The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, May 12, 1916, Image 7

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NEWS OF INTEREST IN THE SOCIAL REALM THE FLIGHT OF THE ARROW The life of man Is an arrow’s flight, Out of darkness Into light, And out of the light Into darkness again. Perhaps to pleasure, Perhaps to pain! There must be something, Above, or below; Somewhere unseen A mighty Eow, A hand that tires not, A sleepless eye That sees the arrows Fly, and fly; One who knows Why we live—and die. —R. H. Stoddard. '‘THANK YOU” These two words are among the gems of our language; spoken or written they are sweet and full of meaning. What, then, is the reason for so many people forgetting to use them on occa sions when they would be valua ble? Whenever any one has done a kindness, however small, when we have received a gift of any kind, whether large or small, when a friend has shown us cour tesy of any kind, then certainly it should be acknowledged by us. Possibly presents have been sent on some joyful occasion; flowers have been ordered for us, to mark jov or sympathy, or books have been ordered to be sent to us to help in whiling away 3, tedious journey. If no acknowl edgment has been received from us when the bill came in, what are our friends to do? “Thank you” should be said or written in return for each and every kindness and the neglect of such trifling courtesy goes far toward marring our characters. —Selected. Pyerian Club The Pyerian club will meet at their club room Friday afternoon at 4 o’clock and all members are urged to be present. Mothers Club Mrs. Willis Morrison will be the charming hostess to the Young Mothers club Thursday af ternoon of next week. Studio Recital An interesting affair of the week and one which was a de lightful treat to the fortunate guests present, was the studio recital given by the pupils of Miss Viola Slaughter at her home on Third street, Thursday evening at 8 o’clock. The well chosen se lections so beautifully mastered and rendered displayed thorough training and the remarkable skill of both teacher and pupil. 1 Fancy 3 Groceries 4 One-Three-F our 1 Quality 3 Always 4 JOYNER’S v PHONE 134 Children’s Day Exercises Children’s Day will be observ ed at the Methodist church next Sunday at the eleven o’clock ser vice. An appropriate program will be rendered by the children and every one is cordially invi ted. The parents of the Cradle Roll children are especially urged to come. Mrs. Settle Hostess To Rook Club Among the lovely social affairs of the week was on Wednesday afternoon, when Mrs. Morrison Settle entertained the Rook club at her attractive bungalow, on j the Griffin road. Quantities of sweet peas deco rated the pretty living room and dining room where tables were arranged for the games and a delicious salad course with iced tea was served late in the after noon. Recital Tuesday Evening The music pupils of Mrs. R. L. Smith and the expression pupils of Miss Wrenn will appear in a recital at the auditorium Tuesday evening, May sixteenth. The program, which is given in this issue, contains several excellent numbers and an evening of en tertainment is assured all who attend. Carefully and skilfully trained, the pupils of Mrs. Smith and Miss Wrenn are sure to ac quit themselves most creditably on this occasion. Daughters of Confederacy Entertained Mrs. Hugh Mallet, Mrs. S. H. Mays, Mrs. C. M. Compton, Mrs. Ida Hendrick, Mrs. J. M. Currie and Miss Fannie Gibson were hostesses to the Larkin D. Wat son chapter, U. D. C., at an en joyable meeting at the home of Mrs. Mallet, on Thursday after noon. Bowls of sweet peas and vases of red and white roses were seen in the decorations of the living room and hall and the ices and cakes served continued the pretty color idea of red and white. The program for the afternoon began with the chapter song, “America,” followed by the Lord’s Prayer in concert, after which came the business discus sion. This being the last meet ing of the year until September, many important questions were discussed and settled. The piano selection by Miss Birdinette Manley, a duet by Mesdames Crum and Ham and Miss Nettie Rae Pittman’s read ing delighted the guests, while the unique and entertaining con test, suggested in a reading by Mrs. Jack Currie, proved a charm ing feature of the delightful af ternoon. A New Machine At The Jackson National Bank This machine is really a wonderful set of steel brains which we are put ting to work in our accounting de partment. With it we can handle our figure work faster than ever before and at the same time be sure that every item in our books is RIGHT. Helps Us Give You Better Service By the machine method, every de positor’s account is kept in balance ALL THE TIME and there are no mistakes such as are unavoidable with other ways of handling figures. The time saving made possible by the machine gives us an opportunity to improve the service to our custom ers in all departments of the bank. THE JACKSON NATIONAL BANK Capital Surplus and Profits . . . $105,000.00 Loans to Butts County People . $300,000.00 Total Resources $430,000.00 Parent-Teacher Association Entertains Wednesday The following invitation was received a few days since by the members of the Parent-Teacher Association: “Vacation season is creeping near, Ere one more month hs llown Each and every Jackson teacher Will have packed his trunk and gone “So it is for two important reasons VVe let these invitations fly: We wish to elect our new officers, And bid the teachers ‘Good-bye.’ “The place is the school auditorium, The time is the tenth at half past three, The object is very, very important, The refreshments are—come and see. “I’arent-Teacher. ’ ’ In consequence almost every one of the eighty members of the association were present on this interesting, delightful and im- portant occasion. A fall report of the year’s work, which will be seen elsewhere in these columns, was given by Miss Bessie Wal drop, and the organization should feel justly proud of the part it has taken in the general uplift of the school. Under the able di rection of Mrs. O’Kelley, with the assistance of the other com petent officers, the association has added much to the educational and material welfare of the stu dents, and with the co-operation of the parents in genera! they hope to put forth renewed efforts for the coming year, for which new officers were elected on this occasion. After the business discussion, refreshing tea and sandwiches were enjoyed. II You and. Your Friends—and ||: I Qs&fDcfa j |U You tried it because voe told Mf J 37012 how good and delicious M ly I it was. m j. | But 3 Jour friends began jq Jr I y drinking it because i)ou told them a] )- y [dPfA Y~ 'W; 'ml} how good it-was. This is the end- w Wt/W Sf V I CBS chain of enthusiasm that has ' 'VOt / *\ yxT made Coca-Cola the beverage of l U Jy- \ the nation. t l Wwki The Coca-Cola Cos.. • 'X mllm ATLANTA. GA. | ! aL— —I the genuine by full name— \ y—' jj j nicknames encourage substitution. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Program for Sunday, May 14 11 a. m. The Pastor will preach. His subject will be "Our Pa rents.” 7:45 p. m. Subject "A Help ful Messenger.” 9:30 a. m. Bible School. The Baraca Class will observe "Moth ers Day.” 3 p.m. Young Peoples Union. Every member is wanted at the meeting Sunday. The Southern Baptist Convention The Convention will meet in Asheville, May 17. The Pastor will attend the meeting. Everything is Done Automatically It prints dates, adds your deposits to the old balance, subtracts checks, fig ures and prints your new balance. All of this is done automatically. The operator simply writes the amounts on the keyboard—the machine shifts from column to column and adds, sub tracts or prints the date as desired, without the least attention being nec essary. Come In and See It Work There is no method of posting led gers known which equals this Bur roughs Bookkeeping Machine in either accuracy or time saving. Come in and see our new Burroughs at work in our accounting depart ment. LOST White-bodied, black-mouthed bull dog. Return to T. W. Ham, Jackson, Ga. 5-12-ltp MUSTANG For Sprains, Lameness, Sores, Cuts, Rheumatism Penetrates and Heals. Stops Pain At Once For Man and Beast 25c. 50c. SI. At All Dealers. LINIMENT