The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, December 06, 1894, Image 8

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THE ar@ws. w. I. IMR.HO.I Sc J. . ntDONALD, Editor* and l*u blither*. Nesbitt’s Talk. * irnuHrujftH from Hirst page.) tverj planter and farmer to adjust hi* crop* yearly, ho that everything needed at homo may be procured in abundance, ami that cotton may be grown exclu sively an an extra money crop. It in difficult to conceive of the vast benefit* to thin state and to the entire south, if we could piTHiiado our planters and farmer* to grow their own food product*, raise their own stock, rotate their lamia and grow cotton only a* a money crop, Could Hindi a policy lxios tabli*lied u|>on a permanent bard*, farm ing would become more contain and profitable, Mm Npcculative tendencies would >mj remove,<t, land* would increaHe In value, money could be obtained at lower rate* and the country would be come more prosperous and therefore more inviting to the immigrant* we are now Keeking from other countrieH. Thin jxdiey mean* increased produc tion upon largely decreased area* and the Haine amount of money for it. Jt an abundance to man and beust, jeace and bapplne.** in our rural districts and prosperity to our Ktate. if our factors and bank* would en courage hucli a diversity of crop* in the aHHigiimeut of funds to our merebantH, and the latter demand it of the planter and farmer in lilh contract to furnish atlvatices, we are quite sure the evil* of all cotton and overproduction will woon be things of t he past. Wo tlmrefore appeal earnestly to the capitalist*, lie Mmy hankers or mer chant*, to aid us in W/Oompli>diiiig t lie reduction of acreage of cotton and the growing of more food products for man and beast. We appeal to them from the standpoint of self interest. Our cities and towns thrive jiiKt in propor tion to tlm prosperity of the surround ing country, Build up tlm rural dis trlcts and the commission merchant ha* more to sell. KutabllMh permanent pros ?>wrlty and their business increases. live fixed values to the agricultural lands and they become investments of tiie first order. Increase tlm bind ties - of a country and you then increase tli chances of the capitalists to ma v money. Let us at once inaugurate a policy <> raising everything needed on the farm at home, anil let your cotton bales be hereafter used to clothe and educat your children, rat her t han for the ex cluingc of high priced bacon, corn an other articles which could be easily an cheaply raised at home. M ANUFACTUItINO AT TUB SOUTH. The movement towards cotton manu facturing near tjie fields will help the farmer, in that it will give us an ele ment of consumers for our extra crops, as well as a market at our doors for our groat staple crop. Those factories will enable the smith to market mid maun feature within her own borders tin r treat or portion of her cotton crop; bu t must be remembered to do this sue • cessfully, she must produce all the food stuffs needed by the home population Along with tlm cotton factories and the diversified agriculture necessary to sus tain these factories, will come other other small industries. The large fruit farms will require box and crate and canning factories; the stock farmers will need cheese und butter factories for working into better paying forms their surplus products. Except tea and coffee, there is scarcely an agricultural product which we cannot put in the market. And the cities need these, as witness tlio immense sums Heut. out of our own state for bacon, beef, butter, lard, eggs, poultry, onions, and even Irish potatoes, of which we can actually raise two crops the same year, and the full crop is far superior for planting to the northern grown seed, for which wo pay such high prices ! Diversity is what we need, diversity in town as well as country. For besides tlris great variety of farm products, we have the raw materials for manufactur ing nearly all the articles which we need in the house or on the farm. Jt is only when the farmer can take his mar ketable crops to town and t here exchange them for home manufactured articles of furniture, plows, lioes, wagons, harness, buggies and all minor articles of utility and necessity, that we, as a united peo ple, will realize the full benefits of this reciprocity, which should exist between city and farm. It is not always the big enterprises which make the wealth of a country, and while the large factories are to i>o desired it is the varied smaller industries which will add fully as much to the general prosperity of our state mid section. This equilibrium of pro duction, manufacturing and trade ouee established within our borders, the south will no longer remain at the mercy of foreign combinations, but will bo able to control the markets and reap the full pro tils from her, at present, crippled monopoly. WORK FOR UKUKMUKU. The hit tor part of this mouth is prac tically a blank as far as any systematic farm work is meant; but during the llrst half much can bo accomplished, many odd jobs finished up, which if loft over, rise up later on to harass the farm er, when the regular work has to be pressed forward. Fall plowing still un finished should bo completed. As upon the right plowing of land often depends the yield of the crop, the direction of this should not bo left to the judgment of an ordinary farm hand. See to it that the ground is laid off in bods lying slightly across the slope of the land. The water furrows carry off in small streams the surplus water, thus pre venting washing, and the beds absorb ami conserve much of the rains which would otherwise lx* last. Stables and and cattle sheds, if not already attended to. should bo nut in good condition for the winter, tf you nave no provision for saving the manure, haul out and spread on the wheat, rye or barley lands, but if possible, put into well built and protected compost heaps. It is much easier to save manure now than to pay b g fertilizer bills later. In wet weath er, or any other spare time, haul up leaves ami all vegetable litter and trash possible which can bo used for bedding, making the stock more comfortable and at the same time absorbing the liquid manure. Collect, clean and put away all farm tools and implements, which can be af terward taken out and put iu good or der, when the weather will not permit of out door work: Any transplanting of fruit trees, vines, or shrubberv caii be safely done iu the early part of this month. Where possible the pork should be in the boros and barrels at least by Christmas; the cost of feeding is less, and the weather for saving pork is gen erally more favorable than later. Get everything in shape for another year, and may its beginning tind farmers more hopefult and ready to enter ou an era of wisely diversified and forming. R- T. Nrsritt. Commissioner ITII INFOHSIJTIOV: Answers to Questions of Corres pondents on Many Subjects. FERTILIZERS UNDER DISCUSSION. lb Ht Timn to Mhoiii-k an Orchard Anil th ltrt Application Tli t'*c of Pot ash a a Kcrllllxrr Fueil for t attle and How to Feed the lfntiug—Many Other Valuable Hugg*tion. Department of Aoriculturk, Atlanta, Dec. 1, 1594. What*in the proper amount of food to give a calf six months old? In wuat proportion should the quantity be in creased as the calf grows older? B. 11. N., Buchanan. At the age of six months a calf re quire* from 4 12 to 5 pound* of good hay or its equivalent for every 100 jMiunds of live weight. When 1 year old from 8 1-2 to 4 pounds for every 100 pounds of live weight. Or in percent age from 8 1-2 to 4 per cent of its live weight. At 2 years old it will require 8 1-2 and later 3 per cent of its live weight daily. It should be remembered that the im portant time to feud heifers intended for the best developments or any cattle i* during tins period of growth. Rough usage and uusuflicient food can lie much better withstood alter maturity than while younger. FKItTILIZINO TIIK ORCHARD. At whut time is it best to apply fer tilizers, that is commercial fertilizers, to an orchard? J. 8., West Point. In applying fortilizor material to an orchard, hue ground muriate of potash, which is excellent, should be applied in tiie full; while nitrate of soda or sul pbuto of ammonia should be applied after the growth begins in the spring, and then only when the plants have at tained sntlleient growth to come into bearing. In another part of this report we al lude to applications of barnyard manure. The answer applies specifically to a young orchard on good land where too rapid growth might be produced by too heavy applications of rich stable ma nure. Many horticulturists prefer fer tilizer mixtures to stable manure, as it does not introduce insects or fungus germs into the orchard. Pure raw bone is excellent for the orchard. POTASH AS A FERTILIZER. Wlmt is your opinion of the use of potash as a fert ilizer,especially on sandy land? B. A. TANARUS., Henderson. Wo have had occasion several times to call attention te the value of potash as a fertilizer, especially on sandy land. In that case it acts to prevent rust in cot ton, a physiological condition due to its absence, and also other diseases due to microbes. In grain crops it gives strength to the straw and forms u part of the seed. If not sufficiently supplied the crop will suffer as greatly as from the absence of phosphoric acid and ni trogen. Wo certainly advise experi ments in which larger quantities are used than arc ordinarily supplied in our average commercial fertilizer. We might also mention that it is found that in soils abounding in humus nitrifica tion is most active, and that the great est value from this nitrification is when there is on hand a large supply of pot ash, and the nitrogen is fixed as a ni trate of potash—a desirable form. COM COSTING. What is the cheapest and best meth od of compostiug stable and barn yard manure? In the last report you will find Parish Furman’s method, than which we can recommend no better. For an ordinary fertilizer use 1,000 pounds of stable ma nure, 000 pounds of acid phosphate, 800 pounds of cottonseed meal and 100 pounds of kaiuit. If your land is sandy use 200 pounds of kainit. SOFT PHOSPHATE. I am continually in receipt of circu lars relating to soft phosphate. Do you regard it highly as a plant food, and would you advise its use? L. M. TANARUS., Blakeley. The department has received many inquiries ou this subject, and shortly after the question as to the value of soft phosphates was first raised an ar ticle appeared in these reports by Dr. Payne on their value as shown by ana lysis. Since that time the question has been experimentally investigated at a number of the stations, but with such varying results as to prevent definite conclusions. From them it would seem that it would be difficult as yet to de termine the comparative value between it and acid phosphate, or to lay down general rules as to the advisability of its use. Other scientific questions have also entered the discussion, the principal of which is the solubility of soft phos phates in the acids of the soils and the effect of an abundant supply of humus or organic matter iu rendering them available. These questions are matters to bo de termined by careful experiments, and will govern, to a large extent, the use of this class of fertilizers .and the char acter of soil on which they should be applied. To determine the effect of or ganic matter on natural phosphate the Alabama station at Auburn conducted a scries of experiments in which soft phosphates were placed with cottonseed meal and fermentation and decay al lowed to take place. In order to ascertain whether in the chemical action or chauge taking place iu the organic matter the insoluble phosphates were rendered available, analysis were made to find the amount of available phosphoric acid at differ ent periods aud stages of the fermenta tion and decay until the conclusion of the experiment. These analysis showed comparatively no increase iu the amount of available phosphoric acid from the action of the meal. They indicate, so far as the phosphoric a*.id of natural phosphates becoming available in the Soil is concerned, that it is immaterial whether it is used with material con taining organic matter, or whether as so this particular feature of its use the land is well supplied with organic mat ter or not. It would seem, however, that prac tical experience indicates that natural phosphates can be used much more successfully where the land is supplied with an abundance of humus. For example, Charleston floats have been used with beneficial results in Virginia where clover sod has been turned under, and so university hi* this been noted by the farmers of tn >. state that they are ordinarily u<e l only where vegetable matter has been sup plied, or upon sod soon to be turned under. In considering the use of any fertil izer, the results to lx; obtained are of paramount importance, and especially is this true of a slow acting fertilizer, such as the soft phosphate.*. Usually we apply chemical fertilizers for pres ent results, and it has been the poficy of the department in estimating the commercial worth of any fertilizer to be governed alone by the actual avail able plant food present without regard to what may become slowly available. We are unable to see in immediate re sults how natural phosphates can equal the available. As to how far they do becotno available remains to be deter mined. MUCK. Will it pay to have swamp muck a short distance to place on land? What purpose does it serve and what plant food supply? S. O. M., Cobb County. The purpose that muck serves and the plant food it supplies governs the ques tion as to how far it can be hauled and pay on the farm. It is also seen that the object in view and the other mate rial that is at the command of the farm er to serve the same purpose is to bo considered. First, as to the amount of plant food directly contributed to the soil by swamp mud or peat. It is easily seen that found as it is under varying circumstances, that the amount of ni trogen, tlie direct plant food it contains must vary very greatly. Iu 80 samples of peat of all sorts and kinds analyzed at the Yale labaratory, under the direction of Professor John son, the proportion of nitrogen varied from .4. of 1 per cent to 2.0. per cent. With such wide divulgence in the ac tual plant food, if that is principally sought instead of the organic matter, it is necessary to have an analysis or ex periment before very intelligent action can be taken. It is well to note also that by far the greater part of the nitro gen found in muck is insoluble and inert considered as an immediate source of plant food. When exposed to the air, however, or mixed with any ordin ary soil it slowly undergoes a change and gradually becomes available, as bone meal would do under similar condi tions. It is frequently termed acid when first taken from the bog, which is in reality the presence of antiseptic matter. This antiseptic or gormeoide quality will hinder nitrification and is injurious To correct this the muck should be exposed to the air for some months before using and when not acid this exposure rids it of the great quantity of water it con tains and renders it mellow and friable Were there no danger of damage from applications of raw peat, it is common experience that the land will not receive its benefit until the second year, and it is well to expose it elsewhere than on tlio field. COMPOSTING. On account of its power to absorb ammonia and prevent its loss, muck is excellent for composting, even when it contains only a small percentage of ni trogen. This is due to the presence of humic acid, a highly effective agent in absorbing ammonia. Storer, in his Agriculture, states that Professor Johnson found that a swamp muck from the neighborhood of New Haven was capable of absorbing 1.8 per cent of ammonia, while ordinary soil absorbed only 0.1 to 0.5 per cent. For the same reason, as a litter for farm animals, nothing is as excellent as an absorbent as dried muck. And in a large number of experiments nothing jhowed as high absorbing qualities as the better class of peats. Taken altogether, our conclusions are that you can use the muck alone to sup ply organic matter and perhaps nitro gen. Compost it or use it as a litter for your stables advantageously if you have no great distance to haul it. MULCHING. What is meant by the term mulching ? I understand its ordinary meaning, but think it must embrace more than I have contemplated. What object does it ac complish? R. A. S., Statesboro. Anything placed upon the surface of the soil to deter the evaporation of surface water is a mulch. It may con sist of leaves, straw, chips, spent tan bark. sawdust, cld boards, flat stones or stable chaff or manure, the latter serving a double purpose. The good accomplished in the reten tion of moisture is significantly shown by the condition of the earth any old logs or sti es iu the field. Here even in a dry season you find t• soil moist and usually iu good t.,rh. A mulch also prevents the soil from In coming encrusted after hard ruins. GRAPH PRUNING. 1 have set out some grape vines and desire to learn something about how to prune them. Will you kindly give me the information. A. D. C., Buford. The object of pruning is to give pre ponderance of roots over top. Various methods have been adopted. The first year the usual custom is to allow one cane to grow, selecting the most thrifty and promising bud. and rubbing off all others early in the spring or as soon as sufficiently developed. Late in the fall cut this branch back to three or four buds. The second year select the two most vigorous buds aud rub off the oth ers as before. The following summer nothing will be necessary except to pinch off all inferior shoots. In the autumn cut back the two canes to three or four buds and allow a bud to grow on the main shoot# to make a third cane. The third summer the two canes can be allow.* 1 to bear a few clus ters of fruit, taking care that they are not overtax ;d. The thinning of the fruit should be done with sharp scis sor* instead of a knife. Pruning after this will depend on the system of trim ming adopted, remembering that the object to be arrived at is to have the proper amount of n w wood and no more for ago xl yie dof v f , M 'hi pruning bearing v e i’i o >od should be cur away and t le new wood left, with a few strong ranches each year to provide a growth o can * RASPBERRY CUTTINGS Will rasp >errh-s be grown u• • *ss fully from cuttings? B- O H. D Only a few var ri ' i'o v crc-s can lie successfully grow i -moo * > l cutting*. S>m* ti- • will succeed if t • * i it early in the fall. G i nos are, however, grown v i : " h*- the usual process used in mu ; ying grapes. As the fruit much • tsim propagated in other Vi, we would not recommend the u o p curtin r s of the class you evidently intend. Routs and root cutting ; i< the b*d' method, as all but one species and its v \ ' -ties have underground stems, which bong cut into small t i • will pr luce plants readd y w o *h will prove more vig< irons. ASP VR •'*<*. Please tell m<* h prepare on as paragus bed. How le p to plant the roots, how to manure, etc L. O T , Hampton Select for your asparagus bed a light sandy loam, two feet <1 *ep and per 'ect ly drained, as this is the most m fable. If you have no soil of this description, use the most friable soil at your com mand; (rover the bed six inches with rich, well rotted manure, and trench into the soil to the depth of two fe *t, as in a few years the roots will reach to that depth. In the spring sot the roots in their natural position four inches deep and two feet apart. Asa rule, so great a distance' is not given, and if im practicable on account of limited space, give them as much room as possible, as when the bed is thoroughly established two foot will not be found too great. During the summer water liberally with liquid manure. In the winter, cut down the stems and cover with a dressing of manure. In the spring till this in with salt. A COMPOST FORMULA. The following formula is being sold by farm rights in my section for $5.00: Saltpeter, 2 pounds; bluestone, 2 pounds; soda ash, 2 pounds; nitrate ammonia, 2 pounds; potash, 1 pounds; ashes, un leac'ie.l, 50 pounds; salt, 5 pounds, lime, 5 pounds. It. is recommended to be used in composting, and in this way to make a fertilizer equal, ton for ton, to a regular fertilizer. When to be used under corn, it. is said that lime can be substituted in the place of the ashes. Would you recommend its purchase? And is it a good formula? H. A. M., Coweta. We do not advise the purchase of farm rights of any patent formula. The departments instituted by the govern ment and the state will gladly furnish formula for any particular purpose, which embody the consensus of experi mental and scientific investigation in that line of fertilization. At this, the Georgia department, we will gladly furnish special or general formula free of charge. As to the merits of the particular for mula you give, will say that it is de fective. The nitrate of ammonia is ev idently intended to supply ammonia, but the effect of composting it with lime and unleached ashes would cause its loss. The caustic properties of the nnleachod ashes and lime would also cause the loss of the ammonia iu the stable manure with which it compos! ed. When we note that ammo ila is th. most costly plant food which th * . inner has to supply, it is well for him to exer cise due care that it is not lost. Cer tainly he should not use such ingred ients which, upon being composted, causes it to escape. The salt is beneficial for its mechanic effect, and at tim sir is well to use some in composting. Blue stone serves as an insecticide, and is needed under certain conditions. No reason could offer itself for substi tuting lime for ashes when the compost is to be used under corn. PAY OF CHIN i.S£ SOLDIERS. Tiey Receive Their Wages in Silver and Exchange It for oin. The Chinese soldier receives his pay once a month only.and Chinese months, it may be remembered, are much long er than those we are accustomed to reckon bv. On the eve of the pay day the captain of a company, together with his sergeant-major, goes and re ceives the amount of money requisite to pay his company from his next su perior officer. This is not paid to him in jingling coins, but in pure silver, which, how ever, has been broken into somewhat irregular pieces. The whole of the night preceding pay day is occupied in weighing out for each nan the required quantity of silver, and this occupation, a < may be imagined, is a very tedious one and only successfully accomplished by infinite care, for here a piece the sire of a pin's head has to be chipped off. and there a piece of lar re dimen sions has to be added to make ;p weight, and any deviation one way or the other means the loss of perhaps a day's pay or more to some poor defend er of the Celestial empire. When the process of meting out is accomplished the silver is carefully wrapped in paper, upon which is writ ten the name of the intended recipient. On the following afternoon the c *n pany is mustered and the serge., at major divides the in mey, commencing with the first man in the company aid going on to the last. When ihisdividoa is condoled the question ’s as cel in stentariin totes; “ll.tsanvove *! a ci. in?" tnd the ou- unary “Vo tav iag promptly been given, the men are then dismissed. E tch one now repairs to th nearest tradesman's shop, where he exchs *s h.> -diver. For on * ;*1 he rer - *s sixteen hundred n . i coins o lie l “cash." perforated iu the center so as tr allow of being threaded on a string. anJ havin'? received the proper amount, turns homeward with a cheerful mien, but nearly sinking' beneath this bur den. The private receives three an 1 a half taels, equal to ninetien shillings, ;n mthly. >ut of which he has to pro v, it* hi a ,elf with clot.ies an l food. This to as. no dou t. seems a very in significant sum. but we must remember that the whole of a Chinese soldier’s subsistence only costs him about one *>(> f !>• he lives on rice* absolutely t r ee. ilis clothe*, too, rle — ! ’iiei o Tribune. t i /red to build a ship canal i Lake Erie to the Ohio river. : routes suggested are from Erie, La-, to Pittsburgh, from Cleveland to ilarietta, 0., and from Toledo, 0. to Cincinnati. Most of the agitation concerns the lirst named route, for the ship canal idea originated in Pitts burgh. The distance is about one hun dred miles, and the cost of the canal is estimated at twenty-fivp million dollars LEGAL NOTICES. GUARDIANSHIP APPLICATION. GBORG/4 —Butts County. Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned, that guardianship will be vest ed in the Clerk *f the Superior Court, or some other lit and proper person, for the property of Jas. B. Hoard, lunatic. Af ter the publication of this citation, unless valiu objection is made to his appoint ment. Given under my hand and official signature this 3rd day of December, 1894. J‘ F. Carmichael. Ordinary. CITATION. GEORGIA—Butts County To .411 whom it may Concern: Sarah C. Lindsey having in proper form applied to me for Permanent Letters of Administration on the estate of James M. Lindsey, late of said County, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of James M. Lindsey to be and ap pear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any there can, why permanent administration should not be granted to Sarah C. Lindsey on James M. Lindsey’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature, this 3rd day of Decem ber, 1894. J, F. Carmichael, Ordinary, Ll ltd, FOB DIVORCE. GEEORGIA—Butts county. Lula. B. Rhodes) Libel for Divorce vs t in Butts Aup. court Joseph W. Rhodes) August term, 1894. The defendant, Joseph W. Rhodes, is hereby required personally, or by attor ney, to be and appear at the next Superior Court to be held in and for said county, on the 3rd Monday in February next then and there to answer the plaintiffs com plaint for “Dibel for Divorce,” m default thereof the court will proceed as to justice shall appertain Witness the Honorable J no. j. Hunt, .fudge of said court, this, 3rd day of /September, 1894. Joseph Jolly, Clerk S O TO WHOMIT MAY CONCERN : You aie hereby notified that 1 shall make an application to the city council of Jackson, tfa,, after the expiration of thirty days, in terms of the law in such cases made and provided, to have laid out and opened a street in said town fifty feet wide and beginning at some point on my land and continuing due North to Third street in said town, to be located on lands of my self, M, W. Beck and B. P, Daily, or lands of myself, B. P. Daily and James Harkuess, or lands of myself, *M. W. Deck and Mrs. A, D. Catching?, as the said city council may deem best for said town and the above mentioned parties. This Nov 13th, 1894. Ray & Ray, O. M. Lattig. .Attorneys for Applicant. ENDORSED AS THE BEST REMEDY August A. Klages, 810 St. Charles street, Baltimore, Maryland, writes: “From my youth I suffered from a pois onous taint in my blood My face and body w ere continuously affected w ith eruptions and sores lam now forty two years of age and have been treated in Germany and America, but no rem edy overcame the trouble until I used Botanic Blood t'alm. My skin is now clear, smooth and healthy, and I consid er the poison permanently driven from my blood. I endoise it as the best rem edy.*’ One dollar per large bottle. For sale by druggists, TAX NOTICE LAST ROUND, I will be at the following places on the dates named below for the purpose of collecting state and county taxes of Butts county, for the year 1894: Iron Spriugs( Cross Roads) Monday Dec. 3. Worthville, Wednesday, “ 5. Jenkinsburg, Thursday, “ 6. Towaliga, Friday, “ 7. Elgin, Monday, “ 10. Dublin, Tuesday, “ 11. Flovilla, Wednesday, “ 12. Indian Spriug, Thursday, “ 13. Will be in Jackson first Tuesday and Saturdays. Also on 17th, ISth, 19th and 20th, after which the books will be closed Please come forward and settle before the time is out, as I dislike to issue fifas against any but will do so if not paid by the 20th. Respectfully, T. J. Cole, Tax Collector B. C. Jackson is the best CJtton mar ket in this country. Farmers get more on an average for their cotton than at any other town in this country. The merchants here sell goods cheaper than any other merchants and anything you want is tor sale in Jackson cheaper than tne same kind of goods at any other place. The truth is when you get a little more for your cotton and get your goods for a liule less, ihe common sense ot it all is this: t pays and pays like anything to come to Jacksen. = BUY YOUR —- Phaetons. Dl f arts > | Surries, 111 (HllLijf Harness, &c I {Jq= Lamest Stock of the I atest ever carried in Jackson to select from. 1- Ball Bearing and Rubber Tire Buggies ee them! I Try them! Runs light and Hides easy. The Novelties 1 of the season are to be found at J VCKBO' CARRIAGE FACTORY. ILI Winter Lap Robes ! The largest stock, Best Qualities, and latest styles to select from. Head- \ quarters for Buggy kobes. REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY! | Quickly and Substantially done at Reasonable Rates by i Competent Men. So bring your Repair Work to the JACKSON CARRIAGE FACTORY. 1 GUANO FOR 1895. | To those of my Customers and Friends who have so fl liberally patronized me in the past, and who expect to use Guano or Acids another season, I would kindly ask j JUL them to call on me and get my prices, etc., before buying i as I assure you I will use my utmost endeavors to pleaJjfa you. 1 will also be pleased to supply you with OottoiW Seed Meal. Respectfully J. R. CARMICHAEL. M "'We "V\7~a I CHRISTMAS ISSUE. The Business and Enterprisng Men are going to ADVERTISE THE TOWN! The ARGUS Wants a ‘ Cotton Factor! Subscribe and help ns work for the Town, County and Good Government. r|