The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, March 17, 1916, Image 2

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Jackson Progress - Argus " • Published Every Friday. J. DOYLE JON EB, Editor and Pub. Subscription $1 a Year, Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Jackson, Ga. Telephone No. 166. Official Organ Butts County And the City of Jackson. The flag’s going south and the people are ready to follow. About time to begin planning that spring clean-up campaign. Uncle Sam is going after the villainous Villa with vigorous vim. "Down with the greasers” is liable to become as famous as “Remember the Maine.” If anybody has to go to Mexico we’re in favor of sending an army of delinquent subscribers. Griffin wants lower freight rates and this whole section will back her up in the movement. Jim Smith wasn rich old man, Avery wealthy old guy was he, But the lawyers will get the spoils And he will leave only a memory. The boll weevil is going to get a lot of people who think there is no such animal. Preparedness pays. If a third candidate intends to run for governor wish to good ness he’d open up and stop the agony. Stay off the grass on the court house square and let’s have one of the prettiest court lawns in the whole country. It is the public spirited, pro gressive citizens who do things. Ever notice that the knocker is a dismal failure? The Butts county fair will be the biggest thing of the year. If you have not have already done so. subscribe early and often. “All the world loves a lover” has been changed to read "All the candidates love all the people all the time” —before the election. Atlanta banks are said to have so much money they don’t know what to do with it. We could settle that problem in short order. Prof. Snider wants to charge for his weather forecasts. The mercenary cuss—after all the free advertising he has had from the newspapers. “The gal in the fount” was fa mous in Atlanta a few years back but the best Macon can is to have a maiden splashing round in the grand old buttermilk. When vou come to think of it the country is suffering as much from “Smart Alecism” as any other one thing. Where good business men, men of broad vis ion and common sense, are need ed you find peanut politicians who are trying to glorify themselves and the public business suffers. Now is a good time to weed out the small fry. ARE YOU WORKING FOR THE FAIR? Butts county will have one of the best fairs this fall of any community in the state. That is assured. The men behind the movement will push it to a successful conclusion. The fair project is a movement big enough and important enough to challenge the * interest and co-operation of every citizen of the county. The fair is essentially a Butts county institution, owned and operated by the people-farmers, merchants, profes sional men and bankers—for the advancement of educational ideas in better farming and livestock raising and allied interests. The stock was purposely divided into small shares so that every man in the county could have a voice in the management. The stock could have been subscribed by only a few men, but the promoters want ed the people throughout the county to own the stock and to feel that it is their institutition—a fair of the people, bv the people, for the people. To make the fair the success it is planned the officers must have the hearty co-operation of all classes, rich and poor, young and old. The first thing, of course, is to sell the stock. When you are approached on this matter let your response be liberal and spontaneous. Don’t dilly-dally and equivocate. The fair promo ters are busy men and are giving their time and efforts as a mat ter of patriotism and loyalty. The Butts county fair will be first of all an educational fair. It will arouse the people to the greatness of their own resources and possibilities; stimulate interest in “safe farming,” livestock raising, in education in the schools, in the co-operative demonstra tion work as carried on by the state and government and best of all it will bring the citizens together for an interchange of ideas. Butts county is making splendid strides forward but the progress might be faster and broader in its scope. The fair is a county-wide, co-operative, educational movement for a Greater Butts county through greater prosperity for all the people. What are you doing, what are you contributing to promote the success of the 1916 fair? If you are public spirited, progressive and patriotic and in terested in the welfare of Butts county declare yourself. WHAT ARE YOU DOING? What are you doing about get ting that gasoline engine? 2. About getting that library for your school? ‘ 3. About opening up a bank account and paying all bills by checks as town business men do? 4. About getting those fruit trees and grape-vines? 5. About getting your neigh bors to subscribe for the papers you think will help them most — and your own subscription re newed, of course? 6. About getting that barn yard in shape so it will not be a quagmire of filth this winter? 7. About getting that rental contract put into writing? 8. About getting the farmers and farm women of your neigh borhood organized? 9. About taking a short course at your state agricultural college? 10. About getting an incuba tor so as to make more money off of poultry in 1916? . 11. About going in with your neighbors to get pure-bred sires so as to have better livestock? 12. About taking an inventory and starting a 'system of farm bookkeeping for 1916?—The Pro gressive Farmer. The meeting of the republicans in Macon was about as tame as an encounter between the French and Germans. Macon is just nat urally famous for rough-house political conventions. 4 ‘A few people got together and organised.” That is the wav the history of nearly every important movement begins. No matter how much public spirit you may have in the individuals of your community, you are not likely to get far until you get some kind of a community organization.—The Progressive Farmer. RHEUMATISM ARRESTED Many people suffer the tortures o t lame muscles and stiffened joints because f impurities in the blood, and each suc ceding attack seems more acute until tieumatism has invaded the whole system. To arrest rheumatism it is quite as im . t int to improve your general health as * purify your blood, and the cod liver oil * Scott’s Emulsion is nature’s great fclood sker, while its medicinal nourishment * roughens the organs to expel the . • rities and upbuild your strength, -'-ott’s Emulsion is helping thousand* .l y day who could not find other relief* K 'fuse the alcoholic substitutes. | For Sprains, Lameness, Seres, Cuts, Rheumatism Penetrates and Heals. Stops Pain At Once For Man and Beast 25c. 50c. sl. At All Dealers. LINIMENT JENKINSBURG Miss Ellen Brownlee, of Elgin, is visiting Mrs. J. W. Childs this week. Mr. Riley Elder, of Macon, spent a few daya here this week. Mr. Oliver Woodward spent Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. Hope Manning, of near Griffin, spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. V. P. Manning. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Gray, Miss Lillie Thurston and Mr. Howard Jolly motored to Worthville Sun day. Mr. and W. M. Glass visited at Bethany Sunday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Glass. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wood ward, of Atlanta, spent a few days here this week. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Thurston, spent a tew days this week in Atlanta as guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. White. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Collins, of near Griffin, visited Mrs. G. R. McGough Sunday. Misses Ruby Cawthon and Myrtice Williamson, of near Jack son, were guests of Misses Lillie and Nelle Ingram Sunday. Little Mildred Childs spent Saturday in Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Colvin and daughter, Ethel, visited here , Monday. Mrs. Jim Etheridge and Mrs. Gresham, of Jackson, attended the Missionary society which met with Mrs. W. T. Thurston Mon day afternoon. !••*. .;**i*i; •*." , Ji*t**t* I* •t*i***."**t*l' , *l^**J’*'t*<* Everybody that tries Luzianne votes it the best of all coffees. You try it —at our risk. If, after £•: you have used the entire contents of one can ac- -.0 cording to directions, you are not satisfied with it in every way, throw your can away and ask your grocer to refund your money. He’ll do it willingly. Write for premium catalog. 0 I JJJZMNNS I § COFFEE J| : Otjeans || NO. 9186 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Jackson National Bank At Jackson, in the State of Georgia, At the Close of Business March 7, 1916 RESOURCES Loans and discounts (except those shown on b) $129,897 60 Loans on cotton and cotton products 140,877 23 —$ 270,274 83 Rediscounts —$ Overdrafts, secured, $ unsecured, $2,935.31-. 2,935 31 U. S. bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value) $75,000 00 75,000 00 Commercial paper dep. to secure circulation (book value) Premium on bonds for circulation Subscription to stock of Federal Reserve bank 5,400 00 Less amount unpaid 2,700 00 — 2,700 00 Banking house 9,806 30 — 9,806 30 Furniture and fixtures 6,444 72 Net amount due from Federal Reserve bank 10,576 49 Duefromapproved reserve agents in New York, Chicago and St. Louis $ 2,902 06 Due from approved reserve agents in other re seve cities 4,323 34 7,225 40 Due from banks and bankers (other than above) 1,515 57 Checks on banks in the same city or town as reporting bank 497 79 Outside checks and other cash items Fractional currency, nickels and cents 128 45 128 45 Isotesof other national banks 1,480 00 Federal reserve notes 140 00 Lawful money reserve in bank: Total coin and certificates 2,523 35 Legal-tender notes 3,170 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer, (not more than 5 per cent on circulation) 3,750 00 Customers’ liability 197 52 Other assets Total $398,365 73 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in _..s 75,000 00 Surplus fund 15,000 00 Undivided profits $ 13,397 65 Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid 1,492 21— 11,905 44 Circulating notes 75,000 00 Dividends unpaid 39 00 Demand deposits: Individual deposits subject to check 75,528 17 Certificate of deposit due in less than 30 days 1,239 00 Cashier’s checks outstanding 17 ,33 Postal savings deposits Total demand deposits $76,784 50 Time deposits’ Certificates of deposit due on or after 30 days. 22,548 76 22,548 76 Rediscounts with Federal Reserve banks 122,088 03 122,088 03 Notes and bills rediscounted Bills payable, including obligations representing money borrowed.. Total - - - $398,365 73 (State of Georgia—County of Butts: I, R. P. Sasnett, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. R. P. SASNETT, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of March, 1916. J. H. HAM, Ordinary. Correct—Attest: A. H. Smith, H. L. Daughtry, E. L. Smith, Directors. vvvvvvvv Uie^vvvvKtsl