The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, September 03, 1915, Image 4

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The Busy Corner Specials Fop Saturday and Monday Wesson Cook ing Oil Regular 25c size can For 20c Irish Potatoes Nice, new crop stock For Peck 20c LEMONS Fancy Imported for dozen 10c Pure Hog Lard The very best grade, abso lutely pure, for lb. 1214 c Compound Lard White Way brand, 10 lb. bkts. for 85c Hams Daisy Brand for lb 16 Vi c Dairy Brand for lb 16c These are good ones and we hope you will try one, if you like Good Ham Coffee Try some of our Schotten’s in bulk, for lb. 25c We also have a good, clean one, In bulk For lb 12 !4 c Bacon Kingans, kept fresh on ice Cheese We are keeping good stock fresh Wisconsin Cheese Sugar We have a good stock in large brls, small brls, 100 lb. bags, 25 lb. bags. Get our prices. Brooms We are expecting your order for a broom. See our show window for prices. We appreciate your business. PHONE 186 op 93 Carmichael- Mallet Company The Jackson ' 111 National Bank w * s a Member an( t Stockholder of 'S JiSIIS The Federal Reserve Bank j 4 Of t * lC States, in Atlanta, Ga., I a °d is in position to extend every •~_ IB accommodation consistent with : PUT Y’’* sound, conservative-and up-to-date iHHWIn banking methods. nr mmnMv c a pptv E . ji n M .. i(MONEY wOTmIi SAFETY Our Motto i ~,U r nF wM l „ . , „ 1 WHERE \W/f#W 5 *- Has and will continue to control all flrp °f our transactions. Our best ser- j ® * vices are always at the command of ** - ’/i'fHil our patrons. It will pay you to get BE a '—* *■ - jxfe Deposit Your Money in the j TW ILL Blggcstand Best Equipped I ' L Bank in Butts County ; ™ THE JACKSON I 50ME m§m NATIONAL BANK W , XA 'iI 1 /' Capital, Surplus and Profits $100,000.00 : Butts County News : STARK Miss Mapppy Hillevand Morris Hi 1 ley spent several days last week with relatives at McDon ough. Little Frank Harper, of Jen kinsburg is visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wyatt. Revs. Z. E. Barron and J. J. Gil bert were visitors at the Farmers Lodge Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Robert Mc- Michael dined with Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Singley, Sunday. Miss Allie and Charlie McMich ael dined with Miss Gladys O’Neal Sunday. Miss Lizzie Thomas dined with Miss Fleetie Cook Sunday. 1 Miss Eunice Maddox spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Singley. Misses Lila Bell Smith and Lucile Mason are visiting rel- A TEXAS WONDER. The Texas Wonder cures kidney and bladder troubles, dissolves gravel, cures diabetes, weak and lame backs, rheumatism, and all irregularities of the kidneys and bladder in ootn men and women. Regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist will be sent by mail on receipt of SI.OO One small bottle is two months’ treat ment, and seldom ever fails to perfect a cure. Send for testimonials from this and other states. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2926 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Sold by druggists. Miller fixes clocks, watches, jewelry, etc. Shop next to Woods- Carmichael Cos. 10 cakes soap 25c. W oods-Carmichael Schools May Bar Children Common colds are contagious and boards of health in many cities are con sidering barring children with colds from school. Foley’s Honey and Tar is an old and reliable family medicine and frees children from coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. Parents may save trouble by giving before school opens. The Owl Pharmacy, adv atives here this week. Miss Mamie Hardy was the guest of Miss Clara Harper last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Maddflx of Iron Springs were in our midst Sunday. Mr. Boyd McMichael is with home folks for a short while. Mr. and Mrs. Z. E. Barron dined with Mr. and Mrs. Walter An drews Sunday. Mr. Claude Duke spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Duke. Mrs. T. A. Leverette is yisi-i relatives here this week. Miss Lois Sanders is the guest of Misses Birma and Grace Bar nes this week. Miss Lilia Lummus dined with Miss Maude Duke Sunday. Mrs. D. B. Duke was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. O’Neal Sunday. Mrs. J. T. Thomas was visiting relatives here this week. Miss Willie McClure is visiting Miss Jettie Biles. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove’s The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. JENKINSBURG Mrs. S. C. Maddox, of Forsyth is visiting her sister, Mrs, J. A. Middlebrooks. Mrs. Ras Stroud, of Atlanta, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Geo. Gilmore. Messrs. Frank Childs and Gor don Bankston were visitors to Wl * A -p *- T ■. I "M - mm' : > ■ fIUHr jP’.MJHB JwSr'iral \v '.'Ttv'fr‘•lists'■■Tv I’m Star’s Glory No. 225501 At present working for Log Cabin Dairy Producing 37J lbs milk, 5,‘ 0 butter fat and keeps hungry. I have a nice grandson that desires a good home GROW.CABBAGE WHEN PRICES ARE HIGH. We have growing in the mountains of North Carolina the finest lot of CABBAGE PLANTS that has ever been grown for shipment daring September and October, and being grown in that climate, they are tough and hardy and can stand the effects of the hot sun better than any other plants you can get. We have only me variety, viz., THE FLORIDA HEADER. The only cabbage that has given ns satisfaction, set during September and October. Prices, by express, f. o. b. Horse Shoe. N. C.. 1000 to 4000 @ $1.50 per 1000; 5000 to 8000 @ 11.25 per 1000; 10000 and over, tl per 1000. Buyer pays express charges. Prices by Parcel Poet. 35c per 100. Address orders to MEQGCTT PRODUCE CO., (The 700 Acre Track Farm) YONGES ISLAND, S. C. We else grew Cabbage Hants sr iMfiet from April , anS will be (M to supply y, Write for prices. COURT HOUSE CLOCK ELECTRICALLY LIGHTED An improvement that has long been needed is the installation of electric lights in the court house clock. This work is now being done, and one is able to tell the time at night at a considerable distance from the square. Wheat and Corn Mill The Wheat Roller Mill and the Corn Mill at the High Falls is now ready to do grinding for all who wish to patronize them. S. Grantland, Pres. 8-13-4tp Atlanta Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Thurston are spending a few days this week with their daughter, Mrs. J. E. White, in Atlanta. Miss Maggie Gene Foster, of Jackson, visited Mrs. Valverd Mills last week. Messrs. W. J. Bankston and Ollie Woodward spent a few days last week in Jacksonville, Fla. Mrs. Bud Crumbley and chil dren. of Liberty Hill, visited rel atives here last week. Miss Maude Williams, of Cor dele, is spending the week with Miss Willie Woodward. Misses Anniried Harper and Elizabeth Fletcher, of Jackson, were guests of Miss Carrilu Har per last week. Mrs. Riley Elder, of Macon, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harris. Dr. J. W. Harper and Mr. B. T. Whitaker spent Wednesdny in Atlanta. The little folks enjoyed the birthday party very much, Sat urday afternoon given bv Crumb ley Johnson. Mrs. Guest, of Philipi, was the guest of Mrs. Sarah Guest, Tues day. Dove Brand Hams 16c Paul Nolen & Company. to supply your home market during De cember and January