Newspaper Page Text
Jackson Progress-Argus
Published Every Friday.
J. DOYLE JONES, Editor and Pub.
Subscription $1 a Year
Telephone No. 166.
Communications are welcomed. Cor
respondents will please confine them
selves to ?00 words, as communications
over that length cannot be handled.
W rite on one side of the paper only,
gign your name, not for publication,
but as an evidence of good faith.
Official Organ Butts County
And the City of Jackson.
The whole world seems to be
getting loony these days.
Some legislators keep silent
the fifty days; others speak that
First bales will new become as
common as chiggers at Jaybird
Some of the papers that strive
so hard to be bright might find
it easier to be useful.
It’s a dull day in the legisla
ture when four or five county
treasurers' offices are not abol
The time is nearly here for
moving another cotton crop. In
the meantime what has been done
to help the situation?
As long as Butts county con
tinues to get the lion’s share of
travel over the Dixie highway,
there is no kick coming over here.
It is stated that it may be nec
essary to raise the state tax rate
to meet the expenses. Not the
first time the people have heard
that cry.
The sheriff of Bleckley county
has resigned, giving as his rea
sons therefor the fact that he
could not make a living out of
the office.
New counties are not being
created by the general assembly
this session at the same rate they
were a year ago. Isn’t it nearly
time to stop making new counties?
Why is the Prison Commission?
That body, like a grand jury, can
only recommend, it seems, while
final action is up to the governor.
Yes, why is the Prison Commis
Water transportation should be
of tremendous importance to Ma
con in the matter of cheaper
freight rates. Anew steel barge
has just been placed in operation
between Macon and Brunswick.
When campaigning last sum
mer Judge Nat Harris promised
the people, if elected governor,
that he would reduce Georgia's
tax rate. Governor Harris, Hie
people want to see you make good
on that proposition.
The Cordele Dispatch savs all
the prominent politicians in Geor
gia are dead as heck. That pa
per mentions particularly Hoke
Smith, Joe Brown, Tom Hard
wick and Jack Slaton. Some of
that bunch are not only dead but
are rotten.
The Alpharetta Free Press
says we part our hair in the mid
dle and suggests that John D.
Jones would .be better. Afraid
that somebody might confuse us
with John D. of Standard Oil
The plant of the Jackson Ar
gus was bought the other day by
the Butts County Progress. The
latter is a live paper and will
doubtless prove able to serve the
county more satisfactorily than
the two papers have done. —
Cuthbert Leader.
What Jackson, as well as hun
dreds of other towns, needs is
more enterprises and bigger pay
rolls. And once the enterprises
are built the citizens must learn
to patronize and support them.
It is a civic duty to spend your
dollar at home and help those
who have helped you.
What has become of the
old fashioned girl who used
to help pick the geese?—
Jackson Progress-Argus.
She was a goose for doing
it. and, having found it out,
she is now a chicken.—Al
pharetta Free Press.
Still a bird, eh?
The Winder News has just is
sued a splendid Trade Edition of
forty pages. It is an excellent
advertisement for Winder, Bar
row county and The News itself.
The edition is a most creditable
one in every way, and Editor
Ross is to be congratulated upon
this effort.
Editor Doyle Jones, of the
Jackson|Progress-Argus, says
Eastman gave the Georgia
editors a good time and indi
gestion last week. Aw, Jones,
you oughta been there!-Wal
ton Tribune.
Been thar? We were tharand
tharabouts for a part of three
hectic days, but couldn’t put to
sea with that noble tribe.
J. Doyle Jones has purchased
the Jackson Argus and combined
it with the Jackson Progress of
of which he was already editor.
The first issue of the Jackson
Progress-Argus came to us last
week, and Editor Jones has be
gun on a good road to creditable
Georgia weekly. Greensboro
The Butts County Progress,
Mr. J. Doyle Jones editor, has
bought The Jackson Argus and
will consolidate the two papers.
The consolidation will no doubt
be of benefit *to all concerned.
Our smaller towns are, in most
cases, overburdened with small
newspaper plants. —Telfair En
The Alpharetta Free Pree and
Monroe Advertiser are after the
fellows who buy their* editorials
by the yard. Sick ’em boys, we
are with you. And having fin
ished with that evil let’s shame
the patent sheet fellows out of
business. Patent insides are the
greatest drawback to the weekly
newspaper business. It stifles
foreign advertising. It holds the
paper up to ridicule. What the
average reader wants is the local
news arranged in attractive
form, with a complete change of
dress each week. The patent in
side is a sign of laziness or igno
rance. That’s putting it strong
but it’s the truth.
Cut This Out —
It Is Worth Money
Cut cut this advertisement, enclose
E cents to i'oley & Cos., 2885 Sheffield
Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name
r.nd aldress clearly. You will re
stive in return a trial package con
(1) Trlcy's Honey and Tar Cpro
toynd, ti e standard family remedy
for coughs, colds, croup, whooping
cougli, tightness and soreness in
clitst, grippe and bronchial coughs.
(2) Pc ley Kidney Pills, for over
worked ar.d disordered kidneys and
I,adder ailments, pain in sides and
tack due to Kidney Trouble, sore
rrusclos. stiff joints, backache and
<3 l Foley Cathartic Tablets, a
whole so 'e and thoroughly cleansing
cathartic. Especially comforting to
Stout persons, and a purgative needed
l y everybody with sluggish bowels
sad torpid liver. You can try these
three family remedies for only sc.
Our friend, J. D. Jones, of
Jackson, has bought the Jackson
Argus at administrator’s sale
and combined it with the Butts
County Progress which he al
ready owned. The two papers
will now be known as the Jack
son Progress*Argus. May[it con
tinue to be the good paper that
the two were before they were
merged into one. —Talbotton New
The Griffin News seems to
believe that Joe Brown is not
big enough to run against
Tom Hardwick for senator.
Wonder how big statesmen
grow where Editor Duke
hails from?--Jackson Pro
They grow a blamed sight
bigger here than “Little Joe”
Brown, Brother Jones.-Grif
fin News.
A penny for your thoughts.
Name a half dozen of your “big
uns” and the drinks will be on us.
Now let’s see Who’s Who and
Editor Jones, having pur
chased the Jackson Argus
and combined it with the
Jackson Progress, is making
good his promise to give the
people of Butts county almost
as good a newspaper as the
Griffin News. We think
Jones is a mighty live wire
and some of these days we
may form a partnership with
him and run one of the big
gest daily newspapers in the
state of Georgia. Of course,
we would let Jones do the
work and pay the freight. —
Griffin News.
That’s all right about the work
and freight just so we’re custo
dian of the long green.
Best thing for constipation, sour
stomach, lazy liver and sluggish bow
els. Stops a sick headache almost at
once. Gives a most thorough and sat
isfactory flushing—no pain, no nausea.
Keeps your system cleansed, sweet and
wholesome. Ask for Citrolax. The
Owl Pharmacy.
Fresh Turnip seed for
fall planting at Kinard’s,
Bell phone 8.
Apply to
Macon, Ga.
eomiT rouse lawn
Mr. J. R. Lyons began the
work of improving the public
spuare this week and states the
job will be pushed to an early
completion. The square was
graded some time ago and walks
will now be laid and the grounds
otherwise improved and beauti-
Seeds For
Buy your seeds of all kinds from the old
reliable seed of Jackson—Slaton Drug
Cos. This &ore has been in the seed business
longer than any other seed in the coun
ty. We have always given our customers
satisfaction by selling them only the be&
seeds the American markets afford.
Our Seeds Are Fresh
And not brought over from last season.
You are therefore insured a thorough stand
and a prolific production when you plant
our seeds. Don’t take any chances on cheap
and unreliable seeds.
Xthere’s None So Good
It is a great consolation to our
friends and customers to know
there is more than ONE, for we
are bottling and selling three
thousand per day. Substitutes
are alw T ays inferior.
Is superior to anything ever
Try one and be convinced
For Sale
Chero-Cola Bottling Company
Mr. Lyons is an expert in tile
and cement work. He has done
many expensive and attractive
jobs not only in Jackson and
Butts county but throughout the
surrounding territory. One of
the prettiest pieces of work done
by Mr. Lyons in recent months
was the laying out of the grounds
at the Jackson Baptist church.
On that job Mr. Lyons has been
most highly complimented.
When completed under the
skilful direction of \ Mr. Lyons,
the court house square in Jack
son will be one of the most at
tractive in the entire state.
Take ft
jtexaM.o xderd&eJi
h will act as a laxative in the
Slaton Drug Cos.