption and insanity. Their use shows immediate improvement. Accept no imi tati on .Insist upon having the genuine Mapua Dapriac no other. t'onveu ■ w Bvl I 1 v tent to carry in vest pocket. Price, SI.OO per box, six boxes, one full treatment, ss.oo. l*uaranteed to cure any case. If not kept by your druggist we will send them by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrap per. Pamphlet free. Address all mail orders to AHEBICAM HSDICAL CO., Cincinnati, O. For sale by Or W I. Carmieltael King of all Absolutely If I Light Weight and Superior Material It j | Rigidity. Every Ma- and Scientific Work. '* J (blne(ully.rn<e, maiu.hip. | fflghest Honors at tie World’s Columbian txpDsiticn. < Send stamp for our 24-psge Catalogue A work of Art, Monarch Cycle Company, j Retail Salesroom, a3o Wabash Ave. Lake and Halsted Sts., CHICAGO, ILL ’’ MALLARY BROTHERS & CD. j DgCacon, G-eor-gia. I REMEMBER WE ARE STILL HEAIKj [TAUTER* FOR Engines, Boilers, k Mills, Ctitu Giis, Freeses, AND EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE MACHINERY LINE. Please do not be persuaded into buying anything in our line before writing ug for prices. MALLARY BROS. & Cos, MACON, GA. FANCY GROCERIES! E. G. GILMORE & HEN ELY, May’s Block, Next Door to Livery Stab ie on 3d Street* Everything kept fresh, neat and clean, and the ladies are especially invited to call on us. We keep country raised potatoes and .onions, in fact, all kinds of country raised Vegetables. We deliver all goods free, and orders are promptly filled in a business-like manner. Ice cold, non-intoxicating dri/iksof all kinds on hand at all times Pure coacocolaon hand all tbs summer, as good as can be found. Our country friends are also invited to give us their trade and we guarantee to please them. GILMORE & HENCELY. / Jackson, Ga., Eeb. 8. 1894 MEPHISTO RING 250 New and most astonishing op tical illusion and a HKALTIH I, riNGKB RING. Made of two twisted bands of Rolled Gold and 811ver. Turn it—the bi nds appear to parti Lay it down— they seem to fall apart! f Inspect It—you nave a per fect rlnglll All the rage; over 1,000,000 sold in two months at 75c. We send sample with large catalogue, for 86cents postpaid. 1 Dozen 52.00. INSURANCE W ATCIi CO., 186 6. HaUted Street, Chicago, 111. 18 KARAT d'l nn §GOLQ PLATE vPl.yy t CIT Tins Ol'T and send It examination. A guarantee for t years sent with it and if you find it equal to w&tchei old everywhere* $4.00 to s*.oo and before and the grandest bargain you ever saw or heard of, pay express agent $1.99 and eapreis charges and the watch is yours; Ihk. gold plated full baseine dust proof case, the movement * nr.e Stem Wind mainspring which break and all the latest im provements and warranted the best timekeeper in the world for the money and equal in gofd watch. Writtfto-day. Tbit offer will not appear again. Ad ,lrM‘ INSURANCE WATCH C0.J25 Halsled Street, is hejter to serve the pubhc run on these* principles CONTRACTORS NOTICE. Any p*rson wanting first-class work, by a workman of 20 years experience in atone or bri< k, such as dana9 buiit, blasting, where dyna* mite is used, or in all such work as took houses or piers, Call on G. W. Watkins, Decl-lyr Jackaon, Ga. ..THE.. ELDREDGE “B” A strictly high-grade Family Sewing Machine, possessing aU modem improvements. Guaranteed Equal to the Best Prices vary reasonable. Obtain them from your local dealer and make comparisons. ELDREDGE MANUFACTURING CO. BELVIDERE, ILL, Harp sells fresh meats of all kinds. You can get NICE SUNDAY PANTS at 75c up to $5.00 at COHEN’S.