The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, May 19, 1916, Image 4

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NUMBERS POISON , OWN SYSTEMS Auto-Intoxication Is Foun dation of Diseases and 111 Health, Says No rted Authority i 1 Advance medicine authorities assert that anto-intoxication is Che foundation of most of the ills arid diseases to which the human l|esh is heir. “This condition,” Ays L. T. Cooper, who has made jpi exhaustive study of the sub ject, “is nothing more nor less tiian the slow self-poisoning of the vital organs, produced by the excessive mental and physical strain we are forced to endure, which renders the organs lame and inactive and permits toxins actual poisons—to be generated within one’s own body. “Sometimes the trouble starts in the liver and kidneys, and some times it starts in the stomach, or elsewhere, but in any case the blame lies with the faulty method of living, which has become so prevalent of recent years, and it is the more important organs that suffer the final damage. As when they falter or fail in their duties the body fills up with poisons and the victim .r.eadily yields to their baneful influences. Bright’s <i - CSase, stomach and intestinal troubles.’"catarrhal affections of the mucous membranfes; in fact, may beca'lledanto-intoxication or self ppisoning. A tired, dragging feeling of the Mr. Cooper, “or sluggish mind and dull memory, fhtense nervousness, headaches, stomach and'bpwel troubles, poor circulation, imperfect digestion, constipation -and despondency, are symptorhs of auto intoxication, and nine out of every ten people in the average city like Atlanta are likely to be af fected.” the powerful recon structive tonic, was designed especially to overcome these trou bles, and it'isMr. Cooper’s theory that the Tanlac treatment is the direct remedy therefor. There is not a single portion of the body that is not benefited by the health ful work of this celebrated prep aration, which begins its action stimulating the digestive and Assimilative organs, thereby en riching ti\e blood and invigorating the entire system. Next, it en ables the stomach to thoroughly digest the food, thereby permit ting the assimilable products to coverted into blood, bone and muscle. It ovecomes that great exciting cause of disease—weak ness. It renders the body vigo rous and elastic, keeps the mind, clear and energetic, and throws off the symtoms of nervousness and indigestion. It builds up the constitution, weakened by disease and mental and physical over ' work, quickens convalescence and is an unfailing source of comfort those suffering from these \ troubles. ITanlac is sold bv Slaton Drug Cos., in Jackson, and Dr. A. F. tfWhite in Flovilla, Moore & Cos., Vat Cork, Ga., J. E. & W. R. Kit xfchens, Fincherville. Ga. (adv) FOUND The party who left market bas ket and two small white dishes in the Clerk’s office Memorial day Jean get same by calling on Mr. .v .T. Foster MERCER GLEE CLUB ~T JENKINSBURG MONDAY Col. Kelly Will Deliver Literary Address The Mercer Glee Club, which is said to be better than ever, will give a concert at the Jenkinsburg school auditorium Monday night, May 22, at Bp. m. Mr. Fleming., principal of the Jenkinsburg school, has been able to secure the club. Those who have heard the club are generous in their praise of the work of the club, the quality of voices and selec tions given. Some have an idea that a glee club should. be a minstrel and some that it should be of a very classical type, but the Mercer boys have hit a happy medium and have some of classical, in fact, all the music is good quality and such as a real musician can really enjoy but at the same time it is humorous, the kind that makes you laugh. Besides the humorous, there is mixed in enough of the popular songs to give variety. One of the most interesting numbers of the program is a “Negro Sermon” by Mr. Craw ford, who is just about as funny as Honey Boy Evans and that is funny some. Another feature of the program is the work of the quartett, which is of professional rank. Their voices blend togeth er better than three-fourths of the quartetts on the stage. The club has given about twen ty concerts this season, so it is not a matter of experiment. They have pleased audiences in all sec tions of the state. Don’t get it in your head that it is a dry af fair, for it is not. There will be fun for all. young and old alike. If you do not like the concert you will be the first. Prices of admission will be 25 cents; reserved seats 50 cents. The literary address will be de livered Tuesday evening bv Col. John I. Kelly, a prominent young attorney of Lawrenceville. His address will conclude the com mencement program. Maternity! The Wordjf Words It Is written Into life’s expectations that motherhood is the one sublime accom this relieves the strain on ligaments, naturai expansion takes place without undue effect upon the nerves. And as the time ap proaches, the mind has gone through a pe riod of repose, of gentle expectancy, and this lias an unquestioned influence upon the future child. That this is true Is evidenced by the fact that three generations .of mothers Live used and recommended “Mother's Friend.” Ask your nearest druggist for a bottle of this splendid remedy. He will gel it for you. And then write to Bradfleld Reg ulator Cos., 40T I.amnr Bldg., Atlanta, Ga.. for a most interesting book of information to prospective mothers. It is mailed free, Write today. It is a book you will enjoy. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR REPRESENTATIVE j To the Voters of l?Htts County: ! 1 herefiy announce myself as a can didate for Representative from Butts county in the next General Assembly, j subject loth'* regulations of the state 1 democratic executive committee. In making this announcement for re-elec tion 1 pledge myself that should the ■ voters again entrust me with this posi tion of trust and honor t<> cominue to represent the interest of my c *unty and state to the bstof my ability. The vot sand supjx'rt of the people will be app reeiaUd. Respectfully, C. A. TOWLES. Children Cry for Fletcher’s CASTOR IA! The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lias been in use *for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- Sl? , <2- sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitationsand Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience'against Experiment, What is CASTOR!A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THE CENTAUR COM NV, NEW YORK CITY, CORK Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Moore, of Atlanta, spent the week-end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Ely Waites visit ed Mrs. Martin at Cabiniss Sun day. Miss Olivia Torbet had as her guest Misses Gladys Elliott, Liz zie Mae Torbet and Mr Herman Goldstein. Mr. C. A. Towles spent Thurs day of last week in Atlanta. Miss Olivia Torbet went to Griffin Sunday for a few days visit with relatives and friends. Messrs. R. W. Torbet and C. A. Towles spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. S. H. Mays near Jackson. ABeoAk;Deposit is IKe Comfeirvettioiv to l Per Cent | (l Interest j Paid On Deposits knocks once at every man’s door.” But many an oppor. V/ tunity is lost when tne man who sees it hasn’t the wherewithal to take advantage of it. It is the man with the READY CASH Df BANE - who derives the benefit! If you haven’t an account, open one today. When the opportunity arrives YOUR CHECK BOOK WILL BE READY! j FIRST ARMERS BANK r E SON, GEORGIA The entertainment at Cork school house Friday night was enjoyed by all. The neat little sum of $2175 was realized for OVERWORKED MOTHER Finds Health. In Onr Vinol Collinsville, 111.—“I suffered from a nervous break-down and terrible head aches, and was tired all over, totally worn out and discouraged but as I had a large family I had to work despite my suffering. I saw Vinol advertised and decided to try it, and within two weeks I noticed a decided improvement, and now 1 am a well woman.”—Mrs. Ana Becker. We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, to strengthen and build up weak, run-down, overworked mothers. Woods-Carmichael Drug & Book Cos. Jackson, Ga. the benefit of the school improve ment fund. Mrs. W. H. Jenkins is spend Fanners Cautioned About Phosphate-Lime Fertilizers W. A. Worsham, Jr., Professor Of Ag ricultural Chemistry, Georgia State College Of Agriculture. Requests have come to the College of Agriculture for information about the value of phosphate-lime which is being advertised under attractive trade names, and, in a way, to indi cate that the soil requirements for phosphorus and lime can be obtained very cheaply in this way. The Department of Agricultural Chemistry of the College makes the following statement: “From their ad vertisement the reader would be led to believe that the material is differ ent from the finely ground phosphate rock, commonly known as ‘floats.’ The descriptions are such as would easily lead the farmer to believe that the lime in the phosphate material is ca pable of correcting the acidity of the soil —the purpose for which lime is used. There are only three forms of lime which can be used for correct ing the acidity of the soil, burnt lime, slaked lime and ground limestone. No other form of lime should be consid ered by the farmer for this purpose. The particular material which is be ing advertised to supply both phos phoric acid and lime is a low grade phosphate rock finely ground. It con tains a relatively high percentage of iron and aluminum which is objec tionable. The lime contained in phos phate rock and acid phosphate is of no value for correcting soil acidity “Any one contemplating using rock phosphate should write the College for a circular recently issued on the use of ground rock phosphate.” OLD STRAWS and PANAMA HATS CLEANED WHILE YOU WAIT At Kiser’s Pressing Club NEXT TO LAUNDRY ing a few days with her son, Mr. Jack Jenkins, at Luella. Dr. and Mrs. J. B, Ward and two children, of Macon, came up Sunday for a short visit to the former’s parents. Sunday school here is progress ing very nicely. The following singers were present Sunday af ternoon: Messrs. W. W. Wilson, Ed Lavender, W. M. Bledsoe, Morton Vickers and Leon Good man. We extend the singers an invitation to come back again. * Mr. R. D. Leverette spent the week-end in Jenkinsburg with Mr. Troy Saunders. Master Clarence Waites is quite sick, but we hope he will soon be better.