The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, March 17, 1916, Image 8

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ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR TAX RECEIVER I take this method of notifying the people that 1 ain a candidate for Tax Receiver of JSuits county, subject to the rules of the 1916 Democratic prima ry. In making this announcement 1 wish to state most emphatically that I will run my own race and that I have not and will not enter into any combi nation witli any candidate or set of candidates. Vour goodwill, support and vote will l>e heartily appreciated. On account of bad health 1 may not be able to make a house to house canvass but will endeavor to see all the voters possible. Respectfully, .1. P. VAUGHN. I wish to announce that I am a can didate for Tax Receiver of Butts coun ty, subject to the democratic primary. I earnestly solicit and w ill appreciate the votes and support of my fellow cit izens. J have lived in Mutts county ever since the war, am a Confederate veteran 70 years old, and have never held an otlicc. Vour vote and influence will always be appreciated. Respect fully, E. C. CAVVTHON. I take this method to announce my self a candidate for the otlicc of Tax Receiver of Mutts county, subject to the rules of the primary election to be fixed by the executive committee for the coming primary, promising if elec ted to till the ofllee as the law directs to the l>fst of my ability. Will appre ciate the support of the people over the county. Respectfully, O. M. KNOWLEH. I announce myself a candidate for tin* office of Tax Receiver of Mutts county, subject to the democratic pri mary to beheld April the 6, 1916. If •lected w ill serve the people to the best of my ability, and w ill fill the office as the law directs. Will appreciate the support from (he voters of the county. Respectfully, REESE CLARK. FOR TAX COLLECTOR To the Voters of Butts County: I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the olllee of Tax Collector of Jimls county at the coming primary to be held this spring. 1 have never held an olllee in this county in my life, but 1 have al ways helped t heother fellow. If elected 1 will do my best,to follow the law. 1 therefore solicit all the voters to help me ininyrace. Yours respectfully, LEWIS M. ATKINSON. Jenklnsburg, Ga. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Tax Collector of Butts coun ty, subject to the action of the demo cratic primary. The votes and support of my fellow citizens will be heartily appreciated. 1 have been a resident of Butts county all my life and my clmr aclor and standing is well known to the citizens of the community. On ac count of being crippled in the foot for the past throe or four years I am una ble to do much work. if elected 1 promise to discharge the duties of the office according to law. Respectfully, JOHN BILLIE BENSON. It Always Helps says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., In writing of her experience with Cardui, the woman’s tonic. She says further: “Before I began to use Cardui, my back and head would hurt so bad, I thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able to do any of my housework. After taking three bottles of Cardui, I began to feel like anew woman. 1 soon gained 35 pounds, and now, I do all my housework, as well as run a big water mill. I wish every suffering woman would give CARDUI The Woman’s Tonic a trial I still use Cardui when I feel a little bad, and it always does me good.” Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness, tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman’s tonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing women for more than fifty years. Get a Bottle Today! I take this method to announce that lam a candidate for Tax Collector, subject to the action of the democratic primary. I will appreciate the support and votes of my fellow citizens, prom ising if elected to discharge the duties of the office as the law directs to the best of my ability. Respectfully, T. W. NELSON. I wish to announce that I am a can didate for Tax Collector of Butts coun ty, subject to the white primary to be ordered by the executive committee. The votes and support of my fellow citizens will be highly appreciated and if elected f promise to fill the office to the best of my ability and according to law. Respectfully, J. J. PELT. I take this method of announcing that I am a candidate for Tax Collector of Mutts county, subject to the action of the executive committee. I will ap preciate the support and votes of my fellow citizens and if elected I pledge myself to a strict and impartial dis charge of the duties of the office accord ing to law. Respectfully, J. G. MADDOX. I announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Mutts county at the coming primary to be held in the near future. I appreciate what the good people did for me two years ago. I have been faithful to the trust the voters of the county bestowed upon me for this term. My books speak for the manner in which 1 car ried on the business, and I will appre ciate the support from the people to succeed myself in the coming election. Respectfully, JOSEPH P. MADDOX. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Tax Collector of Butts coun ty, subject to the white primary. If the people see proper to elect me to this office I will not ask for re-election. 1 will appreciate the votes of my fel low citizens and I promise *f elected to (ill the office to the best of my ability. Respectfully, J. C. TOLLESON I am a candidate for Tax Collector of Butts county, subject to the action of the democratic executive committee. The support of my fellow citizens is solicited, and if elected I pledge myself to a strict performance of the duties of the office as the law directs to the best of my ability. Respectfully, J. E. KING. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Tax Collector of the county of Butts, subject to the actions of the democratic executive committee. The support and votes of my fellow citizens will be appreciated and if elected I w ill discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability and as the law di rects. Respectfully, J. H. HOLI FIELD. I hereby announce that I am a can didate for Tax Collector of Butts coun ty, subject to the primary of April 5. I feel that I am competent to perform the duties of the office and I am ask ing for the office because of the remu A B airvK, Deposit is ike to /Per Cent l Interest v J Deposits knocks once at every man’s door.” But many an oppor tunity is lost when the man who sees it hasn’t the wherewithal to take advantage of it. It is the man with the BEADY CASH IN BANE who derives the benefit! If you haven’t an account, open one today. When the opportunity arrives YOUR CHECK BOOK WILL BE READY! w y* —nrawg.-3.-s- ' •- ’ FIRST FARMERS BANK JACKSON, GEORGIA neration. The votes and support of my fellow citizens will be appreciated. Respectfully, J. S. CARTER. FOR COUNTY TREASURER lam a candidate for Treasurer of Jlutts county, subject to the democrat ic nomination, and will appreciate the votes and support of tlie people. I have spent my life in Butts county and an endorsement at the hands of the voters will be held in grateful remembrance. If elected I pledge myself to a strait forward, business administration of the affairs of the office. Respectfully, JOHN M. Me MICH A EL. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Treasurer of Butts county, subject to the white primary to be or dered by the democratic executive com mittee. I will appreciate the votes and support of my fellow citizens and if eleted will discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. Respectfully, J. L. BAILEY. To the Voters of Butts county: I ■■JV hereby announce my name as a candi date for Treasurer of Butts county, subject to the actions and rulings of the democratic executive committee, and I respectfully solicit the support and good will of all the voters. S. J. SMITH. To my Friends, the voters of Butts county, Ga: I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Treasurer of Butts county in the coming primary, subject to the action of the democratic executive committee. Should my friends compliment me with the nomi nation, I pledge myself to fulfill my every duty to the best of my ability, and do as the law requires in every act and show my appreciation by extend ing to every party every accommoda tion possible for me to do. Most re spectfully yours, A. H. S. DAVIS. I hereby announce my name for Treasurer of Butts county, subject to the white primary to be ordered by the democratic executive committee. The votes and support of my fellow citizens will be appreiated and if elected I pledge myself to dischajge all the du ties of the office according to law and to the best of my ability. Respectfully, JAMES W. BENSON. Jenkinsburg, Ga. I hereby announce that I am a can didate for Treasurer of Butts county in the white democratic primary of April 5. I will appreciate the votes of my fellow citizens and promise if elected to perforin the duties of the office to the best of my ability. Respectfully, J. W. CARMICHAEL. To the Voters of Butts County: In announcing my name as a candi date for Treasurer of Butts county sub ject to the rules of the approaching pri mary 1 ask your support upon the fol lowing grounds: 1. No friends or enemies have asked me to offer for this office. 2. I desire this office for the salary that the office pays. 3. lam a strong, able-bodied man in good health and sound as a dollar. 4. Able to do any kind of w T ork from digging a ditch to cutting silk. 5. Neither poor or rich, as no man fs poor as long as he is on his feet, no man is rich until he gets to heaven. 6. If elected I will conduct the office in a business like way, and will have no favors for friend or foe. 7. If elected I promise to be a can didate for a second term and as many terms thereafter as I think I can get. With this statement I leave the mat ter to your consideration. Respectfully, H. J. QUINN. FOR SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT I hereby announce that I am a can didate for Superintendent of Schools of Butts county in the spring primary, subject to such regulations as are adop ted by the democratic executive com mittee. If elected I pledge myself to work for the best interests of the schools of the county and the votes and sup port of the people will be appreciated. Respectfully, HUGH MALLET. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of superintendent of the public schools of Butts county, sub ject to the action of the democratic pri mary. Being a graduate of the Uni versity of Georgia and having had a year’s experience in teaching I feel ful ly capable of measuring up to the du ties of the office and promise if elected that I will give my entire time in an endeavor to build up the schools in the county. Your support will be appre ciated. W. MORRIS REDMAN, FOR ORDINARY I announce myself a candidate for the office of Ordinary of Butts county to succeed myself. I appreciate the trust the people have bestowed upon me in the past. I have done mp utmost to fill the place to the satisfaction of the good people of the county, and if elect ed will make every effort to be true to the honor conferred upon me. Respec fully, J. H. HAM. Feb. 22nd, 1916. FOR CORONER The friends of Mr. R. D. Leveret te hereby annouuce his name for Coroner i * of Butts county in the primary of April sth and solicit the votes and support of all the people for this worthy citizen. I hereby announce myself a candi date to succeed myself as Coroner of Butts county, subject to the democratic primary. F. C. STEPHENS. FOR SURVEYOR I hereby announce myself a candi date for County Surveyor, subject tp the white primary of April 5. I will appreciate the votes and support of all the people. Respectfully, J. M. COLLINS. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT I hereby announce myself a candi date to succeed myself as Clerk of Butts Superior Court, subject to the demo cratic white primary of April sth, promising a faithful discharge of the duties of the office as required by law. Your support will be appreciated. Respectfully, S. J. FOSTER. FOR SHERIFF We hereby announce ourselves as candidates for Sheriff and Deputy of Butts county, subject to the democrat ic primary April sth, 1916. Respect fully, GEO. F. GILMORE, „ V. WEYMANCOLE. Feb. 28, 1916. To the Voters of Butts County: I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Sheriff to succeed myself, with Mr. W. F. Lavender as Deputy subject to the democratic primary to be held the 6th of April, 1916. If elec ted will promise to discharge the du ties of the office as required by law'. We will appreciate your support. Respectfully, L. M. CRAWFORD. Notice of Local Legislation Notice is hereby giyen that a bill will be introduced and passed at the next session of the General Assembly of Geor gia, placing the Treasurer of Butts coun ty on a salary instead of commission as heretofore, to take effect J anuary Ist, 1917. This notice is given, so that whoever aspires to said office and is elected thereto, will do so with knowl edge of said proposed legislation and be bound thereby. This March 13th, 1916. C. A. TOWLES, Representative for Butts county. H. M. FLETCHER, Senator 26th District. 3-17-4 t Big sale of Mill End Tow els, Toweling, etc., going at very attractive prices. Smith & Cos.