The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, September 13, 1894, Image 2

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THE ARBUS. W. J. HABSItN * J. Ci. RIcDONALD, Editors and Publishers. Entered at the Postoffice at second clast mail matter, ; PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. lockson, Ga., September I3 1894. ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM. DEMOCRATIC HALLY. 2he Democratic Executive comieSfiee of #utt county has fixed up Tuesday, .September, 25, 1894, at the day for a grand rally of Democracy In this county. Hon. Joe James, Gen’l C. A. Evans, Hon. Afobert Berner, and Gen’l John B. Gor don, will on that day explain democratic principles and expose populist fallacies. It will be the purpose of ihcse speakers to show what the democratic party has accomplished iu national affairs since it has been clothed with power, aud to give reasons why it should be continued in power, aot only in this state, but also at Washington. 2here has been a good deal of criticism of the democrats for failing to do all that was expected of them, but great reforms are not accomplished in a day. It requires time to effect Reforms. The Democratic party has done remarkably well in the short time it has been in con trol of the government. It has made changes m the tariff which are of inesti mable value to the fanners and manufact urers, and it has introduced such economy iu the administration of the’ government that millions of dollars will be saved to the people annnally. It Is an easy matter to find fault with the party in power, even when it has all that it promised to do. The speeches of Judge Hines, Mr. Watson and other populists are almost wholy made up of fault finding. Unable to defend success fully the nonsensical demands af ibeir own party they seek to make populist converts by attacking the Democratic party. We are certain that on 2 uesday, and on each succeeding day of the campaign, the democratic speakers will have no trouble in satisfying democrats that the democratic party is deserving of praise for what it has done, and that before this congress is ended it will do all that it promised the people it would. There is one thing that the democratic speakers should keep in mind on Tuesday, and the remainder of the campaign, and that is that the doctrines of the democratic party are stated clearly in the national democratic platform. The statements of the platform need no' interpretation. They are so clear that no one can fail to understand them. The statement in re spect to silver is particularly lucid. It is said that the democratic party does not fa> vor any financial legislation that would not, with absolute certainty, keep the •ilver dollar on a parity with the gold. In other words, the democratic party is a •'Bound money party. There are some democrats who have got on the populist platform so far as silver is concerned. They should get off of it at once. If they think they will wm popu lists to democracy by accepting the popu list doctrine in respect to silver they are greatly mistaken, /t is a mistake of which the populists will make effective use. Ike distinction between the democratic position in respect to silver and that of the populist is very marked. The democrats are for sound money and the populists are for debased money. If the democratic speakers and newspa per® stand squarely on the democratic platform the victory of democracy in Oc tober will be greater than that of two years ago. Everybody is cordially invited to attend, and more especially our populist brethren, who strayed away from the ranks of democracy to follow the lucid pranks and gyrations of 2ora Watson Every democrat in Bntta county should see to it that this rally shall be a success in every particular, and if only one popu* list soul shall be saved democracy will have done herself proud- The _4rgus stands ready to put its shoulder to the wheel and pull for the rights of the people and will be ever found m the front ranks battling for Jeffersonian Democracy. For many reasons thought best by the Campaign Committee the barbecue, which was proposed, has been called off, but abundant refreshments will be served to appeast the appetites of both populists and democrats. In giving the above wholesome advice to our brethren, it is with love and respect for all mankind generally that prompts our action. ITiough only 97 years have shaded the past existence of the writer, we have seen the results and atudied events sufficiently to be firmly convinced that in unity only ia thefe strength, and by uuited action, we can accomplish such legislations a] will tend beneficially to the masses in general. Let all ccme and give audience to these speakers. How do the hard working populists of Georgia relish the idea of paying to northern pensioners nearly $71,500,000 of their hardly earned wealth? That would be about Georgia’s share of the money required to meet the expendi tures provided in the pensiou bills in troduced in congress by populists. With Crisp, Turner, Bartlett/Les ter, Lawson, Maddox, Kassel!, Liv ingston, Moses, Tate and Black in the house of representatives, and Bacon and Gordon in the Senate, Georgia’s delegation in the Fifty-fourth con greeawill siv.e up with that of any state in the Union. If the Populists propose to raise that $45,000,000,000 by the issuance ot bonds, the annual interest charge at 31-2 per cent, would be $1,575,000,000, more than three times the present an uual expenditures of tiie government. Additional taxes to the extent of $22.50 per capita or $112.50 for each family of five would have to be be raised every year to pay it. Pretty good for a party of ecomomy ami re form. BACON IS THE HAN. From the Lee County Enterprise. Maj. Bacon’s chances tor the United States Senate grows brighter every week. The people of Georgia feel that they can trust Maj. Bacon with this important trust because of his well know i position on the great question of finance. They know also that as a statesman he has’nt a super ior—uot in Georgia. The Best Dressing & AYER'S /L HAIR IU vigo R Prevents the hair from t>eCo^ lUg faded, period of life. It cures itching humors, and keeps the scalp cool, moist, and healthy. Ayer’s Hair Vigor, Sold by Druggists aud Perfumers. J. J. Thornton. STOCK DEALER FEED, SALE AND LIVERY STABLES. Fine Turnouts at All Times. Jackson, : : Georgh. NORTHGEORGIF Agricultural College, DEPARTMENT OP THE UNIVERSITY, At Dahlonega, Georgia, Spring term begins first Monday in February. Fall term begins first Monday In September. FULL LITERARY COURSES. TUITION FREE With ample corps of teachers. THROUGH MILITARY TRAINING "" ——• & under a U. S. Army Officer detailed by Secretary of war. Departments of Business, Short hand, Typewriting, Telegraphy, Music and Art. Under competent and thorough instructors. TOUNG I.ADIES have equal advantages. CHEAPEST COLLEGE in the SOUTH For catalogues and full information ad dress Secretary or Treasurer of Board Trustees. Jeweler gk Jackson, Ga. jfspjggfiSl Br-r-t-r-r! Call around and see my stock of new Watches and see how cheap they are. Hanes, the Jeweler. sep-13-lm W. L. Douclas CHOP IS THE BEST., 'O(9 9 n VBl NO SQUEAKINa And other specialties tor Gentlemen, Ladles, Boy* and Misses are the Best in the World. See descriptive advertise- Jjy ment which appears in this I paper. Taka aa Substitute. Insist on having W. L, DOUGLAS’ SHOES, with name and prloe on fr'Mt'-rt sold by DR. J. W. CRUM. Is as safe and harmless as a flai seed poultice. It acts like a poul tice, drawing out fever and pain, and curing all diseases peculiar to ladies. “Orange Blossom” is a pas tile, easily used at any time; it is applied right to the parts. Every lady can treat herself with it. Mailed to any address upon re ceipt of sx. Dr. J .A. McGill & Cos. 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111. Sold by DR. W, L. CARMICHEAL. fWhat Nerve Berries have done for others VIGOR 15TH DAY. MEN Easily* Quickly and Permanently Restored. 3oth day. A positive cure for all Weaknesses, Nervousness, Debility, and all their train of evils resulting from early errors and later excesses; the result of overwork, s. ekn <■■>. worry, etc. Develops and gives tone and Mtrciijrtii to the sexual or gana. Stops unnatural losses or nightly emissions caused by youttiful errors or ex cessive use of tobacco, opium and liquor, which lead to consumption and Insanity. Their use shows immediate improvement. Accept no imitation. Insist upon having the genuine filjviiin. E3AVPi A<3 n0 other. Conven* ■wd VC DCI I ient to carry in vest pocket. Price, SI.OO per box. six boxes, one full treatment, $5.00. Guaranteed to cure any case. If not kept by your druggist we will send them by mail, upon receipt of price, in.plain wrap per. Pamphlet free. Address all mail orders to AMEBIC AN MEDIC At, CO., Cincinnati, O. For sale by Dr \V L Carmiehael, r THE STANDARD. J X • •• •• •• •• • X | DURANG'S j (Rheumatic Remeoti A Has sustained its reputation for 18 years A A as being the standard remedy for the A 4 quick and permanent cure of Rheums- A A tism, Gout, Sciatica, etc., in all its forms, A A it is endorsed by thousands of Physi- A A cians, Publishers and Patisnts It is A A pnrelv vegetable and builds up from the A A first dose. It never fails to cure. A A Price is one dollar a bottle, or six A A bottles for five dollars. Our 10-page Pam- A A phlet sent Free by Mail. Address, A IDurang’s Rheumatic Remedy Cos. ♦ 1316 L Street, Washington, D. C. a Durfiiif/’s Liver Pills arc the best on Y earth. They act with an ease that makes J them a household blessing. A PEIC2 25 CTS. PER BOX. or 5 BOXES FOE $1 T Y FOR SALS BY DSUGSI3T3. X AAA AAAAAAAAA ^AAAAAAA mMm 1 1 BLOOD BALM. | i A household remedy for all Blood and £ K Skin diseases. Cures without fail, Serof- X I ula, Ulcers, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Salt Rheum % g and every form of Blood Disease from the M g simplest pimple to the foulest Ulcer. Fifty M g years’ use with unvarying success, dem- M I onstrates its paramount healing, purify- M :ft ing and building up virtues. One bottle flt ■ft has more curative virtue than a dozen of w ft any other kind. It builds up the health ft | and strength from the first dose. g § WRITE for Book of Won - * * aerful Cures, sent free on appli * ft I cation. g If not kept by your local druggist, send £ 3 §I.OO for a large bottle, or 85.00 for six bot- B ; i ties, and medicine will be sent, freight g | paid, by { If 'illAll—.L. :*.i. A Page" From Her History. Tee important experiences of others are interesting. The following is no exception: ‘‘l h:wl been troubled with heart disease 25 years, much of that time very seriously. For live years I was treated by one physician con tinuously. I was in business, but obliged io retire on account of my health. A phy sician, told my friends that I could not live a month. My feet and limbs were badly swol len, and I was indeed in a serious condition when a gentleman directed my attention to Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure, and said that liis sister, who had been afflicted with heart dis ease, had been cured by the remedy, and v. as again a strong, healthy woman. 1 purchased a Dottle of the Heart Cure, and in less than an hour after taking the first dose I could feel a decided improvement in the circulation of my blood. When I had taken three doses I could move my ankles, something I had not done for niont hs.and my Vi mbs had been swol len so long that they seemed almost putrified. Before I had taken one bottle of the New Heart Cure the swelling had all gone down, and I was so much better that I did my own work, On my recommendation six others arc taking this valuable remedy.”—Mrs. Morgan, st>9 VV. Harrison St., Chicago, 111. Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure, a discovery of an eminent specialist in heart disease, is sold by all druggists on a positive guarautee.or sent by the Dr. Miles Medieal Cos., Elkhart, Ind.,on receipt of price, ?1 per bottle, six bottles for S5. express prepaid. It is positively free from ail opiates or dangerous drugs. For Sale by W. IL. CARMTCHAEL and R.G, BRYANS & CO. lirniurt : female s IIR-COLLEGE LAbnANut, Off. Opens Sep. 19, 1894. Brick buildings, electric lights, water-works, baths, gymnasium. Con* eervatory advantages in music. Elegant pipe organ. Art and voice culture, spe cialties, Elocution fine. Bookkeeping and har mony firee. Sight-singing daily. Dressmaking, typewriting, stenography. Economical nniform. Health unsurpassed. HCSt social BUT roundings, Pupils board with Faculty io College Home. tttXSffft IDLER B. SMITH, See. RUFUS W. SMITH, Pm. A general observation will convince any MA2Y woman or child, though far-sighted, near-sighted or half blind, that for bargains the BLLE FRON>I STORE of GUNN, POTTS & CO, on Third Street IN V 4v,: :*Vv> Jackson, is the place. Twenty dozen hats, cost $12.00 per doz. to sell for 50c each in the next 30 days; worth $1.50 each. JACESON is the place for cheap* goods, and Gunn, Potts & Cos. is par excellence, the ideal place of places; such stocks of goods were never before FOUND in Jackson. Foots, Shoes, Hats, caps clothing dry goods notions, ladies' and gent’s furnishings, etc. A - from the ladies is invited ior we have a BUSHEL of nice things, and cheaper than you ever saw them. Our new fall dress goods will repay your inspection. OF • all the bargains, none excel our new stock of Clothing They will all be sold on a GOLD basis, but paper AND SILVER will be received in exchange. Call and get prices and be con vinced. The gaods were bought to be sold, and will be sold re gardless of hard times. Groceries by the car load cheaper than the cheapest. Geo. Tltnpm b ohuge if tilt Grocery Dtp’L GUNN, POTTS fc CO. FANCY GROCERIES! e. g. gilnioreThencely, Third Street, Black Front, at Hanes, the Jeweler’s. Everything kept fresh, neat and clean, and the ladies are especially invited to call on us. We kedp country raised potatoes and onions, in- fact, all kinds of country raised Vegetables. We deliver all goods free, and orders are promptly filled in a business-like manner. Ice cold, non-intoxicating drinks of ell kinds on hand at all time* Pure coacocola on hand all the summer, as good as can be found, - Our country friends are also invited to give us their trade and we guarantee to pleas* them. GILMORE-& HENCELY. Jacksen, Ga.-Eeb. 8. 1894 DR. HATHAWAY & CO (Regular Graduates.) wuftfVVr&t&. nd mo#t • Uoo^iF^itotsuu l Young end mid dle aged men. Remarkable re mits have follow ed oar treatment Many years o Tarled and au fol emrien*'_ In the nee of curs tlve methods that we alone owm and control for all dis orders of men who have weak, unde ▼eloped or dl O eased organs, or who am *uff rint from errors of youth and exceu or who are nervous and Impotent, the scorn of their fallows and the contempt of their friends and com panions. leads nr to guarantee to au patients, if lhey can possibly truth and pacts. . Ve have cured oases of Chronic Diseases tha time. Obtain our treatment at once. .* fre , e treatments. Ws gtvs treatment at moderate lo be done for safe and skillful consultation at the office or ULff , Thorough examination and careful ding Entire treatment pent free from observa tion. Refer to our patients, banks and business men. kddreae or call on DR. HATHAWAY & CO., M i-a South Broad Street, ATLANTA, OA GOOD FARM FOR SALE 2 1-2 miles from Jackson on public road to Indian Apring, 300 acres in good condition and well improved cheap. Parties desuing to buy must call on J. G. Thomp son. at Jackson, (?a. aug-9-2m I dyspepsia I X Sick on (HD ICEST!ON I kM&dfSY I NERVOUS- Bu/ousness\ I HEADACHE. Sourness °or E Stomach Appetite NoweG£noine Without The Likeness And Signature ofM.A.Tkeopord on FrontOp Each Wrapper. M.A.Thedford Med.® ~~~ - TleM.GJ.eflA. College, (A Department of the University of Georgia,) Will begin its 15th year September 3d. Best Equipped College in Georgia for Boys, Full Literary and Scientific Course, Thorough Business and Com mercial Course. Unequaled Military and Physical Course, All cadets board in barracks un der military discipline day and night. Board $9.50 per month. Tu ition free. For Catalogue address, J, C, WOODWARD, Pres’t,, Milledge villa* Ga. BUCKLEN’B ARNICA SA-bVE, Thb Brst Sai.vk m the world lor Cuts, JSruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Bands, Chil hi am s, Corns, and all Skin .Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by R. G. Bryans, fwllvP WATCHEI JBbI’J J p*®^ l kSOH it t Jiaptif Jmn Capital Female College. ATLANTA, - 6A-, For Hiiliir EMcatioi Of-Girls AM You Life. Fvwry department complete. Beet selected faculty instate. Broad corriculum in classics, mathematics, English and Science. Uusurpaseed advantages la elocution art, French and German Exclusively conservatory methods la music,—Plano, Vo. cal Violin and other stringed instruments. Pieparatnry departmest also perfocliy equipped and thorough. Boarding department select and limited. Rate—s'2lo.(4 a year for all necessary expenses. Correspondence invited. For catalogue and olhtr particulars, Address, J/isa Leoxka. Beck, Pi\sident. JACKSON • INSTITUTI Jackson, : : : Georgia. Fffl Tern Blips May, Sotuta 1,11, Each years work of this school completely Justifies its claims to being cue of the best in the state. A healthful climate, a pure, moral atmosphere, and excelent social influences commend the school to pupils of all parts of tht State, The school has made a reputation for thoroughness such as few schools in the state can boast. .* The course of study is broad and compreliesive and is arranged according to most approved plans of the best educators of the country. Tuition in First Three Grades 4.50 Fall Term. Tuition in Other Grades : 6.50 Fall Term. Music, Instrumental or Vocal, 3.00 per Month. Art : : : : : 3.00 per Month. For further information send for Catalogue, or address J. C. Blasingame, President. MALLARY BROTHERS & CO, t * IMZacom., Georgia. REMEMBER WE ARE STILL HEADQUARTERS FOR Engines, Mm, to H, Min to, to AND EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE MACHINERY LINE. Please do not be persuaded into buying anything in our line before writing ui for prices. MALLARY BROS. & Cos, MACON, GA. Jackson Buggies! FOR THE FALL TRADE, to supply any Reasonable demand from my Numerous Customers. So it you want an Extension Leather Top Phaeton or Surrey Canopy Top Phaeton or Buggy, In fact, if you want any kind of a vehicle tanging in price from $35.00 to $250.00, call on me at the JACKSON CARRIAGE FA TORY and be supplied. Just received, a large shipment of Old Hickory and Tennessee Two-Horse wagons. Respectfully, J. E. Carmichael,