The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, May 12, 1916, Image 8

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MT. VERNON SCHOOL HAS CLOSED SUCCESSFUL TERM The Mt. Vernon school closed last Friday after the most suc cessful term it has known. The principal, Miss Winnie Maddox, is an efficient and conscientious teacher. The pupils, patrons and many visitors spent an enjoyable day at a picnic at the Big Rocks and Bermuda Bottoms on Sandy Creek. The following program was carried out in the morning: Song by school. Reading. Van Biddus Rock. Dialogue, The Brave Boys. Dialogue, Teaching the Teacher Reading, The Dead Pussy Cat. Dialogue. The Tramp at the Picnic. Reading, Curfew Must Not Ring Tonight. May Pole Dance. Song by school. Address and delivery of prizes, Mr. G. E. Rice. After a bountiful and enjoya ble dinner, there was an old fash ioned spelling bee from the old Blue Back Speller, in which old and young took part with delight. Many games were played and the day was voted an ideally pleasant one for all who attended. A TEXAS WONDER. The Texas Wonder cures kidney and bladder troubles, dissolves gravel, cures diabetes, weak and lame backs, rheumatism, and all irregularitiesoftlie kidneys and bladuer in notn men and women. Regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist will be sent by mail on receipt of SI.OO One small bottle is two months' treat ment, and seldom ever fails to perfect a cure. Send for testimonials from this and other states. I)r. E. W. Hall, 2926 Olive Street, Ht. Louis, Mo. Sold by druggists. WORTHVILLE Miss La Rue Pope is in Atlanta for a few weeks. The many friends of Mr. W. M. Chambers will regret to know of his illness. Those who attended the junior senior debate in Jackson Friday night were Mr. J. J. Hammond and family, Messrs. R. M. White, A. C. Aiken, W. W. Pope, Rupert Washington. Inman Smith. Prof. H. P. Thomas. Misses Lessie Stodghill and La Rue Pope. Miss Annie Laurie Thomas spent the week-end in Flovilla. Mr. Charles Hammond, who for the past few years has been liv ing in South Georgia, has return ed to Worthville to reside. Miss Lessie Stodghill spent the week-end with Miss Grace Thax ton in Jackson. Mrs. N. J. Washington and daughters, Misses Lola, Marie *lbe Mammoth Yellow Soja Bean promises to be ope of the most profitable crops for southern farm ers everywhere. Makes a large yield of beans, which are readily salable for oil-producing and food purposes, in addition to its use for forage, soil-improving and stock feeding. Splendidly adapted to our southern soils and climate. The New 100-Day Velvet Bean the quickest growing of Velvet Weans, promise to supercede Cow l eas very largely as a soil-improv ing, forage and grazing crop throughout the South. Cheaper to Deed per acre than cow peas. Write for prices and "Wood’s Crop Special** giving full in formation in regard to Soja and Vr-lvst Beans, Cow Paas, Millet, Sr>ed Corns, Sorghums, Sudan &rass, etc. Mailed free. i Y t- Ctiiuv; i SEEDSMEN, - Richmond, Va. NOTE: —There are Aun dredt of different brands of cigarettes on the mar ket, which Piedmont has to meet in competition. Yet, in spite of these hun dreds of brands, one (1) out of every 8 cigarettes emoked in the United States is a Piedmont America’s biggest-selling cigarette! Home Celebration of Wonder Interest The arrival ol a baby in the household completely changes the entire aspect of the future. But in tho SlllSffii meantime, during tho ■ ■ anxious period of ex pectancy, there is a B ? ipiendid remedy known “Mother's Friend” it lieves the pains of I muscle expansion, I soothes and quiets tho 1 . j nerves, extends its in- B 4 1 JBBWIB flueneo to the internal I,j ' JBHMB crjrans and removes to a great extent the ten dency to worry and ap prehension. It is a natural treatment, safe for tire mother, has no drug effect whatso ever and for this reason must exert a most beneficial influence upon those functions di rectly connected with motherhood. In a very interesting book the subject is freely discussed and a copy will be mailed free to all expectant mothers by Bradfleld Regulator Cos., 406 l.amar Bdg„ Atlanta, Ga. Get a i tattle of “Mother’s Friend” today of any druggist Use as directed and you will then know why mothers for nearly half a century have used and recommended this splendid aid to iuotherlxtod. Their letters are messages of cheer, that breathe comfort In every word. and Bernice, were in Jackson shopping Wednesday. I i Mr. J. J. Hammond and family spent Sunday in Hampton. Mr. Sam Cook was visiting in Worthville Friday. ! Mr. W. C. Stodghill and family spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Stodghill. Misses Lena and Della Smith were shopping in Jackson Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Washing ton and little daughter, Gerald ine. spent Sunday at Stark. Mr. Arthur McClure was at Virginia has a taste all it’s own! The ALL Virginia cigarette — SWmont Vhe Cigarette of Quality lO for 5^ cAlso "Packed 20 for 10$ VALUABLE COUPON IN BACH PACKAGE Worthville Saturday on business. Prof. H. P. Thomas spent Sat urday and Sunday at Warm Springs, Durand and Manchester. Mr. E. L. Lawson was in Worth villh Monday. Mrs. W. F. Stodghill entertain ed the W. W. G. club delightful ly Thursday afternoon. Mrs. W. T. Lofton spent Mon day with Mrs. S. L. Lofton. Messrs. Charles Hammond, H. P. Thomas, Misses Cleo Wash ington and Annie Laurie Thomas were visitors to McDonough Tuesday evening. Miss Ermine Kitchens is visit ing relatives here. Miss Lillie Smith had as her guest for the week-end Miss Evie Maddox, of Jackson. The young people of Worthville enjoyed a night fishing excursion Wednesday night, many fish be ing caught. Mr. R. 0. Stodghill was a visi tor to Jackson Saturday. POTATO PLANTS Nancy Hall. Porto Rico. Tri umph and Dooly Yams, $1.75 per 1.000. Phone 224. Thanking my friends for their patronage last year and hoping to receive thei orders again. G. W. Allen. 5-5-4 t Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System I The Old Standard gcutriui acreuKllicuiug ionic, GKOVfc, S TASTKLKSS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria,enriches the blood,and builds up the sys tem. A true tonic. For adults and children. 50c. YOU know how it is with ordinary cigarettes. Most of them taste pretty much alike. But just you taste a Virginia cigarette. It’s differ ent. It has "character” ! That’s why Virginia is called “the tobacco man’s tobacco”. The highest-grade Virginia is in Piedmonts — ALL Virginia! Golden, lively, mellow as southern sunshine! Smokers stand by Piedmonts, because Pied monts give them what only choice Virginia to bacco can give them — "character”l Ask for Piedmonts —next timel Negress Bound Over Under S2OO Bond Ruth McMichael. colored, is al leged to have slashed Mary Lee Smith, another negress, in a fight last Thursday and when arraign ed before Justice J. S. Johnson Monday afternoon Ruth was re manded to the state courts under a bond of S2OO SINCE TAKINGMvRUNA * ? *J| * Mrs. William H, Hinchliffe, 20 Myrtle St., Beverly, Mass., writes: “I have taken four bottles of Peruna, and I can say that it has done me a great deal of good for catarrh of the head and throat. I recommend Peruna to all sufferers with catarrh. Ido not think I ever felt much better. I am really surprised at th work I can do. I do not think too much praise can be said J Peruna.” Those who object to fluid medicines can now procure Pe I Tablets. 1 1 /fCp&ufc&accotSr. fffffttttttt tt ' & —■ !■! mm( rfnii r ~ i v SfSa J. —V" iffi,. \% Honor Roll Cork. School Ist grade—Bascomb Hodges, Velma Smith. 3rd grade—Farra Leverette, Lawrence Hodges, Kate Smith. 4th grade—Sara Smith. 6th grade—Mattie Rose Smith, Janie Torbet. Bth grade—Luna Leverette, Susie Torbet.