The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, July 09, 1915, Image 6

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?. POU T WHIT! Jlf Make Your DOLLARS Act As if They Had More (ENTS ff|}| Look For The Big Signs MSI Entire Stock of HI The Newest Spring Clothing Millinery, Shoes, Dry Goods Ladies Suits and Skirts and Every Other Department Goes on Public Sale FRIDAY, JULY 9TH, 8 A.. M. Clothing Dep’t. Reductions in clothing are always more or less a mystery —Real Reductions are easily understood when the merchant mak ing the reduction has your confidence, if you have been or are now a customer of J. Arenson you will readily understand what we mean. To those who are strangers to our store—and he's the fellow we are after —we would say as earnestly as as we can that you'll be doing yourself an injustice if you buy anything in the clothing line during our sale before looking over our stocks and prices. Palm Beach Suits $15.00 Suits, this sea c'x 7 son s stock and y° u dJO. / save a Five-Spot $12.50 Suits pure $9.95 wool and all $20.00 Suits, and inM. worth e ver y ce nt desirable ojit Thissale $7.95 F0r512.95 MENS SHOES BOSTONIANS—You can save money by wearing Bostonian Shoes. In ail leathers and sizes during this sale At $3.48 One lot Mens Low Cuts, values up to $4 Free, Souvenirs, Free Every lady visiting our store will be hand ed a Beautiful Souvenir Absolutely Free whether she buys anything or not. Muslin Underwear $1 Ladies Muslin 39c Ladies pants Gowns during sale during this sale AQ C 23C -xs'" v $1 Ladies and Misses . „ „ Middies to be sold at $1 Ladies Muslin 49 C skirts during sale udies Undervests 49c 8c Sale positively starts Friday, June 9th, 8 a. m. South Corner of Square Harkness Building J. ARENSON Jackson, Georgia S. H. Eisman, Mgr. Look For The Big Signs THE TUVIE HAS COIVIE When conditions as they exist must be faced. The existing finan cial chaos that has spread over the entire country has affected us alike. With many other merchants we find ourselves face to face with the necessity of raising cash quickly. To accomplish this end we are put ting our entire stock of merchandise on sale and to turn it into cash in 15 Day's Beginning Friday, July 9 at 8 a. m. And Ending Monday, July 26 Thrifty buyers be alert to the greatest opportunity ever given you to do your spring and summer trading right at the very beginning and at the greatest saving ever offered by any merchant in Jackson. We refer of course, to reliable merchants selling only the highest class of merchandise. Every department in this store are included in this Gigantic Sale. There will be nothing reserved and the savings will leave a pleasant memory in your minds for many days to come. Every Article Marked In Plain Figures FREE 1 Art Square, 2 Trunks, 2 Suit Cases —FREE With each SI.OO purchase made during this sale we will give a coupon with a duplicate number, the duplicate number will be placed in a box in our store by the person holding the coupon. Saturday, July 24th, at 3:30 p. m. we will open the locked box containing the duplicate numbers and five numbers will be drawn out by a blind folded child. The person holding the numbers that correspond with the ones drawn out will be given the first prize, 1 Art Square absolutely free, and so on until all the prizes have been drawn. If the person holding the lucky number is not present it will be torn up and numbers drawn out one at a time until someone present has the duplicate number. These prizes will be on display in our store during the sale. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT A table full of selected Beautiful Trimmed hats that formerly AO r sold up to $3.50 now Ladies trimmed hats this season’s newest creations, worth iO $5.00 to $6.00 now 1,40 DRY GOODS Yd wide Pleached Domestic 5c yard 10c quality Bleached domestic sc yard 27 inch White Lawn be yard 59 inch Unbleached Sheeting 6c yard 10c Apron Check Ginghams 7c yard Yard wide Percales Sc yard All Calicoes 3c yard Lawns, Klaxons in all colors and Stripes 11c yard Ladies and Gents Handkerchiefs, regular 10c values, all to go at lc each SPECIALS 39c childrens rompers, now 23c 12.1 c bleached house towels Sc 25c linen towels 19c 5c i>aper safety pins 3c 15c can Cory lopsis Talcum j>owder 7c 1 lot wide Flouncings worth $1.50 per yard 39c 1 lot embroderies worth 15c per yd 7c Leatheroid suitcases 95c Our entire \ T irnFC stock of VjALIIjUeO Light and Dark Colors Per While they last at Pard Ladies Ready-to-W ear Department This department, we believe, receives the deepest wound of price cutting that this sale produced. We must sell the Ladies Dresses, Skirts, Waists and all other items which make up our most talked of depart ment in the city. We are offering for about ONE-HALF THE ACTUAL VALUE or the price they were intended to bring when they were being made. Here are a few of the specials which will give some idea of the actual Price Cutting that has been done in this store Lingerie Dressess One lot Childrens worth from $5 to $7 Dresses now $1.98 39c Ladies Skirts worth SI.OO Waists during from $2.50 to $5 this sale now 95c 39c This Season Skirts One lot Ladies Wash worth $7.50 Skirts now $1.95 69c One Lot House One lot Kimonos Dresses worth up to $1.50 83c now 49c LADIES SHOES One lot Ladies' Pat- Extra Special, one lot ent Pumps, this sea- of Ladies White Buck son’s newest styles skin and Comars $1.48 hi £ h shoes worth One lot Patent Lace _ up ,0 i 5 : 00 a c oxiords now r $ 1.45 $1.75 One special lot of One lot White Comar ladies and Childrens $2.00 Oxfords shoes to go For $1.19 At 89c The Store That Sells The Goods Cuts The Prices