The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, October 29, 1915, Image 4

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The Busy Corner Specials Fop Saturday and Monday Apples j We have a large stock good apples, all varieties, both red and green. Try some at 38c per peck 10c dozen up Lard Snow white 10 lb bkt SI.OO Austin 10“ “ 1.25 Dairy 10“ “ 1.50 We also have a good stock of all these brands in kegs, 50 lb cans and 60 lb tubs. Get our prices before you buy. We will save you money. Meal Fresh home-ground, the best. Hams Dairy brand Bams 17c Seed Oats Appier, Fu 1 - ghum, Ban croft, Texas Rustproof We have all mese In stock and they ate pretty. Tomatoes Standard Virginia 3 cans for 20c Oysters Standard 5 oz can 3 cans for 20c Coffee Try a pound of our SCHOTTENS in bulk per lb 25c "■ I 1 1 111 ' If you are not already on our list of PLEASED CUSTOM ers, get there quick and we will save you money. We appreciate your business. PHONE 186 or 93 Carmichael- Mallet Company USE “CftSCftRETS” FOR LIVER AND ROWELS WHEN CONSTIPATED When bilious, headachy, sick, for sour stomach, bad breath, bad colds Get a 10-cent box. Take a Cascaret to-night to cleanse your Liver, Stomach and Bowels, and you will surely feel great by morning. You men and women who have headache, coat ed tongue, a bad cold, are bilious, nervous, upset, bothered with a sick, gassy, disordered stomach, or have backache and feel all worn out. Are you keeping your bowels clean with Cascarets—or merely forcing a passaeway every few days salts, cathartic pills or castor oil? Cascarets immediately cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the sour, undigestd tood and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the consti dated waste matter and poison from the bowels. Remember, a Cascaret to-night will straighten you out by morn ing. A 10-cent from your drug gist means a healthy bowel act* ion; a clear head and cheerful ness for months. Don’t forget the children. JACKSON PUBLIC SCHOOL WON SEVERAL PRIZES The Jackson public school was the only school in the county making a display at the Butts county fair and was awarded premiums amounting to $67.50. The following prize winners are announced: Town school making best gen eral display, Jackson public schools. Best finger work by pupils through fourth grade, Miriam Carmichael, Edith Fletcher, Bon nie Carr. Best finger work by pupils from fourth through seventh grade, Roberta Oxford, Helen Gilmore, Eloise Beachump. Best finger work by pupils from eighth grade up, Kate Ly ons, Tenella Tingle. Best school art display. Jackson public schools. Best school display of manual arts, Jackson public schools. Best school display of cakes cooked by pupils, Jackson public schools. Best school display of breads cooked by pupils. Jackson public schools. Best school display of home made candy cooked by pupils, Jackson public schools. Watch Your Children Often children do not let parents know they are constipated. They fear some thing distasteful. They will like Rexall Orderlies —& mild laxative that tastes like sugar. Sold only by us, 10 cents. Slaton Drug Cos. 8188 Mrs. Amanda McDaniel was the guest Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hamlin. Mrs. G. L. Maddox spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Maddox. Mrs. Andrew Hamlin and daugh ters, Florence and Ruth, were guests Saturday of Mrs. Aman da McDaniel. Messrs. W. H. and M. S. Mad dox spent Saturday at the dam and also attended the Sunday School convention at Moore’s Chapel. Phone 2002 for milk and cream. Delivered at you door every morning. PARADE A BRILLIANT AND PLEASING EVENT Many Pretty Floats Made Parade Big Feature of Entire Week The parade at the Butts county fair Wednesday afternoon was easily one of the most brilliant features of the whole week. A large number of floats were en tered and they were all splendid, doing credit to the town and county and the enterprising citi zens who participated. By special arrangement the pa rade was held again Thursday afternoon. The following gentlemen acted as judges: W. M. Brown, Wash ington, D. C., B. F. Galphin, Chicago, Jesse Keith, Brockton, Mass., W. J. Sheely, Atlanta, R. F. Mills, Barnesville. The prize winners in the dif ferent classes are given below: Merchants—Etheridge, Smith & Cos. Farmers —W. S. Cook. Manufacturers-Empire Buggy Cos. Automobiles—Mrs. R. N. Eth idge. James Owen driving a goat wagon, with a banner, “Pulling for the Dixie Highway,” was given a prize of SI.OO by Mr. S. B. Kinard. A TEXAS WONDER. The Texas Wonder cures kidney and bladder troubles, dissolves gravel, cures diabetes, weak and lame backs, rheumatism, and all irregularities of the kidneys and bladaer in ootn men and women. Regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist will be sent by mail on receipt of SI.OO One small bottle is two months' treat ment, and seldom ever fails to perfect a cure. Send for testimonials from this and other states. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2926 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Sold by druggists. . WINNERS IN THE BOYS CORN CLUB CONTEST List of prizes awarded in the Boys Corn club follows herewith: Two largest yields not yet awarded. Third, Pliny Weaver Fourth, J. L. Barnes, Jr Fifth, Mason Smith Sixth, Emerson McMichaei Seventh, Lawrence Fincher Eighth, Ellsworth McMichaei Ninth, Bob Jeff Thomason For best showing of profit per acre, first prize, Ellsworth Wat kins Second, Bernard Gaston Third, J. L. Barnes. Jr Fourth, W. T. Hale Fifth, Pliny Weaver Sixth, Ellsworth McMichaei Seventh, Lawrence Fincher Eighth. Bryant Williamson Best written story of acre, first prize, Bernard Gaston Second, Dave Fields Third, Ellsworth McMichael Fourth, Roscoe Cawthon For greatest yield by boy doing entire work on acre, first prize, Tommie Webb Second, Travis Crane Prize for boy making best yield without fertilizer, Lindsay Thorn ton First prize for least yield where faithful effort is shown, Hubert Plymale Second, Metz Kines First prize for best ten ears of corn exhibited, Bernard Gaston Second, Bryant Williamson Third, Ellsworth Watkins First prize for best three stalks, Chester Bunn Second, A. C. Millen Prize for best oral report made by boy to fair audience, Bernard Gaston. Phone 8, That’s Easy You get the BEST when you get the following: White Rose Sliced and Grated Pineapple, White Rose Midget Peas, White Rose Strawberries, White Rose Raspberries, White Rose Maple Syrup, White Rose Tuna Fish, White Rose Buck Wheat, White Rose Oat Meal, Gold Bar Sliced and Grated Pine apple, Gold Bar Peaches and Plums, Gold Bar Mince Meat, Sweet Violet Peas (3 kinds), Sweet Violet String Beans, Sweet Violet Corn, Sweet Vio let Flour sure is good, Crystal Flour none better, Victory Flour good too. Celerv from now on. Home Ground Meal." We guarantee all the above items to be the best. Phone B—B— easy. Keep us hustling, it s a pleasure. J. C. Kinard & Cos. The Little B-Z Place. PE-RU-NA For Catarrh Wherever Located. A sure, safe,, time-tried remedy for Catarrhal Affections of every description. Sold by all Drug gists. Write the Peruna Cos., of Columbus; Ohio. _ !Ihey will ad vise you free. SCHOOL NEWS School is progressing-fine now. Everybody is having to work hard, especially the Seniors. The girls of Jackson High School won their second game of tennis over Locust Grove Insti tute on October 14, which made it unnecessary to play the third game. The game was close but Miriam Sams and Helen Barnes won the victory for Jackspn. The Teachers Normal Meeting for October, was held on last Tuesday afternoon, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Martin. The subject for discussion was Parental Government. After an hour of interesting study, an ice course was served by Mrs. W. P. Martin and Mary Lena. The Jackson Public School won all the premiums at the Butts County Fair, for which it There Is But One SAYS SUNNY JIM Said Sunny Jim to Grouchy Bill iHow do you feel since you took our pill? We hear you grow better, and better each day Since we waked you up and showed you the Coca Cola we know, my dear, dear Bill Would stop the leak in your money till. And we are glad to know, you found that leak By selling Coca Cola. ’Twasyour lucky streak. You tell us the Sheriff called around To collect the tax on your stock and ground; You say that you paid him, every cent, From Coca Cola sales; both tax and rent? Well that was good, Bill: we’ll say fine; How fortunate for you, that you fell in line. You’ve a good thins now, Coca Cola for sure, Both to fill your pockets, and the grouch to cure. The Jackson Coca-Cola Bottling Company contested. Several of the girls made candy for the Parent-Teacher Associa tion, to be sold at the Hallowe’en party at the Armory on next Friday evening. The Phi Theta Society has fin ished the study of Silas Manner, which they enjoyed very much. They will next study Ben Hur. The Demosthenian Debating Society elected the following offi cers on last Friday afternoon: Pres., Harold Ham. Vice Pres., Clyde Mcßryant. Cor. Secretary, Hugh Bailey. Treasurer, Olin Merideth. Critic, Robin Wood. Doorkeeper, Elsworth Watkins - -.ii i How an Engineer Keeps Well Railroad engineers are more ex posed to catching cold than other workers. E. G. Dunaphant of Mon ette. Mo., has mu a Frisco engine 25 years and all the medicin- he has taken is Folej-’s Honey and Tr He writes: I always keep it in my house and reccomend it to all who have a bad cough or cold.”—The jOwl Pharmacy, adv. Big shipment of the fa mous Lunn & Sweet COM FORT Shoes, for ladies, arrived.