The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, July 23, 1915, Image 5

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NEWS OF INTEREST IN THE THE BRIGHTNESS OF LIFE A thought that is winged from a friend to friend Doesn’t seem such a wonderful thing; Yet it carries the prayer for a joy with out end, And it throbs with a big, friendly ring, A mere word of cheer in the shadow of night, When discouragement darkens the way, Will illumine our hearts with the glo rious light Of a hopeful and sunbrightened day. When failure confronts us and darkens our goals, How we long for the clasp of a hand! It is then that we cry from the depths of our souls For a friend who can just understand. A bright, cheery smile often gives us the strength That we lack in the vortex of strife, For it lightens our load as we travel the length Of the care-laden path we call Life. So we find, after all, that the things we thought small Loom colossal above all the host; That the best of God’s gifts are the friends we can call To our side when we need them the most. —Exchange. Is It One On You, Too? •a3unqoxg[— •puaq raq uo puujs oj pnq aqs Ji Avoqataos it taS pinoAV aqs .wauq aAV Ipuai seq aqs uiaod siqj, jßnop juao aaSu.w h<9av avo^i •Avoqs v jo puiq jsai aqj sja3 aqs ji ‘Moqauios jno puy n,aqs jaq noA jng •Avouq oj jou jqfino aqs guiqjauios s ( ji , ‘UBUt •OM w sauJOM jqt 3utqj/faß JI Guests at House Party Mrs. J. C. Adams had as her guests at a house party last week Miss Laura Arnold, Newnan, Miss Mae Colquitt, St. Augustine, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. N. M.JElliott, Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Maxwell and daughter Janie, and Mr. and Mrs. Otis Colquitt, of Barnesville. Miss Ruth Willis to Wed Mr. H. J. Miller Hosts of friends are deeply in terested in the approaching mar riage of Miss Ruth Willis and Mr. H. J. Miller, announcement of which was made by the bride’s father. Mr. 0. B. Willis, Sunday. Both young people live here, the groom-to-be having been in bus iness for the past several years and both are quite popular. On account of a recent bereavement in the family of the bride, there will be no attendants or reception. Sunday, July 25th, is the date set for the marriage. Series of Parties For Miss Eakes In compliments to her attractive guest, Miss Mary Sims Eakes, of Rome, Miss Pauline Mallet enter tained at a series of Rook parties this week. On Wednesday morning sixteen charming young ladies were entertained and on Thursday afternoon the same number of young matrons were invited to meet the honor guest. Absorbing interest was displayed in the Rook games, which were plaved at small tables on the deep porches. Jardinieres of sunflowers and daisies together with many growing plants made an attractive setting for the play ers. Mrs. George Mallet and Mrs. Harold Mallet served re freshing punch to the guests up on their arrival. A daintily pre pared salad course with iced tea was served the guests when the games were concluded. SOCIAL REALM PERSONAL Mrs. T. E. Watkins is visiting relatives in Marietta. Miss Lucile Elder is the guest of Miss Pauline Mallet. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Smith were visitors in the city Tuesday. Mr. W. A. Watkins was down from Atlanta a few days ago. Mrs. W. M. Preston, of Flo vil la, was a visitor here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Bond have moved to the home of Mr. W. H. Merritt. Miss Mary Zellner, of Forsyth, was the week-end guest of Miss Thelma Wood. Luther and Fred Hopkins spent last week in south Georgia, mak ing the trip in their car. Miss Nettie Rae Pittman left Monday for Birmingham to vis it her aunt, Mrs. Epley. Mrs. Florence Lunquest re turned to Atlanta, Friday, after a visit to Mrs. A. H. Smith. Mrs. G. D. Head left Monday for a visit to her aunt, Mrs. A. W. Waller, in Hawkinsville. Mrs. T. M. Bond and Miss Ma ry Lizzie Thomas spent Tuesday with Mrs. Gordon Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Powers had at their week-end guests, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. More, of At lanta. Mr. Willis Curry, of Barnes ville, has returned home after a pleasant visit to relatives in the city.. Misses Daisy Thomas and Car rie Carter spent the week-end in Juliette, the guests of Mrs. Smith. Master Warren McMichael is spending the week with his grandmother, Mrs. John W. Moore. Misses Vera and Jessie Jones arejbeing delightfully entertained as guests of Miss Julia Wade at Cochran. Mrs. A. H. Smith is in Atlanta for several days and has as her guest, Mrs. Tommie Flowers, of Montgomery. Miss Mary Hardwick arrived Wednesday from Atlanta • to spend the week-end with Miss Thelma Wood. Mr. and Mrs E. C. Daniel and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Anderson, of Macon, were recent guests of Mrs. C. A. Butner. : 1 Mrs. W. G. Morrison was hos tess to the Young Mothers Club, Thursday afternoofi, at her home on McDonough road. Misses Winnie Maddox and Te nella Tingle returned Sunday from Knoxville, Tenn., where they have been studying. Miss Hattie Belle Gilmore left Greenville last Monday to visit Miss Ruby Newsome, in Atlanta before returning home Friday. Mrs. R. P. Newton, Misses Mary and Rosa Newton have re turned from Borden-Wheeler Springs, where they attended a house party given by Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Powell, of Newnan. Miss Mary Sims Eakes, daugh ter of Rev. J. H. Eakes, of Augus ta is with Miss Pauline Mallet this week. Mrs. E. F. Parker, of Lyons, and Mrs. E. E. Gosset and little son, of Greenville, S. C., are vis iting their mother, Mrs. H. F. Gilmore. Mr. M. C. Johnson and children spent the week-end in Atlanta and were accompanied home by Mrs. Johnson, who has been ill at Nobles Infirmary for some time. Dr. and Mrs. 0. Lee Chesnutt have as their guest, this week, their niece, Miss Britt, of Tifton, and in her honor they entertain ed at a lovely party, Thursday evening. Mrs. C. S. Maddox, Mrs. T. M. Bond, Mrs. W. P. Watkins and little sons, Mark and Dan, and Miss Molly Katherine Tingle will go down to Indian Springs next week to spend ten days. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. More, of Atlanta, and Mrs. Powers motor ed to Macon Sunday and were guests for the day at Holly Bluff, the delightful country home of Mr. Harry Stillwell Edwards. Mr. S. M. Pope had a very pleasant surprise last Sunday with some members of his Sunday School class. They had a most delightful trip in the afternoon to Indian Springs. Mr. Pope is very fond of his class and is al ways glad to have them call on him. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Program for Sunday. July 25 11 a. m. The Pastor will preach on the subject, “Covering Sin.” 9:30 a. m. The Bible School. No evening services but the congregations will worship with the Presbyterian church and Rev. Olin King will preach. These Sunday night services popular and inspiring, the crowds are large, the music is grand and the sermons have met the de mands of the hour. We hope to see them grow in influence and power and be productive of great good. Summer Aches and Pains A backache that cannot be explain ed by having l, sat in a draft” is more than likely the result of disordered kidneys. Foley Kidney Pills prompt ly relieve backache, sore or stiff mus cles and joints, rheumatism and sleep disturbing bladder ailments. They put the kidneys in sound, healthy con dition. The Owl Pharmacy. Lookout Mountain Seed Irish Potatoes. Paul Nolen & Company. Get a Pineapple for 5c at Kinard’s, phone 8. SI.OO Ladies Hats to close out, some beauties at 25c. Carmichael-Mallet Go. Notice Teachers Notice is hereby given that the teachers’ examination will be held in Jackson on July 30th and and 31st, 1915. All those who desire to teach in the schools of the county will be required to take this examination. Hugh Mallet, Supt. Schools Butts County. FOR FARM LOANS Apply to J. W. NISBET Macon, Ga. WIGWAM HOTEL PUTS ON A MOTOR SERVICE The Wigwam Hotel, of Indian Springs, has recently purchased an automobile transfer that will be used between Indian Springs and Jackson, Flovilla and other points. This service was install ed for the benefit of guests of the hotel who will now be taken from the station direct to the ho tel without having to walk up the steep hill. This improved ser vice will no doubt prove popular with the patrons of the Wigwam, whose manager strives at all times to provide the latest con veniences for its friends. The hotels at Indian Springs are having a satisfactory season. Last Sunday more than fifty au tomobiles were on the reservation at the Wigwam, each car proba bly having an average of seven persons. $3.00 Ladies Hats to close out at 50c each at Carmichael-Mallet Cos. 4 bars Rub No More Soap 3 boxes 44 “ 44 Powder 1 loaf of Uncle Sam Bread all for 25c Paul Nolen & Company. Whenever You Need a General Tonic ' Take Grove’s The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. I try to do things that are pos ible and let others do things that are impossi ble. Ido deliver but can’t deliver now. Kinard, phone 8. SAYS FIELD MEET WAS A GREAT SUCCESS The picnic of and for the Corn Club boys and the Caning Club girls was a great succes. Not a single ugly thing occurred to ipar the pleasures of the occasion. The crowd was large, the dinner magnificent and bountiful. A great day for the boys and girls and for all. It was better in ev ery way than last year. We all regretted the illness of Prof. H. L. Worsham, our faithful and efficient agent. As to the addresses, they were all excel ent, practical and helpful. A vote of thanks was given to Mr. Scoville for the use of the hall and a donation of $25.00; to the speakers for their earnest addresses; to the ladies for the splended dinner. Mr. Dolvin at the Casino gave a nice donation to be divided between the two Canning clubs. Prof. Martin presided over the meeting with ease and dignity. J. S. Lewis. A TEXAS WONDER. The Texas Wonder cures kidney and bladder troubles, dissolves gravel, cures diabetes, weak and" lame backs, rheumatism, and all irregularities of the kidneys and bladder in noth men and women. Regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist will be sent by mail on receipt of SI.OO One small bottle is two months’ treat ment, and seldom ever fails to perfect a cure. Send for testimonials from this and other states. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2926 Olive Street, Bt. Louis, Mo. Sold by druggists. SIO.BO One Piece Dresses now $5.00 at The Busy Corner. Your size may be here. Paul Nolen & Company The place to buy your GROERIEjS Where Everything is Fresh and Fine We have the goods and can DELIVER NOW Try us and see, we do what we say Pimentos, regular 10c kind for 9c or3for 25c PAT-A-CAKE, Satisfac tion guaranted or money refunded j Per package i"v Stone Cakes Six kinds, 10c each We are the only agent of the F. O. Stone Baking Cos. in Jackson, Ga., so buy your cakes from us NOT SECOND HANDED LEM ON S As njany as you lA~ want per dozen Ivv NO LIMIT Have you tried a can of TUNA FISH The finest thing for salads (The chicken of the sea) Haiwaian Pineapple lA~ per can Ivv 3 cans 'ICp Sliced or for grated New Irish Potatoes 'lAp - per peck vvv Fresh Kalamazoo Celery arriving at last per bunch t)v Crisp and tender We are &ill handling that good UNCLE SAM BREAD And getting it every day fresh from the oven C ~ Per loaf tJv Phone us your orders as ,^,.VVE DELIVER NOW PHONES 24 apd 60 Paul Nolen & Cos. p. s.- Fresh Bread and Stone Cakes Received diredt every day, not secondbanded.