The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, August 13, 1915, Image 6

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Anyway You Look At It The Store Of Quality HAMS, MEAT AND LARD Strictly Up-to-Date Grocery Heinz 57 Varieties Best Full Cream Cheese Refrigerator Service SOCIAL NEWS PERSONAL Miss Mary Sims Eakes has re turned to her home in Rome. Mrs. A. McMillan, of Mcßae is the guest pf Mrs. Mary Pittman. Mrs. W. M. Preston spent Mon day with Mrs. W. M. Andrews. Miss Dovie Bryans is the guest this week of Miss Laura Daugh try. Mr. T. B. McElrov, of Con yers was a visitor in the city Sunday. Miss Addie Brewer, of Monte zuma is the guest of Mrs. B. F. Watkins. Miss Alma Adams, of East Point, is the guest of Miss Blanche Johnson. Miss Evelyn Wright left Mon day for a visit in Chattanooga; and College Park. Mrs. W. L. Nutt will be hostess to the Young Mothers club Thurs day of next week. Miss Lucy Goodman had as her guest Sunday, Mrs. E. P. Mc- Dowell. of Atlanta. Rev. and Mrs. E. F. Dempsey, of Oxford, are guests of Col. and Mrs. T. J. Dempsey. Mrs. Glenn Landers, of Rome, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McClure. Mrs. C. D. McDonald, of At lanta, will arrive Sunday to be the guest of Mrs. A. B. Harp. Mrs. J. E. Peek and daughter, Marguerite, of Jacksonville, Fla., are guests of Mrs. A. B. Harp. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Powell, of Newnan, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Newton. Kellogs Toasted Cresco Cakes and Crackers PHONE 1 134 4 J. B. Thomas Prompt Service Quality Counts Corn Flakes Fresh Goods Arriving Mr. and Mrs. A. Homer Carmi chael and little daughter spent the past week with Mrs. J. R. Carmichael. Miss Clyde Mackay returned Saturday to her home in Valdos ta, after a pleasant visit with Mrs. T. H. Buttrill. Mrs. T. G. G. Linkous, of East Point is spending sometime with her sister, Mrs. J. 0. Cole, at her country home. Mrs. Verna Wright and chil dren and Mrs. Comer Woodward spent several days of the week at the camp ground. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Head, of Atlanta, are guests of Mr. and Mrs A. H. Smith and Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Franklin. Littie Misses Georgia Barber and Annie Lou Linkous, of East Point, spent part of the week with Miss Ruth Conner. Mrs. Knott, of Locust Grove, was the guest part of the week of Miss Carrie Knott and Mr. H. G. Knott at Mrs. J. C. Jones’. Mr. R. N. Etheridge left for the eastern markets Tuesday and will select a well assorted stock of fall goods for the New York store. Mrs. T. H. Buttrill has as her guests this week, Mrs. Abbot, of Atlanta, Mrs. Darden, of Wash ington, D. C., and Miss Emma Durden, of Graymont. Mr. C. L. Little, Mr. C. L. Little and wife, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Ham and children, Mr. and Mrs. Worley Guest and Mr. J. F. Lit tle, of Forsyth, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hencely. i Mr. John Jones, who has been attending summer school at Lo cust Grove, spent Saturday with Mr. J. H. Land’s family, return ing to Jeffersonville Sunday. Col. A. W. Lane and Miss Mary j Lane leave next week to visit 1 Andrew Lane in Manchester, N. ;H. They will make stop overs !in New York and other eastern cities. Dr. T. K. Slaughter and two children arrived Monday from Summerfield, Florida, to visit Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Slaughter. Mrs. Slaughter will join them here next week. Mr. Lewis Orr Powell, of Bar tie, Cuba, Mrs. B. T. Davis, Misses May and Willie Herring and Miss Grace Davis, of New nan, will spend Saturday and [Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Newton. BREAKFAST BACON A Full Line Of Fresh Eatables Misses Marylu and Alice New ton, of Forsyth, were among the out-of-town guests at the tea giv en Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. R. P. Newton and Misses Mary and Rosa Newton, for Mrs. Charles Robinson. Mrs. A. W. Hodnett, of Atlan ta, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Head. Mr. am} Mrs. Phil ip Head, of Atlanta, and Mrs. Hodnett were guests at an infor mal tea given by Mr. and Mrs. Head, Wednesday evening. Friends throughout the county will be sorry to learn of the death of Mrs. Frank Moss at her home in Barnesville, Saturday. Mrs. Moss was before her marriage Miss Ella White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Parham White, of Stark. Mrs. L. P. Kelly’s friends will be glad to know that she has sufficiently recovered from injur ies sustained in a fall several weeks ago, to be moved to her home, Thursday. She has been at Mr. Otis Hilley’s since the ac cident. She wishes her many warm friends to know that she appreciates their kindness and attention during her illness. *"£>- 3. c_i> 3 pa, o 5 cr ® g J M n> ’ p* 2“ * o • § s :** • s 1 ® -ss-i. I °52 9 M 5. 03 2 O C™ t r'O CToJS 0 5 3 '“ ,cc se’-** S3 S-i*gSS 3 g I g§ g | • .. Ct* ,_J. JZk r/5 vu fD " j rflX C CC *S 'JL W fg'sS- 53 s. z a 3 fD 2 ‘ ffl K ff K cr 2 ~ O, <1 w u- t <B pr akliisp'h 3 ,, 0 ' >• S £h ' 'S EL®*; I I srS w “ 5! S' 3 *g S'£3f3 ° 5 8 rrco3o3(ti'-|- 0- Tr?*o I “I Don't Feel Good” That is what a lot of people tell os. Usually their bowels only need cleansing. will do the trick and make you feel fine. We know this positively. Take on* tonight. Sold only by us, 10 cent*. Slaton Drug Cos. For Sale or Rent My home on West Third street; seven rooms, all modern conve niences. Apply to W. H. Mad dox, Jackson, Ga. 7-30-4 t The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head Because of Us tonic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor rinffing in bead. Remember the full name and look tor the signature of S. W, GROVE. 35c mb—wb i' bmm—— —Mapewawaw To c oto wan rtnWPll upSß.tmm SofTnmm. woi *>o so? Soo m q IF ui a- dtp POi | d,cdrisilp(iafl6\W\o AP f¥a ffl M h*a.l>o mb • ConvulsOos. liidiaposlo A o . F eT> r eliante e Pjebcado Sono. yomk . l§s3oj|§) ALCOHOL 3 PER CENt! ! AVcgefable PreparalionforAs s imila l itig die Foodandßegula-1 (!ic Sunaclis andDowclsof | Promotes Digestfon.CheerfuF ness and Rest. Contains neither Opiunt.Morphiae nor Mineral, Not Narcotic. Stupe of oMDrSAMUELHMIIi Bnopkia Seed* . JbcScnna v 1 JtoMeSalk - I jtniscSud * I V/omSud - I Clarified Suqac • WaCapauTlanr. I m *—■——* Aperfect Remedy for Consftpa tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Jeverish- I\£SS andLOSS QF SLEEP- Facsimile Signature of— - -- *** Centaur CotffifflS i NEW YORK.^ :: Exact Copy of Wrapper. Business Change In making a change in busi ness I wish to thank each and every one that have spent even as much as a nickel with me, and in taking in connec tion with me Mr. Edgar Mc- Michaei we don’t feel that we need any introductory, as we have been here long enough for all to know us. Our aim will be to deal honest ly with one and all and to han dle good goods. We don’t be lieve in over charging but do believe in a living profit, for you all know that no one can do an honest business at and in business. All business given us will be highly ap preciated and will have our personal attention and deliv ered as promptly as possible. Again thanking you for favors and a continuance of fu ture orders. We are yours to serve, J. C. KINARD 6 CO. PhoneB—ttie easy number gftgpfa. Dl7 AFv THE advertisements and Patronize the Advertisers cum ForJ^iani^andChildren. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the /> V. Signature /jrs ot W a jjv * n (\ij Msb U' For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA tkf cpntaun company, niw yona city.