The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, July 09, 1915, Image 2

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Jackson Progress-Argns Published Every Friday. J. DOYLE JONES, Editor and Pub. Subscription $1 a Year Telephone No. 166. Communications am welcomed. Cor respondents will please confine them selves to POO words, as communications over that length cannot be handled. Write on one side of the paper only, sign your name, not for publication, but as an evidence of good faith. Official Organ Butts County And the City of Jackson. ANNOUNCEMENT The undersigned has purchas ed The Jackson Argus from Mr. H. Y. McCord, administrator of the estate of Mrs. Lula McCord Shaver. The Argus has been consolida ted with The Butts County Pro gress and will be published here after under the name of “The Jackson Progress-Argus.” Paid in advance subscribers to The Argus will receive the new publication during the life of such subscriptions. lam not responsible for any indebtedness incurred prior to assuming active management of The Argus. In combining Jackson’s two papers it was done with the view of better serving the community. It is believed that one good pa mper can serve Butts county bet- L>r than two. We shall strive at times to give the people a newspaper that will com favorably with any to be raHd in a city the size of Jack- Bwe wish to express our thanks Hd appreciation fur the liberal (support accorded us in the past, and to hope for a united patron age in the future. July 6. 1915. J. D. Jones. Many a fellow who needs a job is looking for a position. —- Some of the editors may go to Eastman on their passes but un less somebody pays their subscrip tion right quick we’re going to be on the hog. There is a movement on foot to knock out locker clubs and put a tax on soft drinks to make up the deficit. Georgia seems to be hard run to make ends meet. The Dodge County Herald, published at Eastman, has sus pended for lack of patronage. It is hard to make two papers grow where there is only room for one. Why not form that new judi cial circuit of thecounties of New ton, Henry, Butts and Jasper? We understand that the other counties favor the plan and New ton surely would. —Covington News. Since establishing its Atlanta bureau The Macon Telegraph is giving far the best news service of any paper in the state. One is enabled to separate the wheat from the chaff and get news in .condense 1 form. Fellow Bloodworth over at Forsyth says he has surrendered and is only waiting for one of the weaker sex to surrender. Well, just wait till leap year rolls around and see if you’re not cor nered. The biennial sessions bill ought to pass the legislature. Georgia and the entire country is suffer ing from too much legislation al ready and once every two years is often enough for the general assembly to meet. Wonder who will be the bright and particular star of the press meeting this year? Believe Billie Sutlive was decorated with the laurel last year at Commerce. — Butts County Progress. It is hard to tell from this distance. But if members of the Ananias club are eligible. Editor Benns, of the Butler Herald, will run away with the laurels this time. —Mon ticello News. Now that Oliver Blood worth has gone to Atlanta to help run the legislature it is presumed his correspondence course in matrimony will be allowed to lag. —Butts Coun ty Progress. Nope! Inspired by the marvelous eloquence of the Georgia statesmen, we’ll pur sue our course with renewed vigor and all that sort of stuff. Pursuing meanwhile any other little thing that ap peals to our bachelor fancy. Monroe Advertiser. Bet it will be some chase at that. Doyle Jones, editor of The Butts County Progress, is a royal booster for his old home town. Would that there were more like him in this land of the free and the home of William Jennings Bryan! More power to his boosts; greater growth to Jackson and an earnest hope for a lit tle boosting contagion across the line into Monroe. —Mon- roe Advertiser. Many thanks, Oliver. If The Progress were called on for an opinion it would say that The Advertiser is the best weekly newspaper that comes to this office. —Butts • County Progress. Spare our blushes. We’re plumb overcome, but we’re sincerely grateful for the generous boost. If The Ad vertiser ranks anywhere near the best, it is because of the example set us by Editor Jones and because of our de sire to get out a paper al most as good as The Pro gress.—Monroe Advertiser. They Write Every Day Every day Foley & Cos. receive letters from grateful men and women, telling how Foley Kidney Pills cured them of backache, sore muscles, stiff’joints and other kidney and bladder troubles. Is very quick to relieve lumbago and rheumatism due to kidney trouble. No other remedy has a longer record of cures. The Owl Pharmacy. Large seledtion of mens Straw Hats $2.50 to $3.50 values to go at one dollar each at Ham & Carter Cos. Call on or write Brown & Brown, McDonough, Ga., for loans on farm lands. 3-26-tf Take a -itexaflg. (StdefrEtet Tonight , v. .IS act as a laxative in the morning Slaton Drug Cos. He Removed the Danger Signal **l suffered a long time with k. very weak back,” writes Fred Smith, 325 Main St., Green Bay, Wis. "A few boxes of Foley Kidney Pills completely relieved me of all soreness and pain In the back, and now I am as strong and well as ever.” One cannot help becoming nervous and feeling tired and worn out when the kidneys fail to filter and throw cut of the system the poisonous waste matter that causes kidney troubles and bladder ailments. Backache Is one of Nature’s danger signals that the kidneys are clogged up and inactive. It is often followed by rheumatism, annoying bladder or urinary disorders, puffy swellings under the eyes, swollen ankles and painful joints. • . Foley Kidney Pills get right at the source of trouble. They invigorate the kidneys to healthy action and when the kidneys properly perform their functions the poisonous waste matter is eliminated from the system. THE OWL PHARMACY RESOLUTIONS ON DEATH OF MISS AMANDA VARNER In the death of Miss Amanda Varner which occurred at her home, Indian Springs, Ga., in March, the church and society has lost one of its most active members. Possessed of broad mind, genial disposition her friends were numbered by her acauaintances. Miss Amanda was remarkable in many ways. One of the most striking was her great knowledge of people and events which combined to make her one of the most interesting conversationalists to whom we have ever listened. But with all this she was most remarkable for her devotion to the church and the cause of Christ. Those of us who Knew her cannot soon forget the interest she manifest ed in this society. Therefore, be it resolved that in the death of Miss Amanda Varner the church and this so ciety and humanity in general has lost a friend indeed and one whose place will be hard to fill. 2. That we tender our heart felt sympathy and love to her bereaved sister, Miss Joe Varner, and that a copy of this preamble and resolution be sent her. 3. That a page in our minute book be inscribed to her memory. Respectfully submitted, Mrs. Frank Benson, Mrs. A. B. Wrenn, Mr. R. V. Smith. Dont forget the sale starts Friday, July 9, and will continue for 15 days only. The Fair Store, Jackson, Ga. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove’s The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. 35c Gallon for the best reboiled Georgia Cane Syrup, guaanteed. Carmichael-Mallet Cos. PEPPERTON OBSERVES 4TH WITH A LAR6E BARBECUE Pepperton celebrated the Glo rious Fourth, Saturday, with a large barbecue at noon and base ball in the afternoon. It was a holiday, the mill being closed. The barbecue, which is an an nual event, was a large affair. Several hundred persons enjoyed the barbecue, for which elaborate preparations had been made. Several carcasses were prepared in delightful barbecue style and an abundance of lemonade was served. After the dinner was over the Pepperton and Griffin baseball teams clashed, the visitors being defeated by the score of 2 to 4. Seeds For Spring Planting Buy your seeds of all kinds from the old reliable seed of Jackson —Slaton Drug Cos. This has been in the seed business longer than any other seed in the coun ty. We have always given our customers satisfaction by selling them only the seeds the American markets afford. Our Seeds Are Fresh And not brought over from last season. You are therefore insured a thorough stand and a prolific production when you plant our seeds. Don't take any chances on cheap and unreliable seeds. SLATON DRUG CO. T&e 'RexaJlL Store Forced bu° s u^ ss SIB,OOO Stock Of The Consolidated Mercantile Cos., of Atlanta Bought at 50c on the Dollar This mammoth consisting of high grade, this season’s merchandise. Ladies Ready-to- Wear, Men’s Clothing and Furnishings, Mens, Ladies, and Chlidren’s Shoes, Underwear, No tions, etc. The entire stock was shipped di rect to the Fair Store, Jackson, Ga., from the Consolidated Mercantile Cos., Atlanta, Ga., which firm was forced out of business because their entire building is to be torn down and a new eredted. Everything be sold in Fifteen Days at the FAIR STORE Jackson, Georgia Our entire of mens Straw Hats are going at prices which will appeal to the most economical buy er. Ham & Carter Cos. EMERGENCY WORK In auto repairing requires thorough skill. Send your car here where skill is assured. We don’t have to take the entire machine apart to find out what is the matter. We know at a glance what is wrong and we right it as quickly and thor oughly as can possibly be done. Make us prove it. Wagner’s Garage. If prices will appeal to you, you will be convinc ed at what we have to of fer in mens Straw Hats. Ham & Carter Cos.