The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, October 17, 1968, Image 12
FHA Members At Jackson Keeping Busy September was a busy month for Future Homemakers at Jack son High School. In addition to running a membership drive, three other major activities have been carried out. First Meeting, The program was prepared by Kay Thompson, vice president, and was a panel discussion on what FHA is and does. Members who participated on the program were Nancy King. Claudia Sealey. and Daniell Loyd. Some of the projects the club plans to carry out this year are to help Westbury Nursing Home, have school clean-up project monthly, help to beautify the grounds around the new school building and improve the tables in the homemaking department and library. Our money raising project for the year is selling Stanley Home Products. The sale has already begun so anyone needing products should contact FHA’ers. Degree Meeting-—Monday, Sep tember 2-'i, five members of the Jackson Chapter of Future Home makers of America attended the District IV Instructional State Degree meeting in Jonesboro. The State Degree is the highest degree you can earn in FIIA. You must have your Junior and Chap ter Degrees in order to work on the degree. Nine projects are required, six have to be related to home, personal and family needs and three FHA responsi bilities. It is an honor to earn the Stiite Degree. Our state advisor, Mrs. J. Bar ber, discussed with us our State Degree Form. Several skits were presented to emphasize different parts of the State Degree pro gram. Mrs. Gary Pecht and Mrs. Edward Waits accompanied the group. Southeastern Fair—Saturday, September 28, was Vocational Day at the Southeastern Fair. A meet in g involving vocational youth groups was held at noon. Among those attending from Jackson were Dianne Young, Di anne Lunsford, Susan Stephens, Sabina Pace, Donna Waits, Gail Batchelor, Linda Lowery, Brenda Lowery, Debbie Thompson, Kay Thompson, Debbie Saunders, Deb bie Fears, Sarah Jolly, Jeri Mangram, Bonnie James, Portia Parlow, Kay Oxenford, Janice Norsworthy, Sheila Moss, Jean Mills, Shedyl Meredith, Diane Lawton, Susan King, Nancy King, Gail Gordon, Mildred Collins, Barbara Briscoe. Mrs. Felton Thompson and Mrs. Barbara Hut ledge chaperoned the group.— Gail Batchelor, Reporter. PP&K Winners In County Are Announced The annual Punt, Pass and Kick Contest has been completed in Jackson with six local winners having been selected to compete in the zone competiton at Warner Robins on Saturday, October 19. Winners in each age group are as follows: Eight year old—David Peck, son of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Peck! Nine year old—David Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brown. 10-year old—Gay McMichael, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc- Michael. 11-year-old—Kenneth Nors worthy, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Norsworthy. 13-year-old-—Ted McMichael, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc- Michael. who has won the local competition for the past six con secutive years. The contest was sponsored this year by the Van Deventer Youth Foundation and Daniel Ford Sales, Inc. Butte County VFW Post 5374 Regular Meeting Nights THIRD FRIDAY in each month. Youth Center 7:30 SAMMY COCHRAN Many Upsets Bring Grief To Guessers A sole contestant, Ellis West of 2525 Jonesboro Road, Atlanta, won the first prize of $lO cash in last week’s football contest by missing only tw'o games, the only contestant to do so, but a battle royal for second prize ensued with 18 contestants missing three games each. When the scores were considered, it was discov ered that Butch Lummus cap tured the second prize of $5 cash with 121 points with Lucia Carr his nearest rival with 152 points. It was by far the roughest wee. of the contest to date for grid prophets with many former winners missing as many as five or six games. Ohio State’s upset of Purdue, Kansas’ win over Ne NOBODY BUT COLONIAL OFFERS SO MUCH! Q^ewßacSpiTSEßvicsjSTOßES Boneless Top Round tiVH# CTEAIfC or Rewnd EjsssTr 9 V E Aft9 roast 11 Complete Set is feetton on 1 ■ A any Colonial meat purchase or 1 I Double Your i Sk Skl I Money Back | Lb. eaea'* Boneless Swiss Steak lb. 98c Fresh Ground Round lb. 88c Boneless Jiffy Steak lb. 98c Fresh Ground Chuck lb. 78c sirloin tip or rump ROAST Bone * eSS LB. SI.OB Ground Meat Loaf lb. 68c Popular Brands Smoked aaHH| „ ... Portion SHANK BUtt LB. 39C Hmm mm PORT,ON “m w ho ie or HALF u*Shank u>.4Bc Boneless *1 St?. Hams <sXri, * $1.29 .99< USD A INSPECTED IP ■ Whole J| P# TENDER FRESH Lb. 4)^ _ Fresh FRESH LEG ° TR ' w! * h BACK LB ' 37c Breast Lb. 49C FROZEN FRYER LIVERS 4 8-oz. Pkgs. $1 FRYER BREAST OTR. with WING LB. 39c SHENANDOAH CORNISH HENS Pkg of 2 $149 Pork Loin Roast Half Lb. 59 Fed I FRESH PORK STEAKS LB. 49C PORK BACKBONE LB. 69c •s“ BACON Lb. Pkg. I>l | ' 2-Lb. pk g . I I DAK CANNED BACON LB. 69c REDFERN SALE I COUNTRY PIG SAUSAGE LB. 69c ALL MEAT WENERS 12-oz. Pkg. 49 c I I COUNTRY PIG SAUSAGE 2-lb. $135 SLICED Cooked HAM 4-oz. Pkg. 49 c | | SCOTCH TREAT SAUSAGE LB. 55c SLICED Baked HAM 5-oz. Pkg. 59 C I I LINK SAUSAGEoscar 0scar Ma * er LB. 89c SLICED Cooked HAM 6-oz. Pkg. 69c I COUNTRY PIG Country Cured HAM SLICES 12-oz. Pkg. 51.49 c Jb 39c *£ 49c 50 EXTRA * J GOLD BOND Stamps! <W ... •.. ... | Scaltcst lc Cream ’ >• '• • O.- ♦ <— • ( [ 25 EXTRA"*! 'GOLD BOND j 1 * Long Grain ft cc 4 | 50 EXTRA<! 'GOLD BOND Stamp! 1 . I vm . )< 1 i On U.W f 4 Instant Colltc I kCXW rM t tout C*v l |v | * n_ o i braska, and Texas Tech’s victory over Texas A&M helped contrib ute to the chaotic prognostica ting. Many missed the Penn. State win over UCLA as well as Virginia’s lopsided triumph over Duke. Others missing three games and their point totals were Phyl lis Davis, 153; Janie Carmichael, 164; Sylvia Johnson, 173; Sue W. Coker, 177; Willie Asberry, 179; Wayne Phillips, 182; E. D. Briscoe, 186; Mrs. Annie Powell, 188; Debby Fears, 189; Martill Asberry, 190; Bonnie Spencer, 190; John A. Webb, 191; C. D. Johnson, 193; Dot Pace, 206; Terry Waits, 215; Mrs. S. S. Pace, 221. The weekly football contest, sponsored this year by Jackson National Bank, City Pharmacy, Allen’s Hom-Ond Food Store, and Econ-O-Way Laundries, is gain ing new contestants each week with the number of entries Colonial’s TV Race Season Ends this Saturday, Oct. 19 with the 6:00 P.M. show on WSB-TV. Winning cards for the Saturday, CM. 19 TV Race are redeemable at Colonial thru Sat, Oct. 26. ! 50 EXTRA "l 'GOLD BOND Stamps! ; —~r,r’ —‘ < |f Pledge Lemon Polish I |vNl* a I WwaJ Cat— al Jh.| ! so extra”; [GOLD BOND Stamps! ) Wa <MM aw (wtvtim o< j Oh t*-a_ • Borden's Cremora IO". • at tavat CM—al Sk-. ' ’rt <X _> uH I 25 EXTRA 1 GOLD BOND Stamps! •m -- ——l • • . 0— Oml CriN THE JACKSON PROGRESS-ARGUS, JACKSON, GEORGIA [25 extraH .GOLD BOND Stamps! f O— .M h (m—> Sh j f Shortbreod Cookies ’ fo* r*t at t*.a> Cetaaif IHh.t 1. J 25 extra”; GOLD BOND Stamps' Witt Mkit <—a a— —ntam at 4 Oh *-• j Wizard Air Freshener^ 'oH at Wh*i Chh. sv-..| aXTRA -] ND Stamps. Aerosol J C—a: S]’j ys 4 | J 50 EXTRA * | [GOLD BOND Stamps' Oh : L ,* a I Pick-O-Mis Candy . KM at me*' CHH.S tVH.] *•*! ' • * H 25 extra”; [GOLD BOND Stamps! f w-m ■— —<t— •* j V C*— —Mr Chm—■ I Uyer Coke Mis j Icm* .• —I C ■■■■< t—•} yL<* j* jr*. Jl*J ; mounting as the football season | nears the half-way mark. Foot : hall blanks may be obtained from | the four sponsors and must be i placed in boxes at one of the four J sponsors on or before noon on j Saturday the games are to be ! played. Missing four games were John A. Webb, Mrs. Annie Powell, S. S. Pace, Alton Long, Eddie James Berry, Sabina Pace, Debbie Sing ley, David Haisten, Emily Carr, Danny Brooks, Bill Nelson Jr., Mrs. Ralph Carr Jr., Ralph G. Coker, Walter Mc-Kemie, Debbie Nelson, Mrs. Ben Haisten, Buddy Hammond, John F. Meredith, Beth Barnes, Ralph W. Carr Jr., D. Richard Ballard, Mary Mere dith, Miss Edith Lummus, Ben Haisten, Emory Spencer, Mary Jo Brooks, Mrs. Buddy Hammond, Charles Coker, Mrs. T. A. Car michael, Bill Ewing, Jackie M. Bedsole, IVJrs. Doris Ridgeway, Yvonne Scott. CS ICE MILK St 45c THRILL nr 57c BOLD Giant OC. bo* oDC Green Hornets Crush Forsyth By 38-0 Score The Green Hornets, hotter than a $2 pistol, continue un beaten and unscored on after five games, routing Forsyth 38-0 Sat urday night in Jackson. Andy Crumbley scored five touchdowns for the Hornets, probably the largest number ever scored by a Jackson player, re gardless of league, in a regula tion football game. Keith Hobbs added one touchdown with Dar rell Summers and Mike Peck scor ing an extra point each. In the five games to date the Green Hornets have scored 132 points to 0 for their opponents. The Hornets, sponsored by Set tle and Robison, have five re maining games. Colonial’s TV Race Season Ends This Week. ifrseoTommfsr, up to SI.OOO/ All special prices and coupons in this ad are effective Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, October 16, 17, ***"-■ la I, it, 1968 at your local Colonial Store. Quantity rights re served • • • none sold to dealers! California Sunkist _ Lemons 29c U.S. Fancy Grade White Potatoes 10 Lb - Ba9 59c Pkg. Red Hearts of _ Radishes or Celery Each 5C Fresh Green Cabbage Lb. 7c Tropi-Ca-Lo Drinks 3 Half Gal. $1 Large Cauliflower Head 39c White Potatoes 10 u*- Bag 59c Georgia Red Yams 3 Lbs. 39c Crisp Green Collards Bunch 29c Large Fresh Turnips Bunch 39c Large Red m i b m M [Rome Apples 4 49C JOY “ 31c CHEER nn 35c SAVE 22e ON OUR PRIDE BREAD K " ,s s " 5 io ° v " 1 I XK Formula I [giant I ■box one with S5 or more order^^B PEPSI COIA^f or order COftOH thg Compare These EVERYDAY Lew Prices ! Carnation Evoo °""' d Milk m -° Cm 17 V-8 ’eSfif Drink •-39 c Scot Tissue Assorted & White R oll 12c Libby Vienna Sausage c ° n 22c Our Pride Biscuits c-"-" 0 8c Ivory LIQUID 2 ir 57c DUZ °££ 93c WORTHVILLE MRS. MINNIE LEE HODGES Mr. and Mrs. Ira Thaxton of Fort Pierce, Fla. visited Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Mason Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Moore of Norcross spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Darcey. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harris of Warner Robins were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Duke. Mrs. Edna Wiikerson and Miss Ann Wiikerson of Atlanta spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cochran. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Collins, Tommy, Mike, Larry and Jimmy of Decatur visited Mrs. Leonard Hodges Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Butler, Sheree, Mitzy and Tandy moved last week into their beautiful new home on Fincherville Road. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brown Thom ' * Tfr-jlr® **255; ... i / *** •*•**-. . m •**thr m EVERYDAY LOW PRICES - PUREX BLEACH Half Gallon 33c CS CREAMY MAYONNAISE Quart 49 Hl-C FRUIT DRINKS Assorted 46-oz. Can 28c RED GATE PEACHES Halves A Slices No. 1/r Can 29* LIBBY’S CANNED CORNED BEEF 12-oz. Can 59c CS CREAMY MUSTARD 6 -° z - *° r 10c BIG STAR LIQUID DETERGENT 32-oz. Size 39 DEL MONTE CUT GREEN BEANS No. 303 Can 24c SOFTEX BATHROOM TISSUE Pkg ■<* 4 39* FARM CHARM MARGARINE SOLIDS Lb. Pkg. 14* Banquet Dinners MEAT 11 oz. m SAVE 11c PKG. V Frozen Meats & Seafood GORTONS BREADED PERCH FILLETS 2 H- z - f*9S 89 GORTONS BREADED FLOUNDER FILLETS 2 H-oz. Pkgs 89 SINGLETONS STUFFED ROUNDER 8-oz. 39 MR. FROSTY BREADED BABY FLOUNDER 3 $* SAU-SEA SHRIMP COCKTAIL 3 4-oz- Jore SINGLETONS BREADED SHRIMP 20-oz. Fkg. Slt49 Ivory Snow Detergent bcT 35c Oxydol Detergent Gkjnt 85c Salvo Detergent Tablets g b°*'Ssc Dash Detergent Giont 77c Cascade Dishwasher Giant bo* 7Sc Crest Toothpaste Wwiium Tobe Crest Toothpaste Fomil 516 Tube THURSDAY, OCT. 17, , &68 as and four children of r oV j n ton moved to Worthvill, Satur' day for future residence. Mr. and Mrs. Forest C ook 0 f Milledgeville, Mr. and .A . gil Hamlin, Glenn and Kelvin' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Handm and Debbie and Mr. and Mr, : a rron Hamlin, Mike and Lauue 0 f Jackson visited Mr. and Mrs g F. Hamlin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Smk: were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. g R. Washington Saturday. Mr. Ronald Ponds an.. M r Corley of Atlanta visited Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Washington Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carter Rose of Marietta visited Mr. and Mrs Almond Washington Monday. * Mr. and Mrs. Mike Avery of Macon, Mrs. Eloise Gue-t and Grant Guest of College Park visi ted Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Avery and Mr. L. L. Washington during the weekend. SAVE 24c ON PILLSBURY^^R flour] ~ 38 c l Limit one with $5 or more order^M