The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, October 29, 1915, Image 8

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MOHGESTION, GAS, GBR STOMACH MISERY IN FIVE MINUTES ‘PEjpp&’s Diapepsiii” for stomach, heart- dyspepsia Tfflwie it! in five minutes all stßtnm&h distress will go No ■ritejhgestion, heartburn, sourness orolxHelching of gas, acid, c r eruc tatiaoions of undigested foo , nodiz zizbeEßSS,; bloating, foul breath or fcteikdache. PiT*pe’si Diapepsin is noted for Ititspfspeed in regulating upset ststaHuichs.' It is the surest, quick estsferahdf njost certain indigestion raewifedy in the whole world, and btodides it is harmless. MMiiHions of men and women aowwaeat their favorite foods with tntfufcfear-—they know Pape’s Dia- will, save them from any stetomach misery. PBlease, for your sake, get a Tatesef; fifty-cent case of Pape’s Bfaiaftepsin from < any drug store s-taiid t> put your stomach right. Dfto’rl’k-keep on being miserable— iffcfasife too short—you are not here lolungj- so make your stay agreeable. Rfi&ftvtohat you like and digest it; £*Wjoy'it. without dread of rebel li<WPijnift the stomach. PfYape’s Diapepsin belongs in yoiWuFhome anyway. Should one Dfatotobfarnily eat something which i<dt>A’*iagree with them, or in case tdbfufcfl Attack of indigestion, dys pqfSJftftia, gastritis or stomach de- at daytime or during £!t<h©i(gigiht, itris handy to give the surest relief known. WHSSt DOWOLE AWARDS I /CANNING CLUB PRIZES Mftßss Lois 5 P. Dowdle. state Club agent, who judged £NflhG>i&trls Canning club display, the following awards: Lijurgest number of cans of to raftffttSes on one-tenth aero, first Parted,'-Deanie Buckalew, 605 cans, *3|2Bc&eholarsh i p. Second, : Nellie Singley, 534 'T’titftoird, Etor Duke, 483 cans. Fourth, Myrtle Long, 395 cans. FiFdfth, Mattie Lou Hammock, 9©f*eatest number pounds, first WjPlszdl 1 Doris Maddox, 2,917. Second, Ruby Singley, 2,416. display of canned fruits, vettfcfctfebles, preserved fruits and first prize, Etor Duke. PeSeeond, Mary Willard Lewis. F’hfhlrd, Myrtle Long. record book, first prize. ~*<fta>i6*<sonner. Willie Barnes. 1 Hfblrd, Gladys O’Neal. story book, first prize, Lo tis KsdDdrmer. Segeeotad, Mary Willard Lewis. FHfhlrcf; Myrtle .Lang. -Thphe-Jackson Civic League prize .00- was awarded to Many Lewis for the best varie ty#* <tf canned vegetables, fruits, fruits and vegetables ThFhe thirty-five girls who sent nfthtbeir record and storybooks given pins as soon as they •‘aab“bfe ordered. That Dots Hot Altoct Th Head of iU tonic n<l Uxntivc effect. LAXA QCININEis better than ordinary O n >QI#MU.(W and doe* not c*u*e nervous. ne*s nor TinnajiiM. t|n head. Remember the full name and rot' the lurnature of 8. W. GROVE- 25c. iLeverett’s Barber Shop Wants your business. We work well experienced men, and to that v end our aim is to please everybody. Special attention given to childrens hair cut. Give me a trial. JJ. A. LEVER ETT, Proprietor JeJenkins’ Old Stand Jackson, Georgia YIELDS AND COST OF CORN IS FURNISHED Average For Corn Club Members Was 49.43 Bushels per Acre The following yields were re ported by the members of the Bovs Corn Club this year. Name No. Bu. Cost pracre pracre Ellsworth Watkins 166 69 $29.20 Bernard Gaston 141 38 74.95 Bryant Williamson 60 04 Elton Trapp 43 75 15.85 Leonard McMichael 30 00 14.50 Durham Thaxtor 26 14 21.50 Lawrence Fincher 65 11 20.30 Floyd Glass 41 33 13.70 Lindsay Thornton 55 00 10.05 Lewis Dodson 50 25 20.90 Chester Bunn 43 43 19 40 Leonard Dodson 52 50 20.90 Geo and C F Moore 43 00 33.80 Butler Long 27 42 31.05 Travis Britt 45 50 7.05 Hubert Plymale 12 31 7.10 Emerson McMichael 66 66 21.78 Roscoe Cawthon 27 37 8.15 W T Hale 85 00 29.50 Frank Carlisle 43 22 13.32 Parrv Lee O’Neal 37 00 10.25 Morris Williamson 32 51 16.30 Herbert Williams 35 86 16.30 ElsworthM’Michael 64 20 14.68 Kinard Thaxton' 37 79 Geo P Hughey 49 54 Chester O’Neal 34 50 12.47 W Roswell Maddox 45 00 20.50 Mason Smith 70 28 28.86 Clifford Burford 26 47 12.42 James Greer 55 00 18.77 Emmet Greer 55 37 19.78 Dave Fields 42 42 17.95 George Fields 45 42 22.09 John G Brooks 41 00 9.15 Flkin Higgins 39 54 17.50 Bertram Singley 29 21 13.45 Coil Perdue 33 75 16.34 Kenney Duke 30 54 23.37 S I Fincher 45 55 12.90 Harvey J. Duke 29 13 10.47 Kirby Duke 24 41 10.55 Wm Albert Duke 25 00 11.25 Jeff Leverette 37 25 9.56 Metz Kines 18 13 9.55 Paul Waits 91 01 J L Barnes. Jr 75 07 13.80 Tommie Webb 26 14 10.65 Joe Thomason 64 14 20.05 Travis Crane 45 23 16 90 Pliny Weaver 80 25 28.50 Lamar Weaver 48 75 28.50 Forest Hale 56 30 22.00 Ray Duke 27 18 11.70 Frank McElhenney (not given) Geo V Martin (not given) Preacher Was Laid Up Rev M. Knighton. Havamia, Fla., writes: “For three Months 1 suffered intense pain in the kidneys tml back which al times laid me up entirely. I used Ih, bottles of Foley Kidney pills and all the pain disap peM-ed. I feel as if 20 years had been added to my life,” Relieves rheumatism, backache, sore muscle stitf j lint*. The Owl Pharmacy, adv Most heaters waste Jialf your fuel. Cole’s Hot Bla st Heaters save and use that wasted portion. Easily Decided This Question Should Be Answered Easily by Jackson People Which is wiser—to have confidence in the opinions of your fellow-citizens, of people you know, or depend on statements made by utter strangers residing in far away places? Head the following: Mrs. Gordon Carmichael, Oak St., Jackson, says: “Kidney trouble caused me a lot of sutrering. I had pains all through the small of my back and loins, especially severe in the morning. The kidney secretions were also un uatural. 1 knew I needed u kidney medicine but didn’t know what to take until a friend advised me to try Doan’s Kidney Pills. They cured me of kidney trouble and I have had no return of it since.” Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’t sim ply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr**. Carmichael had. Foster-Milburn Cos., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. adv. WOOD LAWN A large crowd from here at tended the fair last week. Mrs. Edmond Hay had as her guests Sunday her two daughters, Mrs. i\ W. Nelson and Mrs. E. F. Moncrief, also Mrs. W. T. Nelson. Miss Lucy Vickers had as her guests Thursday night Miss Pearl Griffith. Mrs. C. N. May field and Mr. D. B. Plymale. Mr. Stewart Nelson and sister, Miss Martha, spent Sunday af ternoon with Miss Flore McCord Sick headache, biliousness, piles and bad breath are usually caused by inac tive bowels. Get a box of Rexall Orderlies. They act gently and effec tively. Sold only by us st 10 cents.. Blaton Drwa Cos. AiCaxweU | TKe"WWer Car* | | One-Man Mohair Top | The new Maxwell is equipped with a one man real mohair top. It can be raised or low- = ered almost in an instant, by one person. = E= = There are no top bows near the driver’s seal. iU ■— * _ This gives the driver and passenger beside p | him an unobstructed view on both sides of §| the car. p The storm curtains are quick-adjustable. We are waiting to take you for a p test ride in the car that has broken all low "First-Cost” records, and is gs breaking all low "After-Cost”records. p i | 'OneMariMohairlop f^j^ElectrieStarter B | Demountable Kims jjj 1 R(rin Vision Windshield / Ignition M H M F.0.&. OETftDIT |§3 I McKibben Buggy Cos., Agts.‘ | at Union Ridge. Several from here attended the singing Sunday night given by Mrs. O. E. Smith at Union Ridge. Miss Martha Nelson spent last week with V. M. White and family, of Jackson, and attended the fair. Little Frances Nelson’s death came as a shock to her parents, relatives and many friends last Thursday night. She was eight months old and had been ill for a short while. She is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs T. W. Nelson, and one brother. The body was carried to Sandy Creek and the funeral was con ducted Friday afternoon by Rev. O. E. Sharpe, of Flovilla. At last we are getting our roads worked. Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Won’t Cure. The worst cases, no matter of how lone standing are cored by the wonieil and, old reliable Dr Porter's /.ntiseptic Healing Oil. It relieve. Pain and Heals at the same tim-. 25c. 50c. IJ .Ob FOR FARM LOANS Apply to J. W. NISBET Macon, Ga. THE FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF GA. S. B. Kinard, Gen. Agent. J. Matt McMichael, Local Agent. JACKSON, GEORGIA. PROFESSIONAL CAROS Go To HURT & THAXTON’S Barber Shop For Service. Jackson, Ga. GET OUR PRICES before buying Lumber, Laths, Shingles* Sash, Doors, and Blinds or Mill work Will make you Interesting Figures Crisp County Lumber Cos. Cordele, Georgia DR. C. D. HEARD Office in Mays Building, Resi dence Buchanan Hotel. Phone Connections. Specializing in Diseases of Wo men and Children. $100,000.00 TO LOAN on farm lands. Rea sonable rate of interest. See me before you borrow any money on your farm. W. E. Watkins. DR. J. A. JARRELL Physician and Subgeon Office Mulberry strict Residence phone 152-2—Office 152-3. Jackson : : : Georgia. Professional Piano Tuning, Regulating & Repairing. First Class Work Guaranteed. Drop Card and I’ll Call.^ J. T. MA\ O Jackson, Ga. J. THREATT MOORE, Attorney At Law. Office in Crum Building, 1 ackson : Georgif Will practice in all the Courts. C. L. REDMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ‘Jftice in Carter-Warthen Building, JACKSON, GA. DR. O. LEE CHESNUTT DENTIST Office in New Commercial Building hack of Farmers’ Bank. Residence Phone No. 7. MONEY TO LO AN ON FARM LANDS Brown & Brown McDonough ga. E. M. Smith h. D. Russrlh SMITH & RUSSELL Attorneys at Law . Office in Warthen Bldg Jackson : : Georgia ‘ \ SAM LEE First-Class City Hand Laundry- Next door to Joe Leach's stables. Jackson : : : ; : Georgia Patronize Home Industries