The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, July 09, 1915, Image 5

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NEWS - Op INTEREST IN THE SOCIAL REALM PARDS TOGETHER Just give me a friend when I’m losing the fight, Just a word and a look and it makes things right; Just a wink of the eye or a touch of the hand When I’ve borne and borne about all that I can— ’Tis better than tonic and makes me forget And somehow imagine I am winning out yet. Let’s never forget to help one another Always remember each man as a brother. Just reach out a hand—it’s nothing but right, And the shadows will flee with the vanishing night; New strength will rush to the fainting heart, New energy will encourage for a brand new start — Anew challenge accepted and the fight pressed hard — I’ll win a real victory, for you are my pard. —Exchange. Mothers Club to Meet The members of the Mothers Club will meet with Mrs. W. L. Etheridge Friday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock. All members are urged to be present. Informal Dining Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Smith en tertained at a delightful dining, Tuesday, their guests including Mrs. John W. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Head, of Atlanta, and Col. and Mrs. A. W. Lane, of Macon. For Miss Philipps Miss Carrie Jim McKibben en tertained at an enjoyable party onFrid ty for her attractive guest, Miss Lucile Philipps, of Griffin. Rook was the pleasant feature of entertaining and at the conclu sion of the interesting games, an ice tea course was served. About forty guests enjoyed Miss MeKibben’s hospitality. On Sun day, Miss Philipps and Mr. Mar tin Weldon, also of Griffin, were entertained at an elegant dining by Miss McKibben, when a few intimate friends were invited. Mrs. O’ Kelley Entertains Among the lovely affairs of the summer season was the Bun co party at which Mrs. L. L. O’Kelley entertained for Mrs. Dillard Sams, of Atlanta, the .guest of Mrs. M. C. Wright. “Sylvan Grove,” the lovely sub urban home of Mrs. O’ Kelley, was profusely decorated with bright blossoms from the flower garden and never presented a lovelier ap pearance. Upon entering the guests were served delicious punch bv Miss Anna Dawn Wat son. Miss Mamie Kate Watson and Mrs. L. D. Watson gracious ly assisted in entertaining. In the Bunco games Mrs. R. N. Etheridge and Mrs. M. C. Wright tied for the first prize, a dainty crepe handkerchief, which fell to Mrs. Wright, after the cut. The guest of honor was presented a lovely opera bag. Salads, sandwiches and tea were the refreshments served to the guests at the six small tables. PERSONAL Mr. C. A. Pittman was a vis itor to Atlanta Saturday. Dr. W. C. Bryant was down from Atlanta Tuesday. Mr. T. B. McElrov was a visitor from Conyers, Sunday. Mrs. Dillard Sams has returned to her home in Atlanta. Hon. C. A. Towles was a vis itor to the city Saturday. Mr. W. F. Huddleston was among Tuesday’s visitors to the city. Miss Willie Ruth Pittman spent Saturday with Miss Nettie Pitt man. Mr. L. 0. Benton was a visitor to Jackson Tuesday from Monti cello. Mrs. S. C. McCandless, of Mc- Rae, is the guest of Mrs. Emma, Mallet. Mr. H. Y. McCord, of Atlanta was a business visitor to the city Tuesday. • Miss Annie Lou McCord is at home from an extended visit to South Georgia. Miss Helen Carmichael is spen ding a week with Miss Ruth Adams in Macon. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Carmichael and Mrs. Sallie Ball are at St. Si-, mons for ten days. Vanie Kimbell is at home from Tampa. Florida, where he has been for some time. Mrs. Ethel Fletcher has apart ments with Mrs. O. B. Knowles on East Third Street. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Head, of Atlanta, were week-end guests of Mrs. A. H. Smith. Thornton Buchanan, of Bir mingham. was a popular visitor in Jackson this week. Miss Mamie Vinson, of Macon, will spend the week-end with Miss Davie Fletcher. Misses Sara Smith and Doris Nutt are in McDonough, guests of Mrs. E. D. Tolleson. Mr. Z. T. Buttrill and Mrs. Mary Pittman spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Pittman. Mrs. M. C. Johnson is conva lescing from a recent illness at Nobles Infirmary in Atlanta. Misses Daisy Thomas and Mat tie Duffy are on their vacation from Etheridge, Smith & Cos. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Lester. Sa ra and Elizabeth, of Macon, will visit relatives here next week. Mrs. R. E. Evans was the guest Wednesday of Mrs. C. T. Beau champ and Mrs. J. T. Fletcher. Miss Kathleen Joyner left Wed nesday for a two weeks visit with relatives in Atlanta and College Park. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Moon and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moon, of Conyers, were guests Sunday of Mrs. B. F. Moon. Miss Marguerite Fletcher spent a few days of the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Damour, Mr. Russel Michael, of Atlanta, and Miss Nelia Damour, of Ma con, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Carmichael and Miss Helen Carmichael. The SIB,OOO Stock of die Consolidated Mercantile Cos., of Atlanta, Bought by The Fair Store, of Jackson And will beplaeed on sale at n • AAf( That will startle this wT rir*oS entire community. Mili(^— Come promptly for THE Lowest Wonderful Bargains Everything be sold in FIFTEEN DAYS The Fair Store Jackson, Georgia FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Program for Sunday. July 11 Sunday morning at 11 a. m. a special meeting which every member is urged and expected to attend. Matters concerning ev ery member will be considered. 9 a. m. Bible School. Bp. m. The congregations of the churches will worship at the Baptist church. Rev. Olin King, pastor of the M. E. church, will preach. The singers and musi cians of all the churches are ex pected to contribute to the ser vice. The Scouts will camp at South River Bridge next week. WANTED NOW Right now, when ha yfever is attack ing its victims ami when asthma is causing so much distress, there is a de mand for Foley’s Honey and Tar Com pound—the remedy that brought relief to thousands in previous years. Don’t continue to suffer. It will help you. Contains no opiates. The Owl Phar macy. Come with the crowd! Don’t hesitate, for he who hesitates is Take a hint. The Fair Store, Jackson, Ga. 36c Gallon for the best reboiled Georgia Cane Syrup, guaranteed. Carmicnael-Mallet Cos. Choice Meats AT RIGHT PRICES We have disposed of our restaurant and will now give our entire time to our market, which will enable us to serve the public promptly at all tUnes. We have installed a large refrigerator and pur meats are kept on ice, insuring abso lute freshness. Everything connected with our market is thoroughly sanitary. We keep on hand at all times a large stock of choice native and western meats and are prepared to All your or ders as soon as received. Our delivery is prompt, our service the best and the prices al ways right A share of your patronage will be appreciated. Tyler & McClelland Rhone 50 Jackson, Ga. We also keep Ice Cold Drinks Cigars and Tobacco RESOLUTIONS ON MER. HARDING A beautiful and useful life was ended when God in His infinite wisdom removed from our midst our beloved sister, Mrs. Lula Harding, wife of B. F. Harding. She was the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. W. 0. Sharp. During her last few months illness sister Harding’s sufferings were very great, but she bore them all with Christian fortitude, never heard to murmur or complain. Whereas, God has seen fit to take her to himself, be it re solved: Ist, That as a church we bow in humble submission to His divine will. 2. That we extend the bereaved family our heartfelt sympathy, and that these resolutions be writ* ten in the church record and a copy sent the family and the county paper, also to the Christian Index for publication. Mrs. W. J. Partridge, Mrs. J. T. Gibson, C. D. Ingram, Committee. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE’S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds up the system. 50 cent 9 AD SELLS CAR OF WATERMELONS Mr. P. W. Nolen of Paul Nolen & Cos. states that he sold a car of watermelons as a result of the ad used in this paper last week. Mr. Nolen is convinced that it pays to advertise. R E A D This Adv IT WILL PAY YOU LEMONS Large and juicy 1 Art Per dozen California S*rdi#es Something new try a box Have you tried Cotton Bloom Lard. We have it Stone Cakes Six kinds. EOc DOVE BRAND ILK HAMSSaturday lV2v UNCLE SAM The best. Try a loaf of Twin Milk Bread* The original 3 cans Hawaian Pineap ple Grated of Sliced LvL Kingans Breakfast Bacon Fresh and fine Just received a large shipment of Welch Grape Juice Agent Grape Smash by the bottle or by the drink PAT-A-CAKE for bak ing, the best yet, try a package. Sold on a guarantee to please or money refunded |A~ Package lUv Full Line National Bis cuit Co’s cakes and crackers, fresh. PICKILING Season is here. We have all kinds of spices and vinegar, including the Origi nal Heinz White Picketing Vinegar. Trade with us and be convinced that you are saving money and time. WE DELIVER NOW Paul Nolen & Company The Grocer that has the goods for you PHONES 24 and 60 Jackson, Ga. P. S.—Buy your Stone’s Cakes from us as we are the / only agent in Jack soil, and we get them fj'esh from the Bakery, not secondhanded.