The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, March 10, 1916, Image 1

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THE JACKSON PROGRESS-ARGUS Vol 44-No. 10 VETERANS ASK RETURN OF MONEY Pass Strong Resolutions on Tillman Bill CAMP BARNETT ACTIVE Wants Congress to Sup port Measure For Return of $64,000,000 Cotton Tax Levied on South The John L. Barnett camp of Butts county Confederate Veter ans have adopted the following resolutions endorsing the Tillman bill for the return of the cotton tax to the southern states: Whereas, B. R. Tillman of Ar kansas has introduced in the Uni ted States Congress a resolution seeking a distribution of the il legally collected cotton tax fund for Confederate soldiers; and Whereas, we know that the Federal Government levied and collected against the South a tax on cotton, which tax was paid by Confederate soldiers and their de scendants to the amount of $64,- 000,000, which is today in the treasury of the United States; and Whereas, the supreme court of the United States has declared said cotton tax unconstitutional and void; and Whereas, we believe according to justice, law and equity that this $64,000,000 should be return ed to the people from whom it was unjustly taken, and we can not conceive of a more equitable plan or one that would give bet ter satisfaction than to prorate it among the Southern veterans and their widows; and Whereas, we and our descen dants have been taxed for fifty years to pay pensions of Federal soldiers, for which we are not now murmuring, but only men- tion by way of comparison, as each true soldier answered the call of his respective country and should stand on an equal footing as citizens of a common country after fiftty years of peace and a re-united country. Therefore, be it resolved by the John L. Barnett camp of Con federate Veterans. That we here by endorse the Datriotic effort of Mr. Tillman and pledge him our gratitude for the glorious effort he is making in our behalf, and we hereby ask and call upon all veterans to co-operate with the plan proposed and we further urge all of our Southern senators and congressmen to co-operate and assist in the passage of this resolution, and we further re quest that all newspapers which are in sympathy with our efforts to publish these resoultions. Card of Thanks Mrs. G. R. Ridgeway and fam ily wish to extend sincere thanks to their friends for the many kindnesses shown them during the illness and death of Mr. G. ,R. Ridgeway. MR. MORRIS REDMAN FOR SUPT. SCHOOLS Attention is directed to the an nouncement of Mr. W. Morris Redman as a candidate for Coun ty School Superintendent. His card will be read with wide in terest in the political circles of the county and his candidacy is sure to be received with favora ble consideration. Mr. Redman is a splendid young man who is just now winning his spurs in the educational world. At the University of Georgia, from which he was graduated in the class of 1915, he had a brilliant and successful career, taking an active interest in military, liter ary and athletic activities. Mr. Redman is well equipped to per form the duties of the office to which he .aspires. He is well known and generally liked over the county and will have a strong support in all quarters. Mr. Red man is quite popular in business and social circles and has hun dreds of friends who will wel come this opportunity of giving him their support. REGISTRATION IS RATHER LARGE Board Purging List For The Primary CONTAINS 1,550 NAMES Registration Larger Than Two Years Ago—Total By Districts Given Below —Registrars in Session The registration list for 1916 contains 1,550 names, which is considerably more than two years ago. At least fifty, perhaps more, will be stricken for the non payment of taxes or other causes. The total registration in 1914 was approximately 1,460. The Butts county board of Reg istrars, consisting of Messrs. R. E. Evans, F. L. Walthall and J. Matt McMichael, is now in ses sion. They will hardly be able to complete their work in one week. When purged the list will probably contain around 1,500 names. It is was stated a good many people were behind with pay ment of taxes, but the candidates are working hard to get these differences adjusted. By districts the registration is as follows: Buttrill 203 Coodys 107 Dublin 100 Indian Spring 149 Iron Springs - 131 Jackson 625 Towaliga 117 Worthville 118 Total 1550 JACKSON, GEORGIA, MARCH 10, 1916 WILL ORGANIZE POULTRY CLUBS Several Rallies Planned For The Week PROF. TAYLOR COMING Mr. Wilder Will Talk on Sorghum Growing And Mr. Rice on Fertilizers— Busy Week Ahead Prof. D. G. Taylor of the Poul try department at the State Col lege of Agriculture at Athens will Spend Thursday and Friday in the county for the purpose of organizing Poultry Clubs in the various districts. The following itinerary has been arranged by Agricultural Agent Rice, who re quests the farmers in the several communities to turn out and get the benefit of Mr. Taylor’s lec tures: Thursday, March 9 10 a. m., Sandy Plains; 1 p. m., Oak Grove; 3 p. m., Delta Grove; 7p.m., Jenkinsburg. Amass meeting will be held at the latter place and farmers, their wives and other interested persons are invited. Friday, March 10 8:30 a. m.. Cedar Rock; 12:30 p. m., Fincherville, 3 p. m., Worthville; 7 p. m., Stark. There will be a big rally at the Fincherville meeting and Mr. Rice will discuss the fertilizer situation, a matter in which much interest is centered just now. At that time Mr. W. W. Wilder, of Atlanta, an expert in sorghum culture and syrup making, will be present and deliver an address. Mr. Rice is endeavoring to inter terest the people of Butts county in sorghum growing on a large scale and Mr. Wilder has agreed to handle all the syrup produced at an attractive price. This in dustry would no doubt be a profi table one for the farmers of the county, and Mr. Wilder’s talk will therefore be of timely and and practical interest. MR. BARNES WITHDRAWS FROM TREASURER’S RACE Mr. W. H. Barnes has with drawn from the race for County Treasurer, this action coming as a surprise to his friends for it was thought he was one of the leading candidates for that office. His card is given herewith: After mature deliberation I have decided to withdraw from the race for Treasurer. In tak ing this action I do so of my own accord, and I wish it understood that I am not trying to help or hurt any candidate or set of can didates. I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to the voters of the county for assurances of support and for the expressions of confidence. If I am ever able to serve my friends in the future I beg them to com mand me. Very respectfully, W. HOMER BARNES. Jackson, Ga., March 7, 1916. JUDGE FOSTER WILL RUN FOR BUTTS CLERK To succeed himself as Clerk of Superior Court Judge S. J. Fos ter makes formal announcement in this issue of The Progress-Ar gus. The entry of this popular official will be of wide interest to voters throughout the county. It is not believed there will be any opposition to Mr. Foster. Since he has held the office of Clerk Judge Foster has made hundreds of friends in every por tion of the county. Without question Mr. Foster is one of the most efficient, popular and gen erally liked men who has ever filled the position. He is uniform ly accommodating and courteous and does his work with system and accuracy, and the office un der his administration is a model of neatness. Both personally and officially Judge Foster is genuinely popular and it will be a pleasure for his friends to give him their support. He has held theoffice since 1911 and it is a trib ute to his popularity and the faithful performance of duty that he will be returned to office with the unanimous endorsement of his fellow citizens. SUNDAY SCHOOLS TO HAVE MEETING Jenkinsburg Division to Convene March 26 AN ATTRACTIVE PROGRAM Session Will Be Held at Cedar Rock Church—A Number of Good Speak ers Are Secured The Jenkinsburg division of the Butts County School Associa tion will meet at Cedar Rock the fourth Sunday, which is March 26. The following program has been arranged by the officers, Mr. J. H. Mills, president, and Mr. W. C. Bond, secretary: 10 a. m. Devotional exercises conducted by President J. H. Mills. 10:20 Welcome address by Em ma Welch. 10:30 Statistical reports re ceived from the different schools. 11 Sermon bv pastor, Rev. W. A. Harper. 12 Adjournment for dinner. Ip. m. Song service. 1:20 Relation of the Sunday School to the church, by Prof. W. T. Smauley. 2 Co-operation with divisions, county and state association, J. Matt McMichael. 2:20 Why we should have an ever green Sunday School, Miss Lucy Pace. 2:40 Open discussion on the Sunday School work. Jackson Argus Established 1873 | ~ . ,nic Butts County Progress Established 188 J i Consolidated July 0. 1915 FARM AGENT MAKES REPORT Club Work Being Stressed This Year SCHOOLS AS THE CENTER Record Breaking Year in The Various Clubs Pre dicted —Report Covers Activities of February To the Commissioner of Roads and Revenues and the People of Butts County: In submitting report of my work for the month of February, I wish to express my appreciation for the co-operation the teach ers, the schools, the farmers and the county officials have given me. The success of your Agri cultural Agent lies not wholly on what he does but on what you do. The chief object of this month’s work has been to interest the ru ral schools in some phases of club work. It is very encouraging to report that there is a great inter est manifested in the club work. Some of the schools have given 100 per cent of the children eli gible have joined someone of the clubs. This is pointing to the largest Corn Club, the largest Pig Club, Canning Club and the largest Poultry CluT that the county has ever had. 27 visits have been made to the schools, each time bringing some lesson in agriculture to the school. Over 300 children have come in touch with anew lesson in agri culture. Five industrial clubs have been organized. The schools take active part in these organi zations. Seven schools have been carried to an orchard and a dem onstration in pruning and orchard management given. Through efforts of the press and letters sent out £OO farmers witnessed the livestock train and witnessed the possibilities of growing our own supplies and the future of better livestock. 52 farmers have had persona) advice, either in the office or per sonal visits to their farm. The outbreak of hog cholera in the Worthville community has had personal attention. Six herds were visited and 22 hogs treated with serum. Every effort is be ing given to check the spread of the disease. 22 bulletins have been distribu ted, 260 letters have been writ ten in furthering the cause of the work and giving advice. Three demonstrations in terra cing have been given. Over 500 miles have been covered in visit ing schools and farmers. The location of vats, encoura ging interest in tick eradication, work in the schools, in the or chards, and promoting communi ty organizations has been the principal features of this month’s work. Respectfully submitted, G. E. RICE, Agricultural Agent.