The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, May 19, 1916, Image 11

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They Let Him Sleep Soundly ••Since taking Foley Kidney Pill.; I believe I am entirelycured and! sleep soundly all night. li# 1. St Tak n e Se two of Foley Kidney Pills with a glass of pure water after eac.i meal and at bedtime. A quick and easy way to put a stop to your get ting up time after time during the “'Foley Kidney Pills also stop pain in back and sides, headaches, stom ach troubles, disturbed heart action, stiff and aching joints, and rheumatic pains due to kidney and bladder ail “ckUnesville, Ga.. R. It. No. 3. Mr. H. T. Straynge says: “lor ten years I’ve been unable to sleep all night without getting up. Sometimes only a few minutes after going to bed Id have to get up, and I tried everything I heard of for the trouble. Last year I tried Foley Kidney Pills and after taking one bottle I believe I am en tirely cured and I sleep soundly all right.” the owl pharmacy PROFESSIONAL CARDS J. THREATT MOORE, Attorney At Law. Office in Crum Building, Jackson *• Georgia. Will practice in all the Courts. SAM LEE First-Class City Hand Laundry Next door to Joe Leach’s stables. Jackson : : : : i Georgia Patronize Home Industries THE FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF GA. S. B. Kinard, Gen. Agent. J. Matt McMichael, , Local Agent. JACKSON, GEORGIA. DR. O. LEE CHESNUTT DENTIST Office in New Commercial Building back of Farmers’ Bank. Residence Phone No. 7. $100,000.00 TO LOAN on farm lands. Rea sonable rate of interest. See me before you borrow any money on your farm. W. E. Watkins. C. L. REDMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. in Carter-Warthen Building, JACKSON, GA. I Are You a Woman ? htoCardui I The Woman’s Tonic FOB SALE AT ALL DRU66ISTS 1 F < The Dixie is showing the cream of the motion pic ture art—pictures the equal .of those shown in the cities. Fire Insurance I represent companies with Assets of $135,332,506 (One Hundred Thirty-Five Mil lion Three Hundred Thirty-Two Thousand Five Hundred and Six Dollars.) I will appreciate your business and give it prompt and careful attentention. Yours truly, S. B. KINARD WANTED An energetic, capable and reli able agent in every county in Georgia to sell the Titan starter for Ford cars. This starter has an unqualified guarantee of sat isfaction or money refunded. Ev ery Ford owner will want one. An excellent opportunity for some Ford owner to make some easy money. For full particulars ad dress, Chesley Vincent, Ga. Dis tributor, Talking Rock, Ga. 5-12-7 t Moderation in all things pro longs life. ■j 1 * ■ B If B m 1 m JB ™M I % S. H. THORNTON JACKSON, GA. UNDERTAKING, LICENSEE) EMB ALMER Full line of Caskets and Robes to select from My careful personal attention giv en to all funerals entrusted to me All Calls Answered Promptly Day or Night Day Phone 174 Night Phone 193 For Sale 6 room house, large lot, on We A Avenue, with water and lights. Come to see me if you want a bargain. On North Mulberry st., one two story 11 room house, 1 acre lot with servant house and barn. Will sell at great bargain. Lumber yard with side track, will sell at a bargain. 6 room house and lot on East Third street will sell cheap. Corn and wheat mill with water right and 5 acres of land, 3 room house in 2 miles of Jackson, will sell at a bargain. You had better inves tigate this. J. B. GUTHRIE REALTY CO., Real Estate and Renting Agents Harkness Building Jackson, Georgia LOCUST GROVE The commencement program at Locust Grove Institute will begin on Friday night, May 19th. Miss Pace’s expression class will pres ent‘‘Better than Gold.” A musi cal entertainment will follow on Saturday night. Prof. Paul Cousins/ of Shorter, will deliver the annual address before the literary societies. Dr. B. D. Ragsdale, of Mercer, will preach the commencement sermon. Dr. L. E. Barton, of Atlanta, will make the address to the gradu ating class. On the 22nd and 23rd WHAT CAN “uiJuufuß CATARRH? Ask Yourself the question. How often has the doctor failed, as have ointments, salves, vapours? What you should do. The easy, common-sense method — that costs so little —that is so quickly and vigorously effective —is often the last resort of many Catarrh sufferers. Why, it is hard to say. One of the specialists of the Swift Specific Com pany inAAtlant a physician of stand ing and national reputation because of his knowledge of blood disorders, made the assertion that if the majority of Catarrh sufferers would buy and faith fully take S. S. S., they could effectu ally get rid of Catarrh. S. S. S. goes straight to the seat of trouble, the blood. It spreads its in fluence over every organ in the body, comes through the veins and arteries, enables the mucous surfaces to ex change acids and irritating substances for red blood corpuscles that effectual ly cleanse the system and thus put an end to all Catarrhal poison. S. S. S. cleans out the stomach of mucous ac cumulations, enables only pure, blood- of May, there will be three pro grams each day, the exercises closing the night of the 23rd with the champion debate. Prof. T. W. Shannon, who is president of the American Eu genics Society, made several ad dresses to the students of the school and the people of Locust Grove on Wednesday and Thurs day of last week. The Locust Grove Institute summer school, which has been growing in recent years, will be gin about the middle of June. Tells What She Thinks Anna Hawn, Cedar Grove, Mo., writes: “We think Foley Carthartic Tablets are the best liver pill we ever got hold of, as they do not nauseate or gripe, but act freely on the liver.” Recommended for constipation, bloat ing, sour stomach, bad breath, clogged or irregular bowel action. The Owl Pharmacy, adv. Ladies get one of those beautiful new Spring Suits at $14.48. They are beau ties and worth a great deal more. Carmichael-Mallet Cos. When in doubt about how to spend the evening go to the Dixie. OLD STRAWS and PANAMA HATS CLEANED WHILE YOU WAIT At Kiser’s Pressing Club NEXT TO LAUNDRY Saved Girl’s Life “1 want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re ceived from the use of Thedford’s Black-Draught,” writes Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. “It certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds, liver and stomach troubles. I firmly believe Black-Draught saved my little girl’s life. When she had the measles, they went in on her, but one good dose of Thedford’s Black-Draught made them break out, and she has had no more trouble. I shall never be without BLACK-DRAUGHT in my home.” For constipation, indigestion, headache, dizzi ness, malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar ailments, Thedford’s Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black- Dranght It is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five years of splendid success proves its value. Good for young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25 cents. making materials to enter the intes tines, combines with these food ele ments to enter the circulation, and In less than an hour is at work through out the body in process of purification. S. S. S. is made from barks, roots and herbs that are food and tonic for the blood. It stimulates —gives the blood power to throw off poisons. You will soon realize its wonderful influ ence by the absence of headache, a clearing of the air passages, a steadily improved nasal condition, and a sense of bodily relief that proves how com pletely Catarrh often infests the entire system. You will find S. S. S. on sale at all drug stores. It is a remarkable rem edy for all blood affections, such as Eczema, Rash. Lupus, Tetter, Psorias is, Boils, and all other diseased condi tions of the blood. For special advice on any blood disease write The Swift Specific Company, Medical Depart ment, Room 11, Atlanta, Ga. Avoid substitutes. Prof. W. T. Smalley and Prof. R. B. Plymale will teach in the school and instruction can be had in all high school branches. Mesdames. John Brown, Bannie Mahone, and R. C. Brown visited Mrs. J. W. Brown, in Jackson last Sunday. Misses Helen Barnes and Mir iam Sams, representing the Jack son girl tennis players, were again defeated by Misses Amelia Walker and Annie Kimsey, from Locust Grove. The lenghthy games were played in Jackson, the scores being 6-8, 7-5, 6-1, G-8, 6-3. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S OASTO R I A ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR REPRESENTATIVE To the Voters of Butts County: I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Representative from Butts county in the next General Assembly, subject to the regulations of the state democratic executive committee. In making this announcement for re-elec tion I pledge myself that should the voters again entrust me with this posi tion of trust and honor to continue to represent the interest of my county and state to the best of my ability. The votes and support of the people will be appreciated. Respectfully, C. A. TOWLES. FOUND The party who left market bas ket and two small white dishes in the Clerk’s office Memorial day can get same by calling on Mr. S. J. Foster.