The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, November 12, 1915, Image 3

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COOPER WILL PROVE FAMOUS THEORIES Celebrated Medicine Ac complishing Remarkable Results in Leading Cities Referring to the recent visit to Atlanta of L. T. Cooper, the man who electrified the larger cities of the country with his philanthro phy, health theories and celebra ted medicine, Tanlac, G. F. Wil lis, his southern representative, said: “Thousands of the most prom inent people in Atlanta, Birming ham, Nashville, Chattanooga, Louisville, Knoxville and other cities where his celebrated med icine has been accomplishing such remarkable results, are even more enthusiastic over Tanlac than Cooper himself. “As previously stated, Mr. Cooper contends that nine-tenths of the diseases and ill-health of the average person is due to a catarrhal condition which pro duces faulty digestion and im proper assimilation of the food. “In a recent interview Mr. Cooper was asked if Tanlac would relieve kidney trouble, liver com plaint, rheumatism and a dozen other ailments, and in this con nection said: “As I have' repeatedly said, my medicine acts directly on the mucus membrane, stomach and blood, expelling from them the impurities and toxic poisons, and rendering to them a strong, heal thy condition. I am convinced that the stomach regulates the condition of the blood, and is the fountain head of health or dis ease, as the case may be. My medicine is intended primarily for the regulation of the stomach and catarrhal inflamation, but it is no uncommon thing for per sons who have used it to come to me and explain that it has re vived them of Rheumatism and many other ailments not generally recognized as having their origin in stomach trouble. “The ingredients or medicin al elements which make Tanlac come from many remote sections of the earth, the Alps, the Pyre nees, Russian Asia, West Indies. Mountian states, near the Rocky Mountains, Mexico and Peru are among the points from which the principal parts of the prep aration are obtained. In the principal laboratory of the Coop er Medicine Cos., Inc,, under the efficient direction of Herr Jos Von Trimbach, a native German Chemist of note, these medicin al herbs, roots and barks are as sembled in the rough and pains takingly developed so as to attain that high standard of efficiency shown by the uniform prepara tion of Tanlac.” In referring to the unpreceden ted demand for Taniac in Atlan ta. Mr. Chas. A. Smith, Manager of the Jacobs Pharmacy Cos., said: “I have been in the drug busi ness in Atlanta 25 years, and not in my experience have we han dled anything that even approach es Taniac as a seller. In less than five weeks’ time we have sold and distributed through our eleven stores over 9,000 bottles, and on last Saturday alone over 400 people called at our stores to obtain the medicine. Judging from the repeat sales and the many expressions of satisfaction from those who have actually tested Taniac. the preparation must be something of extraor diaary merit.” , , Taniac is sold in Jackson exclu sively by Slaton Drug Cos. (adv) MANY CLUB BOYS AND GIRLS GOING WILL ATTEND CORN SHOW Boys Wfll Have Unique Hats For Parade Arrangements are being made to carry fifty or more Corn Club boys and not less than forty Can ning Club girls to the corn show in Atlanta. The boys and girls will be en tertained in the homes of Atlanta, giving them an opportunity to see and study the modern conven iences and attractiveness of city homes and encouraging them to bring new ideas for improving our country homes. (Jilst give our boys a chance and they will do it.) The boys will be under the care of Mr. Mattie McMichael, Mr. B. F. Watkins, the Crowned Chief of The Corn Club Boys of Georgia, and under supervision of Farm Demostrator, G. E. Rice. The boys will meet in Mr. Rice’s offices at 8 o’clock Wednesday morning November the 17th ready to catch the nine o’clock train for Atlanta, and will return on the morning of the 19th, giv ing the boys two nights and one day to see Atlanta, and the big Harvest Festival. Mr. Watkins and Mr. Mattie McMichael will wear their crown of shucks, the attractive hat now being made for the boys. Mr. Rice has worked out a very attrac tive hat for the boys and will have this ready for the boys Wednesday morning. The only expense to the boy will be his railroad fare to At lanta. Notice Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Jackson that the voters registration book be opened for the registration of voters for the election of city offi cers of the city of Jackson to be held on the 10th day of November and closed on the 10th day of December, 1915 at 4 o’clock p. m- This Nov. Bth. 1915 W. E. Watkins, Mayor. J. A. McMichael. Clerk. The highest grade of ev erything eatable at Joy ner’s. Phone one-Three- Four. Pay Roll Butts County Chain Gang for October 1915 Vouchers 675 Sam Cook, guard— s24o 00 676 C S Maddox, provisions - - - 180 677 Lee Waldrup. tax collector.. 30 00 678 Gulf Refining Cos., oil 245 28 679 J T McClure, warden - 90 00 680 J H Maddox, free labor— 65 00 681 Sam Cook, guard— - 16 50 682 Gus Lavender, free labor 15 79 683 J A McClure, guard-- 43 50 684 J C Duke, free labor 35 00 685 Hugh Mote, free labor 88 65 686 Walter Cole, free labor 40 00 687 J A Kimbell, oil._ - - - 16 00 688 L L Tison, vegetables 500 689 Good Roads Machinery Company, machinery 134 690 A L Perdue, provisions 12 00 691 John Kitchens, singletree 100 692 C B Sims, free labor 364 693 Conner & Crawford, provisions 22 20 694 Southern Railway Cos., freight 3 91 Total - $906 61 J. 0. GASTON, Commissioner. JOSEPH JOLLY, Clerk. STOMACH ACTS FINE! NO IND BEST ON, GAS, HEARTBURN. ACIOITY “Pape’e Diapepsin” fixes sick, sour, upset stom achs in five minutes You dont want a slow remedy when your stomach is bad—or an uncertain one—or a harmful one —your stomach is too valuable; you musn’t injure it with drastic drugs. Pape’s Diapepsin is noted for its speed in giving relief; its harmlessness; its certain un failing action in regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs. Its mil lions of cures in indigestion, dys pepsia, gastritis and other stom ach trouble has made it famous the world over. Keep this perfect stomach doc tor in your home—keep it handy get a large fifty cent case from any drug store and then if any one should eat something which dosen’t agree with them, if what they eat lays like lead, ferments and sours and forms gas; causes headache, dizziness and nausea; eructations of acid and undiges ted food—remember as Pape’s Diapepsin comes in contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. Its promptness, cer tianty and ease in overcoming the worst stomach disorders is a revelation to those who try it. FLO VILLA NEWS Messrs George Smith, of At lanta and Frank Smith, of Coch ran, visited relatives in Flovilla Sunday. Mrs. J. A. Moore, of Jackson, and Mrs. N. J. Thomas will spend Friday in McDonough with Mrs. J. G. Smith. Mr. W. A. Dozier spent the past week-end in Macon. Rev. J. T. Pendley left Tues day for Rome to attend the an nual Conference of the Metho dist church. He was accompa nied by his little daughter, Kin us, who will be the guest of Mrs. CURED BOY OF CROUP Nothing frightens a mother more than the loud hoarse cough of croup. Labored breathing, strangling, cho king and gasping for breath demand instant action. Mrs. T. Neureuer, Eau Claire, Wis., says: “Foleys Honey and Tar cured my boy of croup after other remedies failed.” Reccommen ded for coughs and colds. —The Owl Pharmacy, adv Big Express shipment just arrived of ladies Gyp sie cut Boots with white stitching. The newest thing out. Carmichael Mallet Cos. Auction Sale By authority delegated to us by the members of the First Baptist Church of Jackson, we will sell before the court house door on the first Tues day in December to the highest bid der for cash the old church building, including the Sunday School annex, 2 cast iron furnaces and all other fix tures etc. in buildings at time of sale, (except the bell, this we reserve). This is a splendid opportunity for someone to buy a good lot of build ing material cheap. All buildings must be torn down and removed in 30 days after date of sale. Look the buildings over, be on hand the first Tuesday, Dec. 7th, and give us a lift and make some money for yourself. No by-bidding. We mean to sell the buildings. J. H. Carmichael, Dr. Robt. VanDeventer, F. S. Etheridge, S. P. Nichols, S. O. Ham, R. J. Carmichael, Building Committee. M. H. Byars for a week. Miss Lois Allen came down from Shorter College for the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Allen. Mr. W. A. Thompson, of At lanta, spent a portion of this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Thompson. Misses Lelia Ray and Jennie Paulin entertained delightfully at rook last Thursday after noon. Their guests were Mrs. C. D. Ingram, Misses Willie Wrenn, Era Hixon, and E. Alice Johnson. Master William Louis Irby, of Atlanta, is spending some time wit h his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Terrell. Miss Lucile Newman, of Jack son, was the recent guest of Miss Lucile Moxley. Miss Era Hixon returned Tues day to her home in Villa Rica af ter a most pleasant visit to Mrs. C. D. Ingram. Miss Hixon was the recipient of many social af fairs while here; one of the most delightful of these being a love ly reception tendered her Mon doy afternoon, by her hostess at her home on Heard street. Miss Nelle Millen has returned from a very pleasant visit to friends in Jenkinsburg. , Do Not Gripe We have a pleasant laxative that win do just what you want it to do. " We sell thousands of them and w have never seen a better remedy for the bowels. Sold only by us, 10 cents. Blaton Drug Cos. EVER SALIVATED BY ~ CALOMEL? HORRIBLE! Calomel is Quicksilver and Acts Like Dynamite on Your Liver. Calomel loses you a day! You know what calomel is. It’s mer cury ; quicksilver. Calomel is dan gerous. It crashes into sour bile like dynamite, cramping and sick ening you. Calomel attacks the bones and should never be put into your system. When you feel bilious, sluggish, constipated and all knocked out and believe you need a dose of dangerous calomel just remember that your druggist sells for 50 cents a large bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone, which is entirely veg etable and pleasant to take and is a perfect substitute for calo mel. It is guaranteed to start your liver without stirring you up inside, and cannot salivate. Don’t take calomel! It makes you sick the next day; it loses you a day’s work. Dodson’s Liv er Tone straightens you right up and you feel great. Give it to the children because it is perfect ly harmless and doesn’t gripe, ad Call on or write Brown & Brown, McDonough, Ga., for loans on farm lands. 3-26-tf Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove’s The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the weU known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. __ SO cents.