The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, December 10, 1915, Image 2

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Jackson Progress-Argus Published Every Friday. J. DOYLE JONES, Editor and Pub. Subscription $1 a Year Entered us second-class matter at the post office at Jackson, Ga. Telephone No. 166. Official Organ Butts County And the City of Jackson. Have you registered? Greece seems to be too slick for the Allies. Even a purchasing agent can be bought The poor ye have with you al ways-including the editor. Quinine has advanced in price outrageously but the taste is no better. If you live in hell boost your home town, remarks a public spirited brother. Stop worrying about when the war will end and get busy at something useful. The probabilities are Henry Ford wants to run for something and needs the publicity. If you will make somebody else happy at Christmas, you will be happy yourself. Try it and see. At last accounts Uncle Jim Woodward was still sitting on the mayoralty nail keg in At lanta. The extra session of the legis lature over. Editor Blood worth can now do his full duty by Bes sie Tift. It will take you just a few sec onds to write a check for your subscription to this paper. Come on now and shop early. There are a lot of crooks and sharps abroad in the land. You make no mistake when you pat ronize home enterprises. Atlanta is yelping about an in crease in freight rates. Anything that touches Atlanta’s pocket book can be depended on to bring a howl. When Governor Harris finally makes up his mind about running next year, it will be a lot of consolation to a number of poli ticians. When Editor Tom Penn, of Monticello, crosses the hot sands, drinks zem-zem and becomes a full fledged Shriner, we want to be in at the finish. Georgia has a large number of high class weekly newspapers. The sooner these papers adopt a cash-in-advance system the better it will be for all concerned. Notice where Audrew Carne gie has given away all of his mon ey—except a cold, measly $20,- 000,000. And yet the most of us are wondering how we are to pay taxes and have a little left for Christmas. MUSTANG For Sprains, Lameness, Sores, Cuts, Rheumatism Penetrates and Heals. Stops Pain At Once For Man and Beast 25c. 50c. SI. At All Dealers. LINIMENT We fail to see the wisdom of the legislature in appropriating more money than the state is able to pay. Why not let the state pay up what it owes before running still further in debt? It will be remembered that several years ago led by a well known politician, Atlanta had an awful attack of the “port rate” fever. Now, that the interstate commission have given them port rates, they are out trying to raise ten thousand dollars to keep the rate from becoming effective. Those Atlanta people are funny people.—Commerce News. What has become of the old fashioned man who used to tank up every time he came to town and declare he could whip any man in the world?—Jackson Pro gress. He now lives in Wheeler coun ty, and is a member of the pres ent Georgia legislature.—Craw fordville Advocate-Democrat. The conviction is growing among the press and people of the state that the depart ment of agriculture is a pow erful political machine and that it is hardly as useful as it might be.--Jackson Progress- Argus. Is that so? We hadn’t heard a word about it.— De- Kalb New Era. You should worry. A race for Commissioner of Argriculture between Jim Price and Pope Brown would make the widely famous po litical fur fly in various direc tions. —Jackson Progress-Ar gus. And there is Brother J. J. Connor, who might raise a blister or two if he had a fair shake at it.—DeKalb New Era. And report has it that J. J. S Saved Girl’s Life S “I want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re ceived from the use of Thedford’s Black-Draught,” writes Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. “It certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds, f liver and stomach troubles. I firmly believe Black-Draught saved my little girl’s life. When she had the measles, ■ they went in on her, but one good dose of Thedford’s Black-Draught made them break out, and she has had no more trouble. I shall never be without BLack-FraughT in my home.” For constipation, indigestion, headache, dizzi- ness, malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar S ailments, Thedford’s Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. # If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black- # Draught It is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five ® years of splendid success proves its value. Good for v young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25 cents. W _ tJMIW is far from being an unrecep tive possibility. At that we doubt if anybody can beat Price at the present time. Macon Telegraph. What will pull him through, his record or the political machine he has built up? A snake, a liar, a gos sip and a loud mouthed bu.Uv are among the most delectable abominations this world has ever pro duced—except the cuss who reads his home pa per for five years and then refuses to pay — Griffin News and Sun.] Delectable may be good in the connection used, but at any rate we know what Edi tor Duke means, and we want to endorse what he says. So far the cuss who takes a pa per and refuses to pay for it has never been classified. There’s nothing mean enough on earth or in hades to com pare him to. Dalton Citizen. All of which is very true. The only way to deal with the delin quent subscriber is to wipe him off the map—adopt a strictly cash in advance system. The weekly press must come to this soon. IT IS SERIOUS Some Jackson people Fail to Realize the serious ness of a bad back The constant aching of a bad back, The weariness, the tired feeling, The pains and aches of kidney ills may result Seriously if neglected. Dangerous urinary troubles often follow'. A Jackson citizen show's you what to do. Mrs. J. R. Thurston, Brook wood Ave., Jackson, says: “I strained my back while house-cleaning and my kid neys became overtaxed. I suffered so that 1 had to put pillows under my back and I was so sore that I couldn’t stoop over. My kidneys felt as though they were swollen. The kidney secre tions caused me much annoyance. I procured Doans’ Kidney pills from Slaton Drug Cos. and they relieved the pains in my back and all symptoms of kidney trouble disappeared.” Price 50c at all dealers. Don’t sim ply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Thurston had. Foster-Milburn Cos., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. adv Solid car Good ripe Ba nanas to be sold Friday and Saturday 50c per bunch. Paul Nolen & Cos. “Safety First” When you buy your drugs you cannot afford to take any risk. You are entitled to the pure, FRESH, QUALITY, KIND. That’s what you’ll find here— QUALITY DRUGS PURE DRUGS FRESH DRUGS And these drugs are compound ed by experienced, licensed drug gists. Send us your Prescriptions And Get Them Rigtit Full Cigars, To bacco,Toilet Articles, Patent Medic ine s , Drug Sundries. Get your garden seed for Fall Planting. Fresh stock of New Seed, full selection. SLATON DRUG CO. Ae Store S. H. THORNTON JACKSON, GA. UNDERTAKING, LICENSED EMBALMER Full line of Caskets and Robes to select from My careful personal attention giv en to all funerals entrusted |to me All Calls Answered Promptly Day or Night Day Phone 174 Night Phone 193 GOOD GAINS IN WATER AND LIGHT DEPARTMENT The receipts of the water and light department of the City of Jackson for October 1915 were SIOO more than for the same month last year. The collections for October 1914 were SBOO, against S9OO this year. This would indicate that more consum ers are being added and that pres ent consumers are using more water and lights than last year. These departments continue to grow. and net a neat sum to the city each month. Strong And well as evejr Fred Smith, Green Bay, Wisavs Foley Kidney Pills completely} relieved me of all soreness and pain in jthe back and I now am strong and weol as ev er.” Cold weather makes, 1 aching joints, sore muscles and irregiilar blad der action more unbearable. Foley Kidney Pills help the kidneys eliminate pain-causing poisons. The Owl Phar macy. adv Watch the sacrifice pe destal at Edwards’ Jewel ry Store. Solid car Good ripe Ba nanas to be sold Friday and Saturday 50c per bunch. Paul Nolen & Go.