The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, December 12, 1913, Image 2

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No Substitutes RETURN to the grocer all sub stitutes sent you for Royal Bak * ing Powder. There is no sub stitute for ROYAL. Royal is a pure, cream of tartar baking powder, and healthful. Powders offered as sub stitutes are made from alum. THE JfIgKSON ARGUS, Telephone 11*9. Published overy Friday at SI.OO a year. Entered at Jackson Postofhue aa second class matter by H. M. Shaver. H. M. SHAVER. Law, Editor and PublUhar OFFICIAL ORGAN OF BUTTS COUNTY. FRIDAY, DEC. 12. 1918. mammmmmmmmmmmt THE DEFINITION OF A KNOCKER. The general definitions, of a knocker vary, but the follow ing one from the Dawson News, credited to an exchange, Heerns to be about the best ever written. Would that the author were known that the world may crown him with hon or for his well given definition ! “After God finished the rattlesnake, the toad and the vampire, He had some awful substance left, with which he made a knocker. A knocker is a two-legged animal with a corkscrew soul, a" water-sogged brain and a combination backbone made of jelly and glue. Where other people have their hearts, he carries a tumor of rotten principles. When the knocker comes down the street, honest men turn their liucks, angels in heaven take percipitate refuge behind their harps, and the devil bar-locks the gates of hell.” ROYALTY IN FOURTH ESTATE. The news that Kaiser Wehelm has bought h newspaper and will take personal charge of its publication has been re ceived with a great deal of interest in other countries. The German Emporer is famous l->r his originality. There is little doubt of this new venture being a success. The paper in ijuestion is said to be the Lokal-Anzeiger, formerly owned by August Seller 1 and known as Berlin’s most popular daily. UNCLE SAM’S POSITION. Yellow journals and fanatics continue to advise Uncle gam to build more battle ships and increase the army. One of the almost time-worn arguments is that Japan is building several to our one. This does not mean as nfuch to us if we view the situa tion from Japan's shoes. If we were a much smaller country we would have to build a much larger navy to prosect us. Our country faces a different political situation. We are not likely to incur invasion. Japan must reckon with grerdy Kussin, the rebellious Koreans,the awakening China and mnst keep the supremacy of the Orient. Our country is the richest in the world in resources and all wealth, the foremost in commerce, manufaesuries and ag riculture. We can by the way, raise the largest fighting army in the world and back it by the almost infinite wealth of the land. Is there, then, any use of increasing our army aud navy? Instead we may better fortify against foreign at tack by developing the resources of the lund. Quit building machines of war, build good roads, promote agriculture and all forms of commerce and you will render your country far safer than by outbuilding Europe in dreadnaughts. THIRD STREET'S NUISANCE. Many property owners and those who ride on Third street have complained and justly so, of the idle track run ning the length of the street. Many buggy wheels have been damaged, boys have been thrown from their bicycles and the best driveway in the city ruined by the cartracks. It would be different, indeed, if we had the car line, and it seem-s as if there are no prospects of our getting it. If we never get the car line, why let the tracks be a nuisance to the city? It is up the authorities to investigate these com plaints which have been made for a long time and either compel those who own the franchise to establish a line soon or give satisfactory prospects of doing so. If not, heed the town’s cry to take the up. "GO TO CHURCH" DAY. Everybody is urged to attend church Sunday to make “(io-to-Ciiurch” Day a success. This movement was started several weeks ago and has gained favor with the people. The object of the observation of the day is to get every person to come to someone of the houses of worship. Many people never darken the doors of a church and others only very unfrequently, and it is for this purpose that the move ment was started. If perhaps you don’t wish to worship or become religious, you should come and learn something. As an educative factor, the church stands next to the schools and newspapers of the land, and it is certain that you can learn something, perhaps broaden your view and render you less harsh in your opinion of one of the greatest institu tions in the world, the church and religion. Come our everybody, especially those who never attend. And break yourself from a monotonous one-sided life. Give the best there’s in you a cha ce*. Of course all the “regular” attendants and a whole lot of others wilt be present, so come out and help to help the day to be a success. Editorial Etchings. The Lyons Progress says, "Our advice is not worth much but it is free. We would say to the farmers: Plant oats and lots of oats- Feed going to be high as gold dust next spring and a big oat crop is going to be a mighty handy thing to have around along about then.” '1 his j is valuable advice and every farin !er who follows it will find that he is saving dollars and cents. The Langur ge ok the Beasts. "What have you done to make your dog obey so well: 1 ” "[ speak to him." "And lie understands?" "Surely. If anybody speaks to you, don’t you understand right away?—Le Hire " How grafcefully that man seems to eat corn on the cob." "Yes, but he ought to- He’s a piccolo player.”—Kansas City Star. Georgia should be proud of her two able Senators, Bacon and Smith, who are making history in Washington as regards to reforms. They seem to be Wilson’s right hand men. Rusines manager Halstead of the Constitution delivered a fine speech a few clays ago before the Rotary Club. livery newspaper man should have read it. The corn show in Atlanta marked the close of the most successful year of its organization. Every tendency and movement toward diversified farming is beingboosted in the state. Economically speak ing. it is the greatest value to the South. Verily the era of prosperi ty is just beginning to dawn upon the South! A postmaster iH Montana was recently convicted of stealing from flie post office- Pleading guilty, lie said he did not believe he did wrong in stealing the money as the government could afford to lose it. This reminds us of the recently aud widely published rules of the late Hill Minor. They should never have been published. What a re sponsibility do. editors of news papers have! Such copy should never enter the papers as many ati ignorant or easily-led mind can be influenced by it, when it would not have been if it were unpub lished. “To live at home, to buy at home, and to patronize home rnau ufacturers” must be the slogan of the South if she really seeks the dawn of pleuty. Winston Churchill is a far-sight ed statesman. The plan to aban don battleships building for road building, education, etc., although anti-ilearst. is a broad and safe policy. When a country is rich in resources and well developed, no foreigner will dare attack her. The “spugs, ” members of the Society for the Prevention of Use less (.living, it is hoped will sub stantially increase in number. Use less, extravagant Xmas gifts do not represent the true Christmas spirit. Charity, beyond these, should be first iu the thoughts of all. We congratulate the Americat. Press upon its new feature, the Chamber of Horrors. Keep up the good work, you are helping the editors aud cheating rascals pro pelled bv the lust of greed aud gain of unjustly earned profits. Good morning! Wasn't your breakfast just as good without eggs? For Weakness and Loss of Appetite The Old Standard general 'lrmgtlanMg -.on** U ROVE’S TASTELESS chill TONIC, tin wo- - Malaria and builds up the system. A true roa-.c and sure Appetiser. For adults and children. );. LEBIL ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR YEAR’S SUPPORT. Georgia—Butts County. Mrs. Rosa Thaxtou. having made application for twelve months sup port out of the estate of I). F. Tliax ton. and appraisers duly appointed to set noart the same, all persons concerned are hereby requited to show cause before the Court of Ordi nary of said county, on- the first Monday in January. 1814, why said application should not be granted. This 2nd day ot December. 1912. J. H Ham, Ordinary. FOE ADM 1M ST RATION. Georgia— Butts County. To whom it may concern ■ W. H. Watkins having made ap plication to me in due form to heap pointed permanent administrator upon the estate of P. R. Watkins, lata of said county, notice is hereby gi ran that said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in Jan uary, 1914. Witness my hand and official sfg. nature this Ist day of December 1913. J. H. Ham, Ordinary. NOTICE TO CHANGE LEGAL A DV ERTISEMENTS. Georgia— Butts County. Notice is hereby given that the Legal Advertisements of Butt? Comity will be changed from Tin lackson Argus to The Butts County Progress, after the Ist day of Jan nary. 1914, for the said year of 1914. This December 2. 1914. J. H. Ham. Ordinary. 8. S. Foster, C. S. C. L. M. Crawford, Sheriff. The man who wants to go to the theatre everyday and Sunday too is a "one-sided” tnau. Not that he is doing morally wrong, but he doesn’t give the other side of his nature the field to broaden himself. Too many men stick to one sphere of life. A church-going worldly man is apt to be a far broader man than the average Christian or wan ton sinner. A tramp rang a door bell out on Euclid avenue the otliet day, and asked the pretty woman who open ed the door if she would be so kind as ro ask the doctor if he had a pair of old pants to give away- ' T am the doctor,” answered the young woman and the tramp did not wait for the pants. —Selected- -0 “Gladys, tell that young man tc take his arm away from round your waist.” , “Better tell him yourself, ma; he’s a perfect stranger to me.”— Georgian.” i Just everyday daru foolishness has hope beat to a frazzle when it comes to springing eternal into the human breast. —T.x. Exasperated patron—“ Central, will you please suggest a wrong numbet to ask for in order to get Main 5461?” Is the growth of equal suffrage, the entrance ot the woman in the business world, coupled with the great increase of divorces in the world destined tcfcause an estrange ment between the sexes for the purpose of increasing the race sui cide tendency that the world may not become populated too rapidly according to the means cf susten- since it will require centuries for a substantial betterment cf pro duction to feed double the number of people, and since science is overcoming disease and the world becoming economically better for mankind to dwell in? ao old old OO a tiijy litSe cardl It* *n>ply -- w- a .>wjui eevie*T *i m* a. a*, wavt* eo. A Card for Every Occasion. Msoo Hook Ho. Ip Pjß' FROM YOu” HIS. YOLn o ™* THE OTHKR FELLOW IS TIM* OF LEMMSS and’hardwam Imn uTSLTou'S ™°e Vs*t"i?aS™ AM " m ™ n DEMPSEY HARDWARE COMPANY, Phone SO, - - Jackson, Georgia. Slaton’s Stock Powders 25c*.—flj.OO Poultry Powders 25c. Golden Hair Tonic 50c. Family Liniment SI.OO X Ray Pain Oil 50c- Colic Remedy SIOO Liver Laxative SI.OO Honey & Tar Cough Syrup SI.OO Carbolic Salve 25c. Krealie Disinfecteut 25c. pint Extract Vaniila, Lemon, Orange, Pineapple, Strawberry 15c. & 25c . Manufactured and For Sale By SLATON DROG COMPANY Jackson, Ga. r Tf’atne all-vear-’round car. In gusty FlUSraAbater's snow- in balmy Spring or sunny Summar-tho bord serves its owner equally well. - one car on the job every day of r Five hundred dollars is the new price of the Ford runabout; the touting. w v> fivefifty; the town car seven n.t. f o. K detroit. complete with equip ment.. Get catalog and particulars. Just Received Carload. BDTTRILL BROS., JACKSON, GEORGIA \~euts for Butts County, jasper Count> . A “ Monroe County. H"7 Mi l ':T These Cards are now in very general use Tj fl IP /m polite circles and of course are greatly to LMj jt'/Jj preferred over the time worn, parish, styles of We are now displaying an unusually attractive j line,also a stylish and Lsplay ot . - O N O C F- A M STATIONERY ■2=>2*,Lns or- Gift ©OJTOi JACKSON BOOK COMPANY. . li ARCOURT &■ CO.' V N/ JU I 1 ■I V K-t*;S * I V X