The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, November 08, 1894, Image 8

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1 m USE mm H 118 Sill To attend The REDUCTION SALE at The old Reliable New York Store. Jackson : • t Georgia CanuicL.iel fio. ina.igmated a SENSATIONAL REDUCTION SALE at their Stores tn Jackson that is making competition shake in their boots and knocking out all small concerns. our 0 ur competitors are standing as if bewildered, with consternation pictured on their faces. And well they may quake and tremble for the edict has gme forth throiHmut O t"S v every'liiicnl '•( lire New Vmk Sie.c llmt !be Stock ant be Closed Out, regardless ol price And llris Reduction Snle will be in full blast fra' ihc next 30 days from Vonduy Nov. ]2tlr. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh THAT CENTER CDOHTEB On which has been displayed our stock of iino Impoiteil Novelty Suits in Patterns, and from which we have been enabled to unload quantities of tine goods at our reduced prices, will again suffer an .enormous re duction on the already low figures marked on them. The price tickets will remain n each pattern as it was marked at our first reduction, and besides we propose to now suffer a further reduction of 20 per cent on each and every pattern remaining on that Center Counter unsold. For example all those sl4pattei ns that were reduced to $7.7b will now he 20 per cent, less amt go at All the suits that were reduced to $5 will be 20 per cent less and go at 4. and so on throughout the whole lot on the counter, they will suffer the same reduction of 20 per cent —en- abling you to buy them now for a price away below half their original value. Don’t put the blame on us if y< u fail to get a dress suit out of this lot at our last reduction on these goods. The people are going to buy these goods at these prices and we know it, so avail yourself of this oppor tunity of buying goods suitable to the season at an immense toduethn. Our store next Monday morning will present a busy and intei estijjg scene which you are invited to come and view. These dress patterns will go quickly, for every shrewd hirer will want a dress. DRESS TRIMMINGS. Large assortment of Passamen tries, fancy silks, black and colored Moires, velvets, braids and in fact the latest in all the new trimmings for this season TRUNKS —Stacks of trunks at correct prices. Bags and Valises at Manufac turer’s prices. (p£<st ©f +*■ Eight Thousand Strong is Still the topic of the season , and is headquarters for fine, High Class Clothing as it has been in the past and will be for time to come Bought with the tariff off and by a man who makes Clothing his Study and is well up as to what goods are, and what the people need. He has purchased the most Complete Stock ever shown in Middle Georgia. Our Boy's 2 pieces suit worth $1.25, now 74c; they WILL NOT BE HERE LONG at that price. We offer one for 99c worth SIJSO IN GOLD. People are seizing these opportuni ties in great Haste . Boy’s Suits. See that Suit for $1.25. A. better one fot $1.50. Our boys Brown and Black Cheviots are beauties. We have a beautiful worsted tu blues and black, bound and unbound, a stylish made garment. Prices right on these and many others too numerous to men tion. Come and satisfy youi self. The Carmichael Cos. j M&i MILLINERY. This department besides being replete with all the most stylish and sea sonable attractions in head adorn ments at prices that attract shrewd buyers, carries a complete assort ment of Ladies’ furnishing’s, such as Corsets, Underwear, etc, Ribbons, Laces, Jet Passamenteries, Feathers, Flowers, fancy back Ilair Pins hi unique shapes, Side Combs, etc , etc. Be sure to visit this department when out shopping. * DRESS GOODS. Besides the great reduction in all fine Pattern Suits, we have reduced the prices in all lines of Dress Goods and you will find that we are lower in price than any other house in middle Georgia. Come to us and price our goods and you will be willing to acknowledge that we are the people to buy from. Notice these prices and cut them out and bring them along when you are out shop ping. You will find lliat we sell as we advertise. Fancy Col’fl Dress Ceils. 11l endless assortment of weaves and colors, plaids, stripes, mixtures, diagonals, tricots, all at reduced prices. We beg to call especial attention to a line of covert cloth, 40 inches wide worth 20 cents per yard, re duced to close out the lot at 10c per yard. Also a few pieces of that beauti ful Crepe Moire worth 20 cts per yard, reduced to close out the lot at 8 centr per yd as long as they last. ovEß.eccars. We are loaded with Overcoats. So we reduce them all. Beginning with a $5. Overcoat re duced to $2.50. A $7.50 Overcoat reduced to $4.98 A SIO.OO Ove(eoats reduced to $6.00. All Wool Heavy Silk and Sergelined worth $12,50 for $9.00. Nice Line of Boys’ sizes. The Carmichael Cos. hhhhh BLACK GOODS. Magnificent Silk Warp Henri ettas that were $1.25, reduced to 95 cents. Regal Princetta cloth was $1.75, reduced to 1.20. Silk Finish Henrietta was 1.0( reduced to 75c. All wool Henrietta was 75c re duced to 48c. Black wool Henrietta was 50c reduced to 35c. Black Henrietta was 35c re duced to 24c Black Manchester Henrietta wat 20c reduced to 10c. Lovely Quality of Black Brillian teen was 75c reduced to 48c. Colored Dress Goods- All Wool Silk Warp Henriettas was $1.25, our reduction price 95e. All Wool Silk Finish Henrietta was $1 00, our reduction price 75c. All Wool Silk Finish Henrietta was 75c, our reduction price 48<\ Colored Wool Henrietta was 50c, our reduction price 33 *. Colored Wool Henrietta was 35c, our reduction price 24c. Colored Wool Henrietta was 20c. our reduction price 10 Cashmeres that were 15e. go at Bc. Cash neres that were 20c. go at 12 1-2. Cashmeres Double Fold that were 25c. 18c, Henriettas 40 inch wide sold at other stores at 35c. we offer them at 24c. Henriettta worth (55c. the reduction price is 48c. We have all the latest shades in these Cashmeres and Henriettas. Men’s Suits. Now offering a suit that you always paid $5 00 and $6.00 tor, reduced by tariff to $4.00. We have an elegant Square Cut Suit in long sack, single breasted, well made perfect fitting, for $4 98. You want to see it: worth $6.00. AV e have 36 suits; 12 each, brown, black and grty; will sell !or the next 30 days at $6.00, worth $7 50. You want to see them ! See them ! The Carmichael Cos. V —-—, UNDERWEAR. Ladle’s Wool Underwear. Ludie’s White Merino Jersey Bibbed Vests at 49 cents, worth 75 cents. Ladie’s Union Jersey /fibbed Vests at 20 cents, worth 35 cents. Ladie’s Lamb’s Wool Vest at $1.25 worth before the tariff reduction $1 75. )ur assortment is complete in this de parment and we can save you money. EIDER DOWN FLANNELS v beautiful assortment of ho'lars, pinks, baby blues, chocolates, etc. We offer our leader at 35c, woitb 50c, our 75 cent quality reduced to 5u cents, dmbroiuered Flannel for infants’ long •lothes. Outing Flannels, suitable for Ladie’s house dresses, boys shirts, Men’s neg ligee shirts, worth 15c,, our price 10c. FANCY GOODS DEFT: Corticelli Wash Sdk, Whip Cord, Penny ► pool embroidery. Waste silk in ounce packages for chain stitching, bri ar stitching, etc. Carpets. New designs in Ingrain and Tapestry Brussels I Fool Ingrain worth 75c, our tariff price 40 cents, fixtra Superb Wool Ir.grain worth 75c, our tariff price 57 12 cents. dll w’ool 3 ply carpet worth $ .10 our tariff price 85 cents, RUGS! RUGS! targe assortment of Bugs all sizes and prices. STANDARD PATTERNS. October plates now readj r , cad and get one. 6EWING MdCHINA’S—The old reli able “New Home” easy running—try one tney are guaranteed for five years. BLEACHING —Yard wide Fruit Loom Bleaching7e. i Hats & Caps. Caps at 20, 25. 30. 35 and 50c. Alpine Hat worth 1 50 our price 1.00 Stetson Brand 2.50 New Slock of John B. Stetson Fall Shapes. , Come to our store by SI.OO worth and get a guess at the number of seed in the Pumpkin in the window, and the one guessing the number or nearest the number gets SIO.OO in gold Nov. 15th. Someone will get ten dollars and all have an equal chance as no one knows how many seed there is in it. Come buy a bill and you have a chance to make it all back. Suits - Overcoats. We bought a Job Lot of 45 suits, all wool serge and silk lined, worth $lO.OO will sell at $7 50. Thai Middlesex suit in heavy or light weight, round or square, always sold for $12.50, our ] rice now $lO. Ask to see our all wool Imported Clay Worsted suit in blue or black, bound or unbound, round or square cut, long sack, for $lO, old price $12.50. Spce will not admit of mentioning ; n detail every line of Clothing we carry, for we carry the largest and loveliest Hue of Worsted serges, Tricots, Thibet*, Flannels, Cheviots and Cassimeres* The Carmichael Cos. hhhhh Ladies’ Cloth. Beautiful quality of fine Broad Cloth worth 1 00 reduced to 75c. Broad Cloth worth 1 25 reduced to 90c. Broad Cloth worth 1.75 Reduced to 1.33. Double Fold Tricot worth 30c Reduced to 20c EIDFRDOWN FLA.NMtLS iu all colors. Our leader at 35c is sold anywhere else at 75c. , Our 75j quality reduced to 50c, , We have four pieces of beautiful Flannelette suitable for ladies’ house dress, boys’ waists and men’s negligee shirts, worth 20c a yard, our price 10c. t ress Wans ai Prills. We are continually receiving new and attractive styles in these goods, and no other house can show as pretty a line of Ginghams and Cali os as we carry, and the price is 5c yard tor goods worth 7c. We have just received a case of Wilder Calicoes that we have put on ScJe at 4c, worth 6c. Col ors guaranteed not to fade. One case of Shirting Prints to go at 3 l-2c per yard. The acknowledged Leader and C ontroller of Low prices in this sectior is now fill ( c with everything necessary to complete a first-class stock of family and heavy Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, etc. 20 lbs sugar SI.OO. 5 lbs Coffee SI.OO. Crockery. In this iine we have no equal between Macon and Atia ita. Just received a large imported order, which was given six months ago. Iron Stone China in alj new shapes, st> etc. Ironstone China cups and saucers 50c. 6 inch Iron stone China Plates 45c. All other shapes at prices accordingly, see our line of decorated goods, they certainly are uptodate. Full sets for very small price. C. C. Ware, no handle cups and sau cers, at 25c set. Handle cups and saucers at 45 -. Glassware, Lamps. Lamp Chimneys, etc., cheap. The Carmichael Cos. \ 7 6^ SHOES, SHOES. Our Shoe Department is tuo well known to waste space iu euiogising our buver and his long experience, we prefer to mention qualities and prices. Men’s Broeans G to ll Solid Leather Home made worth 1.25 our price 85c Men’s ButFßals worth i.25 our price sl. “ “ “ “ 1.75 “ V 1.25 “ “ “ “ 2.00 “ - 1.50 “ Satin Calf “ 2.50 “ 2 00. “ “ “ “ 3.00 “ “ 2.50. “ Goodyear welt “ 300 “ “ 2.50. j Polkas 3 lo 8 Regular 1.00 kind our price 75c. Job lot Women’s Glove Grain Polish worth 1 00 to 1 50 our price 50e. Women’s Kid But, 3 to 8 worth 1.25 our price 90c. Women’.- Kid Bill 3 to 8 worth 1.50 our price 1.15. Women s Kid Bui. 3 to S worth 1.75 our price 1.40. Women’s Kid But. Opr. Toe Pat. Tip 3to 8 wonh 1.50 our price 1 25. Women’s K <d But. Opera Toe Pal Tip Regular price 1 75. our price 1 50. Women’s Kid But. Op< ra Toe Pat l ip the 2 00 kind our price 1 75. Women’s Kid But. Oper* Toe p,t Tip worth 2.50 our price 2.00. Tin- 3.00 kind our [nice 2.50. Children’s C ipperTip 9 to 13 a) 50-\ “ School Shoes oil grain Bto 11 (>;"•• ! Misses “ Oil grain 11 lo 2 75m “ “ “ “ Spring IP el j Button 12 to 2 for 1 00. Mi-.-es Ivid Bui 800 l - Spring 11 el Pal Tip 125. Bel *er qnaiii y 1.50. Our 2 00 Kind Button Pat. Tip rfpr ng Heel tor Misses induced to 1.75. See Our line Men's, Ladies’ and Misses’ Ruhher Snoe* Piece Goods. Jeanes and Cassimeres. Jeanes Special quality ai 1 6~£ A!! shades 9oz Jeane In aw Quality at 25'-,. can’t he matched for less ih-. n 39f3. Good .Tea 11 at 12 120 All W ol tilled 9oz Jeanes t * go at 50 Jcaties Pants a! 50, 75c. an ' 1 00. Large assortment of French and American made C ssinu r< s, R-p. ] lants, Wat rproofs e e At uriiv. I hat will astonish you. Stoves. Large ht received at the low rate of freight enables us to sell them at what the goods cost other mer chants. Here’s a hummer: Laura Lee, No. 70, with complete son of ci. utensib and pipin'*- $6.50. No. 7 with complete li>t, worth $lO, our price $7.50 No. 8, Laura Lee, worth $12.50 with complete list,we sell it at $8.50 These are all heavy stoves with all the latest improvements, attach ments, etc. Wp also have a nice line of fine stoves at low figures. The Carmichael Cos. 3fo hhh hh QUILTS. : Marseilles Quilts. Vi e aie notv on lie groe.Mi Hour with Marseilles Qui is—lL 4 at 50 ■ Large assort incut o> better grades. Lace ( inf'iiiis the sum ; old ptieo, 50; a pair, limited number of pairs tn each eusoMiier 'IOWELS—Large Long To a els at 5, 10 and 12 12 c. TABLE DAMASK.— Extra wide 54 inch at 20c worth 35c. Another number at 35c. worth 50c. Vv Idle oatin Damask GO inch w. le at 35c. worth 50c Turkey Red Tabic Damask at 65c worth 85 c —' 5 pound Package* <d Sand 10 Factory Thread at 80cc won!, 1.00. -.v\ .. ... ..?*■*.*.**.*■"■ V .. * r Assortment of Stocking Yarn- in all colors. l’H KFYG—Good Ma ir ss ’l icking at 6c. worth Bc. Extra heave VI litress Ticking a? i()r. rant re matched for less tlian 121 2. Heavy Fe-ither ticking Am .-keg At.' \ a* 12 1 2 r-n’d ai o her -lore* ]5-. 6 Baits jse'ring Thread 1 sc. Cents? urniehing Genuiu ■Go voU in t \v dSu . tier at yj •, Also an imitation tor 25 v. .Job lot .Siispndcrs ai 5, LO 15 and 2 •. Men s Gui.iHiidi i<-d Shirts r.-ioforced hack and fro fit 50 •. all nv.-r iho world except here, our p: in* 25c Men’.-and Boy’s working Si.ii! as sorted colors a lid sl/lM i 9c, Mi it's Lau mined Nog-iig“c SliirN 75-. kind at 65. 1.0;) grade for 75c. 1.25 kind tor 1 00 25 !'oz. Men’s and B .y-, fast Black hose at 9c pai r. Neckwaat*. Handsome assortment, of Four in Hand Tec . and /Tows. it prices that wiil knock out cotnpeihiou IPc cany the famous E & W Collars and Cuffs in new styles. .Flour, Etc. Our sunset tip-top 'Baking Flour— -52.65 a barrel. J.ion LMiy. a halt patent, a dandy at $2.90. The old original street Wafer Valley l aHiii ai $2.90 a barrel. Beware uf other initiations that arc sold as sweil \\ aim- Valley patent. Thai is a glade under put up by the sweet Water Mil! Cos. End Cream Cheese at 121 2c a pound. Arrow Tie* 80- a bum h 1 3 4 b Lud •low Bagging 6 3 4c a y aid. Extra heavy star Bagging 8c yard. Hob—2l 4H> full weight Bagging a 7 34c a yard. < R. J. R. Tobacco at 45c a pound. The (Jarmiehael Cos