The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, October 29, 1915, Image 5

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NEWS ~ 1 OF INTEREST IN THE SOCIAL REALM JUST YOU My love, the world is rose-wreathed Since my love has found yourshrine; All mankind stronger, sweeter, Since your lips were pressed to mine. The heart forsakes its depths of gloom And climbs to starry heights Within the radience of God’s throne, Since you beeame my light. The grass, the flowers, the birds, the trees, Have become a world apart, Where the brilliant rays of Hope un fold, Since your sunlight found my heart. From out the mystic vale of dreams, This world of love so true, This fairy morn has dawned for me Since life became—just you. —Marguerite A. Canrrell. D. A. R. Meeting Mrs. JohnJJ. Settle will be hos tess to the members of the Wil liam Mclntosh chapter D. A. R. next Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock at her home on West Third street. Week of Prayer The week of October 25th is observed each year by the Mis sionary societies of the Baptist church and Thursday, all day ser vices were held in the church auditorium. The young ladies’ societies also took part and ren dered some pretty music. At the noon hour refreshments were served in the church par lors. Special Prizes at the Fair The Civic League prize of $5.00 for the best display made by any canning club girl was awarded to Miss Mary Williard Lewis. The judges were three compe tent housewives of the city and the award was made only after ijvery point was considered. Mrs. R. C. Thomas won the U. D. C. prize of $2.50 for the prettiest quilt. Play at McDonough The young people who include the cast of characters in “Nan, the Mascot,” the three act comedy presented here two weeks ago, went to McDonough and gave the play Friday evening at that place. A large house was accorded the amateur performers and a nice sum netted for the associated charities, under whose auspices, the play was given. Hallowe’en Party Friday Night Under the auspices of the Par ent-Teacher Association of the city, an enjoyable Hallowe’en party has been arranged for Fri day evening at 8 o’clock at the Armory. Spooks and hob-goblins will greet the guests at the entrances knd on the stairway landings. A number of witches, who will be on parade that evening will also extend a cordial welcome. Nuts, apples, popcorn, apple cider will be in abundance and every ghost present will partake. Dignity and conventionalitv will be thrown aside, fun will reign supreme and everybody will have a genuine good time. Mrs. Buchanan Hostess Mrs. J. E. Lane, of University, Va., and Mrs. Clayton Buchanan were honorees at a lovely infor mal reception given Saturday afternoon by Mrs. C. W. Buch anan. The apartments where the guests were entertain ed were attractive with ferns and. vases of pink roses. In the receiving party, in the parlors were the hostess and two honor guests. An elaborate sal ad course with ices was served the guests. Miss Bessie Wal drop assisted in entertaining and little Miss Virginia Carmichael and James S. Buchanan passed mints. Cordial hospitality was dispensed the guests. Notice The Special Class in Domestic Science will begin the first of November. Those wishing to join see Miss Shepherd. PERSONAL . Mr. J. 0. Gaston spent Wed nesday in Macon. Mrs. Elmo Evans visited Mrs. C. T. Beauchamp, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Hurt are visiting relatives in Mt. Airy. Mr. H. D. Moore, of Leesburg, Fla., was a recent visitor here. Mrs. Clayton Buchanan return ed to Macon, Saturday evening. Mrs. B. F. Watkins and Joe were visitors to Atlanta Saturday. Mr. P. W. Nolen was a recent business visitor to Clarkesville. Mrs. Hampton Daughtry vis ited in Indian Springs, this week. Mrs. W. W. Jamerson returned to Atlanta, Sunday after a visit to Mrs. S. M. Pope. Miss Viola Slaughter was the guest for the week-end, of Mrs. 0. P. Heath in Macon. Miss Nannie Belle Jinks spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Grace Barnes at Stark. Mrs. Mary Pittman spent the past few days with Mrs. C. A. Pittman at Pittman’s Ferry. Mrs. Scott Tenant and Miss Adelaide Tenant were down from Atlanta Sunday, visiting friends, Mrs. L. L. O’Kelly will have as her guest for the week-end Mrs. C. G. Stephens, of Cairo. Meade Hendrick Warthen, of Macon, is spending some time with his grandmotner, Mrs. Ida Hendrick. Mrs. H. H. Hooten has return ed to Atlanta, after a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Maddox. Mrs. C. A. Butner is in Macon this weex looking after the Butts county canning club exhibit at the stace fair. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Wright and Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Newton motored to Griffin Monday and at tended the Spalding county fair. Mrs. L. R. Akin and Dorothy, of Macon and Mr. and Mrs. T. N. McKibben and Carolyn, of Eaton ton, were recent guests of Mrs. J. H. McKibben and have return ed to their respective homes. Mr. W. P. Newton, Misses Mary Newton, Kate Amoss, Rosa Newton and Mrs. R. J. Carmi chael motored over to the Griffin fair Tuesday. Miss Annie Lou McCord spent Saturday and Sunday in Atlanta, with her friend, Mrs. B. D. Harts field, of Gainesville. Fla., who is ill at a private sanitarium. Mr. J. O. Andrews, of Atlanta was the guest last week of his daughters, Mrs. J. L. Barnes and Mrs. J. W. Harper, at Stark and Jenkinsburg, respectively. Judge H. M. Fletcher, Messrs. W. R Kitchens, J. T. Fincher, G. E. Buchalew are among those attending the meeting of the Masonic Grand Lodge in Macon this week. Mrs. C. M. Compton entertain ed the ladies of the Presbyterian Missionary Society Monday after noon. The study hour was enjoy able and after this hot chocolate and wafers were served. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Program for Sunday. Oct. 31 11 a. m. the Pastor will preacn. Subiect: “A Living Faith.” 7:30 p. m. “A Model Funeral Sermon.” 9:30 a. m. The Bible School. The Pastor’s class has a welcome for you. 3p. m. The Young Peoples Union. "The Hallowe’en” so cial given by the Union will be held Friday night in the church parlor at 7:30. The purpose is to make this a delightful evening for our young people. 4p. m. The Deacons will hold their monthly meeting. The meeting will be in the church Nov. 1, Monday; Notes on the church building are due then. We are expecting a gracious re sponse, on that day, by our peo ple. CITROLAX CITROLAX CITR O L A X Best thing for constipation, sour stomach, lazy liver and sluggish bow els. Stops a sick headache almost at once. Gives a most thorough and sat isfactory flushing—no pain, no nausea. Keeps your system cleansed, sweet and wholesome, Ask for Citrolax. The Owl Pharmacy, adv. Silk and Serge dresses for the small and fig ures are here in an abun dance of styles. Prices low. The Busy Corner. Not the price but Quality you desire—you deserve the very best when you are after something to eat—of course some prefer the cheapest—but these are very few compared with those who want the un questionably superior article. Quality Freshness Sanitary 1 st 3rd 4th One- Three - Four Cost No More Let the Sweet Jessamine Dairy, Gordon Thompson, prop., deliver your milk arid cream. Freshness and quality guaran teed. 10-8-4 t Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Cure. The worst cases, no matter of how long; standing;, are cured by the wonderful, old reUable Dr. Porter’s Antiseptic Healing Oil. ft relieves Pain and Heals at the same time. 25c, 50c, JH.CiQ PREMIUMS AWARDED IN AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT Winners of prizes in the Agri cultural Department at the Butts County Fair are announced as follows: Best individual display, Mrs. L. D. Singley. Second, B. F. Watkins, Sr. Third, L. L. Brittain. Best ten stalks corn, Bernard Gaston. Best five stalks of cotton, Mrs. L. D. Singley. Best half bushel of peanuts, Mrs. J. D. Jones. Best display of field peas, Mrs. L. D. Singley. Best display of home raised hog meat, B. F. Watkins, Sr. Best three sheaves of oats, B. F. Watkins, Sr. Best three sheaves of wheat, Mrs. L. D. Singley. Best ten stalks ribbon cane, L. H. Gunn. Best bale of alfalfa hay, G. E. Mallet; Best bale of pea vine hay, B. F. Watkins, Sr. Best turnips, L. L. Brittain. Finest collard, Georgia Con nally. Best home raised syrup, M. E. Perdue. Finest Butts county grist mill products, Jackson Milling Cos. Finest pumpkin, Georgia Con nally. Our Jitney Offer—This and 5c DON’T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with five cents to Foley A Cos. Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return atrial package com tainingFoley’s Honey and Tar Com pound for coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kidney pills and Foley Ca thartic tablets. i’heOwl Pharmacy, adv New shipment Ladies Coats ju& arrived. Plush, African and Broadcloth, Beauties too. The Busy Corner. Pecan Trees Choice budded pecan trees fifty cents each. Order direct, cata logue free. Empire Pecan Com pany, Parrott, Ga. 5-21-tf Some of these days Butts coun ty is going to wake up and swat the cattle tick. CALOMEL DYNAMITES A SLUGGISH LIVER Crashes into sour bile, ma king you sick and you lose a day’s work Calomel salivates! It’s mer cury. Calomel acts like dyna mite on a sluggish liver. When calomel comes into contact with sour bile it crashes into it, caus ing cramping and nausea. If you feel bilious, headachy, constipated and all knocked out, just go to your druggist and get a 50c bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone, which is a harmless veget able substitute for dangerous calomel. Take a spoonful and if it doesn’t start vour liver and straighten you up better and quicker than nasty calomel and and without making you sick, you just go back and get your money. If you take calomel today you’ll be sick and nauseated tomorrow; besides, it may salivate you, while if vou take Dodson’s Liver Tone you will wake up feeling great, full of ambition and ready for work or play. It’s harmless, pleasant and safe to give to chil dren; they like it. Come by the Fruit Store Next door to Paul Nolen & Company Apples 10c per dozen Tokay Grapes 10c per pound Bananas ' By the Car 200 bunches to be sold Friday and Sat. Do not forget the place Jackson Fruit Cos. Jackson, Ga. Wholesale and Retail. Paul Nolen 6 Cos HAVE THE GOODS Dove Brand Hams 16c| |Dove Brand Bacon 28c Midget Lima Beans 2 cans 25c New Fruit Cake Stone 30c O Cedar Floor Mop and Oil 40c Lemon Cling Peaches Regular 35c, now 20c Fresh Uncle Sam Bread Received daily 5c loaf STONE CAKES Six kinds, reed daily Hawaian Pineapple, gra ted or sliced, 3 cans 25c Fresh Celery Cranberries all you want Yellow Yam Sweet Po tatoes 25c peck No. 1 Irish Potatoes 25c peck Wesson Cooking Oil 20c per can Turnips 2c lb Tokey Grapes 10c per lb Genuine Spanish Pimen tos, regular 15c, now 9c Canned Cooked Brains 2 cans for 25c Try a can Crystal Dom ino Syrup 10c Give us your orders and get what you want when you want it. Phones 24 and 60 PauiNolen&Co Jackson, Ga. WE DELIVER NOW