The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, November 19, 1915, Image 4

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PAPE’S DIAPEPSIN . FOR INDIGESTION OR SOUR. IICIO STOMACH In five minutes! No dys pepsia, heartburn or any stomach misery Sour, gassy, upset stomach, in digestion, heartburn, dyspepsia; when the food you eat ferments into gases and stubborn lumps; your head aches and you feel sick and miserable; that’s when you realize the magic in Pape’s Diapepsin. It makes all stomach misery vanish in five minutes. If your stomachis in a continu ous revolt—if you can’t get it reg ulated, please for your sake, try Pape’s Diapepsin. It’s so need less tojhave a bad stomach—make your next meal a favorite food meal, then take a little Diapepsin. There will not be any distress— eat without fear. It’s because Pape’s Diapepsin “really does” regulate weak, out-of-order stom achs that gives it its miliions of sales annually. Get a large fifty-cent case of Pape’s Diapepsin from any drug store. It is the quickest, surest stomach relief and cure known. It acts almost like magic—it is a scientific, harmless and pleasant stomach preparation which truly belongs in every home. Every town wastes enough money in fake mining schemes, shaky insurance investments, etc., to pave the streets, beauti fy the town and make things hum. Jackson has been stung many times and oft. Let’s try keeping the money at home. OHIO WOMAN'S WISH For Tired, Weak, Nervous Women Beliefontaine, Ohio.—“l wish every tired, weak, nervous woman could have Vinol, for I never spent any money in my life that did me so much good as that I spent for Vinol. I was weak, tired, worn out and nervous, and Vinol made me strong, well and vigorous after everything else had failed to help me, and I can now do my housework with pleasure.”—Mrs. J. F. Lamborn. We guarantee Vinol. our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, for all weak, run down, nervous, debilitated conditions, Woods-Carmichael Book & Drug Company, Jackson. Ga. Butts county should not stop at winning the highest honors in the corn club work. She should go after the first prize at the state fair next year. Sold Hogs by Telephone A South Carolina farmer had a large number of hogs which were ready to kill. The weather was so warm that killing was out cf the question. He went to his telephone, called a dealer in Columbia over Long Distance and sold his hogs at a good price. He then called the local freight office and arranged for shipment. The telephone is now a necessity on the farm. You can have one on your farm at small cost. See the nearest Bell Telephone Manager or send a postal for our free booklet. FARMERS* LINE DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY S. Pryor St., Atlanta, Ga. JUDGE W.W.LEVEREITE STRICKEN SUDDENLY Well Known Citizen Died Monday Afternoon Af ter Brief Illness A death that caused sincere re gret throughout the county was that of Judge W. W. Leverette, who passed away at his home a few miles from Jackson about 5 o’clock Monday afternoon. He had been working during the day and was driving up the cows when he was attacked with a form of heart trouble and died suddenly. The suddenness of his passing ad ded to the shock with which news of his death was received. Mr. Leverette, who was a na tive of Jasper county, had been a resident of Butts for a number of years. He was well and favor* ably known to hundreds of people over the county and by all was held in the highest esteem. He was a man of character, intelli gence and sterling worth. For several years he had been justice of the peace in his district. He al ways manifested a keen interest in the politics of the county and state. Mr. Leverette was 66 years of age and was a faithful mem ber of Mt. Vernon church. The funeral was held from Mt. Vernon churchTuesdaylafternoon at 3 o’clock, Rev. W. 0. Sharpe conducting the services. Asa token of the regard in which he was held a largenumber of friends gathered for a last tribute. Surviving Judge Leverette are his wife, three daughters, Mrs. Sutton, Mrs. W. F. Flynt, and Mrs. Wiley Flynt, two sons, Mr. Stewart Leverette, of Butts coun ty, and a son who resides in south Georgia. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The minister, Rev. I. H. Miller, will preach at 11 a. m. Subject: "Jonah and the Whale,” and their successors in office. At 7p. m. Connecting links of Sunday school lesson. Come. See those Silk Dresses on special sale at Carmi chael-Mallet Cos. BUSINESS HOUSES TO CLOSE THANKSGIVING In conformity to a long estab lished custom, the stores and business houses of Jackson will be closed Thursday, Nov. 25, National Thanksgiving Day. U6H! CALOMEL MAKES YOU DEATALY SICK Stop Using Dangerous Drug Before It Salivates You! It’s Horrible! You’re bilious, sluggish, consti pated and believe you need Tile, dangerous calomel to start your liver and clean your bowels. Here’s my guarantee! Ask your druggist for aSO cent bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone and take a spoonful tonight. If it doesn’t start your liver and straighten you right up better than calomel and without griping or making you sick I want.vou to go back to the store and get your money. Take calomel today and tomor row you will feel weak and sick and nauseated. Don’t lose a day’s work. Take a spoonful of harm less, vegetable Dodson’s Liver Tone tonight and wake up feeling great. It’s perfectly harmless, so give it to your children any time. It can’t salivate, so let hem eat anything afterwards, ad. NOTICE OF CITY REGISTRA TION GIVEN TO VOTERS Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Jack son, that the voters registration book be opened for the registra tion of voters for the election of city officers of the City of Jack son, to be held on the first Wed nesday in January, 1916. Said book to be opened on the 10th day of Nov. and closed on the 10th day of Dec., 1915, at 4 o’clock p. m. This Nov. Bth, 1915. W. E. Watkins, Mayor. J. A. McMiehael, Clerk. A TEXAS WONDER. The Texas Wonder cures kidney and bladder troubles, dissolves gravel, cures diabetes, weak and lame backs, rheumatism, and all irregularities ofthe kidneys and bladder in ootn men and women. Regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist will be sent by mail on receipt of SI.OO One small bottle is two months' treat ment, and seldom ever fails to perfect a cure. Send for testimonials from this and other states. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2926 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Sold by druggists. If you are not already doing so, now is a good time to hitch in and pull for your community. For Rent or Sale The J. T. Harris home, corner Third and Indian Springs streets. Apply to 0. A. Pound, or J. M. Currie. WENT TO THE HOSPITAL C. E. Blanchard, postmaster Blanch ard, Cal., writes: “I had kidney trou ble so bad I had to go to the hospital. Foley Kidney Pills completely cured me/’ Men and women testify they banish lame back, stiff’joints, sore mus cles and sleep disturbing bladder ail ments. —The Owl Pharmacy, adv Phone one-three-four. For Sale One upright mahogony piano. Apply Mrs. W. J. Wood. Cold Settled in my Stomach. Lost My . Took Appetite. P eruna ' Could Not Am Cured. Sleep. Peruna All !S1 A Great Remedies WjJ|jj| Family Failed. Medicine * Mr. Chas. S&uerbier, 815 Main street, St. Joseph, Mich., a constant Friend of. Peruna, Use® it in his Family. Every young person who has a single spark of manhood smold ering within his heart, however small that spark may be, must wish at times to lead a life that shall help and not hinder good, that shall leave the world better and not worse, from having lived in it, that shall help to overcome evil, build up justice, alleviate suffering where it be found and try to effect the happiness of his fellowmen. It is truly ignoble merely for one’s indulgence to follow however prudently any fnvlgoratlng to the Pale and Sickly The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVE’S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria.enrichestheblood.andbuildsupthe sys tem. A true tonic. For adults and children. SOc NO. 9186 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Jackson National Bank At Jackson, in the State of Georgia, At the Close of Business Nov. 10, 1915 RESOU itC ES Loans and discounts (notes held in the bank) $100,749 39 Loans on cotton __ 94,463 57 —$ 195,212 96 Rediscounts —$ Overdrafts, secured, $ unsecured, $5,292.31- ____ 5,292:^1 U. S. bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value) $75,000 00 75,000 OO Commercial paperdep. tosecure circulation (book value) Other bonds to secure postal savings 1,000 00 — 1,000 OO Premium on bonds for circulation y Subscription to stock of Federal Reserve bank _ 5,400 00 Less amount unpaid 2,700 00 — 2,700 00* Banking house 9,806 30 — 9,806 30 Furniture and fixtures 6,444 72 Due from Federal Reserve bank... 2,325 13 Duefromapproved reserve agents in New York, Chicago and St. Louis $ 1,886 89 Due from approved reserve agents in other re seve cities.... 6,815 57 8,702 46 Due from banks and bankers (other than above) 9,046 36 Checks on banks in the same city or town as reporting bank 4,310 15. Outside checks and other cash items Fractional currency, nickels and cents 248 70> Ivotesof other national banks 2,160 OO Federal reserve notes.. 1,275 00* Lawful money reserve in bank: Total coin and certificates 3,232 50 Legal-tender notes.. p>’oso oo Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer, (not more than 6 per cent on circulation)*. g 750 qo Other assets 233 30 Total LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $ 75 000 00 Surplus fund. 15 000 00 Undivided profits i 1)882 90’"' Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid 1,514 29 10 368 61 Circulating notes 75’, 000 00— 75JKX) 0(b Dividends unpaid Demand deposits: Individual deposits subject to check 52 804 9T Certificate of deposit due in less than 30 days 3,887 16 Cashier’s checks outstanding Postal savings deposits _ ' j Total demand deposits $57 023 Time deposits - Certificates of deposit due on or after 30 days 12,029 58— lo 029 sg. Rediscounts with Federal Reserve banks.. 89 363 vt Notes and bills rediscounted Bills payable, including obligations representing money borrowed T ° tal State of Georgia—County of Butts: I, R. P. Sasnett, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief . .. , . . R- P. SASNETT, Cashier. * Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day ot Nov., 1915. s. J. FOSTER, Clerk Superior Court Correct—Attest: T. H. Butuill, E. L. Smith, Directors. habit or custom that on the whole harms the state or injures the average man. It is nobler for the sake of the larger good to give up whatever is not worth while for the good of other men. —Home Journal. CITROLAX CITROL AX CITROLAX Best thing for constipation, sour stomach, lazy liver and sluggish bow els. Stops a sick headache almost at once. Gives a most thorough and sat isfactory flushing—no pain, no nausea Keeps your system cleansed, sweet and wholesome, Ask for Citrolax. Hie Owl Pharmacy. adv. Pearl-White Floati n g Soap, 7 bars 25c. Joy ner’s. One- Three - Four Bargain.