The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, May 19, 1916, Image 12

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REMARKABLE INTRODUCTORY OFFER For This Visit Only For This Visit Only ss.o# EYEGLASSES AT SI.OO A PAIR The Tru-Sight Optical Cos., of Atlanta, Ga., wishes to Announce that their Specialist and his Assistant will be in Jackson at the HOTEL BUCHANAN May, 24 and 25, And Every 90 Days Thereafter Our Objedt In making this remarkable offer of $5.00 glasses for SI.OO a pair is simply to in troduce our service in your community as well as our TRU-SIGHT LENSES. Our Tru-Sight Lenses have met with a great success by many persons who are now wearing them and are meeting with the same results wherever they are introduced. Our New Invisible Bifocals WILL NOT CONFUSE YOU You Can See Near and Far WITH THE SAME LENSES Remember That the above offer of $5.00 eyeglasses at SI.OO a pair is for this visit only. Special prices on all other optical work. Regular prices will prevail after our first visit to Jackson. We would ask you not to permit our remarkable offer to conflict in your mind with other such offers that have been made at Drug stores and other such places by men who were not responsible nor established anywhere nor do they claim to be; as to ourselves, we are located and established both. We guarantee our work and glasses both for five years in writing and as to the responsibility of our guarantee we will give bankable references to those desiring same. These glasses we are ad vertising are the kind that usually sell at moSt optical establishments at $5.00 and in some cases even more. This is the firSt time to our knowledge that such an offer has been made by responsible people who will Stand back of their work and who cannot be branded as fakirs as some have. We will make these prices THIS VISIT ONLY and no more. Call and see us and we will explain how these special prices can be made. You are not obliged to buy glasses and all Examinations Absolutely Free JENKINSBURG Mr. and Mrs. Oscar, of McDon ough, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Jackson. Mr. Bridges, of Auburn, spent the week-end with Prof. A. J. Fleming. Mr. Arthur Bankston, of At lanta, spent Sunday with his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Banks ton. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Hunt, of near McDonough, visited Mrs. Sarah Guest, Sunday. Miss Sallie Ruth Thurston spent the week-end in Jackson as the guest of Miss Maggie Gean Fos ter. Prof, and Mrs. Ray, of South Georgia, spent Saturday with Mr. She Told Her Neighbor “1 told a neighbor whose child had croup about Foley’s Honey and Tar,” writes Mrs. Raekainp. ”404 Herman 8(., Covington, Ky. ‘When she gave it a couple doses she was so pleased with the change she didn’t know what to say. rhiM til iii'n.' itßioiV h ips coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. The Owl Pharmacy, adv. Our Work is Guaranteed for 5 Years Beware of all persons who call at your home and claim to be representing us, as we do not have representatives, but our specialist at the Hotel as we advertise. All orders taken delivered by insured parcel post. TRU-SIGHT OPTICAL CO. Address all Communications to Main Office Fourth National Bank Building Atlanta, Georgia Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, aa they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to euro ct-tarrhal deafness, and that la by a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafneaa Is caused by an In flamed condition of the mucous Unlnr of the Euatachian Tube. When this tube U Inflamed you have a rumblln* sound or Imperfect hearing, and when it Is entirely closed. Deafness Is the result. Unlea# the Inflammation can be reduced and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Many cages of deafness are caused by catarrh, which is an Inflamed condition of the mucous sur faces. Hall’s Catarrh Cure acta thru the Mood on the mucous surfaces of the sys tem We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Circulars free. All Druggists, 75c. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. and Mrs. J. W. Ingram. Mrs. Ray will remain for a few w r eeks visit Messrs. Forest Bankston and Howard Capps spent Saturday in Atlanta. Miss Irene Bankston spent the week-end in McDonough with her cousin. Miss Bessie Sowell. Miss Nelle guest spent a few days last week with relatives near McDonough. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Manning, of Griffin, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Thurston Sunday. Mr. and Mr.-. Harvey Jackson nhiiHrrm spent Saturday near McDonough. Misses Sallie Ruth and Beeda Thurston had as their guest Sun day, Misses Annie Pullin and Fannie Mae Parum, and Mr. Jim Pullin, of Griffin. Mrs. Ethel Carmichael and son, D. N.. spent Friday in Jackson. Mrs. Riley Elder and son. Har ris Bonelle, returned to their home at Macon, Sunday, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Harris. Mr. W. A. Felkell. a student of L. G. 1., spent the week-end with Mr. James Childs. Miss Babe Childs, of Phillippi, is spending the week with Mrs. LISTEN Till further notice I will make pictures Friday and Saturday only. J. B. GUTHRIE. Keeping Up To The Mark “Spring fever” is not always a joke. If you feel dull and sluggish, tired and worn out, sutler from back >cheor weak back, rheumatism, sore muscles, still’ joints or other indication of kidney trouble, it will pay you to investigate Folev Kidney Pills. They are highly innL'. 1 nnd ofHpipnt • \ , \ r? u / \ ... int- -- - --- I dtvid m a ml* a. t x i.aiu^ut^. I adv. LADIES— Special Sale Silk Dresses for Commencement exer cises. Values you will ap preciate when you see them The Busy Corner. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Signature of /‘McJuAi J. W. Childs. Miss Ruby Thaxton, of Jackson, visited Mrs. Monroe Gray, Sun day. Mr. A. B. Stallsworth spent Sunday in Atlanta. Mrs. Sarah Guest and Mrs. J. L. Whitaker spent Thursday in Jackson shopping. Misses Annie Reid Harper and Beatrice Williams, and Messrs. Thomas Cole and W. T. Williams • • , T TN 1 H f T TTT TT Vlßl tea La. auu iviiß. a. vv. er, Sunday. Our Optical Specialist And his assistant have had years of ex perience and are licensed to practice in the state of Georgia, so you may rely on them absolutely. They will be pleased to examine all those who have eye trou ble or wear glasses ABSOLUTELY FREE. We v/ould suggest, therefore, that you call on them. Tru-Sight Lenses WILL POSITIVELY RELIEVE ALL PAINS ABOUT THE HEAD AND EYES As well as other abnormal conditions of the eyes that can be relieved through wearing of properly fitted glasses of quality in most all cases. Don’t Forget The Dates Wednesday and Thursday May 24 and 25 Buchanan Hotel OFFICE HOURS: 8:30a. m. to 8:00p. m. If your time is limited come early and avoid the rush. RECEPTION ROOM HOTEL PARLOR. FOR SALE—CHEAP Five good young mules. Wei always have mules on hand and will sell or swap, cash or time. When vou need a mule com'e to see B. F. Watkins & Cos. 3-31-tf Card of Thanks We wish to return thanks to our friends for their help and kindness to our mother through her recent sickness and death. T. P. Kimbell, J. W. Kimbell, C. 0. Kimbell, Mrs. Lucy Aaron, Mrs. Lillie Cathay. Silk Dresses are here in an abundance of colors and styles. Prices greatly reduced. Taffeta Dresses $6.75 to $14.95. Carmich ael-Mallet Cos. The Strong Withstand the Heat of Summer Better Than the Weak Old people who are feeble, and younger people who are weak .will be strengthened and enabled to go through the depress ing beat of summer by taking regularly Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic. It nurifie-* OVld ft- A t>l aa J n J Vt.. 100 the whole system. 50c. /