The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, September 06, 1894, Image 3

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PAUSE. PERUSE, PONDER! IDR FULL STOCK OF GOODS IS NOW WERE! You will need a suit of Clothes, a Dress, or some Ladies and Gent’s Furnishings this winter, Inil (lur Stock Has Never Hire Shown such a Variety. fl We have Anticipated the Tariff and are Pre pared to Sell goods at "Free Wool” prices. All We Ast is a Careful Examination and Comparison. Our Line of Clothing is the Best Fitting in the Market. OALL AND BE OONVINGGO ! Our Grocery Room is amply stocked with Provis ions, and will go at lowest prices. We have taken especial pains in buying this large stock of goods and our customers will be given the benefit of our reduction in buying them Stores, ZB 1 -u.x*n.i'fc-uLX*e 3 Mattresses, ZEticl We also have in stock an endless variety of Furniture, Stoves, Tinware, Etc., all of which have been marked way down on account of the tariff. Our Furniture stock is replete with all the latest novelties, and we can suit you in boili quality and prices. We have stoves at your own price. They were bought cheap and must go the same way. VY r e can tickle your fancy in Tinware, and not half try. We have plenty of clerks to attend your wants, and a share of your patronage will be greatly appreciated by us. Very Truly Your Friends, ALM AND, MOOR &©O. Is a well pleased customer. We don’t expect to make much money this year, but we do expect to so increase our following that success will be ours in the terrestial bye and bye. Just no w then, wc would rather make customers than money. Rather have a big crowd—E?entually we know like Constantine. By these signs ws shall conquer. The Globe Store C. G. FENNELL & GO., : PROPRIETORS, : JACKSON, GA. Are Offering Bargains that would illuminate the cloudiest financial sky, and will be as refreshing to the atmosphere of domestic economy as a summer shower. Here are a few of our prices to set you thinking: DRESS GOODS. French Patterns f6.00. SB.OO and SIO.OO. 40 in. Silk Henrietta worth SI.OO yd only 70c. Whp Cords, Serge, Hop Sacking, Cassi meres, French Mixture, Cheviots, Flan nels, Habit Cloth and .Broad Cloth at free wool price*. BLACK GOODS. THIS WEEK ONLY. Priestley’s Silk Warp Henrietta *1.75 grade for $1 35. Priestley's Crepcn Boc. .Sunn Finish Henrietta worth *l. now 75c, s “ worth 85c. now hoc. All Woo. Henrietta worth 60c. now 45c. Sebastopol worth SI.OO now 7oc. Satin Burber worth 50c uoW ’ SSC ’ . 40 in. Wool Diagonal worth .oc n BrilUantine from 25c up. 50 in. French Serge worth 1 ”-5 Donnie Width Striped Velour only HicU. Colton and Wool Diagonal, only ltc. SILKS. SILKS. China, Surah, Faille, Morie and changeable Bengalines in all shade* 50c. to $1.50 yd. Silk Velvet* all ihade* only SI.OO. Can t be equaled. WASH GOODS. Calicoes 8 l-2c worth 6. Plaid Dress Ginghams 3 1-2, 5,7, 8 and 10c a yd. /Yench Zephyr ‘Ginghams worth 15c for 12 1-2 a yard. 4-4 Sheeting heavy 4 1 2 worth 7. Outing and Chambray. HOSIERY. Ladies’ Fa>t .Black Hose only 5c pr pair. Ladie*’ black Silk Hose only 75c. Ladies’ Black Lisle thread Hose 50c. Childein’* School Jibs# full regular made Fast black Hose only 10c pair. Children’* fast black Ho*e 10c. Infants’ 6ock 3-4 and full lengths regu lar made 15c. pr. THE .BEST I NOTIONS. Pin* one cent paper. Hook* and Eye* lc dozen. Boy*’ Knee Protectors 25c pr. A full line Pear* and Colgate* toilet Colgates Extracts and Toilet Waters. Combs, Hair .Brushes, iVail Brushe* etc. RIBBONS. Targe stock all Silk Rtbbon*. Gros Grain, Satin and Moire. LACES Torchon, Yalencmes, Point Venise, Platt, Val, Point Degene, Point Despra and .Bourdon, Embroidered Flannel for .Skirt*. CORSETS. R. & G. Corsets only 75c. French Woven Corsets, whit# and drab only 50c. The man will stand the greater chance For saving of his soul Who lets his wife bring up the kids, While he brings up the coal. Now let everybody go out to services on Sunday next. Cotton is temporarily defunct. “Cot tou chrushed to earth will rise again, some sweet day.” Judge Clark, of Atlanta, seems to be the man to fill Judge Bleckley’s place on the Supreme bench. Mr. Jace Moore, sheriff of Floyd coun ty, is getting strong endorsements from all over the country for Principal Keeper of the penitentiary. The Alliance met in Jackson on Satur day. The crowd was so small no one would have known it had not some al liancemau mentioned it. Orange Blossom,’’ the common sense Female Remedy, draws out pain and s rreness. sold by W. L. Carmichael. It is said that “Fortune knecks at every man’s door.” If such is the case, it has always been our misfortune to be absent on such occasions. We would like to meet the “old cuss,” however. The wisest course iti politics is to vote for the best man, and you cannot be mistaken. So, in the use of blood-puri fiers, you can’t be mistaken if you take Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, because all parties agree that it is the best—the Superior Medicine. Try it this month. Run your business on the cash system this year! Go to F. Z Curry, Jackson, Ga., who will loan you money on improved farm property at 8 per cent in terest. It wil be a great saving to you if you will do this. The Dixie luter-state Fair opened up in Macon on Tuesday of this week and a large and enthusiastic crew'd were in attendance. Macon never does anything by halves, and this fair will be one of the grandest in her history. Many Jack sonians will visit Macon belore the fair closes, and lend their influence towards making it the success it deserves to be. The most important election for this year occurs soon. A man who bears the honorable name of democrat cannot afford to stay at home next Tuesday week, the 6tli day of November. It is honorable to be a democrat now. The old party lias stood by us through the dark days of reconstruction and to for sake her now or to even act indifferently about the majority is base ingratitude. Judge Bartlett should carry Butts by 400 majority. Don’t neglect this matter at all, but come out, vote and go home and be happy. CIiOTHIUN Gf. What Kept Them Up. Customer—“how much be them pants anyway?” Clerk—“ Three seventy-live.” Customer —“Yes, same old price, ’taters worth half what they useter be, cotton way down to nothing, butter down, eggs down. I’d just like ter know what keeps pants up?” CUrk—“Suspenders, perhaps.” That old man went out muttering that he “guessed it was safety p:ns in some cases.” If that old man had only called on Mack Barfield he’d never left without the pants, as we bought our clothing late and 25 per cent under manufacturers cost, and we can sell them lor what other merchants paid for them. ‘inf Yours Truly, THE GLOBE STORE, G. G. flit t WM, Prop'rs. Grand Bargains For tlir Next Week at Cab's! Tlit Fttflt art iwittl it call ill Emit tu Ms ad Prists kbit Buying uni 1 ABE UTH You Will hi at least 25c On every Dollar you buy fixim us. Remember our goods are bought for “spot cash” which enables us to sell cheaper than those who buy and sell on credit. Here are some prices: 1250 yards Indigo Blus and Turkey Red calico at 4f cents. 800 yards Wood Standard Calico at 4 cents. 1000 yards nice Dress Ginghams at 5 cts. 500 yards bonnet Gingham* at 4 12 cts. 15 pieces beautiful Sateens worth 9c. at sc. 1 bale /Shir'ing at 8 1-2 cents worth sc. 1 bale Sheeting at 4 1 2 cents worth 7c. 20 pieces Heavy Drill at 5 1-2 cents. Canton Flannel good quality at 51 cents. The best grade Canton Flannel at 7$ cents. 1 bale Cotton check# at 4 cents. 1 baie best quality cotton checks at sct 9. 5 pieces worsted at 8 cents worth 12* cts. 6 pieces all wool Drefs Flannels at 25 cts. worth 50 cents. All wool Red Twill Flannels at 20 cents worth 35 cents. We Have Many More Bargains to offer You but haven’t space to mention them here. Come and get these Bargains BEFORE THEY ARE GONE. Respectfully, R. COHEN. Red Flannels at 121 cts. worth 25 cents. Jeanes at 10c. sold elsewhere tor 15c. Jeanes at 12p\ sold elsewhere tor 20c. Jeanes at 15c. sold elsewhere tor 25c. Jeanes at 19c. sold elsewhere tor 30c. Jeanes at 22c. sold elsewhere for 33c. Specialties in Jeanes pants at 50c. per pair can’t bought tor less than 75c. All wool Jeanes Pants at 65c. worth sl. Jeanes Pants at 90c. worth 1.50. All wool Cassimere Pants at 1.25 worth 2.25 Fine Sunday Pants at 1.75 worth 4. We will put on sale special bargains for the next week, 85 pair all wool pants at 145 some are worth 2.50 and 3.50. BARGAIN COUNTER. Having purchased a part of the stock of Mayo & Goggans, we will place them on our Bargain Counter, and sell them regard less of cost. Call early and secure the best bargains. GLOVES. Full line Kid, Wool and *Sllk Gloves in all style* and color*. TABLE LINENS. Napxin*, Doylies, Towel*, Crash, Beau reau Scarfs, Splasher* etc. GROCERIES, 20 lbs H. Y. standard Granulated iSugar 20 lbs for sl. 5 lb* Good Coffee for sl, Half Pat. Flour $2.90 bbl. To arrive a good straight Flour at $2.70 bbl. 25 men’s coats at 1.50 worth 3.00. Our line of Men’s Suits are complete prices from 3.50 to 12.50. Men’s Shirts at 16c. worth 30c. Men’s all wool Red Flannel Shirts at 50c. worth 1.00. In fact all kinds of men’s authors shirts at prices that will paralize our competitors. Ladies fast black hose at sc. A better quality at 10c. M en’s half hose at sc. Handkerchiefs at 2 1-2, 5, 10, and 1 c Ladies Shoes trom 65c. up to 2.50. Men's brogansfrom 65c. to 1.00. Men’s Sunday slices at 1.00 and sl. worth $1.75, SHOES, SHOES. Children** shoes sto 8 worth 50c now 30c. “ “ 8 to 12 worth 65c now 40c. “ ** 8 to 12 worth 75c now 40c, “ “ Dong iJut. “ SI now 75c, “ “ “ “ “$1,50 now sl. Women’s shoes worth 75c, now 50c, Women’s shoes worth 90c now 65c. Ladies' Dongola shoes worth $1.50 now sl. “ “ shoes worth $1.75n0w $1,25. “ “ shoes worth $2 now $1.50, “ “ hand welt shoes others ask $3,75 our price $2,75. Men’s Brogan shoes worth $1.25 only 90c, “ “ shoes worth $1.50 only SI.OO. “ Bull shoes worth 1.75 only $1.00., “ Calf shoes woith $3,00 only $2.00, “ Calf shoes worth $3,50 only 2,50. “ Calf shoes worth 6,00 only 4,00 mmammmmmmmmaam* - - ■ *• tow — HATS. Full line Ha*s in .eading style from 25c to 3.50.