The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, May 12, 1916, Image 9

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An Eminent Atlanta Specialist Dr. T. W. Hughes, Who is Permanently Located in Atlanta and Has Been For Years, Will be in Jack son for One Day Only, Tuesday, May 23rd, at Hotel Buchanan. This eminent physician has received many letters from numerous sufferers of this city and vicinity requesting him to treat them from his Atlanta of fice without first seeing them in per son. This he always declines to do, but as he has several patients here, Or. Hughes has decided to come in per son or else have his chief consulting physician here on the above named day, and has consented to see those who desire to consult him regarding their condition. He is coming to this city well equipped to make any and all necessary examinations. His office at the hotel will be especially fitted for his convenience and comfort. Dr. T. W. Hughes, who has a repu tation as a successful specialist on nervous, chronic and special diseases, will be in this city on the above named date. He cordially invites sufferers of any chronic ailment to consult him while here. No charge for examina tion or consultation. Dr. Hughes numbers among his * cured patients some of the city’s and county’s most prosperous and influen tial citizens who will gladly recom mend him as a thorough, reliable and capable specialist. Dr. Hughes has been located in At lanta for years, where he enjoys a large and lucrative practice. He nev er allows any misleading statements to appear in his announcements. He does not institute any “SO-CALLED” mail treatment, but insists upon see ing each and every patient in person. He never attempts to treat, diagnose or prescribe for any one without first having the privilege of making a thor ough examination. The afflicted should take advantage of this exceptional opportunity of see ing this eminent physician and special ist. Do not delay, but call to see him on one of the above mentioned dates, and have a friendly talk with him re garding your condition or ailment. His advice is absolutely free and confi dential. By calling you do not obli gate yourself in any way. Dr. Hughes does not endeavor to compete with your family physician. He specializes on nervous, chronic and deep-seated diseases, as he is experienced in this class of work. If you are a sufferer, consult Dr. Hughes and get his expert opinion and advice. If he finds your case a curable one, he will accept it on a Dr. Hughes can be seen at Hotel Buchanan between the Hours of 12 m., and from 1p.m.t06 p. m. Dr. Hughes is in no wav connected with the “Doctor Hughes” traveling through Georgia, representing himself to be the original Atlanta Specialist, and not giving his initials. Any announcement of Dr. Hughes will be signed. Remember the Date, Tuesday, May 23rd Dr. T. W. Hughes, Specialist 16V2 N. Broad Street Atlanta, Ga. F. F. HUGHEB wm PHONE MAIN 0380 J. A. KIMBELL THE TERMINAL GARAGE REAR TERMINAL HOTEL CARS REPAIRED. STORED AND CLEANED Night and Day Service. Will Answer Phone Calls. Open All Hours RADIATOR REPAIRING AUTOGENIOUB WELDING Has A Good Reputation The original and genuine Honey and F<vr cough syrup is Foley’s Honey and 1 Compound and because this has I as such universal satisfaction and I many cases of conghs, colds, and whoopintr cough there are 1 juons and substitutes offered to y 'ublic. Insist upon Foley’s The ““Ttarmacy. reasonable basis, and will continue your treatment from his Atlanta in stitution. So if you have an acquaint ance, relative or friend whom you think he could benefit or cure, notify them of the date he will be here and advise that they consult him. The doctor’s best references are his many cured, grateful and satisfied pa tients all over the South, who will gladly testify to his skill and ability in treating chronic and deep-seated diseases. While Dr. Hughes is a Surgeon as well as a Physician and Specialist, he does not believe in promiscuous operations. He only believes in the use of the knife as a last resort and has a score of cured patients who, previous to consulting him, had been told by numerous doctors that their cases were incurable without an oper ation. His advice to incurables is that they do not squander money on un scrupulous and unskilled doctors. Among the diseases successfully treated by Dr. Hughes are Rheuma tism, Catarrh, Asthma, Uric Acid, Dis eases of the Kidneys, Bladder, Heart, Stomach and Intestines, Blood an 6 Skin Diseases, Nervous Debility, Ner*. vous Decline, Varicose Veins, Epilep sy, Diseases of Women; Special dis eases peculiar to both sexes; Piles cured without cutting or pain; Fis tula, Rupture, Eczema, Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat. In fact, any nervous, chronic or deep-seated disease. The doctor will likely visit this city once or twice a month. No matter who has told you that you cannot be cured, consult Dr. Hughes, or his associate, and obtain his learned opinion and honest advice. Even though you do not take treatment, the consultation will cost you nothing. The doctor extends a cordial invitation to all. Even though you do not need treatment he will be glad to meet you while here. Dr. Hughes successfully administers 606 and 914 without cutting or pain. His offices, located at 16% North Broad street, Atlanta, Ga., opposite the Third National Bank Building, are the most spacious and modernly equip ped in the Southern States, and con tain every facility for the proper diag nosis and treatment for the particular diseases upon which he specialiies. Read the following testimonials, which are taken from many on file in my Atlanta offices, and if you are pre vented from seeing Dr. Hughes on his visit to your city, call on him at his Atlanta offices the first opportunity: Testimonials. T. L. Davidson, 301 Crew street, At lanta, Ga., says: “About five years ago Dr. Hughes cured me of a chronic case of Kidney and Bladder Trouble after many doctors had failed.” R. W. Statham, 1114 Candler Build ing, Atlanta, Ga., says: “Dr. Hughes cured me of a case of Eczema that had resisted the best efforts of other doctors.” T. F. Beall, Lafayette, Ala., says: “Dr. Hughes cured me of a chronic case of Constipation and Piles without cutting, pain or inconvenience, and I consider the money I paid to Dr. H tghes the best investment I ever made in my life.” These are a few of the many testi monials taken from sworn copies which are on file in Dr. HugbeA* At* lanta offices. POTATO PLANTS A few thousand sweet potato slips for sale at $1.50 per thou sand, now ready for delivery. Old bunch Yams the best M. E. Washington. Jackson. Ga. Rt. 5. jjs-12-4tp FLOVILLA CHAUTAUQUA A SPLENDID SUCCESS ' The first Flovilla Chautauqua held Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday of this week was such an unqualified financial, moral and inspirational success that it has been decided to make the Chau tauqua an annual affair, and the contract for next year’s assem bly has already been signed. The guarantee fund of approx imately $360 was easily met and the directors were delighted at the showing made. The attractions, in part, con sisted of Col. Gearhart, Dr. Hyde, Swiss Band and Derno. the ma gician, besides well known Geor gia lecturers, embracing Prof. Fort E. Land and Prof. George Godard, state school supervisors, Dr. P. F. Bahnsen, state veteri narian, and Drs. Sheeley and Brown, field agents of the South ern Railway. The barbecue Tuesday attract ed a crowd of about 700 and all who attended were cordially we’? corned and royally entertained. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove’s The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic propertiesof QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System, 50 cents. INDIAN SPRING Miss Emmalu Nolen closed her school Friday and has returned to Jackson. Mrs. Oliver Brown and little Lucile are visiting Mrs. Arnold. Mr. Brown will be connected with the New Elder this season. Mrs. Myrtice Arnold Clay has returned to Indian Spring after a short stay in Atlanta. Miss Lucile Elder is contempla ting a trip to New York, Canada and perhaps to join the Allies, the month of June. Miss Dovie Bryans’ friends will rejoice to hear of the great im provement in her health. Mr. and Mrs. Powell, of Dub lin, are at the Wigwam for the summer. Mr. Powell has assum ed his duties as manager. Dr. Van Deventer, Mr. James Carmichael, Jr., Misses Carrie Collier. Jennie Bryans and Mary Cleveland motored to Madison in the Dr.’s seven passenger Stude baker, Thursday, on a visit to Miss Bessie Butler. The citizens of Indian Spring, ladies particularly, extend thanks to Mr. McClure and his gang for the grand work on the mill hill and streets. Mrs. F. M. Lawson, who was so seriously ill Sunday, has re covered. Mrs. T. J. Collier is visiting Misses Collier. Mrs. J. S. Cumming and Mary Lee were visitors to Rock Castle Saturday. Mr. L. W. Collier, of Birming ham. was a guest of his sisters for the week-end. Several of the D. A. R. ladies were busy the past week putting the chapter house in order. MARSHAL’S SALKS Georgia, Butts County. On Tuesday, the Bth day of June, 1916, there will be sold before the court house door in the City of Jackson, be tween the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: One house and lotin the City of Jackson on Walker street, bounded north by lot of J. N. Knowles, south by lot of J. H. Stroud, west by lot of Mrs. Lucy Mat thews, east ty said Walker street, to satisfy the city taxes for the year 1914, amounting to $19.23 principal and in terest and the cost of this proceeding. This 10th day of May, 1910. J. E. McNAIR,, Chief of Police. Ififet Content* 15TlnidI>i*rfal ttttttttttt fffff I alcohol -a per t AV^ctableftcpaiafi®s5 3 ;I | find flip SfamacteandßfflfflsqlJ INFANTS CHILPR^L Promotes D^csUan.Clirfal nessamlßest.Coiitflim^mff OphrmuMorpldne Hot Narcotic. __ JtepeafMlklunMS&fc . -PtwmHn v MxSrma* 1 I Joist Stud* f I jiMergirm nmi'„ Aperfectßemeciyftrfj^ Uon.SourStomadi^^ Worms. Fevenslmessau lOSSOFhIBE 1 * |fc7ScSigiU^ ot Compaq I "* n?on, teNts IMPOSES g Exact Copy of Wrapper. Programme of Recital To be Given Tuesday Evening, May 16th At the Auditorium by the Music Pupils of Mrs. R. L. Smith and Elocution Pupils of Miss Wrenn ]. Chorus Tho Merry Miller Music and elocution Pupils 2. Restful Moments ... . Kngelman Ruby and Ruth Conner 3. Song of tile Flowers Marion Bailey 4. in Happy Song. . Kohlor Bertha and Evelyn Conner 5. Recitation What’s the Trouble?. - Elizabeth Currie <i. Quietude - Altmann Mary Ruth Thurston and Mrs., Smith 7. Recitation. .Goblins... Charles Lewis H. Valse T)e Sylphes Bachmann Lucile Jackson 9. A Surprise for Papa ..... . Bachmann Florrie Bell and Bessie Mae Jinks 10. Welcome .Ganschals Willem: Thornton 11. Recitation Sister Ernestine’s Beau Edith Fletcher 12. Song Wont You Come To My Teaparty? Ruth Smith and Mary Julia Sasnett 111. Rosamonde Rath bun Rosa Franklin Bailey 14. Merry Hour March Gurlitt Lucile Jackson and Willene Thornton 15. Recitation .The New Minister Bert Kinard 16. Yellow Jonquils Johanning Rosa Franklin and Marion Bailey 17. The Dying Poet. Fearis Ruth Conner 18. Boy’s Conclusion Edwin Doane 19. Second Valse Godard Miriam Sams 20. Rose Petals Wadis Bertha Conner 21. Grande Polka De Concert Bartlett Miriam Fletcher 22. Song Abba Dabba Honeymoon _ Mary Frances O’Kelly, Robert Franklin, Edith Fletcher, Mary Frances Wright, Mary lx>u Smith, Lydie King, Willene Thornton 28. Second Mazurka Godard Mary Is:na Martin 24. Recitation Behind the Curtains Marv Williard Lewis 25. Waltz of the Snowflakes Ruby Conner 26 Watching the Sparking __ Bert Kinard and Edwin Doane 27. Maluta Pesbt * Kowalski Willie Harmon 28. Polish Dance Hcharwenka Mary Willis 29. Recitation Fiddle Told Martha King 30. Invitation to the Dance.... Von Weber Ist Piano—Miriam Fletcher 2nd Piano—Willie Harmon 31. Grandma Drill 32. Marche Triumphale Rathbun Ist. Piano—(a) Miriam Fletcher, (b) Miriam Hams 2nd. Piano—(a) Mary Willis, (b) Mary Lena Martin Moderation in all things pro longs life. [fi)ooT)ROPS GASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always i Bears the Si TW aJr ln i\/' ® se Va For Over Thirty Years GASTDRU THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. You butter your bread when you boost the Butts county fair.