The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, December 06, 1894, Image 3

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The Globe Store As the Icy Br6Rth iyF o?ri Ua such weather unprotected tha-n eas around tlie corner it carries right home to us, Humanity can no more stand and that underwear costs Ip<* ° a °* the Remember ji Sht now that flannels are cheaper than funerals; muffled, and we wdl wanu you wAY We C ° m6 u “ to as aU who and are lightly Blankets— Double, SI.OO per pair. Comfortables—from 7oc to $3.00. Ghauts—ail wool from 75c to $5.00. O.oak* that were $6 00 will go at $4. 'One lot Dormet Cloth for ladies’wraps 36 inch, only 12}£e yd. Ody a few pb-ces left One pieco black French Broadcloth, just received, worth $1 50 yd, will go at $L yard. If the testimony &f the throngs of people who were with us during: ’he past few days can be relied upon, and who dares question it, we give for money the Greatest Values. Call and see us, HURRAH FOR JACRSOS! Jackson fias a great reputation abroad as a business town, of no small impor tance. Now, for instance, we quote you a remark made by Colonel Waters, of Baltimore, who travels for Evitt Bros., one of the largest shoe manufactories in the United States. In conversation with this gentleman a few nights ago, he said : “Jackson has a great name among the traveling men as a town of business, push and energy. I visit it ■ouce a year in my rounds, and when I tell you that it is the only small town I make, it means something. Here is my list of stops after leaving headquarters : Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Ohariotte, Atlanta, Augusta, Columbia, Savannah, Macon,Jackson, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, the largest cities of Texas, Little Rock, Memphis, Nash ville, Louisville Cincinnati, and back to Baltimore.” Isn’t it a great compliment to have Jackson mixed in with the large cities mentioned above ? Does it ueed any better recommendation for push and enterprise tnan to be couuted among cities of fifty and hundreds •of thousands population? We are pr )ud of our town, and our heart beats with pride when such compliments as the above are bestowed upon it. We have one among the best towns iu Geor gia, and our people are wide awake to the fact that we must still keep pushing, and it goes without saying that within six mouths from today we will have a paid up stock for the purpose of erecting a cotton factory, and other enterprises. Then watch Jackson spread herself ! It will take the combined surplus of sever al national banks to purchase a building lot withiu telegraph distance of the pub lic square! We are on the move, and the moss-backs and croakers may as well stand back and give us room, for we are headed toward a cotton lactoiv, aud if the traces don’t break it wont be many days before we get there ! HIS LAST SERJIOS. Rey. W. T. Bell preached his last ser mon at the Methodist church in this city on Sunday last. Mr, Bell is a tine minister and we dislike very much to part with him. He is an affable and pleasant gentlemau, aud is bound to make frieuds in whatever commum y lie is cast. He goes from here to t e pastorate of the church at Thomaston, Ua., and we heartily commend him to the people of that town. Mi. Bell as many warm friends in Jackson who aie loath to see him leave us, and we sin cerely trust that he will meet that hearty welcome iu his new home w nc he so justly deserves. The conference realized the ability of Mr. Bell, in as muon as his new pastorate pays him an increase of $200.00 per year more than he received as minister at Jackson. e leaves this community with the es wishes of his scores of admirers that his pathway through life may be strewn with happiness aud contentment, or there was ever a minister in ae son who endeayered to expound the gospe with a feeling interest in his woi , a Spedals in hs Goods! For 10 days from this date: All wool double width Dress Flannels all Colors, was 50c, now 35c. One piece, 40 inch, all wool Myrtle Satin Henrietta, sold by others for $1 00, our price is 62>£ cents per \ aid. One piece brown, 40 inch, all wool heavy diagonal Cashmere, was 75c to go at 47|a c per yard. gentlemen is certainly our retiring minister, Rev. W. T. Bell. The Rev. C. C. Carey will serve the church at Jackson, and we congratulate ourselves in having secured the servi ces of such au able divine. He has a national reputation for his pointed and eloquent way of putting his gospel ser mons before his congregation. Mr. Carey is no small man, possessing as he does broad and liberal views. We pre dict another year of prosperity for the Methodist church under his conservative and firm administration. COCNTIT COURT. That all who have ever given the subject any thought wants a county court in Butts county, witn a salaried judge is an admitted fact. Our people dout want acourt on the fee system or anything, as to chat matter that should be a peifectly disinterested party like a judge. But when our taxes go jup and lazy criminals are fed in our jail for twelve months, we realize that there snould be some shorter way to justice and an impartial couuty court is that way. We cannot give the justice court more jurisdiction without a constitution al convention, it leaves the one remedy: A couuty court with a salaried judge. IiEJIOCRATS AMD IS'EGHOES. Col. Dempsey has given two of our oolored meu work in the legislature. Joe White has been there all the while at two dollars a day. Alex Thurman went up Monday to go to work. It pays to stick to the white folks. helped by competition. In view of the concerted attempt of ( envious competitors to injure the busi ness of the company who are circulating the Encyclopaedia Britaunica in Geor gia, by making it appear that the work is filled with slanders on the south, the recent report of a reputable and repre sentative committee from the Confeder ate Veteran’s Association must be ac cepted as a great victory for the mana gers of the Atlanta Constitution Ency clopaedia Department. The committee composed of such men as Col. W. L. Calhouu aud others,whose loyalty cannot be questioned, aftei a full investigation into the charges made, reported that the same were without foundation, and gave their indorsement to the work as being a representative reference publication. There are editions of the Bntanuica that are very predjudical to the south, and for this reason the Commerce fused, at first, to indorse the woik t is now being advertised in this *>tate Butin view of the many strong - in ' dorsemeuts of this edition, from the best people in the south, we see no lea son why it should not have been indoised by us as it was by other papers and wUUout any rink of doing the iniustice to our readers.— B. M. Biacx bum's in The Atlanta Cummer cial. WHEREWITHAL SHALL YE BE CLOTHED? AT One piece Garnet, 45 inch all wool Surah Serge only cents per yard, was 75 ents. One piec; Seal brown 45 Inch all wool French Serge, was 90c per \ aid, now 60 cents. One piece 38 inch state Heavy French Twilled Dress Flannel, was 65c to go at 40c per yard. SPECIMEN CAaSEaS. S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia and Khumetism, his stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in health and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepard, Harrisburg, 711., had a running sore on his leg of eight years standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen’s Ar nica ASalve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, 0.. had five large fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable. Oue bottle Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen’a Arnica Salve cuied him entiiely. Sold by JR. G. Bryans drug store. NOTICE THIS. All parties who owe L. R. Cason will find their accounts in the bank if requested to be put there, otherwise you will find them in hands of Col. F. Z. Curry, over Crum’s store. We do not wish to sue any one and therefore you will please come forward and settle at once, L. R. Cason. Remember the cotton factory! Talk it up! Work it up! And then drop a little money in the slot and help us build it up. Jackson will soon have a cotton fac tory, even if we have to sacrifice our of fice towel as a coal shovel for the en gine. For pity’s sake, don’t giowl and gram* ble because your are troubled with indi* gestion. iVo good was was ever effected by snarling and fretting. Be a man (un less you happen to be a woman,) and take Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, which will re lieve you, whether man or woman. Kolb, the third party candidate for governor of Alabama, who has been laboring under the hallucination that he was elected, marched into Montgomery oue day last week aud took the oath. It is gratifying to know, however, that he didu’t take the office; so if lie can get any cousolation out of taking the oath, the Abgcs is always willing to accord the defeated candidate that privilege, A HOUSEHOLD TREASURE, D. IP. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y. says that he has always keeps Dr. King’s New Discovery in the house and his fami ly has always found the very best results follow its use; that he would not be with out it, if procu>able. G. A Dykemnn- Druggist, CatskiU; N. Y., says that Dr. King’s New Discoveiy is undoubtedly the cough remedy, that he has used it in his family for eight years, and it has never failed to do all that is claimed for it. Why not try * remedy so long tried and tested Trial bottles free at R. G. Bryans drug store. Regular size 50c. and $L 00- Shoes & Hr'ts JUST ARRIVED ! WE ALSO CARRY I LINE OF GROCERIES, HARDWARE, TINWIRE,4c AT PRICES THAT WILL SELL THEM VERT TRULY YOUR PRIENLS, THE GLOBE'fIO 3 !, I G. HU, MIME, (Wr, Col. T. C. Crenshaw, Jr., visited Col. J. D. Watkins last week. A word to the wise is sufficient, but a fool needs the whole book. Try Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral for your asthma. It gives immediate relief. It was amusing to see how many peo ple stayed iu town on December Ist. “Does she love music? “M—yes. But not enough to stay away from the piano.” Poets are boru, not made. The pre sent market wouldn’t warrant their manufacture. As long as man can assign the proper ty of his creditors over to his wife, mar riage is not wholly a failure. Word comes from all quarters that the neatest and most satisfactory dye for col oring the beard a brown or black ia Duck inghams Dye for the whiskers. Mr. W. S. Crawford, a citizen of Butts county, who is 83 years old, has tax re ceipts for every year since 33 iu his po session now. Therefore, he is now in po session of 60 receipts for that many years. They are iu themselves a histo ry of our county. TAKE NOTICE. Parties owing M. V. MeKibben must settle their notes as thev fall due, or they will be in suit 2m. ©fiuer Q&iffeet (p&m .PfooL Now is the season of the year to turn your land with the Oliver Chilled Turn Plow; the best plow in the world. OVER 25,000 OF THEM IU USE 111 THE STATE OF GEORGIA TO-DAY, We Carry the following Sizes in stock : No. 40. Heavy 2 horse. Turns a furrow 9x16. Weight 130 lbs. Pi ice, $9.50 No. 20. Medium 2-horse. Turns a furrow 7x13. Weight 112 lbs. “ 9.00 No. 19. Turns a furrow 6 1-2 x 12. Weight 100 lbs “ 8.50 No. C-o. Light 2-horse. Turns a furrow 6x12. Weight 100 lbs. . “ 8.50 No. 13. Turns a furrow 6xll. Weight 80 lbs “ 8.00 No. 10-0. Full size l-horse. Turns a furrow 5 1-2xll. Weight 70 lbs. “ 7.00 No. B. Medium 1-h >rse. Turns a furrow sxlo. Weight 65 lbs. . “ 6.00 No. Al. Light 1 horse. Turns a furrow 4 l-2xS. Weight 50 lbs. . “ 4.50 No. 52, Hillside Plow “ 10.00 SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO MERCHANTS. WE KEEP ALL THE REPAIRS Clark© Hardware Company, Atlanta, - - Georgia. Write for our Gun and Sporting Goods Catalogue, embracing eve ything in Guns, Pistols, Rifles, Hunting Clothing, etc,, mailed free of charge. 40 inch all w ol Brown, Navy and Green Hop Sacking, was 65 cents, now only 45 cents. A special bar gain. Remember, that we have only a few FrtLch dress patterns and will close tnfcin out at a redaction of 33 I*3 per ct. JUST RECEIVED—Another shipment ot those lovely chenille table covers, which we have decided to sell for 75c. One lot Plaid Flannels, heavy, for cloaks, this weeek only 60 cents. The cheapest red and white Flannels to be had in the South. Miss Agnes Carmichael is visiting frieuds at Decatur, Ga., this week, Dr. Gardner has returned from South Carolina and resumed his duties. The Cleveland House has a parrot. Many grown people never saw a parrot. Mr. Herbert Jinks, who was accident ally shot in Griffin not long since, was in town Wednesday. liart Shoes—try one pair and you will have no other. For sale at Star Store. 22-4 t Cheap! Cheap!! Horses and Mules for sale either for cash or on time. Now is the time to get them cheap. Call on M. L. Duke MACHINIST. Mr. E. H B rannen, a practical machinist from Chattanooga i now located in Butts county and will fix anv kind of machinery for \ou reasonably, that can be fixed i outside of a factory. Call on or ad dress E H. Brannen, Jenkinsbu rgh Ga. 1 rn. OPENING The Oil Mill Gtnner) will be open every day until tlie 25th of December, 1894. Money ain’t so plentiful in these piping times of peace that people care to waste it! When one reflects how many hours M labor, how many sacrifices and self denials are enclosed within the disc of that shining bit of precious metal we call a “dollar,” what wonder people hesitate to part with it except for value received ? • COUNTY DIRECTORY. Ordinary—J. F. Carmichael. Sheriff—J. O. Beauchamp, Deputy—J. W. Crawford. Surveyor—B. J. Jinks, Treasurer —T. L, Williams. Tax Collector—T. J. Cole. Tax Receiver—C. R. Carter. Coroner—Simon Hardy. Clerk Superior Court—Joe Jolly; court 3rd Mondays in February and August. Road Commissioners—6ls G. M. J. L, Barkley, H. G. Asbury, T. O, Woodward; 613 G. M., J, M. Ball. J, E. Hale, J. W. Fletcher; 609 G. M., J. W. Minter, J. L. Pye, S. K. Smith; 614 G. M., J. W. Holoway, J. H. Cole, J. Van Wright; 552 G, M., D. B, Moore. R. M. Harper, F. M. Maddox; 612 G. M. f W. 0. Crawley, Cornelius McCluare, T. H. Nolan; 610 G, M., T. P. Bell, R. M. Fletcher, J. G. Coldwell; 616 G. M., J. H. Maddox, J. J. Wilson, J* C. Barnes. Board of Education--W. M. Mal let, A. G. Hitchens, J. T. Goodman, D. N. Carmichael, J. M. McMichael. E. E. Pound C, S. C.- Office in oourt house. Jury Commissioners—H. N. By* ars.Obe Hendrick, W. B. Dozier, L. J. Ball, T. P. Bell, Alex Atkin* son. Justices Court—6ls Dist., R. A, Woodward, J. P.; J. G, Kimbell. N. P. 613 Diet., H. L. Brown, 3, P.; H. C. Thaxton, N. P, 609 Dist., W. A. Waldrup, J. P,; Steye Moo e, N. P. 552 Dist. lames Jolly, J. P.; J. M Maudox N, P. 612 Dist., Howard Ham, J. P.; F. Z. Curry, N. P 610 Dist., .’J. Collins, J. P.; T. P. Bell, N. T. P. 616 Diet., 0.8. Knowles, J, P.; J. L. Barnet, N P. 614 Dist., A. H. Ogletree, J. P.; W. F. Douglas, N. P. city directory. Mayor E. E. Pound. Council men—T. J. Lane, J. W. Car michael, B. P. Bailey, T. M. Furlow. CHURCHE3 Methodist—Rev. T. W. Bell, pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a.m., 7 pm. Prayer meeting every Wednes day night. Baptist —Rer. G. W. Gardner, pas tor. ervices every Sunday at 11 a. in. and 7 Prayer meeting every Thursday night. Presbyterian—Rev. Mr. Pharr, pas lor. ever j 3rd Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7 p m., and every Ist Sunday at 7 p.m. SECRET SOCIETIES. F. & A. M.—Chapter meets2ud and 4th Monday nights. Blue Lodge, Ist and 3rd Monday nights Redmen—2nd and 4th Tuesday nights in each month. Fair Notice — All my long standing notes and accounts will be put out for collection Dec. Ist. I need the money and am com pelled to do this. 22-2 t G. S. Hanes, Jeweler, Jeans Pants from 50c to sl-25 pair. - Hats from 25c to $2.25. Clothing from $2 50 suit to S2O. Shoes from 25c pair to $5.00 pair. GROCERIES. 6 lbs. good Coffee for SI.OO. 20£ tbs. Best Granulated Sugar for SI.OO. Best Fancy Patent Floor only $2.90 bbl. Good Tobacco only 25c per lb. Some second hand buggies for sale cheap at Thornton’s Livery Stable, Fin Crayu Pittas. Gilts AUFll?Ji.nt. The Photographer. After October Ist, anyone who has photographs taken by me to the amount of $5,00 will receive free a handsome life size portrait of themselves or any relative they may desire enlarged. These pic-* iures are all nice work and cost from $3.50 to SB.OO anyhwere. Remember now any one family having $5.00 worth of Photo graphs gets FREE one of these handsome crayon portraits. I will furnish you with a nice gilt frame for from $2.50 upward. Now is the the opportunity of your life to secure a bargain. J. B. GUTHRIE, Photographer. Opp. Argus office, Jackson, Ga. J. D. Watkins, Attorney at Law. *HI Business Promptly Attended to. Office in Watkins Hall, JACKSON, GA. THE BEST BLOOD Purifier H AND TONIC For Old and Young(pnH quicken p§f the m Appetite, Ijj* M REMOVE THAT P* |S Tired FeelingL^tthJP And Make the Weak Strong. It enriches the blood and invigorates every organ and tissue of the body. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla &Hres others, will cure you