Newspaper Page Text
Yol. 43—No. 32
Beavers Loses Out Before
Police Board
New Chief Has Been Con
nected With Atlanta Po
lice Department For A
Good Many Years
Captain W. M. Mayo, a former
Butts county boy but for several
years a citizen of Atlanta, was
elected chief of police of Atlanta
Tuesday. He succeeds chief J.
L. Beavers, who was removed by
the police board. Beavers was
suspended several days ago and
Capt. Mayo was placed in charge
as acting chief.
The election of Capt. Mayo as
chief of Atlanta’s police depart
ment is very gratifying to his
hundreds of friends in Butts
county, where he was born and
grew to manhood. He has been
a member of the police force in
Atlanta for a great many years,
and is very popular. Last year
he made the race for sheriff of
Fulton county and missed election
by a narrow margin.
Chief Mayo is the son of Mr. J.
M. T. Mayo, of Stark, one of the
county’s most substantial citizens
and prominent Confederate vet
eran. That he will make Atlanta
one of the most popular and effi
cient police chiefs that city has
ever had is the confident belief
and wish of his numerous friends
in his native county.
Practically Same in 1915
as Year Before
Decrease For Fiscal Year
Ending June 30 Amount
ed to Only $7.12 —This
Is A Splendid Showing
The receipts at the Jackson
post office for the fiscal year end
ing June 30, 1915 were just $7.12
less than for the same period in
This is.a fine showing. It dem
onstrates that Jackson is holding
its own in a business way, which
is a lot more than a number of
towns and cities can say. Atlan
ta’s postal receipts showed a de
crease of several thousand dol
lars, and the same is true of oth
er large cities.
Postal receipts have long been
regarded as a reliable business
barometer. In the case of Jack
son it shows that business has
-'been very nearly normal for the
rvast year.
Receipts by quarters from June
30, 1914 to June 30, 1915, are as
Ist quarter, $1627.14
2nd quarter, 1790.03
3rd quarter, 1540.85
4th quarter, 1689.63
The total receipts for 1914 were
$6654.77 and for 1915 $6647.65,
showing a difference of $7.12 in
favor of 1914.
Butts County Likely to
Equal U. S. Record
.. 1_ #
County’s Many Fine Steel
Bridges And Promising
Corn Fields Elicit Hearty
Praise of Macon Man
That Butts county has some
fine corn and an abundance of it is
generally known by those at all
familiar with conditions. But it
was not commonly known that the
county is likely to be a contender
for the southern championship.
The following letter will be of
timely interest to the people of
the county as throwing light on
Butts’ corn crop:
Macon, Ga., July 28. 1915.
Dear Mr. Editor: While on a
visit to Indian Springs I was
greatly impressed with the num
ber of good steel bridges in your
county. I believe the only wood
en bridge was near the Wigwam
and your roads are fine.
The corn field near Bibb sta
tion looks like corn in my old
state of Illinois. During my long
service in the agricultural depart
ment of my state I never saw
any corn to equal the Watkins
patch. I believe it will be one of
the “top notchers” for the year,
if it does not break the U. S. offi
cial record.
Truly yours.
J. G. Smith.
Now Being Published on
Mulberry Street
First Issue to Be Published
in The New Home This
Week —Plenty of Room
For Modern Plant
The Progress-Argus will be
published hereafter from the old
Argus building on Mulberry
street. The plant of the Progress
was moved last week to the new
The present building will af
ford apipje room for issuing the
paper; It was constructed spe
cially for a newspaper plant, hav
ing a concrete floor for the press
es and other heavy machinery.
In the front of the building is a
large space fqr office roqijn,,,..
As soon as the paper has time
to get adjusted and gets all the
machinery in place it will have
one of the best arranged plants
in the countrv. No effort will be
spared to make the arrangement
Thqre is a great deal of work
connected with moving a news
paper outfit and in getting ev
erything arranged properly. It
will be several Jays yet before
all adjustments are made. As
soon as the details are worked
out and everything is straighten
ed out friends of the paper will
be invited to call and inspect the
Among the veterans from this
county who attended the annual
reunion of the Thirtieth Georgia
regiment at Riverdale last Friday
were Messrs. J. F. Preston, B.
T. Deason, L. E. Stephens, J. A.
Dodson and J. M. T. Mayo.
The attendance was large and
the entertainment of a lavish
character. There were several
short but spirited addresses. On
account of a business engagement
Governor Harris could not attend.
Annual Meeting Held on
New Rooms Will Be Ad
ded to Take Care of In
creasing Business —Year
Was Profitable One
When the stockholders of the
Farmers’ Union Warehouse met
in annual session Tuesday they
were encouraged at the fine show
ing made during the past year.
In every way the business for the
past twelve months was declared
to have been the most profitable
in the history of the institution.
A substantial dividend, repre
senting the earnings of the paaf;
year, was declared and carried
to the improvement and building
fund. This has always been the
policy of this warehouse and the
earnings used for improvements
have made the warehouse the
solid financial institution it is to
It was decided to build another
room to the warehouse to handle
the growing business. There is
a vacant lot 60 by 240 feet and
a part of this space will be utili
zed for the new room. Another
room will also be built at the seed
station. The seed house is one
of the most popular departments
connected with the warehouse, it
is stated.
Mr. S. J. Smith, who has been
president for some time, declined
to serve another term and the
following officers were chosen
for the ensuing year:
J. J. Mapp—president.
J. S. Ham—vice president.
F. L. Walthall —secretary and
R. E. Evans assistant secretary.
J. M. Gaston —general mana
ger and treasurer.
Mr. W. C. Bond was again elec
ted scalesmanand Mr. L. A. Caw
thon assistant scalesman, and,
shipping clerk. Mr. T. £)* Caw
thon was elected manager at the
seed station.
The board of directors consist
of the following gentlemen: .*
Messrs. W. J. Garr, £J. L.. Gray,
G. P. Saunders, Wi F. Stfroud,
J. D. Brownlee. -a.
■ a
The monthly meeting of the
Butts County Board of Education
will be held on the 24, the regu
lar meeting Tuesday having been
postponed until later. The Board
has a number of business mat
ters to consider at the meeting
on the 24, and plans for the fall
term of the public schools wUA’De
gone over at that **me.
The Flovilla High School will
add a department of Domestic
Science to the curriculum for the
fall session. This is regarded as
a forward step for the Flovilla
school, which in additition to the
Jackson public school, is the only
educational institution in Butts
county to have a department of
Domestic Science. It also shows
the interest being taken in this
important subject.
Prof. Maxwell Visits City
in Interest College
Preparations Being Made
For Opening of The Fall
Term—Bright Outlook
For Institution
'Prof. W. H. Maxwell, principal
the Sixth District A. &M.
School at Barnesville, was a vis
itor here Monday. He was dis
tributing catalogues and litera
ture concerning the school. Prof.
TANARUS, 0. Galloway of the Agricul
tural department accompanied
The fall term of the Sixth Dis-
trict School begins August 31.
The outlook for a successful ses
sion is most encouraging. The
k ’gest enrollment and attend
ee in the annals of the institu
tion is expected this fall.
This school is doing a splendid
and substantial work in training
boys and girls for the practical
duties of life. Prof. Maxwell
has builded the Sixth District
School into one of the best of the
district agricultural schools.
Being a state institution no tu
ition is charged. Board may be
had at $72 for the entire term,
and all fees aggregate less than
$lO, making the total cost around
SBO for the term.
A handsome catalogue has re
cently been issued by the school
and prospective students are re
quested to address Prof. Maxwell
for one of these attractive illus
trated bulletins. Prof. Maxwell
is also carrying an advertisement
of the school in the Progress-Ar
gus for a month.
So! Clowes, aged about 40, was
shot and instantly killed Sunday
by the 14-year-old boy
of Salße Grubbs. All parties are
colored. The trouble occurred
on the farm of Mr. Joe Bell near
the Butts-S^alcJing.Jjfiie.
Clowes and the Grubbs jvoman
•had a falling; out,-and the man
Attacked tftewdfrian wftfi am irbn
bar, knocking her teeth put In
attempting .to help his mother a
12-year-old. boy received an ugly
gash across the stomach .at the
hanus of CieWes. After cutting
the young : boy. Clowes again at
tacked the woman, and it was
then that the elder of the boys
secured a shot gun and fired at
the negro desperado at close
range, tearing a hole through his
Sheriff L. M. Crawford and
Coroner F. C. investi
gated the murder Monday and
defied it was a case of ju3tifia
f ble homicide and no arrest was
i made.
Greensboro, Ga., July 30, 1915.
Editor of the Athens Banner:—
On the resignation of Professor A. B. Pike the Banner printed
the following comment from Dr. Soule: “Only when Georgia has'
the ability to compete with other states in payment of salaries,
will it be able to hold the men it has trained.”
Knowing that similar statements had been made when other®
left the College I wrote to one of its officers to ascertain the facts.
His reply was, “As to Prof. Pike, he was not an officer of the State
College of Agriculture at any time, being an official of the U. S.
government with local headquarters here. The College paid none
of his salary.”
Dr. Soule was trying to make it appear that Georgia had not
provided money to run the College with. Let us look a little fur
ther into this. Beginning in 1906, a year before Dr. Soule’s ad
vent, and due to the patient work of many persons and the general
interest in agricultural education, the Legislature has voted in
creasing funds for the support of the College. The sum of these
appropriations is $754,500 and the appropriation for 1915 was
$103,000. If, as Dr. Soule asserts, the professors leave the College
because they are not paid as much as they earn, why with $103,000
at his command does he not pay them?
Few. if any, of the professors believe that an increase in ap
propriations would make a difference in their salaries. Their sal
aries are determined in part by a schedule, a professor of a cer
tain rank drawing the pay corresponding to that rank. Their ad
vancement in rank depends in part on length of service and in part
on Dr. Soule’s recommendation. The budget for salaries is made
up by Dr. Soule. So Dr. Soule blames the State for stinginess
when he more than any one man in Georgia is responsible for the
size of the salaries that are paid. The Legislature appropriates
the money; the Trustees delegate the division of it to hiqyrand he
spends it for other things. -
As to the professors leaving for larger it is doubtful
if that is the cause in more than a few cases. \&3Fis true that Dr.
Soule has made it a policy to get young men from a distance; and
these men do not have the same depth of absorption in their work
or the same attachment to Georgia that older men and natives hav~.
It is also true that Dr. Soule’s personality encourages the merce
nary point of view. But once a college professor is absorbed in
his work, he does not want to change. They have been known
to refuse higher salaries rather than make a change; and on the
other hand, they have accepted smaller salaries when a change
meant better working conditions. The cause back of most of the
maify resignations from the College of Agriculture is not small
One cause of discontent is Dr. Soule’s suppression of the pro
fessors. Matters are submitted to them, but they find they are
not expected to express an opinion unless it is in accord with his
own. An example will make this point clear. A committee had
occasion to report a matter to the faculty for its action. It had
been submitted before: and it had been found impossible to get an
expression of opinion; and it was not as Dr. Soule asserted, be
cause they were a lot of cowards. It was because they knew "Hat
an expression of opinion would do no good. So the committee sent
a member privately to the professors. The vote wa9 rejected by Dr.
Soule. A second vote was taken. I noted that the person who called
rubbed out my name as soon as my vote was recorded. He explained
that he could not get a frank expression if there was a chance of Dr.
Soule’s finding out how the men voted. This precaution was a
wise one, for Dr. Soule afterwards tried to find out how the men
voted. In spite of the precaution one professor told me he voted
the way Dr. Soule wanted the vote to go, not because he believed
it was the best way; but because he thought that to vote agamat
the measure would mean the renewal of a senes of spiteful acts to
which he had once before been subjected. Such conditions at*
not pleasant for earnest men.
Another cause of discontent in the College is Dr. Soule’s
dency to extend his authority beyond its limits, A8 an exampleC
this I quote the following order;
March (>, 1912
To the Heads of Departments:
Please read the accompanying letter. Prompt action
on our part seems likely to insure the passage of Jhe Lever
Bill. Please write to ten prominent citizens wnofii Jrotl
think you can induce to write letters to Senator Hoke
Smith, Hon. John Lamb, chairman of the House Com
mitte on Agriculture; Senator H. E. Burnham, chairman of
the Senate Committe on Agriculture. It is important that
these letters go off immediately. Ask them to endorse
House Bill 18,160 and Senate Bill 4,563. Please write the
names and addresses of parties you will communicate with
on the attached sheet.
Very respectfully,
I did not fa.vor these .bills and I made a note to that effect op
posite my name. Dr. Soule took me to task. I explained that my
influence with my friends in matters of legislation is a part of my
citizenship, and that I did not sell my citizenship when I entered
the employment of the College. He paid thatjhe others wrote to
their "friends. To this I replied that the others, were as free, to do
it as I was not to do it. Then he ’said he was'* acting under' in
structions from the Board. I did not say so at thfe time, but I
would like to see those instructions. I understand*'that he after
wards claimed that he did not meqnfp coerce , mg. But why did
he bring tne matter up at all ana why in an angry manner? Why
his retreat from one position to another and final refuge behind
the skirts of the Board? That my views were shared by others is
proved by the amendment of the bijls before their enactment.
Moreover. QRC of the professors who wrote as ordered told me that
he did not favor the bills; but that he preferred riot to let Dr.
Soule know it; so he wrote to persons who could b#'counted on ta
do.nothing or to oppose them. Conditions that indude a man to usmt
a rouffd about method like that speak top themselves. Af.ter en
actment it be.comes.the duty of each prpfessor to qjrry out the law
in so far as it falls within his department; b>i*i while legislation is
in progress, those professors should b>4A tree to favor it or oppose
it as other citizens. This is a larger .question than the welfare of
a professor who may be csAteci on to choose between his political
birthright and his yah. Is it our policy here in Georgia to support
by tax money faculty of scientists seeking after truth or aWhip
driven Mo'oy seeking after appropriations? That question cornea,
b/yme with the greater force when we remember that there are
I farm demonstrators all over the State and that these: are directed
from the College. Does that direction include, expressed or implied,
the position they are to take on appropriations?
Another case is that of the Country Club. Some of the pro
fessors were members of the club when it voted in lockers. Dr.
Soule made talk about it. It is hard to understand Avhy it'was so.:,
very wicked of those professors to belong to that club when Dr*
(Continued on page 2)
Jackson Argus Established 1873 j
Butts County Progress Established 1882 \
Consolidated July 8, Hlf