The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, March 17, 1916, Image 5

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When You Think About FERTILIZERS THINK OF The Southern Cotton Oil Company We have the same materials— Kainit, IVf u riate of F*otasti, Acid F*lros phate and last but not least, Bright well ground TVS per cent Cotton Seed IVleal that we have always had. Please read what the Agricultural College and our Hon. J. D. Price, Commissioner, has to say about MEAL GOODS and see us before you buy. According to the stocks of materials in the hands of the fertilizer trade today, they can sell about 75 per cent of the goods they put out last season. "Wait and all come the same morning if you want to.” Tlien see T. W. HAM T. A. NUTT Has Eight Children Mrs. P. Rehkamp, 2404 Herman St., Covington, Ky. writes: “1 have been using Foley’s Honey and Tar for nearly two years and can find no better cough syrup. I have eight Children and give it to all of them. They were subject to croupe from babies on.” It is a safe and reliable medicine. The Owl Phar macy. adv. Honor Roll Flovilla School 2nd grade—Wilmer Knowles, Charles Jewett, JohnHenrv Cole, Cecil Smith, Andrew Hencely, Ruth Vanzandt, Charlie Long, Frances Allen. 3rd grade—Ettys Mayfield, Ev- vvvvv P : _ jjj Met Contents 15 Fluid Dnuftffl vvvvvv | filMilllilildal L. II 111.,., 1,111.111, in in®® jje (CF* !•! I SJi m I S r m Ifi 1 * I ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT j f Promotes : ness andßest.CcaitaiDstf^ OpitmOtorplunje ooriHnflal Not Narcotic. )Bm ofOtaOfSAlMLS^^ Jtm ****** x ' W- l Szb*-' } IperfeclßemedyforCoo^ ■sgUP 7 jacSiKttlc Sigttoe o* rr^~C&nk ERCOWMTL ww YORK^-^J BgT^gsspEM ETSnftf^^JJjbtSidWil Exact Copy of Wrapper. elyn Smith, Marvin Mayo, Louise Henderson, Richard Plymale, Al bert Hencely, Morris Mayo, Ma son Smith. Lewis Hencely, Eu genia Linch. 4th grade-Troy Barnett. Frank Linch, Alfred Millen, Annie May Smith, Rosa Cole, Marguerite Maddux, Doris Smith, Ida May Brooks. sth grade—Opal Preston, Lucy Preston, Jewel Leverette, Kath leen Maddux, Marjorie Thomas. 6th grade —Sara Smith, Myrtle Thornton, Robert Allen. cum For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always / Bears the w HJr * n hX Use va For Over Thirty Years GASTORM TMC OfNTAUR COttMttV. NEW YON* CITY. Statement of the Condition OF The Jackson Banking Cos. Located at Jackson, Ga., at the Close of Business, March 10,1916 RESOURCES. Demand loans. $ 4,0015 41 Time loans 105,435 08 Overd rafts, secu red by cotton 26,901 63 Overdrafts, unsecured 384 03 Bonds and stocks owned by the bank 7,280 99 Banking house 3,709 11 Furniture and fixtures ... 2,819 (57 Other real estate 7,000 00 Due from banks and bank ers in this State 12,865 90 Due from banks and bank ers in other States 3,486 84 Currency. 875 00 Gold 350 00 Silver, nickels, pennies 1,080 00 Checks and Cash items 3,142 54 Advances on cotton Revenue stamps 5 00 Total ....1178,419 10 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in, $ 50,000 (X) Surplus fund 5,000 00 Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses, interest and taxes paid 13,029 60 Due to banks and bankers in this State 7,807 34 Due to banks and bankers in other States.. 10,000 00 Due unpaid dividends 156 00 Individual deposits subject to check 35,127 90 Savings deposits -- 24,721 10 Time certificates 17,485 13 Cashier’s checks.. 92 03 Notes and bills rediscounted Bills Payable, including time certificates represent ing borrowed money 15,000 (*0 Total $178,419 10 State of Georgia, County of Butts. Before me came J. W. Brown, cashier of Jackson Banking Company, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true con dition of said Bank as shown by the books of file in said Bank. J. \V. Brown, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 14th day of March 1916. J. A. McMichael, J. P. If you want choice meats phone 114, Conner’s. FLOVILLA NEWS Miss Nellie Davis, of Athens, will arrive the twentieth to ac cept an art class. Miss Davis will be with her cousin, Mrs. C. D. Ingram, while in Flovilla. Miss Alice Smith left Tuesday for a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. L. Smith in Macon. Mrs. S. M. Glover and Mrs. M. A. Middlebrooks have gone to Macon to visit their sister, Mrs. Lela Glover. Mr. Blakely Smith arrived from Florida Sunday morning and is now visiting relatives at Iron Springs. Mrs. B. H. Fudge, of Colquitt, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Millen. The series of meetings at the Methodist church closed Sunday night with fourteen members ad ded to the church. Miss Susie Etheridge is visiting relatives for a few days. Mrs. B. H. Fudge and Miss Nelle Millen spent Tuesday ip Atlanta shopping. Miss Exie Ham was the guest Thursday night of Miss Marilu Terrell. Misses Terrell and Lynch entertained at rook for Miss Ham. Miss Emma Alice Johnson’s music class, assisted by the pu pils of Miss Wrenn’s expression class, will give a recital Friday evening, March 24, at the school auditorium. Admission, adults, 25 cents; children, 15 cents. Pro ceeds go to the school improve ment fund. 10-CENT “CASCARETS” BEST LAXATIVE FOR LIVER ANO ROWELS Don’t stay constipated, headachy, bilious, with breath bad or stomach sour No odds how bad your liver, stomach or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable and uncomfortable you are from a cold, constipation, indigestion, biliousness and sluggish bowels— you always get relief with Cas carets. Don’t let your stomach, liver and howels make you miserable. Take Cascarets to-night; put an end to the headache, biliouness, dizziness, nervousness, offensive breath and all other distress; cleanse your inside organs of all the bile, gases and constipated matter which is producing the misery. A 10-cent box means health, happiness and a clear head for months. All druggist sell Casca rets. Don’t forget the children —their little insides need a gentle cleansing too. adv* The outlook indicates a very big season. We are having it so far. the crowds that visit our dtore and the cash drawer is proof. '‘lt looks good to us.” Etheridge, Smith & Cos. FOR SALE One family broke mare, $70.00 one scrub mule, $60.00; one 4 year old mule good quality, $190; one milk cow, $45.00; some very fine pigs at $3.00. Apply to R. W. Mays. 3-17-lt Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CASTO R I A DR. EDWARDS NOW RECOMMENDS IT Prominent Georgia Physi cian Now Gives Master Medicine His Unqualified Endorsement Dr. J. T. Edwards, of Fayette ville, Ga., one of the best-known members of the medical profes sion in the state of Georgia, makes a statement that will undoubtedly produce a profound impression throughout the South. “In my thirty years of active practice as a licensed physician in the state of Georgia,” says Dr. Edwards, “I have never seen any thing to equal Tanlac as a medi cine to produce results. I hear people on all sides telling of the benefits they have derived from its use. “Tanlac is simply the talk of my town. I have no hesitancy in recommending the medicine; and as a matter of fact, I am pre scribing it for my patients almost every day. “Only a few days ago a well known woman of Fayetteville came to me and told me about the remarkable relief her daughter had gained from the use of this medicine. She said her daughter had been confined to her bed for three years with what had been pronounced pellagra, and that after using Tanlac for a short time she was able to be about, and was on the road to recovery. “But this is only one instance. People in all walks of life in and around our little city are giving similar indorsements to the medi cine. Seldome a day passes that someone doe3 not come to me and say something about the good re sults they are getting from the use of Tanlac. “Several unusual gains in weight have been reported by some of our most prominent peo ple, and I have treated some stub born cases of indigestion, catar rhal condition, and organic dis orders and secured splendid re sults with Tanlac.” Commenting upon* this state ment, Mr. G. F. Willis, southern distributor of Tanlac, said: “Coming from the high source it does, and especially from a member of the medical profession, this straightfoward utterance of Dr. Edwards is more than a re commendation. It is a triumph! Tanlac, Nature’s great vegetable tonic, corrective and system-buil der, is truly one of the greatest discoveries of the decade, and the best evidence of this is the confi dence and high esteem in which it is held, not only by the great masses of the people, but by lead ers and public men everywhere. No other medicine has ever estab lished the reputation Tanlac has, nor has any other received the high indorsement of medical men and laity." Tanlac is sold by Slaton Drug Cos., in Jackson, and Dr. A. F. White in Flovilla, Moore & Cos., at Cork, Ga., J. E. & W. R. Kitchens, Fincherville, Ga. adv FIRE INSURANCE We write old line fire insurance and represent one of the strong est companies in the United States. Let us figure on your next policy. Guthrie & Cos., of fice in Harkness bldg. 3-17-4 t If you need ice phone 114, Conner’s Market.