The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, September 03, 1915, Image 3

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For Your Baby. The Signature of is the only guarantee that you have the Genuine CASTOR I A; prepared by him for over 30 years* YOU’LL give YOUR baby the BEST ——m O Your Physician Knows Fletcher’s CastonsL Sold only in one size bottle, never in bu or otherwise; to protect the babies. The Centaur Company, Mr. J. B. Edwards Will Condudt Fish Market Mr. J. B. Edwards will open up a fish market in the Fossett building on Third street within Ihe next few days. For the pres ent he will handle fish only but will probully add meats a little later. RB-lisiS4C There’s Always Something Around the House that needs Refinishing— An old piece of furniture you hate to part with, worn floors or scratched doors, and as you look about you’ll find infinite uses for Pee Gee RE-NU-LAU This combined Stain and Varnish is made for beautifying y? ur home. You can easily apply it on any kind of wood. One coat works wonders on anything that needs refinisnmg. Try Pee Gee RE-NU-LAC to-day, it’s in expensive and assures best results always. Pee Gee RE-NU-LAC comes in 11 Natural Wood colors, While, Gold and Silver Enamel PEASLEE-GAULBERT CO., Incorporated Manufacturers Louisville, Ky. Dempsey Hardware Cos. Jackson, Georgia A SURE ENOUGH BARGAIN 90 Acres, 1 1-2 miles from Jackson, at a bargain. Terms 485 acres out in west Butts Cos. Will sell for $16.00 an acre. Two small farms in Henry county, over the line Butts, one 70 acres and 50 acres will sell at a bargain Houses to Sell and Rent in Jackson. Money to loan on first-class real estate. j. B GUTHRIE REALTY COMPANY, Real Estate amt Keating Agents. Harkness Building, Jackson, Georgia. Banks Will Close Monday The banks in Jackson will be closed Monday, Sent. 6, Labor Day and a legal holiday. For Sale Set double harness and pole. 8 20-4 t J. Lee Byron. Boost a little. KNIGHTS PYTHIAS RESUME MEETINGS Beginning Thursday night at 8 o’clock, Jackson lodge No. 131, Knights of Pythias, will resume its fall meetings, after a suspen sion of regular meetings during the summer season. All mem bers in good standing are reques ted to attend, as there is sever al business matters to be looked after,' as well as considerable degree work. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Program for Sunday. Sept. 5 11 a. m. The Pastor will preach. Subject: “The Part of Men in the Lord’s Work.” 9:30 a. m. Bible School. Teachers and pupils ought to be in their places Sunday at 9:30. Play time is past; the work hour' is at hand. 7:45 p. m. Pastor will preach on “A Work a Day Virtue —Pa- tience.” The Kimbell Association meets Wednesday, Sept. 8. We want our members to go. Home Coming Day in the church and in Sunday School in the near future. His Rest Was Broken O. D. Wright, Itosemont, Nebraska., writes: “l was bothered with pains in the region of my kidneys. My rest was broken by frequent action of my kidneys. I was advised by my doctor to try Foley Kidney Pills and one 50 cent bottle made a well man of me.” They relieve rheumatism and back ache. The Owl Pharmacy, adv DR. WHITE NAMED ON BOARD OF EXAMINERS Governor Harris has appointed Dr. A. F. White of Flovila, a member of the State Board of Medical Examiners to succeed himself. The appointment is for two years, beginning Sept. 1. Dr. White, who is one of the most prominent physicians in the state, has been a member of this board for several years. His friends wiil be glad to know of his re-appointment to this respon sible position. CASTOR IA v For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the SI? Signature of MB. M. L. KING WILL BUY COTTON AT PREMIUM Mr. M. L. King announces that he will give as a prize to the Butts County Fair a colt from his Jack. Piedmont, value SIO.OO. Until October 1, Mr. King states he will pay a premium of 1-4 cent above the market for cotton and 5 cents above the market for cot ton seed, to apply on account. For Sale Mrs. Lula M. Duke’s new eight roomlhouse, corner Hill and Carmichael street, all modern conveniences, large lot. fine fruit. Will sell on easy terms. Apply to J. B. Guthrie.. 8-27-4 t. Cures Old Sored, Other Remedies Won’t Cure. The worst cases, no matter of how loo? standing, are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter’s Antiseptic Healing Oil. H reliever Pain and Heala at the same time. 25c. 50c. t J .Ok Get Rid of Scrofula How? Take S.S.S. Fifty Year** Use Proves S. S. S. Will Relieve Stub born Cases You have noticed the little fester ing pimples on the face and body— swelling of the glands—soreness in the legs and arm muscles. These are the symptoms of Scrofula. You may have some of these symp toms, possibly the taint of Scrofula lnfectiou. But in either case, it is a dangerous condition. Your blood is infected, impure, and you can never ARMY WORM IS HITIG CROPS Georgia State Board Of Entomology Tells How To Apply Effective Remedy Atlanta, Ga. —Information is In the hands of the Georgia Board of Ento mology showing that the army worm is ravaging the crops in several wide ly separated sections of the State, and that there is danger of a stiil more serious spread of the pest unless proper means are taken by the farm ers to combat it. The army worm, which is so named because it travels in great numbers and devastates as it goes, should not be confused with the cotton cater pillar. The cotton caterpillar attacks the leaves of the cotton plant, while the army worm seldom, if ever, feeds on cotton. The army worm attacks corn, sor ghum, alfalfa and forage crops, and the principal damage it is now inflict ing in Georgia is on alfalfa, sorghum and young corn. The army worm hatches out from eggs deposited by the moth in clus ters of fifty or more on the exposed surface of grasses and food plants. When the worms or caterpillars hatch out they usually form a colony at first, remaining in close proximity to each other. They grow very rapidly, and in two or three weeks reach a length of about one and a half Inches. There is a wide variation in the color mark ing. The ground color on the back is usually either greenish or black. Three distinct yellow stripes are plain ly traced along the back. When seen from the side, a stripe is noticed just above the legs, which may be light gray, pink or yellowish in color. When molested it holds on tenaciously to the object on which it is feeding. An Effective Remedy. While the ravages of this pest are serious if not checked, State Ento mologist E. Lee Worsham points out that there is an effective and easily applied remedy, which consists of the use of arsenate of lead or Paris green as follows: In the case of young corn or sor ghum, the poison should be applied as a spray, using one of the following formulas: Two to three pounds of arsenate of lead, and four to five pounds of un slaked lime to fifty gallons of water. Or, one pound of Paris green, and two to three pounds of unslaked lime to 100 gallons of water. One thorough spraying should be sufficient, but if the pests recur, the plants should be sprayed again. The spray, however, is only for young corn and sorghum. For alfalfa, and all other crops oth er than corn and sorghum, it is much better to apply the poison by dust ing, for which one of the following formulas should be used: One pound powdered arsenate of lead to six or eight pounds of unslak ed lime or flour. Or one pound of Paris green to twelve or fifteen pounds of lime or flour. How To Use Poison Duet. The most convenient way is to dust through bags of eight-ounce duck. A good arrangement is to take two bags and place one on each end of a pole, walking through the fields with the pole held horizontally, or resting it on the saddle bow if riding on a horse or mule. If the crop is planted in rows the pole may be cut so as to measure just the width between two rows, so that one bag is above each row as the dusting progresses. The same dusting combination may be used to splendid advantage in con trolling the spread of the worm and preventing it from entering new fields. The best way to do this is to dust the plants thoroughly around all the edges of the field, thus forming a poisoned barrier which the army worm cannot pass. Does the label on your paper ead *©~1916? If not, pay up. hope to gain perfect health until the impurities are washed from the sys tem. If you feel badly all the time, you must crave health. If you want to feel renewed spirits, the glow of perfect health, bright eyes, clear skin, the knowledge that you are well, you can do so. Cleanse your blood by taking S. S. S. For fifty years it has been the standard blood purifier. It relieves the trouble by renourishing the blood, renewing its strength, and stimulating the flow so that the blood regains its lost vitality, and throws off the poison. Even long-standing cases respond. But you must use S. S. S. Take it for all blood infections. ) Get it at your druggist’s today. If you need special advice, write the S. S. S. Cos., Atlanta, Ga. I HEADLIGHT I | OVERALLS I (Union Mad:) 1 with every 1 I P™ dk friSv 1 I I mly i Y \fm \ \ _ ■BLv h "hu ilar 1 fll • \ - MM® \_r b> h \ I Look for i | this ticket i | Guaranteed the be*t overalls : | you ever bought or money \ I back after 30 days’ wear, i | j FOR F BY I JACKSON MEB, 00., I | IMfOPR I I<7' OR* OK "THE STAR STORF” Jackson, Georgia Boost a heap. If You are troubled with heartburn, gases and a distressed feeling after eating take* jfessfl: D m“ before and after each meal and*you will obtain prompt relief. Sold us, 25# Slaton Drug Cos. Let me do your watch repair ing. My many years experience will enable me to please you. Jno. R. Miller, Jackson. Ga. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVB*S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula Is printed on every label, showing it is ?uinine and Iron in a tasteless form. he Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds up the system. 50 cents State of Ohio, cfty of Toledo. 1„ Lucas County, f Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he If senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Cos., doing business in the City of To ledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the surn of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and ev ery rase of Catarrh that cannot be cured by tha use of HALL’S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In rny presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by all Driurgistn, 75c. Take ilnU’v Family Plila for con**ti cation.