The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, May 19, 1916, Image 7

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NEWS ■ OF INTEREST IN THE SOCIAL REALM Mrs. Morrison Hostess To Mothers Club The Young Mothers club was delightfully entertained on Thurs day afternoon, Mrs. Willis Mor rison being the charming hostess on this occasion. Roses and sweet peas were the flowers used in the living room where the guests were entertained with an interesting program, after which a delicious salad and ice course was served. Birthday Party Miss Lucy Goodman entertains a large number of children on Friday afternoon for little Miss Annie Rosa Bond, whose fourth birthday it was. Many games were played on the lawn, and un der a big shady tree was a flower laden table, and on this was the pretty birthday cake holding four candles. Ice cream, cake and delicious punch was served the little guests by Misses Kate Linch, of Flovilla, and Kate Ham. Philatheas Entertained Conspicuous among the many delightful social events of the past week was the pretty tea given by the Philathea Class at the home of Mrs. George Dozier, Friday afternoon, about seventy five guests being entertained from five to six o’clock. The spacious and inviting home was bright with effective decora tions of sweet peas and roses, quantities being used in the at tractive dining room where iced tea and sandwiches were served by Misses Mary Lena Martin, Annadawn Watson and Mary Willis. Boys Debating Society Hosts to Phi Theta Girls The home of Prof, and Mrs. W. P. Martin was the scene of a most enjoyable occasion Monday evening when the Boy’s Debating society complimented the girls of the Phi Theta society with a pret ty party. Prof, and Mrs. Martin assisting in their usual hospitable and charming manner. An ad vertising contest which furnished much amusement was the feature of the evening’s entertainment. Ice cream and cake were served in the lovely dining room where a profusion of sweet peas added their beauty and fragrance. Bowls and vases of the sweet peas were used throughout the home and on the porch which was an attract ive arwl popular resort during the evening. Juniors Entertain Seniors The members of the Junior class of the public schools enter tained the Seniors at the armory Friday evening, the affair being a delightful recreation after the PHONE 134 QUALITY Fancy Groceries Joyner’s 134 months of school activities, her alding an enjoyable commence ment week and promising vaca tion. The armory was made pretty and attractive with grow ing plants, roses and sweet peas and from a cozy nook in the re ception room punch and sand wiches were served by Misses Mary Lena Martin, Addie Lou Stroud and Lucile Hodges. The evening was spent in merry games, inspiring music being fur nished by the young ladies pres ent. Prof, and Mrs. Martin chap eroned the jolly party. Harmon-Owen The marriage of Miss Emma Harmon and Dr. H-. Carl Owen took place Sunday afternoon at fonr o’clock, at the Baptist pas torium. Dr. Robert VanDeventer officiating. Only a few relatives of the bride and groom witnessed the ceremony. Mrs. Owen wore a stylish dress of crepe de chine. Dr. and Mrs. Owen left later in the afternoon for Fairmount, where they will visit the former’s relatives, Dr. Owens is Princi pal of Atlanta College of Pharma cy, Atlanta. The out-of-town guests who at tended the wedding were Mr. J. G. Harmon, and Mr. Milby, of Ocilla, Mrs. Durden, of Atlanta, Mr. Weldon Owen, of Fairmont, and Mrs. Dowda, of McDonough. Resolutions on Varner- Mclntosh Memorial The Daughters of the American Rev olution typifies young America. With their charter powers granted by the national congress of America they rep resent the blood and lineal descendents of the early colonists. They stand to day as sentinels over the graves of the men and women who broke the chains of British despotism and w rote a con stitution of Independence. Patrick Henry kindled the fires of the Revolu tion, Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence and Washington com manded the Continental Army. In deed, these were patriots. But their lives are over and their last battles are fought; their history is worthy to be written on tablets of gold. The patri otic descendents in the organization of the I). A. R. will forever keep thechiv alrous deeds of the men of Bunker Hill and Yorktown memorable in the an nals of history. Like the chosen wo men of old when Cornelia pledged her jewels, Dorcas plied her busy needle, Marion sang her battle hymns, while Mary watched and Martha served—the Daughters of the American Revolution will forever keep patriotic fires burning in honor of America’s first patriots. Therefore, be it resolved, 1. That the William Mclntosh chap ter of the Daughters of the American Revolution extend their thanks to Miss Joe Varner for her magnificent gift of the Mclntosh house and land as set forth in her deed dated April 17, 1916. 2, That said gift shall be known as the Varner-Mclntosh Memorial and that Miss Joe Varner be made an honor ary memberof this chapter, with all the rights and powers granted to her under the constitution and by-laws governing i THE JACKSON NATIONAL BANK \ Capital Surplus and Profits . . . -$105,000.00 Loans to Butts County People . $300,000.00 Total Resources $430,000.00 said chapter. 3. Resolved further by this chapter that we furnish a copy of these resolu tions to Miss Joe Varner and the se cretary of this chapter record the same upon our minutes and have a copy published in The Jackson Progress-Ar gus. This May 2, 1916. MRS. L. L. O’KELLEY, MRS. J. D. JONES, MISS LUCY GOODMAN, Committee. PERSONAL Mr. Will Merritt spent the week-end in Atlanta. Mrs. C. A. Butner returned Monday from Athens. Mrs. A. B. Lindsey is the guest of Mrs. W- M. Andrews, this week. Mrs. A. T. Buttrill and Mrs. E. L. Smith spent Thursday in Atlanta. Mrs. E. Winters, of Atlanta, was the guest Sunday of Dr. and Mrs. Roy Gunter. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bunn visi ted relatives at Wcrthville, this j week. Dr. Robert Van Deventer is in Asbville this week attending the Southern Baptist Convention. Mrs. P. W. Nolen and Margaret are spending a few days in Griffin with Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Matthews. Mr. James Harmon was up from Ocilla Sunday and attended the marriage of his sister, Miss t-< tt ... j n,. tt o ijOltlid Alai lIIOU a;iu 171. 11. u. , Owen. QUANTITY How a Machine Does Our Bookkeeping A short time ago we installed a re markable machine in our Accounting Department—a machine which adds and subtracts, tells the date, keeps our books and gets out monthly state ments. It does all this work much faster than any bookkeeper could, and has never been known to make a mis take. The installation of this Burroughs Bookkeeping Machine means that our accounts will be handled just as rap idly and accurately as those of the largest and most up-to-date banks in the country. Insures Accuracy The fact that our figure work is done on a Burroughs is a guarantee to our customers of absolute accuracy in the handling of their accounts. The machine method of ledger posting makes it impossible for a mistake to get past unnoticed. This accuracy insurance alone is important enough to you and to us to justify the use of the machine method, but there are Mr. W. H. Davis, of Atlanta, was the guest of Mrs. Virginia Manley Sunday. Miss Fannie Belle Thompson, of Woodbury, spent Sunday with Mrs. Virginia Manley. Mrs. Willis Morrison and young son returned Monday from a vis it to Mrs. W. B. Roper in At lanta. Mrs.' J. H. Carmichael is in Macon with her daughter, Mrs. George Damour, who is ill at the city hospital. Miss Lois Rogers, of Wesleyan college, was the guest Sunday of Mrs. W. M. Mallet and Miss Pauline Maliet. Mr. Charles Bailey, of the U. S. navy, stationed at Norfolk, Va., arrived Tuesday to spend several weeks visiting his moth er, Mrs. Rosa F. Bailey. NEtiTGSMiiutflfiMEL MAUVtm #O. Hardware Paints —and Oils „ MIKE YOUR OWN PAINT Save 58 cfs. per gal. |0 rrs SIMPLE --- THIS IS HOW jh, Y 'jfy- l U5< m * Jl Gals. Linseed Oil costing about • $2.70 4 Gals LAM. Semi-Mixed Real l Paint, ft $2.25 per gaL 9.00 || / You then rtiake 7 Gals. Pure Paint for $11.70 f/ py|) In use Its only $1.67 per gaL over Made with right proportions of Lead. Zinc and! Use a oai. out of ; nv l .&M. PAINT you huy and <f not the besj paint.made,ireturn the paint and get ALL your money back! many other advantages. Better Service to You The Burroughs will handle our fig ure work in about half the time for merly needed. This gives us more time for other things—time to im prove the service in every depart ment of the bank. Come in and see our machine book keeping system in operation. We will be glad to show you how the machine makes entries in our books, how it automatically adds in one column, subtracts in another and so on and how it makes mistakes impossible. You will be welcome anytime. We don’t want you to think of this bank just as a place to deposit your money, although of course we are glad to have you keep as large balance with us as possible. It is our desire to render our patrons every service and accommodation that can be reasonably expected from us. Talk over your business problems with us. It is part of our work to study business and financial condi tions, and it may be that we can sug gest some ideas that you will find worth while. Please feel free to con sult us at anv time. Miss Bess Fouche and Miss Webb, of McDonough, were the guests of Miss Birdinette Manley Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hooten motored from Atlanta and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Maddox for the week-end. Mr. A. H. Carmichael spent the week-end here with Mrs. Carmichael and Majorie who, are visiting Mrs. J. R. Carmichael. Clyde Mcßryant will entertain the members of the Senior class at his home on Indian Springs street, Saturday evening. The ladies of the D. A. It. chap ter have gotten the Varner-Mc lntosh home at Indian Springs about ready for occupancy and hope to realize some money from the rent of the rooms. There are nine or ten to he- rented.