Newspaper Page Text
Plan Your Vacation For
The Land of
The Sky
The one place you will enjoy a vacation
for re& or recreation
Hendersonville, Way nes ville,
Hot Springs, Tryon, Brevard,
Saluda, Flat Rock
Are a few of the noted resorts
Many Excellent Hotels and
Homelike Boarding Houses
Very Low Round Trip
Summer Fares
Through Sleeping Car Service
From Many Important Points
For information and beautiful
booklet address
Macon, Georgia
Premier Carrier of the South
The date of our Field Meeting
July, the 19 which falls on Mon
day* was set by Mr. Firor. Secre
tary of Extension work in Geor
gia, and not by me. The naming
of the date for these meetings
is not left for the counties or we
certainly would not have chosen
Monday. We hope the atten
Auto Service
And Reasonable Rates
Phone 3003
Georgia Tech i* educating young men for position* 'of
usefulness, responsibility, and power in industrial and business life.'
Its graduates are trained to do as well as to know. Their success
is the school’s greatest asset. Thorough courses in Mechanical,
Electrical, Civil, Textile and Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Architecture
and Commerce. New equipment, including a $200,000 Power Station
and Engineering Laboratory for experimental work.
For catalog address
dance will not be materially de
creased by this little inconven
Very Respectfully,
H. L. Worsham,
Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Won’t Cure.
The worst cases, no matter of how lontr standing,
are cnred by the wondei. and, old reliable Dr.
Porter's /.ntiseptic Healing Oil. It reliever
Pain and Heals at the same tim-. 25c. 50c. $1.06
Miss Gussie Singley spent Sat
urday night with Miss Mappy
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, of
Worthville, dined with Mr. and
Mrs. W. S. Cook Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. O’Neal
spent Saturday night with Mr.
and Mrs. H. G. Singley.
Miss Mappy Hilley entertained
the young people with a singing
Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mayo dined
with Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Harper
Mrs. Hassie Harper is visiting
friends in Atlanta this week.
Rev. Z. E. Barron, who was
absent from his church Sunday
morning, sent his father who fill
ed the pulpit. A large crowd at
tended the service.
Messrs. Boyd and Edgar Mc-
Michael, of Jackson, spent Sun
day with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. McMichael.
Miss Fannie McMichael con
ducted the prayer services Sun
day night and appointed Mr. Hu
die Lee Singley to conduct the
meeting next Sunday night. Ev
erybody come and help to make
the services interesting.
Get you fruit jars, tin
cans and fruit jar rubbers
at Kinard’s, Bell phone 8.
Georgia, Butts County.
Mrs. Ethel Carmichael having made
application for twelve month’s support
out of the estate of J. Gordon Carmi
chael and appraisers duly appointed to
set apart the same having filed their
return, all persons concerned are here
by required to show cause before the
Court of Ordinary of said oourt on the
first Monday in August, 1915, why said
application should not be granted.
This July 5,1915.
J. H. Ham, Ordinary.
Georgia, Butts County.
Notice is hereby given that J. B. Car.
michael, administrator upon the estate
of J. A. Carmichael, Sr., has applied
to the Court of Ordinary of said county
for leave to sell land and bank stock
belonging to estate of J. A. Carmichael,
Sr., for the purpose of distribution
Said application will be heard at the
regular term of the Court of Ordinary
for said county to be held on the first
Monday in August next.
This July 6, 1915.
J. H. Ham, Ordinary.
Georgia—Butts County
To All Whom it May Concern:
J. 8. Johnson having in proper form,
applied to me for permanent letters of
administration on the estate of Joe
Casle, late of said county, this is to cite
all and singular the creditors and next
of kin of Joe Casle to be and appear at
my office within the time allowed by
law and show cause, if any they can,
why permanent administration should
not be granted to J. 8. Johnson on first
Monday in August on Joe Casle. Wit
ness my hand and official signature,
this 7 day of July 1915.
J. H. Ham, Ordinary.
I Are You a Woman ?
I The Woman’s Tonic
Gets Right Twist
On Rheumatism
Makes Short Work of Gleaning Oat Your Entire
System—Aches and Pains Go Fast.
In S. S. S. Ton Get a Twist on Rheumatism that Settles It.
Many a rheumatic sufferer has been to
the drug store for a bottle of S. S. S. and
been handed something claimed to be
"Just as good.” Truly, to ask for bread
and be given a stone is still in practice.
If you are troubled with rheumatism in
any form be sure to use S. S. S. and note
Its wonderful influence.
S. S. S. has the peculiar action of soak
ing through the intestines directly into
the blood. In live minutes its influence is
at work in every artery, vein and tiny
capillary. Every membrane, every organ
of the body, every emunctory becomes in
effect a filter to strain the blood of im
purities. The stimulating properties of S.
S. S. compel the skin, liver, bowels, kid
neys, bladder to all work to the one end
of casting out every irritating, every pain
inflicting atom of poison; it dislodges by
irrigation all accumulations in the Joints,
causes acid accretions to disolve, renders
emergency work
"* In auto repairing requires thorough
skill. Send your car here where
skill is assured. We don’t have to
ta ke ie ent ‘ re ma chine apart to
PSjfl find out what is the matter. We
\ know at a glance what is wrong
\ j and we right it as quickly and thor-
W oughly as can possibly be done.
lllfSaiiftlf7slK> Wagner’s Garage.
Panama Pacific Exposition
Opened February 20th Closes December 4th
Panama California Exposition
Opened January Closes December 31&
$72.00 Round Trip Fare $96.85
Southern Railway
Premier Carrier of the South
A A Applicable via Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis,
\ I r 1111 Shreveport; returning via same or any other
* * v v direct route. Not via Portland or Seattle.
A / nr Applicable via Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis,
rMH fl.■ Shreveport; returning via same or any other
direct route.
Tickets on sale March Ist to November 30th, inclusive. Final
return limit three months from date of sale, not to exceed
December 31st, 1915.
Stop-Overs permitted at all points on going and return trips.
Side Trips may be mate to SanteFe, Petrified Forest. Phoenix,
Grand Canyon. Yosemite National Park, Pike’s Peak, Gar
den of the Gods, Giazier National Park, and other points
of interest. FREE SIDE TRIP to SAN DIEGO, and Cali
fornia Exposition from Los Angeles.
Through Pullman Sleeping Cars to Chicago, St. Louis, Kan
sas City and Denver, making direct connections with
through cars for the Pacific Coast, necessitating only one
change of cars.
For complete information call on nearest agent or address:
J. S. Bloodworth, T. P. A., Macon, Ga.
J. C. Beam, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga.
Call on or write Brown
& Brown. McDonough,
Ga., for loans on farm
lands. 3-26-tf
Does the label on your paper
read *feirl9l6? If not, pay up.
them neutral and scatters those peculiar
formations in the nerve centers that
cause such mystifying and often baffling
rheumatic pains.
And best of all this remarkable remedy
is welcome to the weakest stomach. If
you have drugged yourself until your
stomach is nearly paralysed, you will be
astonished to find that S. S. S. gives no
sensation but goes right to work. This is
because it is a pure vegetable infusion, is
taken naturally into your blood just as
pure air is inhaled naturally into your
Get a bottle of S. S. S. today, and ask
for S. S. S.
You may depend upon it that the store
that sells you what you ask for is a good
place to trade. Write to the Swift
Specific Cos., 204 Swift Bldg., Atlanta, Ga*
for their Book on Rheumatism.
The Georgia lawmakers seem
to be fond of oratory, having
heard from Hoke Smith, Dr.
Soule and Tom Hardwick in suc
cession. Less speaking and more
business would suit * the folks
back home just as well.