The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, March 17, 1916, Image 9

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The President’s Wedding Cake— —an example of decorative art never equaled in the his tory of cake decorat ing—an example of deliciousness, light ness and wholesome ness that would be a pride to any house wife. It is Another Testimonial for CALUMET BAKING POWDER This world-famous Wilson-Galt Wed ding Cake was made by Mrs. Marian Cde Fisher and Miss Pansy Bowen, both well known Domes tic Science Experts. Calumet Baking Powder was used because both these experts use it exclu sively in their work and know it is the purest, the safest, the most wholesome and economical to use. So do millions of housewives who use it every bakeday—so will you if you try it on the things hardest to bake. Send your name and address for free re cipe and history of the Wedding Cake. Then bake one just like it yourself. Received Highest Awards World’s Pure Food Expo eitions, Ghicogo and Paris Calumet Baking Powder Cos. Chicago When you come to think of it the country is suffering as much from “Smart Alecism” as any other one thing. Where good business men, men of broad vis ion and common sense, are need ed you find peanut politicians who are trying to glorify themselves and the public business suffers. Now is a good time to weed out the small fry. 6000 CAUSE FOR ALARM These Figures Will Make Jackson People Take Notice Deaths from kidney disease have in creased 72 per cent in twenty years. People overdo nowadays in so many ways that the constant filtering of poi soned blood weakens the kidneys. Be ware of fatal Bright’s disease. When backache or urinary ills suggest weak kidneys, uoe Doan’s Kidney Pills, live carefully, take things easy and avoid heavy eating. Doan’s Kidney Pills de mand confidence, for no other kidney remedy is so widely used or so generally successful. Home endorsement is the best proof of merit. Read this Jack son resident’s story: Mrs. F. L. Walthall, Lyons st., Jackso.i, says: “I suffered severely from pains in the small of my back. I couldn’t rest well at night and in the morning was sore and lame When I bent over, I got a sharp catch in my back and I could hnrldy straighten up. I staggered at times from dizziness and objects floated before iny eyes. The kidney secretions were unnatural. Doan's Kidney Pills relieved these symp toms of kidney trouble and strength ened my back.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy— get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Walthall had. Foster .Milburn Cos., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. COL. J. T. MOORE WILL SPEAK BEFORE U. D. C. Hon. J. T. Moore, Mayor of Jackson, has accepted an invita tion to deliver the Memorial Day address before the Daughters of the Confederacy at Cordele. Col. Moore is an orator of state wide reputation, and his services are always in demand on these occasions. Changeable Weather Brings Sickness The changeable weather of March causes coughs, colds, croup and grippe. There is no such thing as a “light cold” —none that a person can safely neglect. Foley’s Honey and Tar is a safe and re liable family medicine that heals in flamed, congested air passages, stops coughs and eases breathing. The Owl Pharmacy, adv. MR. HOLIFIELD HAS CARD TO VOTERS For Tax Collector: Jabe H. Holifield. As I am a cripple and have been for 53 years and with no means of support only from a few months work of my wife at a small sal ary. I have my father, an old soldier 88 years old, to care for and as he is confined to his room it prevents me from calling to see my friends. I hope you will con sider this and help me, as lam poor and crippled. Respectfully, JABE H. HOLIFIELD. (adv) Our Millinery and Rea dy-to-Wear sales have al ready broken any previous record, there is a reason. Investigate for yourself. Etheridge, Smith & Cos. If you are in a hurry for your roa& phone 114 and it will come at once. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Club Will Hold Meeting Friday A meeting of the Sandy Plains Industrial Club is announced for Friday afternoon, March 17, and the officers and members are re quested to be on hand. For Sale A bargain for cash or its equivalent, a pension for someone as long as they may live, will bring in when sold $12,315.00, or more if you ask it. People are dying every day and Sunday too, and must have a resting place. Get it* while you can. It is for sale now but wont be in a few days, so get busy quick. Write F. B. Outhouse, P. O. Box 142, Cedartown, Ga., in regard to cemetery for sale in Jackson, Ga. 3-3-3 t FOR SALE 1 Oakland 1914 model, dirt cheap. Apply W. L. Etheridge, Jackson, Ga. COME OUICK. Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly The Old Standard sreaera! strengthening tonic, GROVE S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drive* out Malaria.enriches the blood, and builds up the ijra* tern. A true tonic. For adults and children. sdc STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE First Farmers Bank Located at Jackson, Ga., at the close of business, March 10, 1916 RESOURCES Demand Loans $ 2,186 80 Time Loans r__ 104,446 51 Overdrafts, secured.. Overdrafts, unsecured. 1,532 10 Bonds and Stocks owned by the Rank Furniture and Fixtures 3,511 85 Due from Banks and Bank ers in this State 2,608 30 Due from Banks and Bank ers in other States 6,798 83 Currency 687 00 Gold 10 00 Silver, nickles, etc. 742 63 Cash items Clearing House 676 16 Interest paid Advances on cotton 3,331 17 Collection account.. Total .$126,621 31 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in $40,000 00 Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses, interest and taxes paid 7,975 82 Due to banks and bankers in this state 191 99 Individual deposits subject to check... 25,964 17 Demand Certificates Time certificates 18,706 99 Cashier’s Checks 200 38 Notes and bills rediscounted 18,577 45 Bills payable, including time certificates representing borrowed money 15,000 00 Other liabilities (itemized).. 4 51 Total... .$126,621 31 State of Georgia, County of Butts: Before me came J. B Carmichael, Cashier of the First Farmers Bank, who, being duly sworn, says the above and foregoing statement is a true con dition of said Bank as shown by the books of file in said Bank. J. B. CARMICHAEL Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 15th day of March, 1916. S. J. Foster, Clerk Supr Court. Statement of the Condition of The Farmers Bank Located at Jenkinsburg, Ga., at the close of business Mar. 10, 1916 RESOURCES Demand loans Time loans 26,234 83 Overdrafts, unsecured 69 80 Bonds and stocks owned by the bank.. 1,200 00 Banking House 1,600 00 Furniture and fixtures 1,499 44 Other Real Estate Due from banks and bankers in this state.. 1,918 70 Due from banks and bankers in other states 5,289 05 Currency. —$ 875 00 Silver, nickels, etc., 216 36 Cash items 208 58— 799 94 Advances on cotton Total $ 38,501 76 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $ 15,000 00 Surplus fund 1,500 00 Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses, interest and taxes paid 689 07 Due to banks and bankers in this state Due unpaid dividends. Individual deposits subject to check 15,067 40 Time certificates 6,381 19 Cashier’s checks 14 10 Notes and bills rediscounted Bills payable including time certificates representing borrowed money Total.. $ 38,501 76 State of Georgia, County of Butts: Before me came H. C. Childs, Cash ier of the Farmers Bank who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said bank. H. C. Childs, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 14th day of March, 1916, w. J. Bankston, N. P. Butts Cos., Ga. Not many things you can’t get at The Big Store. Do you ever rftop to think of the service you got be fore we entered the field? Etheridge, Smith & Cos. it is free—it tells how you can have local and long distance telephone ser vice in your home at very small cost. Send for it today. Write nearest Bell Tele phone Manager, or FARMERS' LINE DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY S. PRYOR STREET ATLANTA, GA. CAPT. LEVERT TO MAKE MEMORIAL DAY AOORESS Captain O. P. LeVert, of At lanta. has been invited by the Larkin Watson chapter, Daugh ters of the Confederacy of this city, to deliver the Memorial Day address this year. It is thought he will accept. Capt. LeVert, who is a Confederate veteran, is said to be an unusually fine speaker and his approaching visit to this city will be an event of interest. Complete details of the Mem orial Day plans will be published as soon as the program is arrang ed bv the chapter. An Extraordinary Club COMBINATION OFFER Progress-Argus Twelve Months TheAtlantaSemi- Weekly Journal —The best news and farm paper in the south—l 2 months. Everyday Life —A bright, clean, story paper for the whole family—l 2 months. Farm Life —One of the best farm papers pub lished—l 2 months. Home Life —A well edited and up-to-date paper for the home —12 months. Gentlewoman —A woman’s magazine of high class —l2 months. Household Jo’nal AND Floral Magazine —A great magazine—12 months. This club contains without a doubt one of the biggest reading mat ter bargains ever offered. Ixxik over the list carefully. Every publica tion offered is well worth the regular subscription price—but in this of fer you can buy it for about half price. Order it today. PROGRESS-ARGUS Jackson, Georgia A Postal Brings This Book SCHOOL TEACHER Wards off Nervous Break Down Alburtis, Pa.-“I am a teacher in the public schools and I got into a very ner vous run-down condition. I could not sleep and had no appetite. I was tired all the time. My inter asked me to try Vinol. I did so, and within a week my ap petite improved and I could sleep all night and now I feel well and strong. Rosa M. Keller, Alburtis, Pa. We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, for all weakened run-down conditions and for chronic coughs, colds and bronchitis. Woods-Carmichael Drug & Book Cos. Jackson, Ga. The meetihgof the republicans in Macon was about as tame as an encounter between the French and Germans. Macon is just nat urally famous for rough-house political conventions. Seven Big Papers FOR $1.60 About Half Price vvvvvvv