The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, March 17, 1916, Image 7

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NEWS OF INTEREST IN THE For Misses Daughtry Mrs. M. C. Wright has issued invitations for a rook party Sat urday afternoon in compliment to Miss Laura Daughtry and her guest, Miss Kathleen Daughtry, of New York. W. C. T. U. Meeting The local W. C. T. U. meeting will be held Friday afternoon, March 17th, at Mrs. J. H. Car michael's. “Proportionate and Systematic Giving” will be the study theme and Mrs. Carmichael will be in charge of the program. For Miss Daughtry’s Guests In compliment to Miss Kathleen Daughtry, of New York, and Miss Cliff Daughtry, of Commerce, Miss Nettie Rae Pittman enter tained at an enjoyable matinee party at the Dixie theater on Thursday afternoon. Cream and take was enjoyed at a nearby cream parlor after the movies were over. In the party were about twelve young ladies. Civic League Notice The Jackson Civic League will observe the state-wide clean up week of April 5-12, which has been set apart by the state fed eration of woman’s clubs and pro claimed as such by the governor. The ladies are making their plans for planting flowers on the court house lawn and they wish to ask for any surplus cannas or salvia plants anyone may have on hand. It will take quantities of the flowers and any donations of seeds or plants will be appreciated. They may be sent to Mrs. R. P. Newton or she will have some one call for them. Delightful Meeting of U. D. C. Mrs. J. H. Carmichael, Mrs. T. M. Furlow and Mrs. R. N. Ether idge were joint hostesses to the U. D. C. chapter members on Thursday afternoon at Mrs. Car michael’s palatial home. Yellow and green was the pretty color scheme effectively carried out by the use of quantities of buttercups and feathery ferns. The dining room was especially attractive in these colors. Contributing to the interesting program for the after noon were Mrs. Eva Mae Smith and Mrs. Hugh Mallet, both of whom read instructive papers in which were excerpts from verses by Mrs. Lollie Belle Wylie, the gifted Atlanta authoress. Miss Helen Carmichael and Mrs. La mar Etheridge rendered several musical numbers. A salad course and tea was served during the social hour. Announcements will be made later for the April meet ing. 134 You Can’t Find 134 GROCERIES ANY FRESHER, PURER, CLEANER Or more nicely kept than the line carried by J. A. JOYNER Try Serv-Us-Brands-Pure Foods 134 PHONE 134 134 Miss Daughtry Hostess Lovely among the social events of the early spring season was the tea given Wednesday after noon by Miss Laura Daughtry for her attractive guest and cousin, Miss Kathleen Daughtry, of New York City. The lower floor was lovely in the decorations of green, white and yellow, this pretty color scheme being carried out in mi nute detail. Southern smilax in terwoven with daffodils was fes tooned over the mantels, door ways and on the stairway. Bowls of lilies of the valley were used in the parlors and reception hall. In the dining-room a huge basket of daffodils, with yellow tulle bow, was the central decoration. Grouped around this at intervals were crystal vases of valley lilies. The candles were shaded in yel low and the mints were in yellow and white. The ice course fur ther carried out the pretty colors. In the receiving line were the hostess and guest of honor, Mrs. A. H. Carmichael, of Atlanta, and Mrs. Hugh Mallet. Serving punch were Miss Hattie Buttrill and Miss Rosa Newton. Mrs. W. L. Etheridge rendered several vocal selections, Miss Nelle Wood being the accomplish ed accompanist. Assisting Miss Daughtry were Misses Sara Louise Furlow, Syl via Lyons, Nettie Rae Pittman and Emily Daughtry, Mrs. L. L. O’Kelley, Mrs. M. C. Wright, Mrs. J. L. Joyner, Mrs. R. P. Newton. In the evening a number of young ladies and young men were invited to meet Miss Daughtry and delightful hospitality was dispensed. Tiny Shamrocks, of green card board, were given as souvenirs on each occasion. PERSONAL Mr. A. H. Smith spent Satur day in Atlanta. Mr. H. L. Daughtry spent Monday in Atlanta. Mr. R. V. Smith was a visitor from Flovilla Monday. Mr. J. C. Tolleson was a visi tor to the city Monday. Mr. W. J. Webb was a business visitor to the city Monday. Mr. H. G. Asbury was a visitor to the city Tuesday from Jenkins burg. Miss Sallie Mae Ball returned a few days ago from a visit in Atlanta. Mr. S. W. Maddox is spending several days in Florida on a pleas ure trip. Mrs. J. Luther Joyner, of Ma con, is visitiug relatives here this week. Mrs. A. H. Carmichael, of At lanta, is the guest of Mrs. J. R. Carmichael. Mrs. Leila Kinsman is in Cedar town visiting her sister, Mrs. F. B. Outhouse. Mr. Ed Lawson, Misses Lula and Lurline Lawson were up from Flovilla Sunday. Harry Butner was up from Ma con Sunday spending the day with home folks. Mrs. Alonz® Rowe, ofSauls bury, N. C. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Julia Doan. Mrs. H. L. Jenkins, of Macon, was the guest of relatives here part of the week. Dr. 0. Lee Chesnutt attended the mid-winter dental clinic in Atlanta last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Head will spend Sunday in Atlanta with Mrs. A. W. Hodnett. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gelfman and little daughter, Sara, visited rel atives in Atlanta this week. Mrs. J. B. Settle spent Satur day in Atlanta with Mrs. A. H. Smith and Mrs. Philip Head. Her hundreds of friends will be sorry to learn that Miss Joe Var ner has been quite sick recently. Claude Spencer, who is study ing at Emory college, was at home for a few days last week. Mrs. T. H. Buttrill returned Tuesday from a visit to her father, Mr. W. M. Durden, in Graymont. Mrs. M. J. Wilson’s many friends will be sorry to know that she has been quite sick for the past week. Mr. W. M. Crawford is in Chi cago on business and Mrs. Craw ford and Virginia are visiting in Hawkinsville. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Pye and family, of Monticello, were guests Sunday of Mrs. Annie Curry and Mr. J. E. Pye. Mrs. W. W. Wilson and little son spent a few days of the week in Atlanta with her daughter, Mrs. Sidney Cohen. Mrs. A. T. Buttrill and Mrs. E. H. Stephens have returned from a months visit to Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Stephens in St. Augustine. Misses Kathleen Daughtry, of New York and Cliff Daughtry, of Commerce, are the attractive guests of Miss Laura Daughtry. Mr. Herschel Webb, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Webb, who has been seriously ill of pneumonia, is much improved to the delight of his friends. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Hopkins had as their dinner guests, Sun day, Dr. Hawkins and Dr. L. B. Hopkins, of Griffin, Prof. W. 0. Perritt, Dr. and Mrs. J. Lee By ron and Mr. Harry Moore. Miss Nannie Belle Jinks and Miss Jones, of Mechanicsville, Mrs. A. B. Lindsay and little son and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Turner were guests of Mrs. Emily Jinks and Miss Gertrude Jinks, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Head, of Atlanta, are receiving congratu lations upon the birth of a daugh ter, March eighth, who has been named Helen Smith for her moth er, who before her marriage was Miss Helen Smith, of this city. Dress Making Mrs. Bethel] and Miss Cassie Mcßride have rooms at Mr. Ray mond Weaver’s on West 3rd St., where they will be glad to serve >tiu. .'julisi’aclion gimruuteed. 3-17-3 t FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Program for Sunday. March 19 11 a. m. The pastor will preach. Subject: "Child Conversion.” This sermon is preached by re quest of the Teachers Conference. All the parents are invited and requested to be present. 7:30 p. m. The congregation is requested to worship with the Methodist church and to partici pate in the special services while they continue. 3 p.m. Young Peoples Union. 4p. m. Special song practice. All the singers of the church and community are invited. The Meetings to Begin 26 The church has in mind these services as those of supreme im portance. We may be indifferent about some things connected with the church but not a single mem ber who believes in loyalty to his Lord can be careless concerning these meetings. Our year’s work has been planned to this end. This we trust is to be a great in gathering time. Don’t let any business engagement, any social function, anything that can be avoided get in the way. Pray, plan, for these meetings. The Old Reliable New York Store can always be depended upon for the merchandise, styles, ser vice and prices, daily in creasing sales and new customers the result. Etheridge, Smith & Cos. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Preaching Sunday by the pas tor at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. All are invited to attend these ser vices. Sabbath School at 10 a. m. GIRLS! HAVE A MASS OF BEAUTIFUL HAIR. SOFT, GLOSSY. WAVY 25-cent bottle destroys dan druff and doubles beauty of your hair Within ten minutes after an application of Danderine you can not find a single trace of dandruff or falling hairandyour scalp will not itch, but what will please you most will be after a few week’s use, when you see new hair, fine and downy at first —yes—but really new hair—growing all over the scalp. A little Danderine immediately doubles the beauty of your hair. No difference how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderine and care fully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. The effect is amazing—your hair will be light, fluffy and abundant; an incomparable lustre, softness and luxuriauce. Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowl ton’s Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter, and prove that your hair is as pretty and soft as any —that it has been neg lected or injured by careless treat ment—that’s all—you surely can have beautiful hair and lots of it if vou will just try a little Dan derine. adv. Bier lot of Mill End Tow els, Toweling, etc., at very attractive prices. Smith & Cos. For Sale New double seated rub ber tired buggy. R. A. Franklin. 3-10-tf Lemons 1 doz | C r 2 doz 7C for lcJv for Lvv Kingans Bacon 28c a Fresh Vegetables Diredt from the garden to you. Green Hard Head Cabbage, Yellow Yam Sweet Potatoes, New Irish Potatoes, Celery, Tomatoes. In fad: we have a complete line and want your orders. Stone’s Cakes Six Kinds plo.traoc mark. UncleSamßread THE BEST BREAD Fresh Every Day Car Bananas For week-end trade Full line of National Bis cuit Company’s Cakes & Crack ers, Fresh Block’s Crackers Always Fresh. No salad complete without them. Large Juicy Grape Fruit 5c each We want that order. We ' have the most Complete Line Ever offered in Jackson, Georgia, in Groceries,Fruits and Vegetables And our Delivery and Telephone Sys tem is Perfedt So order from us and get what you want when you want it. Paul Nolen & Cos. Phones 24 and 60 GROCERIES Jackson, Ga. WE DELIVER NOW