The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, November 12, 1915, Image 4

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CLOSING OUT SALE The crowds that have visited our store and the loads of bundles that have gone out to our customers and friends is convincing evidence people believe what we said when we told them we were going out ot the dry goods business. Now we want to tell you that we did not be gin to tell you in our first announcement of the many bargains we had and still have to offer you. You will have to come to see us as hun dreds of others have already done, in order to convince you we have a large of Staple Merchandise Going At A Saerilice GLOVES A large stock of The Celebrated D. & P. Gloves In both Ladies and Mens We want to repeat to the people of Butts and adjoining counties that we MEAN BUSINESS when we say we are going out of the dry goods business and have Hundreds of Bargains in Staple Merchandise TO OFFER YOU HAM & CARTER COMPANY Valuable Land For Sale I have bought all of Mr. N. O. Freeman’s land and I now want to sell it come serv ed. If there is any desirable land in the county it is this property. Three different places all on the public road, lies well, with plenty of wood and water. Seven good tenement houses. The home place the very improved little farm in the county. Brand new dwelling with water works and three large new barns. This is an ideal home for a young couple to start life. Young man help your self, old man now is the chance to help your boy. Terms easy to the right party. See it at once. It is close to fine schools, churches, gins and railroad station. CABANISS DISTRICT. If not sold at once same is for rent to good party, WRITE, WIRE OR PHONE R. B. STEPHENS, Care Bank of Forsyth, Forsyth, Georgia OP. WHITE VICE PRESIDENT SIXTH DIST. MEDICAL SOCIETY At the fall meeting of the Sixth District Medical Society in Macon Wednesday Dr. A. F. White, of Flovilla, was elected vice presi dent and Indian Springs was se lected as the next meeting place. A number of interesting paDers were read and discussed. CHEAPER THAN HOME-MADE You cannot make a pood cough med icine at home for as little as you pay for Foley's Honey and Tar, nor can vou be sure of getting the fresh, full strength, clean and pure materials. Did you ever hear of home-made cough medicine doing the work that Foley’s is doing every day all over the coun try?—The Owl Pharmacy, adv OVERALLS A large of Overalls Going at Prices Much cheaper than we can replace them at present market prices. BAD STOMACH TROUBLE Yields to Delicious Vinol Shreveport, La —“I had a bad stom ach trouble for years and became so weak I could hardly walk or do any work. My appetite was poor, my food would not digest, I bloated and was very weak and nervous. I tried many reme dies without help. I saw Vinol adver tised and tried it, and now my stomach trouble is completely cured and I am well,” —E. L. MARSHALL. Vinol is guaranteed to tone up the tired, over-taxed and weakened nerves of the stomach and create strength. Woods-Carmichael Book & Drug Company, Jackson, Ga. Enters Float in Parade The Jacks m Ccca Cola Bottling Company has entered a float in the parade at the Atlanta Har vest Festival. Tax Colledtor’s Notice This is to notify the public that my books will be open for collec ting the state and county taxes for the year 1915, on Oct. Ist, 1915, at the court house in the Ordinary’s office. This Sept. 28, 1915. J. P. Maddox, Tax Col. UNION RIDGE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Long, of Sandy, spent Sunday with rela tives here. Miss Alma Lavender visited Miss Flore McCord Sunday. Miss Mattie Nelson and brother, Stewart, were visitors to Union Ridge Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Norswor thy honored the young people with a delightful dancing party Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Mayfield visited Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Dod son Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Dodson and Miss Flore McCord were in Jack son shopping Saturday. Rev. A. A. Gooarum filled his regular appointment at Union Ridge Sunday morning. Mrs. Edd Edwards is on the sick list this week. Her many friends wish her speedy recovery. Services were held at the con vict camp, Sunday afternoon be ing conducted by Rev. Mr. Miller, of Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Goodrum were visitors to Cork this week. Miss Anna Freeman enter tained at a delightful birthday Mens Pants Large stock of Mens Work and Fine PANTS To go at A SACRIFICE People who use Peruna Mrs. T. Freeh, R. R. 1, Hickory Point, Tenn., writes: “I am happy to tell you that I am cured of catarrh. Having been afflicted with catarrh and stomach trouble for seven years, and after having tried four different doctors, who only relieved me for a little while, I gave up all hope of being cured. I was induced to try Peruna, and to my great surprise I am now entirely well. My health never was better.” FOR INDIGESTION Mrs. W. R. Whitehead, R. R. 1, Pryor, Oklahoma, writes: “I am happy to tell you that I keep free from my old stomach trouble; feel no catarrhal symptoms at all. I am able to do my work, eat and drink what I want, and rejoice to know that I found a sure cure in your valuable medicine. I think it saved my life. By beginning in time with Peruna I was cured sound and well." Are Strong and Happy The Peruna Company, Columbus, Ohio. Those who object to liquid medicines can now procure Peruna in tablet form. party Wednesday evening. The host of friends of Mr. C. Phone 8, That’s Easy You get the BEST when you get the following: White Rose Sliced and Grated Pineapple, White Rose Midget Peas, White Rose Strawberries, White Rose Raspberries, White Rose Maple Syrup, White Rose Tuna Fish, White Rose Buck Wheat, White Rose Oat Meal, Gold Bar Sliced and Grated Pine apple, Gold Bar Peaches and Plums, Gold Bar Mince Meat, Sweet Violet Peas (3 kinds), Sweet Violet String Beans, Sweet Violet Corn, Sweet Vio let Flour sure is good, Crystal Flour none better, Victory Flour good too. Celery from now on. Home Ground Meal. We guarantee all the above items to be the best. Phone B—B—B— easy. Keep us hustling, it’s a pleasure. J. C. Kinard & Cos. The Little B-Z Place. SHOES We especially have a large stock of Men’s Fine Shoes which will be sacrificed along with the other lines. We can still give you a fit in all the other lines of shoes. S. Maddox are sorry indeed to know that he is still quite ill.